The Business Deal – Part 5 – [MF][MF][Seduction][Cheating][Non-Consensual Consent][Swapping]

Part 5

Tami woke to the feeling of someone stroking her hair. Some light had entered the room she was in and she saw a figure standing next to her at the side of his bed. It was this person’s hand that she was feeling going back and forth over her.

“You are absolutely stunning Tami. This light is perfect for you.”

She sleepily smiled at the compliment but then things hit her fast. First, she realized it was Stephen she was talking to and not Jon. Second, it meant she was still here, and what happened yesterday wasn’t just a bad dream. Third, the covers had been pulled back and she was on full display. Lastly, he was naked and his partially aroused cock was almost level with her face on the bed.

Tami was startled and she quickly extinguished the smile. It would start right away then, which she thought might happen, but she was barely awake. Well, one of her last thoughts last night was that Saturday was going to be a long long day. She was sure that he would want her in every which way as this was their only full day.

“Take your shirt off for me please.”

Tami was barely awake and was slow to respond. However, she slowly pulled the t-shirt off and bared her upper body before him. Stephen let his eyes travel across her body from her head to her toes and all the way back. She could see the desire and lust in his eyes. College Girl Tami would have loved that look of his. She focused her mind and let her be in control, that young coed that would have liked him looking at her.

Without a word, he moved closer to the side of the bed. Tami moved her body as well so she was slightly on her side facing Stephen more directly. Or at least, facing his growing cock more directly. He pushed the head of his cock against her lips and she instinctively opened her mouth to accept him. He slid against her tongue and her lips enclosed his hardening length. Stephen moaned slightly as his hips began to move back and forth slowly.

She closed her eyes and let him gently fuck her mouth. She jumped slightly when he touched her panties, not so much from his touch, but from the feeling of how wet they already were. He began rubbing her and she opened her legs slightly. She got progressively wetter as he rubbed her harder. A finger slipped inside of the hem and touched her engorged lips. Her back arched at the touch and she moaned deeply. The reverberation of her moan around his cock drove Stephen crazy. He tried to pull her panties down but didn’t want to leave her mouth. Tami helped him by beginning to take them off but he stopped her around her mid thighs and began to touch her deeper.

She felt a finger enter her while his thumb circled her clit. Her hips began to rotate with his thumb in the same motion. Then a second finger joined the first. A few minutes later a third. She felt the orgasm building slowly as he worked his hand into her and his cock began to move faster in and out of her mouth. His head began to make contact with the back of her throat as she struggled to relax it and take him deeper. It was deeply arousing for her, though, and her hands struggled with where to go. One hand finally rested on a breast to work one of her nipples while the other she pulled up and rested on Stephen’s hip.

Stephen’s breathing was getting shorter and more rapid. He was getting close and Tami’s mouth would be filled. She suddenly had an idea, something she remembered doing for Jon. The hand that was on his hip moved to Stephen’s ass and squeezed his cheek. Stephen was shocked but moved with it quickly. He quickened his hand’s pace and Tami’s legs moved apart and opened further for him. She thought he would likely move her around to fuck her, but she wanted to avoid that if she could.

She brought her hand back from Stephen and paused his hand in order to rub her pussy and get her middle finger wet. Both of their fingers competed for her opening but she only wanted to get it wet. She moved her hand back to his ass and moved a finger in between his cheeks, slowly working her way to his hole. She could feel Stephen tensing as he realized what she was going to do. He didn’t say anything, though, and she slowly pushed her finger into him. He moaned loudly this time, a long drawn out sound that actually made her more excited. She felt the shift, that she had control now, she was controlling the moment and she felt better about herself. She pushed in further until almost her entire finger was in and she felt the soft give of his prostate. She moved the tip of her finger slowly along that soft interior flesh.

Stephen was enraptured and lost. He wasn’t expecting this. He knew she had been reluctant but he wasn’t kidding when he had told her that he hoped she would embrace it and enjoy it. This was the first time he had felt that and he loved it. He was getting close and it felt incredible. He wanted to fuck her desperately but he didn’t want this to stop. He pushed his fingers deep into Tami and rubbed her clit furiously.

Tami felt on the edge and could feel him swelling as well. She finally let her orgasm go and it washed upon her over and over. As far as orgasms with a manipulative boss went, it was amazing. She heard him say, “Oh god, I’m going to cum..oh, shit…” She braced her throat for the onslaught but was surprised when his cock left her mouth. She opened her eyes in time to see him grasping his cock in his hand, give it a stroke or two and then the ropes of cum shot out across her chest and one to the side of face. His sphincter pulsed around her finger as his prostate spasmed with his orgasm.

They slowly relaxed, and Stephen staggered a step or two before he sat on the edge of the bed. She moved her legs in so he could sit.

“Holy shit, that was amazing, Tami.”

“Glad you liked it. Mine was great as well. And you sure came a lot.”

“Well, damn, how couldn’t I? No one has even done that to me. But I am damn well going to get it from now on.”

“I’m surprised. I do it all the time for Jon.”

Stephen was happy to hear that. He liked hearing that he got something she only did for her husband. He was disappointed that he couldn’t be in her, but this had blown his mind.

They talked for a few minutes and Tami said as much as she liked having Stephens’s cum on her (she didn’t, she had to get it off quickly or she would likely scream and run away) she needed a shower. He led her to the roomy shower and they both got in. He soaped her, they kissed and he explored her. Try as she might, he could not get hard again quickly, which had been her plan all along. He did turn her around, put a foot on the bench and kneeled under her. He again applied his tongue into her and licked and sucked on her lips until she came once more.

They left the shower and she rummaged for more clothes. Another pair of panties and a tee shirt and she made her way to the kitchen. They had a light breakfast on the porch and talked. Stephen flirted with her and she responded, but Tami had played this game for a long time and meant nothing by what she said. This part was easy as it was just talk. Tami had her phone with her and checked the time. It was still early, and the day was ahead.

“I still can’t get over you fingering me. That was crazy. I don’t know why I’ve never done that before.”

“Well, glad you liked it. I won’t be doing it again.”

“Why with the attitude? It was fun! And I don’t think I ever came so hard. I was beginning to think you were warming up to me.”

“Stephen, I did something to help you feel good, like I said, I’ll be interested. But how could I?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I’m still here against my will, no matter what I say or do, no matter whether I told you to fuck me last night or whatever. I wouldn’t be here without you holding a bunch of financial and emotional blackmail over me. I’m sorry, but that can’t just disappear.”

“Tami, it was still a choice and you made it. A good choice. I’ve been with enough women to know when they are into it, and you have been.”

“Stephen, put away those false documents about Jon embezzling, the promise of money and a promotion, or firing him and making us lose everything, and we never talk. So yeah, blackmail, and really you’re only one step away from ra….”

“Stop!” Stephen said quickly, knowing the word she was going to use. “Ok, I get it. Yeah sure, a little ‘blackmail’, whatever you want to call it, I don’t apologize for my methods. You could have just agreed the first time I asked and then I wouldn’t have used anything. But you seemed reluctant and I had to protect myself.”

“Judging by the number of panties in those drawers, I wonder how many times you really have used that.”

“Only a few times, as I said in the lunchroom that one day. Once here, I have never ever had a single complaint afterwards. So the methods may be crude, but I also deliver results, something I think I deliver more than that husband of yours.”

“You watch what you say about him.”

“Tami, if we were as close as you said you and Jon are, I would have endured financial ruin and a trial to make sure another man never touched you. But he did agree and I think that says something about him you don’t want to acknowledge, something about you as well. You could have called me out, it wouldn’t have been a slam dunk, but you might have pressed a case. But you are here, and last night I sure as hell felt you respond to me, so somewhere in there is a little bit of a slut or whore that has enjoyed this. I don’t know. Maybe a domination fetish that has lay dormant, who knows. Give me a week and I would bet you all my money that every time you fuck Jon after, you will be thinking of me and missing me. But you don’t stick a finger up someone’s ass on your own without wanting something more.”

They lapsed into a silence. Stephen’s words were ridiculous she told herself, but they began to worm their way in. Had Jon really given up on her and let her do this? Did she secretly really like the idea of being used for sex in return for a huge return? And the way Stephen did use her and fuck her….she stopped right there because she felt if she went any further she would lose her soul and identify. No, Jon, hated the idea and only acquiesced because of her. He trusted her. And she sure as hell knew she really didn’t want this. When she was into it that’s one thing, but the shame and anger afterwards was always there. No, she was not who he thought she was. In fact, he didn’t know her at all, what she was thinking about, what she was planning, nothing.

Tami smiled her sickly sweet smile to him. “Well, maybe you’re right. I don’t know. But I did say I wouldn’t harp on the way we got here and just be here with you until we leave. So let’s change the subject, shall we?” She had made herself seem small to Stephen, working his ego against himself. That’s right, big boy, eat it up, she thought.

Stephen relaxed and smiled. They talked more about nothing until eventually they moved back into the house and cleaned up.

Stephen would grope her as they walked around the house, kiss her, and try to recover but he would not get more than a small chub with her. She had really and truly drained him. This made her happy as it reduced her experience by at least two or maybe three of the fuckings that he had planned.

The only thing that had really bothered her that morning was when he sat on the couch to read and he asked her to sit up against him. She laid back against him and his hand encircled her. Occasionally a finger would graze against her nipple, but she just sat there. However, it was intensely personal and intimate, and it disturbed her. This was supposed to be about just sex, not pretending they were a close couple on vacation. It was strange how this moment was more problematic for her than him unloading his semen on her face. That was just an act, this was emotionally close and she fought against the feeling.

To occupy her mind she tried to plan out the rest of the day. She figured he would wanna try again before lunch, just a matter of where. He would probably be successful as it would’ve been 3 to 4 hours after she had him in the morning. She hoped that would leave her afternoon free but she figured that he was probably plotting something. If she could do it pretty well at lunch then maybe that would take away time until dinner. She did not get the sense that he had taken a certain pill in order to last longer last night, but she didn’t put it out of his doing so she did have to account for that.

There was one thing she knew for certain. He would fuck her ass at least once tonight. Quite possibly tomorrow as well. She was not an anal virgin, it was just something that she had only done with her husband. She hated giving that part of herself to him, but she knew it would not be avoided. Tami would just have to cross that bridge when she got to it. She tried to convince herself that, actually, it was better for him to take her ass than her pussy as her ass was more of a dirty sex location and she could separate it out. It’s what she told herself, but she wasn’t entirely convinced.

She then wondered what was happening with Jon and Ellen. It would be early morning by now. Had they spent the night together? How about this morning? Had she done the right thing and asked Ellen to be with Jon? She felt a rush of jealousy of course, but how could she. She was going to be this man’s fucktoy for the entire evening and tomorrow. But she knew Ellen, whereas she hoped never to see Stephen again. She did ask, though, and after reviewing everything she had thought of last night, she came back to the conclusion that it was the right thing to have done. He would be less hurt, Ellen would know this was a one-time thing and not go after him, and they would be even, sort of. She hoped to god it would work out.

Continues in Part 6



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