One night I caught a girl’s eyes at a local bar. The atmosphere was chill. The TV’s featured silent sports as pop/rock music played through the speakers. Sporadically, when she liked a song, she would dance in front of and brush up against me as I sat in my chair. Over the course of a couple drinks, we didn’t have a proper conversation – more like flirty interactions as she migrated between her friends and me. Her mischievous grin turned me on to no end. More than once, just as I thought I could command her attention, she would turn back to her friends. During one of our “moments” I invited her to my place, albeit almost jokingly. To my surprise, she accepted.
When we walked in everything was fun and hot as we made out, stripped, felt each other up and worked our way to my bed. I grabbed a condom and entered her in missionary. She was very wet, and I slipped out before I could find a rhythm.
As I reached down to prepare for re-entry, she snapped, “Well THAT was fucking quick!”. Surely she must be joking. I mean awkward sex jokes are a thing, right? I’m not too proud to admit that I’ve been on both sides of them. But one look in her eyes told me she was dead serious. Alrighty then.
You know what else was quick? Getting dressed and walking her back to her car.
But I will say that, thanks to her dancing, and that grin, she retains a coveted spot in my spank bank.
Dude you should start Kegel Exercises n stop fappening these 2 things will help you last longer in bed
Wait I don’t get it – didn’t you just tell her what happened? Or does she get off on blue balls or something?