The pickup line that worked [F]

I am not a fan of pickup lines. I have had a lot of dumb things said to me and it is the worst when I am at work. Several years ago, when I worked in the small college town I was going to school in, I worked at a small restaurant.
I was jaded to the stupid ways people would try and ask me out. I had a collection of phone numbers in a little box behind the counter. My boss, a young guy in an arranged marriage that luckily worked out for the both of them, thought this was hilarious. He said that I should give the numbers to other people that asked for my number. While funny, it would not be a mystery to realize what happened.
So, it was an actual surprise to me, after the fact, that I had indeed fallen for a line without realizing it immediately. It was sometime when I was on my hands and knees getting fucked from behind that I realized I did indeed fall for a line.

I worked the exact same schedule every week which was both convenient and inconvenient at the same time. It meant making plans was a lot easier in advance, but it also meant that my schedule was known to anyone paying attention and, I would have to deal with the issues that come along with that.
There was one guy though, that I thought was just, wow. He did not bother me like some guys did, was always polite and patient, and always just exchanged pleasantries with me when he would come in. Once, he did ask if I wanted to hang out one night, but my default response at that time was to always say “no” when I was at work.
One day, he came in on the same time and day he always did and told me he wouldn’t be in for the next few weeks. I said, “alright” and that was that. He did not tell me why.
A few weeks later, he returned. I was really busy that day and he waited until the place was clear before he approached me.
He told me he was back from a trip he had gone on with friends, to a place that I had always wanted to go, and how much fun it was. I was so jealous, and I told him so. I loved travelling and this was one of the places I had not gotten around to visiting. He asked if I wanted to look at pictures of his trip when I had time. He said he had hundreds saved on his computer at home.
Of course, I wanted to see those pictures. The few he had on his phone were awesome and I wanted to hear about the trip. I always would talk to regulars about the places they had visited, and this seemed like a great opportunity as it was somewhere I had never known anyone to go to.
He took my number and texted me so we could agree on a time.
I am not a big proponent of going to stranger’s houses by yourself. Just because someone is hot, does not mean they’re always safe. For whatever reason though, it may have been months of seeing this guy and thinking about what he would look like naked, I decided to take the risk. Of course, I told my friends exactly where I would be and to call the police if I did not text or call them for too long.
He lived in one apartment on the outskirts of town. I realized I did not know if he was a student or not. He opened the door as I was walking up the path, he grabbed a package that had been delivered and waved me in.
His apartment was sparse. There was a futon, a television, a kitchen with absolutely nothing in it, and piles of clothes folded against the wall.
“Did you just move in?” I asked, confused about why the studio had almost nothing in it.
“No,” he laughed, “I work here in town, but my real place is 5 hours from here. I only live here during the week or when I have to be here for work.”
“Oh,” I relaxed. I recognized the name of the company he said he worked for and that was common for them. I knew a lot of people that came to the restaurant that lived out of town when they were not working.
“Here, sit down,” he pointed to the futon that was also clearly his bed, just in the couch position.
“Alright,” I sat, looking at him expectantly.
“So do you want to watch a movie, we can look at the pictures later, or we can get something to eat at the same time,” he offered.
“Let’s look at the pictures.”

He grabbed his laptop and sat right next to me on the futon, his thigh touching mine. He started showing me the pictures from the trip, while he casually kept touching my back, thigh, or arm. It wasn’t that I was not interested… because I was. It just had not occurred to me that he wanted anything more from me because of his behavior so far that led up to this point.
Suddenly he stopped showing me the pictures and asked me if I wanted to play a card game with him. A little thrown off, I agreed. He pulled out some cards and explained to me the game.
We would take turn reading facts on the card, and if the other person guessed the incorrect fact, they would win the card. Otherwise, the reader would win the card.
After doing this for a while, he said we could use the cards we won as a question we could ask the other person. I agreed, and he started.
“Where do you like to be touched?” he asked.
I pointed to my body where I liked to be touched, I was a little shaken up because the night so far had been a bit of a roller coaster for me. I was unsure where the next turn would be.
“So here?” He slid his hand up the inner side of my leg, crawling forward until he was leaning over me and I was pressed flat against the side of the futon. He leaned down like he was going to kiss me when he stopped inches from my lips, “want to watch a movie now?”
He pulled back and turned to grab the controller for the TV, I blew out a breath as I watched him navigate the channels. I sat back up and turned to watch the television. He slid his hand up my back and told me, “You’re really tense, doesn’t your back hurt?”
“Yeah, I am really bad about falling asleep doing things sitting up. I hurt myself by accident because of that all the time,” I told him.
He started kneading my back, I relaxed into him as it felt really nice. “You should really take your shirt off, it will be better,” he told me.
I narrowed my eyes at him skeptically, then I shrugged. Whatever, I thought to myself and pulled it over my head. He started again, brushing his hands over the sides of my breasts occasionally before he reached for the clasp of my bra. He paused and asked if it was okay, I nodded and like that I was sitting topless, his hands running up and down my back.
This went on for some time. I was not really watching the movie at this point and I don’t think he was either. He paused, “Um, this may escalate really quickly if you keep making those noises you’re making,” he told me.
I turned and looked at him before my eyes ran down his body to the obvious bulge, clearly visible through his gym shorts. “Oh! I am sorry, I am just a vocal person in general, I don’t do it on purpose.”
I was aroused by his arousal though. I felt the heat and ache between my legs and so I turned fully to look at him, so he could also see the naked front of me. This time when he leaned forward, he did not stop above me. Instead of going for my lips with mine, he took the nipple of one breast into his mouth, flicking the tip with his tongue. His hand went to the other breasts, flicking and tweaking the nipple there so they both got attention.
I moaned, squirming under him.. It had been a while since I was this turned on, and I felt an ache between my legs that was almost painful, that could only be remedied by release.
While his one hand and mouth were busy with my chest, his other hand reached down my pants until he was able to rub between my legs with his fingers, feeling how wet I had become. I started to reach for the band of his shorts when he caught my hand. He used the grip on me to pull me up, so we were sitting face to face with me kneeling in front of him. He reached down, rubbing my clit, circling it a few times with his thumb before taking his longest two fingers and pushing them into my wet pussy. He swirled his fingers, pumping them in me, hard and fast until I came, clamping down on his hand. I gasped and reached for him again, but he stopped me again, this time flipping me, so I was bent over the top of the futon back, my ass in the air, my knees holding me up.
Again, he thrust his fingers into me, driving me into a frenzy, wanting more but unable to think straight enough to try and reach for him again. He held me in place. His hand heavy on my back, held down against the top of the futon. When he pulled his fingers from me, after I came again, loudly, as I begged him to fuck me, he kept his hand on my back so I couldn’t move from my bent over position.
He took his time, I could hear him removing his shorts first, that he laid next to me on the couch. He ran his free hand down my back and side, along the side of my boob, my back again, coming to stop on my ass.
I think at this point I was just saying some version of please, over, and over. He took the final barrier, his boxers off, before setting them again on the futon next to me. Then I waited, holding my breath. I could not see what he was doing, and he was holding me in place still. Then I felt him climb up behind me, using the head of his dick to circle my opening. He did it once, twice, started to push in before stopping and pulling out again.
I started to demand he fuck me when he slammed into me without warning. My breath left me in a whoosh as he started at full speed, thrusting into me over and over. Time started to lose meaning and my brain was unable to form coherent thoughts. I was held in place the entire time as he used me the way he wanted to; I could not even move with him to meet his thrusts. It was incredibly hot and very intense. This was the point where somewhere in my muddled mind I realized, the showing me pictures was a line! I fell for it! The thought only lasted a minute before it was gone, replaced by the intense pleasure he was bringing as he fucked me until I could no longer think.
Occasionally, he would reach forward with his free hand and fondle my tits, flicking my exposed nipples. I could look down and see as my tits bounced off the back of the futon with every thrust.
Sometimes his freehand would go to my shoulder so he could really thrust into me deep. I was glad he had such a good hold on me because my legs had turned to jelly at some point.
I knew he was getting close to his orgasm when the sound of his breathing deepened, and he started grunting a little with the effort. He sped up, his thrusts becoming faster and shorter. With one last deep thrust sending me over the edge, he pulled out and came on my ass, quickly reaching forward and helping my orgasm finish by rubbing my clit until my moans stopped.
He wiped me off before finally releasing his hold on my back so I could slide down into a sitting position.
“Yeah,” he told me, “I think you and I are going to have a lot of fun tonight.”



  1. Nice seduction story.

    A couple of bits: you were envious not not jealous; paragraphs separating main ideas would assist readers enjoying the slow burn.

  2. Pro tip: to add paragraphs, add a emtpy line.

    > paragraph1
    > paragraph2


    > paragraph1
    > paragraph2

    Makes it easier to read, please.

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