I met her in one of many online dating apps, during my first foray into fucking anyone. I was a total manslut and I didn’t care what anyone’s status was. When she showed up to my apartment after a bit of chitchat I honestly spotted the ring a mile away along with the expensive ass SUV. Total trophy wife complete with the mom sport leggings and jacket, event though she didn’t work out. The 3 kids she had made her carry all that weight between her massive hips and derrière. It also didn’t help she was Puerto Rican and honestly she was blessed with thickness in that region.
Our first meetup was really G rated. She wanted to talk about my marriage that had crashed and burned and she talked at length about her shitty husband. It was sheer coincidence that I knew what her husband looked like (short angry) and it kind of fit that he would be more concerned with job performance than fucking this gorgeous fertility goddess sitting next to me. Alas we didn’t get past a hug during this encounter. Why? Because at this point I was at a low self esteem point and honestly *this type of thing didn’t happen to me*. So of course we do the friend thing and move along.
The next day is nothing but a tit for tat of compliments and semi sexual comments, neither of us moving across the Rubicon. I maneuver my forces for a meet at the place where I lost my battle and she (un)foolishly agrees. The next night she enters my place and we make small talk. Ive had a couple shots and am feeling more liberated. My dog is in his kennel (happy after almost a tub of peanut butter) and she is comfy in her leggings and mom sweatshirt. Her curves are screaming to me. I move closer to her as she stands perplexed holding her purse. I move my hands on her hips and pull her close. Her lips angle to mine, and we meet.
And for everyone, that’s all she wrote.
Her tongue shoots sharply inside my mouth. Her purse has been promptly yeeted across the living room to a home called “fuck that shit”. Her grossly enlarged “I love you conditionally” ring scratches my arm as my tongue and hands violate the sanctity of her marriage across her sexy curvy body. She won’t break from our embrace as we awkward penguin wobble our way to the bedroom. The pants start to come off as I *peel* them from her FAT ass and thighs and lift her shirt from her torso. As she undresses me from my customary bathrobe and shorts we are bare and ready to **FUCK**. She lays down on my bed as her thick juicy thighs spread apart waiting for my invading army to be intercepted by her pincer maneuvers. I, ready as always, eagerly bound towards my objective with an eagerness and fervor not see since the crusades. I plow her fields, fertile and lush, using my cock as…..whatever farming instrument as the three four ish margaritas are really makeing it hard to type. We **FUCK.** And fuck as it hard, deep, and passionate like she hasn’t gotten it really good in MONTHS. Her nails are digging into my back and arms. My hips are sore from not only me pounding her pussy into submission like a professional wrestler for the pin but her hips bucking in unison to mine. Her lips kissing every inch of my face, neck, and chest. Those eyes of her had that lust and heat not seen since many a night under the stars when the first homo sapien grunted “URHGHGHG” to his lover as he beat his club mid climax on a rock in 4000 BCE in mesopotamia.
After a mind altering orgasm I feel I’m close to cumming and she wants it on her stomach. I begrudgingly orgasm on her, shooting my load all over her stomach and chest as her chest takes the most of my sperm warriors on her chest. Breathless she wants a shower and of course I let her because Im not a dick. I clean up from the extreme wetness she has made my bed. Satisfied and post shower she kisses me and we part.
What starts is an on and off again affair of *latina heat* that folllows this premise
One of is is horny, messages the other. She makes her way, wants me naked and ready. I text her how much I want her (basically our foreplay). She enters my unlocked apartment and yeets her purse. We make out like drunk teens to my bedroom. I slide my dick inside her after I undress her.
This chain of events repeats itself for a god few months. Her husband is entirely ignorant or a cuckold and either option didn’t stop her from a late night “oh no we’ve out of milk *pours milk down the drain”* or *”oh no I have to run out for something”*. Whatever excuse she made she ended up on her back and in my bed and I couldn’t care less. We made our way to the blissful moment I would like to part with.
She enters and we make our customary way to the bedroom. i just informed her that I’m leaving because Army life sucks and that the way it is. We always played it sorta safe because neither os us could explain a random pregnancy **but this time is different.** We fuck hard, like she draws blood from my back and arms. I’m pinning her arms and legs down. The moment of climax approaches and she locks her legs around my torso. I fill her pussy with all of the cum that I can muster out of my balls. If she was a succubus she definitely got what she wanted from me. I licked and pinched her nipples and made her squirm like crazy in an attempt to never forget about me. And to this day I think her ovaries feel a slight pull towards what could have been as her velvety entrance was flooded by my cloudly white load deep inside her.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/noxw3m/mf_she_came_over_to_play_with_my_dog_then_to_get
I need one of you in my life