There’s something about that married dad vibe that a guy gives off that really turns me on. You know the type that I mean. Of course there’s the obvious things you might notice- the dad bod, a wedding band, kids in tow. But it can also be more subtle than that. You might pick up on the vacant stare leftover from his wife’s incessant nagging. Or you might notice the way his eyes light up when he sees you smile at him in the way his wife no longer does. Maybe you get the vibe from the hungry glances he doesn’t think you’ll notice as he thinks about what he could do to you that his wife won’t let him.
This one had them all.
I love being able to bring a little excitement into those kind of guys’ lives. It must be so hard to go through every day wanting something that you simply can’t have anymore. But still they do it, dutifully, and find their releases wherever they still can. Reddit, PornHub, Instagram- it doesn’t matter. None of it substitutes for the real thing. If I can be a tiny ray of that and keep them out of trouble at the same time, then why the hell not.
As he stood in front of a freezer in the frozen food section I made my move. Stepping next to him, I gently rested my hand on his shoulder to let him know I was there. He jolted and turned towards me as I watched his face morph from confusion to the nicest smile I’ve ever seen.
“Excuse me, I just need to get something out of here if you don’t mind.” I said sweetly as I stepped in front of him. “Of course” was all he got out before he felt my low-rise jeans brush up against the front of his brown cargo shorts. I hovered there for the longest 3 seconds of his life before I bent at the knee to retrieve the item I pretended to need. As planned, I could feel my black g-string riding up over the top of my jeans as he was given a top-down window into the back of them. I made sure to inspect the packaging thoroughly before standing back up.
The entire time he didn’t move from his spot or even say another word. I don’t know if he was frozen in shock or if he was just enjoying the moment or if he was too afraid to make a move. It was probably some combination of the three. But as I stood back up and slid out from the space I could feel that the front of his pants were much harder than the first time.
With a bubbly charm I told him, “Have a nice day,” and flashed my most devilish smile. He returned it back sheepishly with a hunger in his eyes. They always do.
I know I would love an experience like that. Seems like it would never happen to me
Oof! I can’t honestly say something like that wouldn’t be effective on me. That would definitely brighten my day/week. LOL
Would love to be teased in a grocery store or anywhere else.
Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need.
Stunning figure ??
Doing gods work
The women that makes guys day,week,month, now that’s a ?
Not all heroes wears capes
> It must be so hard to go through every day wanting something that you simply can’t have anymore. But still they do it, dutifully, and find their releases wherever they still can. Reddit, PornHub, Instagram- it doesn’t matter. None of it substitutes for the real thing.
LMAO it’s cute you think that they can’t/don’t get it
I am a respectable 70 yr old man and a couple years ago 3 years ago I was in target and 3 beautiful teenage girls was 30 feet in front of me. One looked over her shoulder at me and raise her skirt high and showed me her panties . I was so thankful and as they giggled and hurried of around a corner I wanted to go thank her but felt it would freak them out so I just went about my way. I will never forget how it made my day/life. I will be always thankful and never forget what she did for me
I’m basically that guy. I have this fantasy of a girl like you seeing me in public and touching my hand, asking if I wanna kiss right there, or you know crazier stuff like giving me her panties :)
You look pretty well put together there