The start to my [F] weekend. [M] part 1

So just a little bit of backstory before I get into the good details. I’m married and have been for a while. I don’t consider myself a hotwife anymore, but I was in the lifestyle for a little while. About two years ago, I hooked up with this guy I found on tinder and we clicked sexually. He was exactly what I was looking for and was respectful of my marriage and my schedule. Long story short, I kept seeing him and now he’s my FWB that hubby shares me with.

Part of why he was what I was looking for and why I keep seeing him is his roughness. His ability to control and throw me around is second to none. Don’t get me wrong, I still love having sex with my husband and he’s still my favorite, but there are some days when I just want to be held down and FUCKED, not make love.

Anyways… onto the story itself.
I’m going to call my FWB Adam and hubby will be Mike for the sake of this story.

Mike knew I was planning a date with Adam. Now, a “date” usually just involves me heading over to his house, having our fun, and then heading home. With my schedule and life, I would try to get there around 6-7, we would play for a few hours, and then I would be home in time for bed.

This time was a bit different. Adam is a little bit of a dom, but mostly in the bedroom itself. Outside of the time spent with him, he doesn’t try to command me or anything (as I said, he respects my marriage and knows when and when not to push it). But he asked if I wanted something MORE this time around. He didn’t let on what, but my curiosity got the best of me and I said sure. Adam told me to ask Mike for his permission to take control of me for 3 days. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I was to obey Adam, with our actual date being on Saturday.

Mike knows I can be a brat and very stubborn, so he thought it was entertaining and quickly agreed.


Wednesday night rolls around and about 10 pm I get a text from Adam saying “It’s almost Thursday. Your first task is to either wake Mike up with a bj.”

Oh. One small detail, Mike and I have a 7 month old daughter. So around 2-3 am, she wakes up and Mike goes to feed her. I know it’s not quite “waking him up” but I waited on my knees in our bedroom until he got back and pulled his boxers down to start trying to get him hard. I start by slowly stroking him while he’s soft and kissing at his thighs, knowing it won’t take too long. Once he was even remotely erect, I start sucking and swallowing him. I’ve always loved oral, but there’s something extra enticing about feeling him grow. It’s almost reaffirming knowing that it’s me and me alone that’s causing it.

Once he’s fully erect, I do what I know drives him wild. I start with maybe half of him in my mouth, make sure my hair is flipped out of the way so he can get a good view, and slowly start bobbing. But with each motion, I take just a little more. His gasps and sighs only add to my own enjoyment as I take a quick peek up and see his eyes focused on me. After a few more attempts, I manage to press my lips against his groin for a few moments before I have to retreat for air.

Again and again and again, I repeat with his hand partially guiding the speed. He shifts to a nearby wall, so I use it to place a hand and get a better position to pick up the pace. But before I can get a good rhythm, he grabs a small fistful of hair and gently pulls back, preventing me from continuing.

“Get on top” is all he has to say as he lies on the bed and I’m quickly clambering on top, lining us up, and lower myself onto him. Normally, I would be much more vocal, but with a young infant, silence or near silence is key to finishing in peace.

His mouth immediately clamps onto my right nipple when I lean forward and I proceed to grind and ride him into the bed. I would love to say he gave me a great orgasm, but after the oral foreplay, it didn’t take too long for him to grunt and grab onto me as he pulsed. It is arguably my favorite thing about sex because cumming. The way almost every guy squeezes me just that much tighter, bites that much harder, and the twitching and extra warmth as he cums in me.

I waited until I could feel he was finished and gave Mike a passionate kiss before telling him it was adam’s idea. Mike laughed a bit and told me to remind him to thank Adam.

After a bit of cleanup (I know it’s not sexy, but it’s a reality of sex, especially when he finishes in me), we cuddled naked and fell asleep.


When I woke up, I filled Adam in on some of the details. After a few texts about it, he started in with his commands.

“No cumming unless I specifically say so.” Was the very first one.

“But what if Mike and I want to have sex?”

“Then you better make sure all of your attention is on him and not on you. Oh and I expect at least one sexy shot of you each day. Just to make sure you are listening to the rules. If not, you WILL be punished”

“Oooh. I like the sound of that!”

Fast forward a few hours and I’m at work (which is not a place I can play around).

Adam: “I’ve come up with a new rule. After you get off work, you are not allowed to wear any underwear until after I see you”

When I got home, I did my normal routine. Had dinner, took care of my daughter, etc when I feel my phone buzz.

“I haven’t gotten my picture yet today. You better be following all my rules.”

“I’m about to shower in a little. I haven’t forgotten.”

A few minutes later I sent him this.

Thursday was a little bit boring due to me working and being a little tired.


Friday morning and I woke up to a short list of tasks from Adam via text.

“You will do each of these in any order you choose, but they all must be completed by 1159 PM.

1. You must wear a plug until I tell you that you may remove it. This must start before 10 am.
2. You may not cum until it’s by my hand.
3. I still expect my picture.
4. Any additional tasks I think of throughout the day
I can’t wait for tomorrow night!”

Adam has always loved my ass and loved using toys just as much. So It didn’t come as a surprise.

After fully waking up and getting a start to my day, I received another text.
A: “ Modified task: you must wear the plug out in public.”

My heart raced as the idea of wearing a plug while I ran errands sank in. I wasn’t allowed any underwear based on his previous command from yesterday. He knew how turned on I got from the plug.

Me: “I have to go grocery shopping and go to the bank”

A: “good. Hopefully they’ll be able to see how excited you are through your shirt!”

Me: “I’m just going to wear a sweatshirt.”

A: “Nope. It must be thinner. Like a tank top or thin t shirt”.

Me: “No! The whole world will see.”

A: “it’s either that or whatever punishment I See fit.”

Part of me wanted to fight back, but I’ve experienced some of his punishments before and although they are fun, it can distract from the more enjoyable portions of the night.

A: “And I want to see proof. Show me the outfit before you leave the house.”

I go about my morning in a normal fashion, but my mind would always drift back to the texts and the expectations of the day as well as what was to come the next day.

A: “It’s almost 10, I hope you’re getting ready. I would hate to have to start thinking of punishments already.”

I both loved and loathed his teasing. My stubbornness and strong personality didn’t lend well to being controlled, but that was part of the excitement.

I obeyed his orders for now and sent another pic.

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Me: “no bra. No panties. And plugged.”

A: “good! You can take it out when you finish your errands. What do you have to get done today?”

Me: “grocery shopping and the bank.”

A: “hmm… we’ll see if that’s long enough then. We don’t want it being too short”.

I gathered my stuff and headed out. Every little movement becomes so much more out in public. Thankfully my tank top was a little on the thicker side, but it doesn’t stop the material from brushing against my nipples or letting a smal breeze come through.

Between the change in Adam’s demeanor, the anticipation of what’s to come, and the plug trapped snugly in me, I was noticeably turned on by the time I even sat in my car.

Every little pothole, bump, and minor pebble in the road made the ride to the grocery store more exhilarating. But while I gathered my purse and my mask, anxiety and worry creep in with the naughtiness.
What if someone could tell? Or could see my chest?

The paranoia kicks in as I fixed my top and grabbed a cart. I know it’s all in my head, but it felt like every person in the store was staring, low they knew my secret. I’m sure most people were oblivious with it being 1030 or so in the morning, but those thoughts are unavoidable.

I shop the same way. It’s not the most effective, but I find it helps jog my memory if I forget something. I start at the back of the store and walk up and down each aisle to see if there is something I potentially missed. Maybe it was coincidence, maybe I was just paying attention more, but it seemed like everything was either on the top shelf or the very bottom.

As I walked down the last few aisles, turned on doesn’t begin to describe it. My heart was racing. I tried to keep to myself as much as possible, but it was more difficult as I approached the check out lines. Despite my choice of shirt, my nipples were easily seen through the material.

I thanked god slightly as the check out person was a woman, but even her eyes drifted to my chest and could only imagine her judgement. As I finished up, I walked out, past two different guys, one younger and one much older, both of which locked their eyes on my chest, barely acknowledging that I was a person as opposed to a set of walking tits.

When I sat back down in my car, I let out a long sigh. Partially from the fact that just sitting pushed the plug just that much deeper, but mostly due to the fact that my errands were almost finished. I could feel a small damp spot in my pants and was glad I chose to wear black, as it didn’t show much of anything.

The bank I go to normally has a drive through ATM so I was looking forward to just pulling up, getting cash, and driving away. But of course the ONE day I’m excited to get home to hopefully take the plug out, there’s a note on the ATM saying it’s down for maintenance.

At this point, I’ve had it in for well over an hour and the pleasure is starting to be mixed with pain. The lube I used to insert it has either dried or just been rubbed dry, and each step is another reminder of it staying in that much longer. But when I open the door, my heart just drops.

There are easily 10-12 people in line ahead of me with maybe two tellers, one a younger guy and the other a middle aged woman. While waiting in line, there’s a few quick glances, how we all just peek to see who is around us. Not so much for anything devious, but just to check your surroundings. But one guy did a double and triple take, first looking at me, mainly my eyes, then down to my chest again. Despite the mask, I could tell he was smiling at me, trying to either hit on me or be polite or whatever flies through a guys mind in that moment.

When I reached the front of the line, both tellers came available almost simultaneously. I chose to be cautious and went to the woman and conducted my transaction. As we are finishing up, she gets a little closer to the glass and half whispers “honey, you should really wear a bra. It’s a bit cold in here.”

Oh my god. I don’t think I’ve ever been more embarrassed in my life. I turned beet red, apologized, lied and said I was in a rush and left the house quickly, and practically ran back to my car. I about died from embarrassment but had to laugh at the awkward encounter on the way home.

I get a few text messages on the way home, but don’t read them until I pull in the driveway.

There were 3 messages, two from Adam and one from mike.

A: 1. Hey. ? how’s shopping? Do we need to call cleanup in any aisles?”
2. “Actually, I want to see how wet you are.”

M: “Hey babe. I miss you. Hopefully we can have some fun after I get home from work!”

I texted Adam back first, explaining Mike’s text to me.

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Me: “please can you lift the no cumming rule? I really want to fuck Mike tonight.”

A: “I never said you couldn’t have sex. I said you weren’t allowed to cum. But since you asked so nicely, I’ll make you a deal. You can cum once… for every three of Mike’s. His have to come first.??”

Me: “oh come on! You know it takes a while for him to go for round 2!”

A: “well, I guess you’ll have to try extra hard if you want your chance.”

I text Mike explaining adam’s task for me about not cumming and the only way I’m allowed to. He thought it was partially funny and partially intriguing.

Mike: “well, you’ll have to make sure I’m VERY well taken care of then!”

(This ended being so much longer than I anticipated. It takes me forever to find time to write this out, but here’s the first part. Based on the length, I expect it to be a total of 3 parts. Part 2 being the rest of Friday and Saturday morning and part 3 being Saturday evening itself.)
