My Dark Hero: Part Seven [Romantic/erotica/fantasy]

Chapter Seven


I grabbed the edge of the table and rolled to the side, pulling the table with me to create some kind of cover. Just before we hit the floor the first bullet lodged into the wood, creating mass hysteria around us, followed by more shots. I don’t know how, but for some reason I see shit coming a few seconds ahead of time.

Call it a gift, but I believed it was the silver lining in my loveless life.

I covered Amy’s body with mine while I figured out the best course of action. Without any clothes on I felt even more vulnerable, until I saw Amy’s gun a few feet away. Still covering Amy as best I could, I reached for it.

It felt like my power returned with the cold steel against my palm, because it was my turn to shoot back. I stood up and took a split second to sum up my targets, all the while bullets were flying past my ears and over my head.

There’s no point in avoiding death if it’s standing on your doorstep, so I had no problem being an open target. For me it was simply a matter of who aimed better at that particular moment. If it was the other guy, then so be it.

I took out the punk with the automatic Uzzi first, seeing as he was the better marksmen among his peers and the most dangerous. After the second and third guy fell only seconds after Uzzi man shit himself, my targets began to scatter for hiding places. They didn’t stop shooting though.

It was the perfect opportunity to get Amy out of there, so I crouched back behind the table and helped her to her knees.

“Come on!” I had to shout through the chaos, even though she was only inches away. And there was a fear in her eyes that motivated me to go all out if need be. She was getting out alive, even if it killed me.

I returned a few more shots before getting up and pulling Amy to her feet. Pieces of wood and glass filled the air while innocent blood stained the carpet. These guys were more than just serious about tearing me to bits, and they didn’t care who got in the way.

Shoving tables and patrons out of the way, I guided Amy towards the back entrance that led through the kitchen. The hailstorm of bullets started building up again, and I tightly held onto her hand while navigating through the panicked kitchen staff.

I wasn’t stupid. Whoever was trying to kill me would’ve had the back entrance covered, but chances are it wouldn’t be more than two guys. With all the firepower they used inside the restaurant, they probably didn’t think a plan B would be necessary.

Luckily I was right.

I kicked open the backdoor and immediately took aim. My naked appearance caught my enemies off guard, slowing their reaction time just enough for me to pop off my last two rounds and take them down with clean headshots.

Amy shrieked as the bullets did their damage, leaving the two men cold in the street, next to pieces of their brain. This was followed by the sound of tires screeching and a black Cadillac turning into the alleyway.

Instinctively I grabbed a pistol from one of my victims and got ready to hit the driver of the oncoming car. But as I stretched out my arm to aim, another engine revved behind me. It was an old brown station wagon, driven by what looked like one of the waiters from the restaurant.

The driver of the station wagon leaned on the horn as he got closer. I don’t know how he was able to see anything through his long and messy blonde hair, but it clearly didn’t bother him. From inside the car he frantically waved his arms, either telling me not to shoot him, or to get out of the way.

Still holding the gun in mid-air, I looked over at Amy. She was leaning against the wall holding her upper left arm. Blood was gushing from a wound I didn’t know she had, and she barely looked capable of standing.

Before rushing to her aid, I turned back to the speeding Cadillac.

Bang, bang.

The driver lost control as blood started spewing from his neck, making the Cadillac swerve and crash into the wall. His passenger had the honor of dying before the front glass could cut into his face.

I got to Amy just before she could sink to her knees, which was also when the station wagon came to a halt behind me with the passenger door swinging open.

“Get in!” The young driver yelled over the noise of the overheating engine.

Without thinking I lifted Amy into the backseat and got in next to her. She moaned from the pain and she was getting weaker, and for the first time in twenty years the sight of blood made me scared.

The stranger quickly reversed out of the alley and sped off as police sirens began sounding in the distance.

“She’s shot, she’s fucking shot! We have to get to a hospital! Mercy General…it’s like ten minutes away if you run the red lights.” I began to freak out.

“We can’t go to Mercy General, so just keep pressure on her wound.”

“Why not? And who the fuck are you?”

I realized I was at the mercy of a complete stranger, another thing Kincaids didn’t do.

“I’m Ben, and we can’t go to the hospital because they have guys waiting there for you, just in case you got away injured.” He said quite calmly.

“How do you know?”

The more I got to do with the guy the more confused I got.

“Now’s not the time.” Ben said as he took control of the wheel with his knees, then removed his shirt and handed it to me. “Here, tie this above the wound and keep her conscious.”

He quickly glanced back at Amy.

“The bullet may have struck an artery. She’s bleeding way too much. Is the bullet still in there?”

I finished wrapping Ben’s shirt around Amy’s arm, and when I tightened the knot for the last time she screamed from the pain.

“Sorry! I’m sorry! But I have to do this. You can kill me later if you want, but just let me do this.”

Carefully I pulled Amy forward to see if there was an exit wound.

“No, it’s clean out the other side, but she’s still losing a lot of blood.”

I took Amy’s face between my hands and tried to get her to focus on my eyes.

“Amy! Keep looking at me okay? Don’t fall asleep. You have to keep looking at me.”

“What’s her blood type?” Ben asked.

“Amy,” I kept my palms against her cheeks as I spoke. “What’s your blood type? Amy… you’ve got to answer me here.”

Even though she was dazed and weak, she was still the most incredible woman I’ve ever come across. Her skin felt precious against mine, almost like it’s a force that no evil should be allowed to penetrate.

“AB…AB nega…negative.” She whispered.

“What’s that?” Ben yelled from the front, while pulling out his phone.

“AB negative.” I repeated Amy’s words.

“Fuck! Are you kidding me? Where am I supposed to get AB negative blood now?!”

“I’m AB negative.” I said without thinking twice.

“What are the odds of that happening?” Ben asked as he put the phone to his ear. “Mom, I need you to prep a room for a gunshot victim with a live blood donor. I can’t explain now, but we’ll be there in about five minutes.”

Ben ended the call and looked at me through the rearview mirror.

“My mother runs a small hospice with an emergency room. She can help me stitch up the wound and do the blood transfusion, but I won’t know how much nerve damage there is.”

Ben spoke with a special medical knowledge, making me question his waiter uniform.

“Are you a waiter or a doctor?”

“I’m a third year med student and my mother used to be a trauma nurse. And you realize your blood alone might not be enough? If the bleeding is as bad as it looks then we’ll need to feed several veins at once just to keep her alive.”

“Then stick more holes in me if you have to.”

“Are you insane? Then you’ll be the one bleeding out.”

I didn’t answer Ben. I just looked at him through the mirror and he knew it wasn’t much use protesting.

“Is she’s allergic to anything?” He changed the subject.

“Amy, are you still with me? Hey, listen to my voice, just keep listening. Are you allergic to anything?” I begged for an answer.

“No…” She answered with another weak whisper.

“No, Ben. Now get us to wherever the fuck you’re going!”

All the way I kept talking to Amy, doing my best to keep her on my side of the fence.

Instead of making sure she was safe I may have caused her death, which wasn’t something I’d be able to live with. These thoughts crawled around in my mind as I watched her linger between consciousness and sleep. And that familiar feeling of being powerless, a feeling I locked away so many years ago, was anxiously making its way back into my life.


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