My Dark Hero: Part Four & Five [Romantic/Erotica/Fantasy]

**Chapter Four**


I couldn’t sleep, and for two days straight I was a zombie, walking around the house without any direction. I dumped most of my responsibilities on Frank while I thought about things I should’ve left in the past, including my parents. I did the most dangerous thing any man in my position could do, which was to reflect on his life.

My father wasn’t a good man, but he was a good father. And although my mother knew what he did for a living, she chose to ignore it. It was by no means the perfect family, but it was a family nonetheless. She knew the risks and she loved him anyway. For years I thought about how stupid they were to fall in love in the first place, only to get lost myself.

My self-reflection took a turn for the worst when Amy began to dominate the illusions. I kept thinking what it would be like to wake up next to her every morning. I tried to imagine the sound of her laughter, and what type of music she liked. I slouched from one room to the next, envisioning her in each one, doing something…anything…as if everything belonged to her, including me.

I also thought about touching her again, but with more appreciation. I’d savor the moments of kissing her soft skin…and penetrating her. But even if I could turn back time I wouldn’t have done it differently. Because if I’d been alone with her it would’ve grown into something intimate. The sex would’ve amounted to feelings, feelings I wasn’t interested in having.

But the thoughts of Amy presented itself as an enemy I couldn’t fight. Neither my power, guns nor money were able to disable the beautiful creature who literally broke into my mind. And I kept looking for excuses to see her, to confront her again even if it pissed her off.

It wasn’t my proudest moment, but it was enough to make me take a long shower and get my ass cleaned up. I was just going to make sure she’s safe one more time…then forget she exists.

**Chapter Five**


The only thing I loved about the toxic side of the city, which is where you’ll find our charming little apartment building, was the smell of the sun going down. I know it sounds strange, but it’s something I’ve always paid attention to. Granted, I didn’t have much experience with smelling rich people’s evening air, but where we lived it was crisp in an awful kind of way. There was something addictive about it, as can be seen through the people who got stuck there. Once you’re in, there’s not much hope of getting out.

But I wouldn’t be getting my toxic sunset fix, because just when I thought things couldn’t get worse, it did. As I stepped outside my apartment building after almost falling apart completely on those dirty steps, there was someone waiting for me.


He was pacing in a small circle with his hands in his pockets and his hair still slightly messed up. He wore his dark grey suit in a very casual way, but it wrapped around his perfect body like a second skin. Parked behind him was a metallic grey Mustang, which managed to shine through the oncoming darkness. Lucky for me, he caught me at exactly the right time.

I was beyond giving a shit.

“Did I leave my panties on your desk or something?” I struck hard and fast.

“No, but you did leave your gun. And you didn’t fix my problem.” Kincaid was his charming self.

“What do mean? I fucked you in front of your employees, and the debt was paid the moment you came inside me.”

He gazed at me for a few seconds, almost as if he was reliving the moment. Then he delivered a low blow.

“Fucking me in front of my employees, as great as it was, did not fix my problem. And if I recall correctly, I never said I accepted your proposal.”

I never thought I’d get blackmailed by a criminal on a technicality.

“You’re kidding right?”

“Do I look like a kidder?”

He didn’t actually.

“Daniel can barely move. How the hell is going to boost a car?” I asked, knowing it wasn’t much use.

“He doesn’t have to. He can just give my money back.”

“But he doesn’t…”

I cringed as I realized what I was about to confess, but Kincaid interrupted me.

“He doesn’t what? Have the money? I know.” He said in a very relaxed way.

As straightforward as the situation was, Kincaid lost me somewhere along the way.

“Then why are you asking for it?”

“I’m trying to prove a point. Is Daniel in any condition to boost a car?”

A migraine was developing in the deepest part of my brain and I tried to remain calm.

“No, I told you. He can barely stand up straight.”

“Then he doesn’t have another option, other than to return the money, which he can’t.”

Once again, I snapped. Apart from enjoying his power a little too much, he wanted to make me look like some kind of idiot. It was just one push too many.

“You know what? I’m really getting tired of this shit, so if you want to kill him so badly, just go to the third floor and break into apartment 16. Don’t use the elevator if you want to get there in this century though. But do yourself a favor and kill me first, because if you don’t, I’ll blow your fucking head off…in front of your employees. Just stop messing around and do what you have to do, or get the fuck out of my face, I’m late for work. Oh, and another thing, Daniel doesn’t know that I came to see you, so he’s probably on the couch watching Real Housewives, blissfully waiting to get shot by an asshole like you. Good evening, Mr. Kincaid.”

I marched off in the direction of the upscale French restaurant, where I was supposed to be ten minutes ago, hoping it would distract me from all the shit. Thanks to all the drama Daniel created, I was on my fourth strike already.

“Do you really want to find Daniel’s brains on the floor when you get home tonight?” Kincaid called out from behind me.

He clearly didn’t care if anybody else heard the blatant threat. It made me stop in my tracks though, even if nobody else did, because I knew it was a very plausible scenario. He’d pull the trigger and have his dinner in the next room.

“Get in the car. Maybe there’s something else we can work out.”

I couldn’t understand why this guy just wouldn’t let go. It wasn’t as if he needed the cash, or the car for that matter. But he hung on as if his life depended on it.

“Like I said, I have to work.”

“Your work problems don’t interest me.” He retorted with authority.

Like a gentlemen he opened the passenger door, which was when I realized something – he was alone…again. Didn’t guys like him usually travel in packs?

“I don’t take rides in stolen cars.” I tried to brush him off a second time.

“Then it’s a good thing I bought it.” He replied with a smirk.

“With stolen money I presume?”

I found myself wondering what smart remark he could throw back. This was also when I realized I should never underestimate Kincaid.

“Well, I fuck over a lot of powerful people to earn a living, which rightfully makes it mine to spend as I please. It’s just the world we live in, Ms. Amy Dawson, people fucking over other people. You chose to get fucked by me.”
