Over the Limit – Part 4 – Home [Ffm]

I took a walk around the apartment. It was spacious, two master bedrooms, a guest room, study, dining room, lounge, huge kitchen with a big island, and even a small gym. At the very end of the long hallway, past the laundry room, was what can only be described as a cell. It was a small, bare room with a single bed and a tiny window. The lock was on the outside of the door. There was a nightstand with an alarm clock. It had a small bathroom attached, with a shower stall, toilet and sink. On the sink was a new toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, unscented deodorant and a packet of disposable razors. There was also a big bottle of lotion, and in the shower there was a bottle of shampoo. In the little closet was a single pair of sweatpants, a hoodie, a pair of sneakers, two towels and a box of tampons. I was clearly not an impulse purchase.
I headed back to what was obviously my new owner’s bedroom and had a look around. The walk-in closet was obviously shared, women’s clothes on one side, men’s on the other. I checked the labels. These guys had expensive tastes. She had some very expensive handbags, he had a collection of watches, some of the brands I’d never even heard of. In a plastic tub behind her dresses were a selection of sex toys; dildos, cock rings, a magic wand, a strap-on dildo (!) and a large paddle with holes drilled in it. I made sure I put it back exactly how I found it.
There was a full laundry hamper in the corner – time to make a good impression.
I carried the hamper down to the laundry room and began sorting. He seemed to have fairly pedestrian tastes in underwear – plain Calvins, but she seemed to really like delicate lingerie. I know I shouldn’t have, (what if they have hidden cameras?) but I couldn’t help but press a pair of panties to my face. There was a faint smell of sweat, a little urine, but mostly feminine arousal. I felt like she had had an orgasm wearing these. Guiltily, I shoved them in the machine with the rest, and started a delicates cycle.
I headed back to the kitchen. The dishwasher was clean, but full, so I slowly and carefully emptied it. It took a while in that large kitchen to work out where everything went, then I rinsed the dishes that were in the sink and stacked them in the dishwasher.
By the time I was done, the washer had finished, so I transferred the load to the dryer on low.
I was now at a bit of a loss – it was eleven pm, and no sign of my owners. As I walked across the kitchen I felt a sticky patch on my bare feet, so I went looking for a mop. There wasn’t one anywhere in the apartment, but there was a scrubbing brush in a bucket in the laundry room. I filled the bucket with soapy water, and took it to the kitchen, and began to scrub the floor on my knees. I was about halfway done when I heard the front door open, and quickly got to my feet. I stood with my feet tightly together, hands clasped behind my back, eyes down.
Footsteps came into the kitchen.
“Who the fuck are you?!” A male voice demanded.
I stammered, surprised, “I’m, I’m your new slave, didn’t you buy me today?”
“I didn’t buy a slave.” He said shortly. I didn’t know what to say.
Then I heard him on the phone. “Hi Babe, anything you forgot to tell me? … Well, she’s here.” He walked over to the fridge, and I risked a quick look. He was your classic tall, dark and handsome, wearing a nice suit. Cool!
He turned back toward me, and I quickly looked down again.
“Well, she seems to have done the dishes, want me to have her do anything else? … Ok, see you in soon.”
“Well,” he said, “it seems my wife bought you, so you are indeed our new slave.”
“Yes, master,” I said, “I was just scrubbing the floor, may I continue?”
“Well, sure,” he said, “go ahead.”
I got back down on my knees, dipped the brush in the bucket and continued. I turned round as I scrubbed, until I was facing away from him. My paper smock covered nothing, and I was sure he was watching my ass wiggle. I parted my legs a little. I didn’t want to be too wanton right away, but I wanted him to see my cunt. I wished I could look around, but I didn’t dare. I kept scrubbing, but my pussy was getting damp. I wondered if he was getting hard. I hope he liked what he saw.
I kept scrubbing. I couldn’t tell if he was even still in the room, but I kept displaying myself as if he was.
Then I heard the front door again. The click of heels.
A female voice, “Well, what do you think of her?” The voice was familiar. Dammit, where did I know her from? The TV maybe? Was she famous?
“She sure has a nice ass,” he said, “and she’s not trying to hide it.”
“No, I’m not surprised, she’s a total slut – take a look at this history.”
There was a pause, then he gave a low whistle. “She’s not just a slut, she’s a total whore!”
He wasn’t not wrong. Even hearing them talk about me like that was getting me wet.
“And if you like her ass, wait ‘till you see her tits. Girl, stand up!”
I quickly scrambled to my feet and turned toward her. She stepped over to me, and in one swift motion, ripped my paper smock off. I was stark naked again.
“Damn!” He exclaimed.
“And they’re natural,” she continued, giving my left boob a squeeze, “come try.”
He came over and fondled me too. “Nice and firm,” he agreed.
I was trying to work out how I knew her, and I risked a glance at her face. Shit! It was the woman from the slave auction who inspected me, the one who I thought ate my pussy!
But she was looking right at me when I looked up, and we made eye contact. In a flash she slapped me hard across the face, making me stagger sideways and clutch my cheek.
“How dare you make eye contact with me, you filthy slave whore! James, fetch the paddle, she needs to be punished.”
“Now darling, it was just a mistake! I’m sure she won’t do it again, will you?”
“No!” I sputtered, “I promise! I’m so sorry, mistress!”
“No,” she said firmly, “it’s important to give no quarter in these matters, or they take advantage. James, please fetch it.”
He relented and headed to the bedroom.
“And the cuffs,” she called after him.
He returned with the paddle I found earlier and a pair of handcuffs.
“Hands behind you, slut.” She commanded, and he snapped the cuffs on me.
She turned me toward the kitchen island, and he quickly moved a bowl of fruit out of the way. She pushed me up against the counter, then bent me over until my tits were pressing on the cold marble.
“Hold her.”
He walked around the island so he was by my head, and placed his hands firmly on my shoulders, pinning me down.
“Now, slut, the sooner you learn the rules, the fewer punishments you’ll get, understand?
“Yes, mistress, I’m sorry!”
She placed the paddle against my buttocks. It felt cold and frightening.
“You will count out the swats.”
She lifted the paddle, and I braced myself, still acutely aware of the cuts across my skin from my earlier caning.
I yelped, and instinctively tried to stand, but his strong hands held me down. I wanted to grab my bottom, but my cuffed hands stopped me.
“One,” I sobbed.
“Two!” The pain was intense. I’d been spanked during sex before, but nothing like this.
“Three!” The heat was spreading across my cheeks, and there was a little buzz in my pussy lips.
“Four!” Each stroke made my cunt quiver. Shit, did I actually like this?
“Five!” I could barely get the word out, I was sobbing so hard.
“Six!” I wailed. How many more?
But suddenly her voice was soft, almost gentle.
“There there, little slut, you took those well.” She rubbed my bottom. “Honey, pass the lotion, please.”
He released my shoulders, but I didn’t try to get up. I was still sobbing, a teary, snotty mess.
She began to soothe my bottom with cold lotion. Her caresses are so kind and loving that I could hardly make sense of it. Slowly, the feeling returned, and as it did, her strokes became less soothing, and more sexual. Her fingers began to work into my crack, brushing my puckered hole, and down to my pussy lips. She gently parted them, and ran a finger around my entrance.
“Come feel how wet she is.”
His hands were between my legs now, probing and squeezing, slipping inside me. I let out a sigh as he brushed my clit.
“I think you should claim her,” she said, softly.
I heard a zip, then the unmistakable feel of a hard cock nuzzling against my pussy. He rubbed it up and down, spreading my wetness all the way from my clit to my asshole, then slowly slid his full, thick length inside me. I let out a long, low groan. He gripped my hips and began to fuck me, while she continued to rub my buttocks.
After about a minute, she said, “Don’t come yet, sweetheart.”
“Why not, I’m really close,” he grunted.
“I want her to taste you.”
“Oh, ok,” he pulled out and walked around the island. He stood on tiptoes and presented his glistening cock to my eager mouth. I tasted his salty precum, mixed with my pussy juices. I sucked and slurped as he slid in and out. Her hands moved between my cheeks and began to finger my asshole, first one, then two.
“You’re still not done,” she said, “come back here and claim the final hole.”
He pulled out and went back behind me. Her fingers were still in me, so he filled my cunt again, but then she made room, and he pushed his cock against my asshole. He pressed hard, but my hole resisted and clenched tight.
“Don’t fight it,” she advised. I tried to open up.
Millimeter by millimeter his big cock forced its way past my sphincter and filled me. Once all the way in, he paused for a few moments, then began fucking.
“God, she’s tight,” he groaned.
“Yes,” she replied, “I thought you’d enjoy her little hole.”
She slipped her hand underneath me and began to finger my pussy as he enjoyed my ass. It felt incredible. I was building towards a massive orgasm, but then he suddenly shot his load inside me, and she let go of my cunt.
I groaned loudly in disappointment.
She chuckled as he pulled out. “Slut, don’t even think about cumming without permission, understand?”
“Yes, mistress.” I sigh.
“Now,” she says, freeing my wrists, “Go get a shower, then we’ll deal with some stubble I felt on your twat. I assume you’ve found your quarters?”
“Yes, mistress.” I replied.
Once the water was nice and hot, I stepped into the little cubicle and let it soak me. I lathered up my hair and rinsed, then I squatted down and let the semen leak out of my bottom. As a tiny act of rebellion, I peed in the shower. I bet she didn’t. Then I scrubbed myself thoroughly.
Once I was dry, I quietly walked down the hall, and stopped outside the kitchen to listen.
“It’s the very latest tech,” she was saying, “It has GPS and an app so we can set routes she’s allowed to go for errands. I figure we’ll send her over to clean the rental too, instead of using the agency.”
“Good idea,” he said, “we could also offer her as an extra. Some of our short-term renters are businessmen from out of town – I bet they’d love use of her for a few days.”
“We could rent her out for private parties too.”
A pause.
“And look at this,” she continued, “the collar records all her biometric data. See here, this is all when she was alone here, then this spike must be when you got home. Then this is where I spanked her. Look how close she came to coming! It can be programmed to punish her if she orgasms, too.”
He chuckled. “Man, that’s harsh, but we’re going to have a lot of fun with her. Those tits! I was expecting you to get a boring, middle-aged one like all the guys at the office. You’re the best wife ever!”
I heard them kiss.
I entered the kitchen and stood quietly, eyes down, hands clasped in front of me. I noticed the central island was now covered with a towel, and there was a razor and a large bowl.
“Get up here, slut,” she ordered, “on your back. It’s shaving time!”
I climbed up and laid down, hands flat by my side, knees up and spread wide.
“Well, how do you want her?” She asked, “Completely bare like me?”
“How about you let a little landing strip grow out, so I can tell you apart in the dark?”
She chuckled, and I heard the sound of an aerosol can, and she smeared shaving cream on me, then began carefully scraping with a razor that she frequently dipped in the hot water. At first, he was watching from beside her, but then he moved beside me and began absent-mindedly playing with my nipples as he watched.
“Legs up.” She ordered, and I grabbed behind my knees and pulled them up, and she shaved around my asshole. It felt incredibly intimate. I hoped she’d allow me to masturbate later. I didn’t like the idea of the collar shocking me if I came. I usually rubbed one out at least once a day, so this could be torture!
“Ok,” she said, “what do you think?”
He reached his hand between my thighs and stroked my freshly shaved pussy. His fingers examined every inch of me, gently stroking my lips, and reaching under to rub my asshole. God, I wanted him in me again!
“Nice job.”
“Up you get,” she ordered, and I climbed off the island. She handed me a small towel, and I cleaned the remaining cream off myself. She waved toward the shaving implements, and I scurried to clean them away. When I was out of their sight, I took a moment to feel my pussy – she did a really good job, and had left just a tiny amount of stubble to grow into the landing strip he had suggested.
“I want to see her come,” I heard him say. Oh God, yes!
“It’s pretty late, honey, how about tomorrow?”
“Oh, come on,” he pleaded, “neither of us have to work tomorrow.”
She relented. “Slut, into our bedroom!”
I obeyed, and stood at the foot of the bed and waited for them.
He came in first. He ignored me and began to get undressed. He kicked his shoes into the closet, then carefully hung up his suit coat and trousers. I tried to look like I wasn’t watching as he tossed his shirt into the hamper, followed by his socks and underpants. He had a lovely body – a masculine chest, nicely muscled shoulders and a tight little bottom on top of great legs. And I’d already experienced his delicious cock. He climbed into bed and watched me standing there nude before him, but I wasn’t supposed to see where he was looking, so I continued to wait patiently.
Just then, she came in. “Undress me.”
I quickly knelt in front of her and took her shoes off, then stood and unzipped her skirt as she turned her back to me. She stepped out of it and I carefully picked it up.
“Will you wear this again, mistress, or should I put it in the laundry?”
She seemed to appreciate my thoughtfulness, and said, “hang it up, it’s still good.”
I obeyed, and she turned back to face me, and I unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it in the hamper. Next I unsnapped her bra and tossed that too. As I crouched in front of her to pull down her tights, I was shocked to see her nipples were pierced with little gold bars. She had nice tits, though, big and heavy, with large nipples.
Once the tights were off, I was left kneeling in front of her, facing her crotch. I reached up to the waistband and hesitated for a second.
“Slut,” she said, “You don’t get to hesitate when I give you an instruction, or do you want to be punished again?.”
I quickly grabbed the panties and pulled them down. As he had suggested before, she was shaved completely bare, and as she lifted her legs to step out of the underwear, her nice fleshy lips were displayed to me.
She grabbed my hair roughly, and pulled my face into her crotch. The scent of her arousal was strong, delicious. I pushed my tongue into her slit and quickly found her clitoris.
She groaned, “God, yes!”
I pushed my tongue up and down it, and tried to suck it between my lips, but I couldn’t do it because her legs were closed. She turned herself around until she could sit back on the bed, still clutching my hair, dragging me with her on my knees. She pulled me up and pressed my face into her left tit, and I hungrily sucked on her large nipple, then she pushed my head back down between her open thighs. I began working her cunt in earnest, pushing into her hole and smearing the hot juices up all over her lips and clit.
“Fuck!” she groaned.
“I thought this was about making her come,” laughed my master.
“What’s stopping you?” She panted, so he climbed off the bed and came around behind me. Soon his fingers were deep inside me, probing both my pussy and ass, and then rubbing hard on my clit. I started to work two fingers inside my mistress, quickly finding her g-spot and pressing on it while I sucked her clit. She was moaning loudly by now.
Behind me, he slipped his cock into my sopping wet hole and began deep, slow strokes. It felt so fucking good!
I could tell she was on the brink, so I pushed a wet finger into her asshole and fucked her with it. Her legs were shaking now, wrapped tightly around me, and she was muttering, “ohgodohgodohgodohgod”.
Finally she let out a howl and pushed my head away from her crotch. He continued fucking me, but once she recovered she pulled me off his cock and up onto the bed on my back. She climbed up on top of me and took my left nipple in her mouth. She gave it a really hard suck that nearly made me scream since I was still tender from all the abuse my poor titties had suffered, then she worked her mouth down over my belly to my pussy. She gently flicked my clit with her tongue, then sucked on my lips, and then settled into long strokes up from my hole. She was really good at this!
Meanwhile, my master climbed up on the bed next to me and started stroking my nipples, and rolling and tugging them. I was in complete ecstasy as he took my hand and wrapped it around his cock. I immediately began stroking, then turned my head and pulled him toward me until the tip was in my mouth. I could taste my cunt on him, mingled with his precum, and I could tell he was close to shooting his second load into me. With an effort, I slid my hand under him and grabbed his balls, letting the fingers under them press on his taint.
“Oh shit!” he groaned, “that’s incredible!”
I sucked harder, and felt the head swell. At the last second I let him slip out of my mouth and pointed him down my body. Ropes of sticky cum splashed over my tits and belly, and even onto her face, buried between my legs.
The sight of that, along with the thought that I shouldn’t even be looking at her face and that my tender bottom will be spanked if she sees me, sent me over the edge. I squealed and bucked under her tongue. She sucked agonizingly harder for a second, then let go and came up for air, grinning.
I closed my eyes and reveled in the aftershocks of my orgasm, my legs still twitching, and she climbed up on me and licked some cum off my tits.
“Off to bed, slut, tomorrow’s going to be a big day.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/nheu12/over_the_limit_part_4_home_ffm