Controlled and Insecure | P2 | (MF) (dd/lg) (CNC) (Somnophilia) (Omorashi) (Desperation)

[Part One](


Kate slumps on the sofa, putting on a moody face. “You should have went before the film started,” Harry tells her, as if he was a teacher looking down at his students. “I didn’t need it then,” Kate replies, to which Harry goes on a monologue about how she needs to learn to control her body since she’s an adult.

The movie is just getting to the good bit as Kate begins to squirm, trying to get comfortable but her bladder is making that impossible. Wherever possible, Harry was slurping his drink without being obvious. He was doing everything he could to make Kate and her bladder become more uncomfortable.

“Will you sit still?” Harry asks as he too becomes uncomfortable with all the moving around. “I can’t!” Kate moans as Harry starts to place his left hand on Kate’s shoulder, giving it a rub down. The physical touch releases a burst of serotonin into her bloodstream, and briefly calms her down.

She still remains calm even when Harry’s hand goes underneath her pyjama top and onto her bare stomach. Harry was just doing circle motions below her belly button as she got comfortable, but Kate soon realised that he began pressing down on her bladder when doing the circle motions.

“I can’t hold it,” Kate proclaims as she speaks over an important part of the film. Harry replies, “Yes, you can,” as he continues to rub. Though, in the space of what feels like just a few milliseconds, Kate shoots up on the sofa, no longer slouching. Her hand immediately goes to and covers her pee hole with pressure as she feels urine coming down her urethra.

“Harry I need to go,” Kate says as she begins to panic. Harry paused the movie whilst his face says he has just been purely disrespected. “What did you just call me?” Harry asks as he stares at the squirming mess beside him.


“Wrong.” Harry interrupts, “It’s either Master, Sir or Mr Davison, got it?”

Kate obediently nods as she instinctively begins sucking the thumb on her spare hand to calm her down. The mild telling off she got from Harry startled her, and it took her mind off the control she needed to have.

Kate leaked a bit into her underwear. She could feel it on her hand but thankfully regained full control and it was only a little leak. She decided to not tell Harry.

Almost at the end of the film, there was a scene where a man was standing in the pouring rain, with the sounds heavily focusing on the pitter pattering of rainwater on the solid ground. Kate’s legs began shaking uncontrollably as if she was having a fit. “Go,” Harry told her whilst pausing the film. She needed nothing more and darted upstairs. Harry could hear her going and was annoyed that she didn’t make it to the end.

Refreshed, Kate came back downstairs looking happy and content as she fell into Harry’s arms. “I’m disappointed in you,” Harry says to her before he puts the film back on.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” Kate replies, genuinely upset that she didn’t do good.

“You’re going to make it up to me. Whenever I want you, I’ll have you,” Harry tells her as he gives her a piercing look.

Harry didn’t need a response, and Kate just nodded and agreed as she snuggled into him whilst the film resumed.


//. End of Part 2

