(Hours afterwards, in a hot bath, I am sore. I am sad to rinse your DNA away. I am tender. I am swollen. I was spotting as soon as I got a chance to empty my bladder afterwards and I saw the blood in the bowl. It is nowhere near period time. I am fundamentally different inside. You have reshaped me.)
You just grinned at me. When I opened your door and climbed up and into your truck. As Depeche Mode said it best on that aptly named album Violator, “Words are very… unnecessary”, and who wants words at this moment anyhow. As an experienced man I can only assume you sense my fever. I’m sure it was rolling off me like the fog of war. Only one way to cool it. Catch it if you can, my soldier.
How mundane this must seem to you. Another day, another middle aged mousey woman needing release. What a slog for you. Please humor me and do your job one more day.
“Drive.” I said, buckling in.
“Where are we going?” You ask, always the rule abiding man. Another reason I chose you. If you had been a barfly willing to fuck me against your car in some parking lot this wouldn’t do at all.
“Someplace private.” I say.
And with that we are on the journey. Just any other couple on the road. Nothing to see here, folks. Until my hand starts to creep across your lap. Until I feel, for the first time, that lump under your jeans. That lump which feels like my husband’s yet is startlingly different.
“Can I see it?” I am bold. Vodka bold. Like a kid, how brave I was once. It’s just a man, I think. Just a man with a man’s part. He won’t hurt me.
You smirk and undo your pants. I quickly look away, habit’s sake, and out the window. Okay, this is real. When you look back you will really see it. Another man’s penis. Are you ready?
I am ready.
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/nki6q2/a_40yo_steps_out_for_the_first_time_pt_2