Chapter 1 of the slut adventures [F]21

Chapter 1 of the slutventures is ready, fair warning, it’s a long one. For those who don’t know, I’m a 21[F] med student on a quest to become the greatest slut the worlds ever seen. Details are on my profile if you’re curious.

So I went out to a bar last night, this will begin to be obvious as my adventures continue but I was out with the express goal of sex of any kind.

So I got to the bar, and as always ordered a drink with half the boys slowly shifting closer to me at the bar. I ordered and was chatting with the bartender. He was one of a couple but he was responsible for my side of the bar. We talked for a bit and I learned the basic details, that he’s 55 and married with two kids just getting into university, who are a little younger than me apparently. He was more than pleasant with me and was chatting with me whenever he wasn’t serving other peeps.

While we were chatting, some frat douche sat on the stool right beside mine and put his leg and knee between my legs. It made me a touch uncomfortable and clearly seeing it, the hero bartender asked him to leave. With a “yeah whatever” he got up and left, likely to get shot down again by some other uninterested girl.

I thanked the bartender profusely and when he responded with “no problem sweetie, creeps like that is why I haven’t slept well since my girl went to college”. I smiled and thought to myself, target acquired.

I finished my 2nd drink and excused myself to the washroom quickly. I slipped off my bra, I pulled my panties above my hip bones so the fringes were poking above my shorts slightly. And I lowered my tops neckline by tucking the front of my shirt into my shorts a bit. Basically your, I’m looking to seduce and get railed by you look.

I went back to the bar and chatted with him a bit, it didn’t look like he noticed, or at least didn’t care about my slight change in look. Thankfully the boys starring at the bar did which started to get me excited. The exposure gave me exactly what I was looking for, enough to get my nipples hard enough to start tenting my already tight and low cut shirt. That got my bartenders attention, and every 15 seconds his gaze clearly shifted down. Btw dudes who think you’re slyly checking out a girls tits, you’re not. If I’m talking to you and you’re not meeting my eye, there’s only one thing you’re looking at, technically two.

Anyway, the game had changed, I’d got his attention. All thanks to the meat heads at the bar staring at me. The thoughts of what a single one of them would do to me was more than enough to wake up the girls, my teammates were in the game. It’s kinda funny, it’s like the meme with the Red Cross in avengers, “I lead people to the prize I cannot obtain” or smtn like that.

Anyway, I knew I had his attention so I started being a little bigger with my movements, giggling at his jokes and jiggling my tits and making them sway a bit more. After a little bit I knew I had him when he couldn’t even meet my gaze, talking into the glass or off into space. He seemed to be a genuinely good man.

So I decided to move in for the kill. I took a deep breath, lifting up my tits and said “hey by the way, thanks for asking that guy to leave me alone”. He responded with “no problem, I’ve worked long enough to know a creep before he even sits down”. I smiled and slid my hand onto his. Immediately he looked at me like a deer in headlights. I leaned in closer, trying to angle myself so he could see clearly straight down my shirt and said “I mean it, I’d really like to thank you, really show my appreciation”. He took himself back a second and stiffened up immediately, he was clearly trying to process what I was saying. So I made it easier, I tilted my head down slightly, made my eyes a bit bigger,, leaned on the bar with an arm under tits to push em up, and clearly bit my lip. I swear he stood there for 10 seconds before he moved closer to the bar, took my drink and spilled it on the counter top and got a little on me. In a straight tone he said, “miss I’m so sorry, if you’d like we have a staff bathroom in the back where I could help clean you up”. I said “yeah that’d be great” and got up. He wiped the bar and said something to his manager, he nodded and off my bartender went signaling me to follow him.

I swear I followed him to the back like a giddy child going to the toy store. I’m pretty sure I skipped once or twice. He opened the door and we walked in, he turned around and locked it. The millisecond he turned I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. His lips were rough and dry, so I decided I’d have to carry the kiss. He was definitely uncertain for a second, but then he wrapped his arm around my waist and back.

We made out for something like 2 minutes, but around now i lost track of exact time so this will mostly consist of guessing. I pushed away from him and lowered to my knees, I undid his belt, popped the top button of his jeans, and reached down while staring him in the face. My probing fingers found his cock and I guided it out of his pants, once it was out, I let it hang in front of me. Face to face with a decent 5” dick, I raised my arm and took off my shirt. He must of gained 10 years on his life cause this 55 year old married father reached out and grabbed my tits, he was standing and taller than me so he fondled them while he was forcing them upwards. He pressed my nipple and I was ready, I licked the north, East, south than west sides of his cock then went in. With one movement I impaled my face on half his salty cock. I kept going faster and faster, trying to make it as sloppy as possible. With one hand he switched between fondling my tits. and with the other grasped the back of my head, and started pulling me harder onto his dick. I throated it a bit, and let him determine the pace he wanted, I was his toy, and only he knew how he wanted to use me. He face fucked my willing mouth for a while. But then he let out a huge groan and it dawned on me, this dude probably hasn’t seen any action for a while, and if I keep going at this pace, I won’t be able to have anymore fun. With that thought, I pushed off him, with an audible confused groan from him, and I stood up. Face to face he kissed me, then moved to suckling on my tits. For a second I forgot my plan and just melted as he nursed on my breast’s. Once I regained my mind, I slipped off my shorts and panties while he continued to drink from my 3 decade younger tits. I kicked away my panties but shuffled a bit too much and he bit down on my nipple. For a minute I stood in a timeless void as my mind tried its hardest to reboot from a pleasure overload.

After about a minute, I tilted his head up with my finger to meet my eyes, and I asked if he wanted to know what he tasted like. A little confused but still into it he nodded, I ran my hands down his body as I slid back down to my knees and took him into my mouth again. I sucked his cock for a little bit then returned back upwards and kissed him, letting the sloppy mess of a blowjob mingle in his mouth, and overwhelm him. I broke the kiss, and stepped away, watching him standing there like a horny mannequin, he watched me while he was stroking his cock as I strode to my bag and fished out a condom. His eyes wide with lust, I pressed myself against his chest, letting my form fit to his body. Taking off his shirt he threw it on the ground and took the condom from me, while he was putting it on I turned around and crouched down to flatten out his shirt, to use as a blanket to fuck on. From behind me he said “it’s tight but it’ll do” and proceeded to surprise me and push me to my hands.

In a state of complete bliss, he spit on his hand and slipped it through my slit a few times. Then without announcing it, he pushed in. My mind buffered, each thrust pushing another inch in. After a second he was fully inside me and started pistoning in and out. Bringing about half his cock out before he slammed it back in. To avoid screaming he took my hair and put it in front of my mouth to bite down on. I couldn’t of done it better myself. Groaning as he hammered me, he grabbed my throat and a tit in his hands and started really ramming hard. Our fucking was more than audibly loud and wet. We kept fucking and before long his pace started to quicken. He kept fucking faster and faster until he grunted and groaned as I felt his cock throb and the condom push off a bit from his load. Clearly this mans wife had forgotten her one purpose in life, to drain her man. He pulled me off my hands from doggy and into his body as we fit together like puzzle pieces, completing our lustful picture. As his load started to slow I used the upright position he held me in to grind my pussy against him, milking any last drop he had. He let me go and slipped out. I turned to see him red, hot, sweaty and puffing.

I reached out to his dick but he grabbed my wrist, I looked at him confused and he said, “I’m done, I’m not 21 anymore”. I smiled and nodded, let my hand drop and he pulled the condom off. After about a minute or so, he turned to toss it and flush it but I stopped him with a mouselike “um”. He looked at me and I gestured for the condom, he handed it to me and I let it sit on my lips as I raised the base and drank it down. He looked at me awe struck and said “girls your age shouldn’t be doing that”. I retorted with “every girl my age does that”.

After another 30 seconds he turned white, and put a hand to his head, “wtf did we just do, what did I do, I’m twice your age, my wife’s gonna smell you on me”. He sat there for a second completely naked and distressed while I put my clothes on. I was just about ready to leave when the deflated shell of the man I just fucked looked up at me and said, “I can’t believe I did that, I love my wife more than anything, honestly I do. You’re the fucking devil, I just fucked the devil”. I was giddy to say something I’d been dying too the whole time, and he had given me the perfect opportunity. I turned the lock, unlocked the door and started out of it when I turned and said, “it’s actually more like you fucked your daughter” and I walked out.



  1. > it’s like the meme with the Red Cross in avengers

    I’m sorry but this is the funniest typo I’ve seen in a long time.

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