A girl, abducted: The Warehouse [MMf/Ff][noncon][violent][humiliation][snuff]

This is the second part of my ongoing series “A girl, abducted”. You can find the previous part in the pinned post on my profile! This one is slightly longer to set the tone, and also more violent towards the end. Enjoy!


The van doors swung open, bringing Lia out of her almost-drunken sleep. The atmosphere inside of her plastic cocoon was even hotter and more humid than the air and she felt slick with sweat as she woke up. Her mouth was dry and even the rag inside it was not as wet as before: she was quite thirsty by now.

Still, her dry throat managed to produce a protesting yelp when she was picked up once more, having apparently reached her destination. Location, unknown. But as she was being carried out of the van, she could tell she was out of the city. No orange street lights burning up the night, no cars rumbling around, and the mens’ feet made a sound of scraping on dirt with every step.

Suddenly, the environment around her lit up with a bright, cold light. She was indoors. Voices could be heard in the distance, along with a high-pitched crying-like sound that brought chills on her hot body. Her carriers finally put her down on a hard surface and began untying the ropes around her. One of them spoke for the first time:

“Brought the final one. Bring the scissors”. Lia’s heart started racing once more, realising that firstly, she’s not the only girl there, secondly, these people *really* know what they’re doing.

*But what the FUCK are they doing?! Where am I?!*

All the ropes were undone and one of the men stood up and pushed Lia on her hips with his foot. She shrieked and started rolling, taking two full rolls to be out of the plastic like a live present. Lia squinted as her eyes were adjusting to the white, harsh light around her and tried to make out who was around her. Two figures to her right – Tattoo Man and Blond Man, probably – and two in front of her could be seen, but no characteristics yet.

Lia tried to squirm away from the people in front of her, but the garbage bag around her lower body kept her from moving. *I must look like a fucking caterpillar*, she thought for an instant as she heard laughter around her.

The two figures started moving towards her and she could make them out better now. They were both dressed in dark pants and tops, one well-built man with dark hair and the other one… A woman, with bright red hair with blond streaks, like fire. *Could the crying have been from her?* She switched her gaze rapidly from one to the other, her eyes full of fear and questions.

The woman bent down and pulled off the garbage bag from Lia’s legs, while the man held her tied-up hands. Lia could tell her hands and feet had been tied tight for too long: they felt colder than the rest of her body and were in pain.

Her eyes could see much better. She noticed the man above her and the woman both wore black cargo pants and black button-downs, almost like a cruel uniform. The woman had high cheekbones and a small mouth with big lips, and from the man’s neck a necklace with a piece of amber on it was hanging down towards Lia’s face. But that’s not all she saw. On both of their waists, a gun was resting in a holster.

*Fuck. Fuck.*

*Well, the crying wasn’t from her for sure. Are they cops, maybe?* She knew she was pulling at straws, but hope dies last.

Tattoo Man came into her field of vision from the right, holding sharp scissors on his hands. She shivered at first, but felt the relief of warm blood rushing down her hypoxic feet when he cut off the zip ties holding them together. Lia wanted to kick up at his face, but something kept her: maybe it was the lack of strength due to the lack of blood, maybe it was the obvious realisation that kicking with weak feet and leather sandals can’t really defeat *two pistols*.

Her hands were free a few moments later, and the man with the necklace let go of them immediately, letting Lia fall to the floor with a grunt. She took the first brief moment of freedom to take in her surroundings: they were definitely in the ground floor of a warehouse of some kind, judging from the high metal ceiling with the scaffolding underneath holding the industrial lights that had blinded her. To her right, the warehouse seemed to have just a concrete wall with windows near the top while to the other side there were two levels of rooms with narrow balconies overlooking the ground surface.

As that first second passed, however, another thought formed in Lia’s head.


Lia turned prone and crawled as frantically as she could for half a metre or so, then struggled in her adrenaline rush to scramble to her feet. Alas, as she managed to put her left foot firmly on the ground, a strong hand took hold of her right leg and yanked it backwards, causing her to fall first on the left knee, then on her stomach, knocking her breath out of her.

She desperately put her hands back on the industrial flooring, trying once more to push herself up, disregarding the hand holding her calf. However, a click next to her ear, followed by a piece of cold metal being pressed against her scalp – her right parietal bone, according to her anatomical knowledge – instantly convinced her to stay absolutely still.

“I wouldn’t try to run again if I were you”, a flat, male voice advised her. Rotating her head slowly, she saw it belonged to the man with the amber necklace, as did the pistol aimed at her skull.

He put one of his boots on Lia’s back and leaned on her, making it hard to breathe. He took the gun off of her and let his arm hang on his side. He spoke again with a very modulated tone: “I can see you have quite a spirit, but right now, this won’t work with us. Do as you’re told and you will make it out fine. Don’t, and, well, you get it”. He flicked his gun to point back at her to emphasise his words.

Lia swallowed hard and nodded even harder, almost instinctively. *Now, running wasn’t the best idea, really.*

Amber Man took his boot off of her and flicked his gun again. “Stand up”. She felt her leg free again; running once more crossed her mind, but she decided she liked her own body more without additional holes opened through it.

She stood up on shaky legs, for the first time in hours. Peeking around quickly, she saw all four people now standing close to her. The lady with the fiery hair had probably been the one that grabbed her leg earlier. *Quick reflexes. Or maybe I was just slow.*

“What’s your name?” Amber Man asked. She looked down to her sandals, feeling cornered, afraid and cold despite the heat, her arms close to her body and legs closed. “Lia”, she replied meekly.

Fire Woman grabbed her arm, not painfully, but firmly nonetheless. “Come with me, Lia”, she said. Her voice was mellow, sweet, almost unbecoming of the environment. Lia looked in her eyes and put her face down again, following obediently towards one of the rooms near them.

She took a better look at the structure around her. The warehouse looked at once derelict and well-maintained: its rusty roof had multiple holes in it, but the lights felt very new; the small building with the rooms on the side they were walking to – which obviously used to be offices in the past – had crusty walls with bricks showing through the paint, but the windows and doors were shiny and high-quality.

*Odd*. Above her, on one of the balconies overlooking, another man in black was talking on his phone in an unknown language.

*So, they’re not thieves for sure.* It’s too dirty for any sort of organ harvesting – she shuddered at the thought – and they have no idea if I can pay any ransom, so I don’t know what the fuck is going on.

As they entered the small room, Lia looked around as Fire Woman shut the door behind them and switched on the light. On the wall, an old calendar let her know that the place had been abandoned at least 30 years ago. Another closed door, behind a desk as decrepit as the building itself, was leading to the room next to that one.

“Okay dear”, the Fire Woman spoke as she sat on the edge of the desk, which squeaked dangerously. “Strip”.

Lia was so taken aback that she actually recoiled. “What?!”

She waved at Lia’s general direction. “Strip. Take off your clothes.”

On Lia’s face, an enraged expression formed. *No, fuck you, bitch.* “No. I won’t. You can’t make me.”

Fire Woman chuckled and glanced at the gun hanging on her side. “Well, I *can*. But really, it will be much easier if you do it yourself.” She paused for a moment as Lia crossed her arms on her chest. “Look, Lia dear. We won’t hurt you. We just want *your clothes*, that’s all.”

*What. My clothes?!* Lia recoiled for a second time. “What do you mean, my clothes? What are going to do with them?”

Fire Woman smiled. “People pay a lot to buy used women’s clothes. In fact, they pay enough that we can make this whole business!” She leaned backwards and grabbed a bag from behind the desk. “Don’t you know what perverts exist out there, dear? Now, you’ll take off your clothes, you’ll put them in this bag here and we’ll get you home. Honestly.”

Lia thought hard for a few seconds. *Well, perverts* do *exist, but would anyone buy these..? And after all, why bring you out here? Why not just take the clothes?*

*On the other hand, why would she lie? She can threaten me anyway.*

She took a few more seconds pondering. Fire Woman’s smile had left her face; it came back fast when Lia started pulling off her shirt with trembling arms.

*You’re being an idiot Lia, but what else can you do?*

She pulled her shorts down to her ankles, feeling inexplicably dirty doing this in front of the woman’s gaze. She hesitated to remove her underwear but a *tsk* from her captor convinced her otherwise. “Sandals too, please”, Fire Woman commanded, in the same pleasant voice. Lia was looking ashamedly at her naked feet and black toenails as she put her bundle of clothes in the bag and left it on the desk.

She hadn’t felt as exposed and ashamed before in her life than at that moment, even as her hands struggled to cover her perky tits and her lightly hairy genitals. Her body was all out for the woman to gaze at.

“Thank you dear!” the woman said, sounding much more excited than before. “Now, that was easy. You’re almost home, promise. I just have a few questions for you. Are you single?”

Lia couldn’t stop being surprised, it seemed. “Yeah, why?” she replied curtly.

“Shush dear, just answer me and we’ll be done. Do you live alone?”

Lia’s mind raced. *Why is she asking all this?* Holding her arms even more tightly on her exposed skin, she pondered about giving the wrong answer. *But if they do take me home, they’ll see I’m alone, and if I tell them I’m not, maybe they’ll get angry.* “Yes”, she said.

“And what do you do for a living?”

“I study medicine”. The woman’s eyes lit up. “Aha! A doctor among us!”, she said laughing. She stood up from the desk and opened the door to the other room. “Well then, we’re done here, Lia. Go through here and you’ll find some clothes to wear on the way home”.

The room was much bigger and very dark but Lia walked in, trying to avoid touching Fire Woman as she was still holding the door for her. Suddenly, the lights went on. In front of her was a weird sight: the floor was covered with a bright-white, foam material, much like a huge yoga mat. The mat was not only covering the whole floor but was so long that it climbed up one of the walls, all the way to the ceiling. On the mat there was a tripod, with a huge camera on it, and Amber Man from before was sitting on a chair behind it.

*Fuck*. An alarm went off in Lia’s head, but as it did, it was too late. The woman behind her shoved her and she tripped and landed on the mat with a thud and a gasp.

Lia tried to move, on the floor once again, but Fire Woman had her pinned down with a knee on her back. She started screaming and tried to hit her with her arms, but the woman was faster. In an instant, she slipped an object underneath Lia’s neck and fastened it around it with a snap. Lia touched the leather band hugging her throat tight and felt its metal rings and lock: *a collar. And a chain connected to it.*

The woman yanked the chain, and Lia felt her neck whipping backwards from the force. She kept pulling, dragging her to the middle of the mat, while she was making noises full of angst and pulling on the chain with her own hand, trying to mitigate the force on her throat. With a metallic *clack* she attached the chain to a hook protruding from the wall, almost hidden amid the rubber mat. Lia examined the chain for a moment; it was thick, almost *too* thick to keep her from running, like it was a prop, and it was no more than two metres long.

“Did she fall for it?”, Amber Man chuckled. “They always do”, Fire Woman replied.

He shook his head, then concentrated on the naked, trapped girl in front of him – and his lens.

“Right, bitch. Pose.”

“What?” Lia asked, half in disbelief, half in a I-don’t-know-what-to-do way.

“Pose, you moron. Open your legs to the camera.”

She hesitated. She shouldn’t do this. *But*. No amount of opposition until now had been fruitful, and with a chain around her neck she wasn’t going to go anywhere, and she knew it.

Lia sat straight on her butt, facing the camera but trying to face away simultaneously. She opened her legs a tiny bit, giving the camera a glimpse of her young cunt, while her fingers still covered her breasts. The man grunted. She opened up more, looking away.

A click and a flash. “Change pose”.

“Like how?”

He made a *tsk* noise again. The woman stepped back into the mat, grabbed Lia’s legs and pulled them both up, exposing not only her pussy fully, but her asshole as well. The clicks sounded hungry for more of her young holes.

“Now do this again but by yourself, cow.” She walked away, leaving Lia to hold her legs by the underside of her knees, lying down on the mat, all open for the camera to devour. She started crying, silently, full of shame.

“Good, good! Get on your knees and let me see those tears!”, the man barked excitedly, like a director at the peak of his career. She complied, managing to turn her face away enough to hide her shame but too little for them to shout at her again.

“Nice tits on this one, right?” said the woman. “Mhm”, he replied, preoccupied with his art.

After a few more shots, some even close-ups of her genitals, they took a portrait of her. The flash momentarily blinded her; Lia thought her future was like that light, dissolving in front of her, only a shadow of it remaining when she closed her eyes shut.

They let her stand up, at last, and the Fire Woman guided her again by her chain to the main area, then up a metal staircase – the rough, industrial steps were harsh against her feet – and through another doorway.

When they entered, Lia gasped. *My god. No!!* The walls were lined with hooks like the one in the room downstairs. Most of them were empty; however, in five of them, more chains like her own were attached. At their other ends, collars were to be found, fastened around the necks of five more girls, naked like herself, sitting or lying on the floor.

Lia was finally certain of it. *It’s a prostitution ring. They’re fucking traffickers.*

Her stomach was upset at the thought of her photos from downstairs being…distributed, maybe to *buyers. Or renters. I’m like a dish on a menu.*

The woman secured her chain on the wall, then left without a word. Lia sat down gingerly, looking at the other women. Some were also looking at her with sad eyes, no one obviously eager or ready to utter a phrase.

One of them appeared to be asleep, a girl with pale skin, much like Lia, but with freckles all over her body and ginger hair that looked natural; a rare occurrence in southern Europe. The one next to her had her knees drawn up to her chest – which was *big* – and her head was hanging down. She was crying heavily, causing her chubby body to spasm. To her left, a brunette in her 30s, probably the oldest in the group, looked angry more than anything else. She had her arms crossed and was fiddling with her toes, staring back at Lia and causing her to avert her eyes. Then, on either side of Lia, a pale, slim blonde and an olive-skinned girl with long black hair and a big ass were silently sitting cross legged.

They exchanged looks. They all knew, but nobody spoke. Maybe it was for the better.

A couple of hours passed, during which different girls took up the role of the crying one, all except for the older woman. When the chubby one started sobbing again – her second time -, one of them tried to lay a hand on her back to console her, but she flipped out and started screaming and cursing, her heavy breasts swinging around. Nobody spoke again after that.

Suddenly, the door swung open and Amber Man stepped inside, but this time with a big smile on his face. “Who would be kind enough to entertain us a bit?”, he said with a flamboyant gesture. He looked *drunk*.

Nobody moved. He looked around, then stepped towards the angry lady and unfastened her chain from the wall.

“I’m not fucking going ANYWH–” she shouted at him before getting cut off by a sharp yank at her chain. The man dragged her on the floor, pulling her behind him by the chain like a sack of potatoes, leading her out of the room while she was screaming and swinging her limbs like crazy.

Another man entered the room, in the same black pants and shirt as the other criminals, but with a huge tattoo of a dagger on the entire length of his right arm. He glanced at all of them and moved to Lia.


“Wait wait I’ll stand up! I’ll stand up!” she pleaded, thinking of the rough concrete on her skin. As she was standing up, the man laughed with a weirdly sharp voice. “Such a smart cunt! You must be the doctor one, right?”, he said, laughing even more. His breath reeked of alcohol; they were, indeed, drunk.

Lia was led to a room on the top floor, with big windows like the “dungeon” that overlooked the open space. The floor was strewn with beer bottles, in various stages of emptiness, consumed by the group sitting in a circle. There were four of them: Fire Woman, Amber Man, Blond Man from earlier and another woman with sharp, severe black hair – plus, Dagger Man – all dressed in identical black except for Blond Man.

It could have been just a normal group of friends, having fun, laughing and discussing over a few beers, if it weren’t for the two naked women that had been led to the centre of the circle. The older woman was still coughing from being dragged by the neck.

The new lady spoke first, with a cold voice resembling her raven hair. “As far as stock goes, you’ve got yourselves a pretty varied bunch guys.”

“Can’t say we’re not giving you choices!” Fire Woman replied with a cruel laugh. She was holding a half-full bottle of beer, which she proceeded to empty on the struggling, screaming naked woman.

“Well let’s not fuck around then”, Amber Man said. “Let’s see if she can do anything.” He undid his pants and a fully-erect, meaty cock was let out. Lia gulped, thinking what that thing could do to her. He bent down and got hold of the woman’s legs. She struggled fiercely still. He turned to Fire Woman. “What’s her name again?”

“Mary, or whatever the fuck”, she said nonchalantly.

Blond Man got up and grabbed Mary’s hands, keeping her somewhat still for his colleague. Amber Man got on his knees, with his heavy cock resting next to her pussy. Lia wanted to avert her eyes, but couldn’t.

“Listen Mary”, he said, “you’re obviously a fighter. And I respect that.” A chuckle was heard from one of the others; Lia noticed they were all gazing intently. “But now, I’m going to fuck the shit out of you, and I’d ask you to please not be too much of a burden. If that’s possible.”

Mary spit on him as a reply. The audience erupted in laughter. Amber Man laughed too, but followed up with a punch down on her stomach. As she was gasping for air, he pulled back and, with one stroke, pushed as much of his cock as possible inside her hairy pussy.

She let out a blood-curdling scream that made Lia finally look away. As she did, she saw Fire Woman standing up and unbuckling her pants. She sat back down on the chair, her legs now spread wide on the handles to reveal her glistening, bare pink cunt.

“What are you waiting for bitch?”, she asked Lia, looking deep inside her eyes with drunken lust. “Come and lick me.”

Her heart raced. “I’ve never done that again”, Lia replied timidly. “Well you have to learn either way.”, she said, rubbing her fingers on her pussy.

Lia felt like crying again, but held back and instead walked on her knees between the woman’s legs, eager to avoid being in Mary’s place. The wet sounds from Mary’s pussy, with her screams and the man’s grunts, made her sick. For a second, she observed the view in front of her; she had never seen another pussy this close. It was silky, very wet, and almost quivering with desire. She placed her lips on the woman’s labia; they were warm and had a salty, musky taste.

“Oh for fuck’s sake”, the Fire Woman said. She grabbed Lia’s hair and pushed her head hard onto her cunt, rubbing it against her mouth. She pinched Lia’s nose and looked harshly down on her. “Lick or I won’t let you breathe”. Lia obeyed, and started lapping more of the juice off of the woman’s lips. She felt them pulsing on her tongue, her legs trembling slightly when Lia licked her clit.

Nearby, Mary’s rage had subsided and given in to sobbing and pleading. “Please…. Please no more! I’m hurting, I’m begging pleaseeee…”

Amber Man didn’t sound too close to letting her go though. He had stretched her hole fully and was pulling on her pubes to make her scream and fight more. Blond Man was still holding her down and staring at her tits and open legs, eager to join in.

Amber Man slapped her hard, continuously, alternating between her face and her tits for targets. He returned the favour by spitting hard on her, messing her face up even more. Blond Man couldn’t take it any more, apparently; he let her go, but she wouldn’t move. She was too occupied trying to shut out the pain and humiliation to put up any real fight.

Blond Man’s cock was quickly out and ready to get some entertainment for itself. He seemed to ponder whether to put it in her mouth, then decided it was just too risky. He gestured to Amber Man, who nodded in silent agreement. In a pinch, Blond Man was lying on the floor, on the patch of sweat on the concrete where Mary used to be, and Mary was riding him – although not moving a whole lot except for the shuddering of her sobs.

Lia, on the other hand, was moving a lot. She had found a good rhythm and was licking her captor vigorously, if not eagerly. She had let go of her nose and now each breath she was taking was bringing the pungent smell deeper in her lungs. Her whole face was wet, covered in the fiery lady’s cum.

“Put a finger in my ass slut”, she ordered her. Lia’s eyes were stuck looking at the woman’s mound, so she fumbled around to find the tiny, wrinkly hole close to Lia’s chin. She jammed a finger in the hot asshole that gave way immediately, almost craving to be touched. The Fire Woman gasped, and moaned, her legs shaking even more and thighs drawing closer to Lia’s head. Her gaze was stuck on the scene unfolding close to them, not spending a single blink towards the girl pleasuring her.

As Amber Man let Mary’s body go, she slumped over and almost fell on Blond Man, now deep in her pussy. Amber Man got on his knees behind her, grabbing her wrists again. He spit on her back, watched it run down her ass crack and collect on the woman’s asshole, before some drops continued towards his friend’s cock.

Mary was too deep in her shock to realize until he started pushing it in. Lia wished she lost her hearing, as the screams the brunette let out while he was slowly penetrating her asshole were unlike anything she’d heard before.


Her voice quickly grew hoarse and her words unintelligible, and the stream of begging gave way to a constant shriek, as the men started moving in and out of her. Lia recalled her initial aggression and how quickly it had been broken, and was equally grateful she wasn’t going through the same and scared of whether she would come to find out how Mary was feeling later.

The men were fucking her broken holes with a drunken fury. Amber Man was pulling her hair and swinging her head around violently, causing dips in her shrieking frequency, while Blond Man was biting on her breasts hard enough to leave lasting marks. Then, they both started slapping her head, one from the front and one from behind.

Lia had never been double-penetrated, not even with a finger in each hole. She had no idea how full Mary was feeling, but something told her “a lot”. Suddenly, Fire Woman grabbed her head again and pulled it hard on herself, locking her thighs around Lia’s head, so hard that she felt her pressure rise and she could inhale nothing but pussy juice. The woman was shaking harder each time Lia’s lips or tongue touched her swollen clit. The show her colleagues were putting on with Mary was too much for her, and she exploded with a gush of cum on the girl’s face and screams loud enough to rival the raped woman next to them.

Apparently, seeing her cum was enough for both of the other men to reach their climax. With his longer stamina, Amber Man growled and grabbed Mary’s booty before shooting his load inside her. As he was pulling out, Blond Man was also filling her pussy with his hot semen.

Lia kept her eyes closed, and a rush of panic overcame her as she longed for breath, but the legs holding her prisoner quickly opened again. The woman looked so lost in lust that she was almost enraged. She smiled down at Lia and stroked her cheek, before slapping her hard. Lia fell on her side on the floor and the woman stood up and pulled her by the collar closer to Mary.

“Now that you got a taste for it, lick your friend here too little doggy”. Lia looked at her incredulously. “What do you mean?! I… That’s disgusting!” She hadn’t dared look at Mary well enough yet.

The Fire Woman grabbed her and almost shoved her face on Mary’s cunt. “Lick her, you stupid fuck. Gosh, good thing you’re not practicing medicine!”

Lia took a good look at the woman on the floor. Mary was finally silent, and she was lying motionless with her legs and arms both spread apart. Her chest was heaving with deep breaths, her skin was so sweaty it almost looked as if she had taken a shower, and her eyes were half-closed, with fluttering eyelids. But her holes were another story entirely: they were both visibly more open than before, with liquid dripping from them, the juice and blood from her wounded holes mixed with the sperm of her rapists.

“No, please I can’t do this, she’s hurt–” Lia didn’t manage to finish before the woman did finally push her down, mushing her face into Mary’s used pussy, to the cheers of the audience around them. Mary barely moved, even when Lia took her first hurried lick.

She immediately wanted to puke. The metallic taste, along with the bitterness of cum and salty sweat was…an unforgettable experience. She tried to avoid most of the fluid by licking the upper part of Mary’s labia, causing her legs to twitch every time Lia’s tongue touched her clit.

Behind Lia, the woman got on her knees. Everyone, including the two men that had just spent their loads, were sitting down and looking intently at the women in the centre. With a smirk on her face that Lia couldn’t see, she stroked the girl’s ass which was proudly up in the air. Then with a swooshing sound her hand came down hard on her right cheek, causing Lia to gasp.

“Keep licking, I don’t remember telling you to stop cunt”, she snapped at her.

Lia did as she was told, increasingly aware that Mary was unconscious by then. The Fire Woman kept spanking her, building up a good rhythm until her cheeks were a nice pink. Then, she slid her obviously experienced fingers down to Lia’s asshole, gently rubbing at its edge. The hole constricted even more with the woman’s touch, as Lia held her breath and hoped to avoid a second anal session.

Instead, the fingers moved to Lia’s young pussy lips, slightly moist with a reflexive wetness. She didn’t hesitate even one second before slipping two fingers inside the tight canal. Lia’s whole body jerked with the sudden feeling, as the sensation seemed like a burst of electricity. A little pain, which was to be expected, but also a natural, physical hint of pleasure, not enough to actually feel good, just enough to feel disgusted.

“Please no…” “Shut the fuck up and keep licking”. The replies were increasingly curt.

Lia kept licking, more than before, just to keep her mind focused on something. *I know I can’t control wetness. But it’s still…* Embarrassing. Disgusting. Enraging. Everything, and more.

The Fire Woman was fingering Lia’s pussy deep, but slow, savouring the wet sounds it was making as it was tightening instead of expanding, in a dire attempt to expel the intruder. She was chuckling every now and then, obviously happy with the reaction.

“So tell me, you retarded slut”, she started. “In fact don’t tell me, keep licking and just shake your head. Did you enjoy licking me, huh? Wasn’t it tasty, my pussy?”

*If I say no, she’ll get mad; if I say yes, she’ll tease me. Oh what the hell…*

Lia shook her head negatively.

“Is that so you little bitch?” She sounded more amused than anything else, but her fingernails scraped the inside of Lia’s cunt in lieu of a punishment. “I guess you like eating dirty cunts like this one, huh? You’ve eaten many girls, slut?”

Lia shook her head again.

“Mmm, I think you’re lying.” She was steadily increasing the pace. “I think you’re a lying little cunt. I believe that’s how you got into your school in the first place, licking someone’s cunt. Or dick. Or ass. Do you like eating ass, bitch?”

Once again a negative answer. *I haven’t even eaten ass, much less enjoy it.*

“You’re lying again! But we’ll see how good you are at eating ass. I bet you’re a sloppy, filthy little fucker who gets in there and just cums her brains out licking some stinky asshole.”

The fingers were not only moving faster and faster, but also touching a spot Lia had gotten to know well with her small sex toy back at home. She kept gasping as the woman was cruelly tormenting her soul, bit by bit tearing down her physical defences.

“I can definitely picture you as the biggest whore in your school. Hell I think you aren’t even a medical student! You’re probably just going there to suck off people in the bathroom, huh?” She didn’t wait for an answer; she focused on Lia’s G-spot and kept rubbing it fiercely, causing the girl’s muscles to start spasming. “Maybe that way some boys are going to like you, huh? And some girls as well. All the ones that didn’t like you before, they’ll like you when cumming on your face in a stall. Isn’t that what you are, bitch? A filthy, dirty, skanky whore? A public cocksucker? Hungry for cum all day long, huh?”

Lia started crying at the same exact second she started cumming. Her whole body shook like crazy, bending under the weight of an involuntary, unwanted orgasm while both her physical and mental worlds were being violated and humiliated. The woman was showing her just how much control she had over her, and Lia fought and lost.

When the waves of painful pleasure subsided – not even pleasure, exactly – Lia’s head was lying on top of Mary’s hairy mound. The others were not disturbing them, oddly enough, so Lia took the time to control her crying.

*Fucking bodies, fucking reflexes… They are cruel, terrible things.*

*It shouldn’t be happening to me. Not to me. Fuck.*

As she was calming down, Lia finally realised Mary had come to and was crying as well. Soon, she started pleading with the criminals again.

“Please let me go, I won’t talk, I won’t be angry again. I will let this go.” Getting no answers, she got progressively more aggressive, reclaiming a part of her old self.


Lia scuttled away from Mary who began kicking around mindlessly and pounding the floor. The Fire Woman, now fully dressed again, seized the girl’s chin and pointed her face towards Mary.

“See, bitch, now that is a troublesome fucking whore. We can’t really use her, can we? I’m sure you doctors have some complicated name for that, but ours is simple: trash”

The woman with the stark black hair, mostly silent during the previous events, got up from her chair. She winked to the Dagger Man, and both approached Mary. She gripped the chain attached to Mary’s neck and, with help from the guy, they pulled her towards the balcony overlooking the warehouse space. The Fire Woman, still holding Lia’s chin, moved her to the window and kept her gaze there.

Close to the roof of the warehouse, higher than they were, was an old overhead crane system, with its rusty hook still hanging down close to the balcony railing. When the building was being used for less sinister purposes, that crane could have moved hundreds of tons, but not anymore. Dagger Man reached out with a stick, caught the hook and its chain and pulled them close, and then attached it to Mary’s chain. Mary, oblivious until then, was being held in place by the Black Woman, but upon realising what was coming, started begging and screaming once again.

It was too late. Lia’s heart sunk, and she tried looking away, to no avail.

“If you close your eyes, you’re next”, the Fire Woman whispered into her ear.

The Dagger Man and the Black Woman picked Mary up and, swiftly and unceremoniously, shoved her over the railing. The brunette reacted too slowly, and in a moment’s notice found herself in free fall, but only for a split second before the chain was taut and she was swinging around like a pendulum. She was kicking maniacally, clawing at the collar around her neck. The drop was not enough to kill her, unfortunately for her.

Lia watched horrified as Mary kept kicking and kicking, fighting to the end, her face becoming as red as a tomato and then turning to purple. Her kicks became weaker, her arms disorganised, her body started convulsing. Lia was happy she couldn’t see her bloodshot eyes well enough, or the frothy saliva coming off her mouth, even though she could hear every strained hiss and coughing syllable while she was hanging.

As a final shot of humiliation, a last addendum on what happens to “trash”, a stream of piss left Mary’s bladder, first splashing to the ground and then dripping slowly, like the life leaving her hanging body, with its lower half glistening in the harsh industrial lights.

At last, only the sideways movement remained. No other motion or sound. Just silence.

Lia was too shocked to say anything. Her whole face was stuck in a horrified but silent scream, with eyes almost comically wide open to ensure she wouldn’t follow Mary to the gallows.

*I’ve… They’ve… I’ve just watched someone die. She’s dead. Murdered.*

“That is what happens to trash, doggy”, the Fire Woman said softly, as if warning a friend of hers.

Lia had gotten the message.

When they walked her back to the girls’ room, she realised they had all gotten it, as Mary was hanging directly in front of the room’s window. Even if she weren’t still hanging, the terror in their faces said everything.

Lia could remember they discussed a bit afterwards with the girls. But she didn’t remember a thing. All she could think about was the taste of Mary’s cunt that was still in her lips. Even if the body weren’t outside the window, the taste wouldn’t have let her sleep that night. And it didn’t.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/nhdfay/a_girl_abducted_the_warehouse