The Seeker and the Rain God

Before the industrial revolution and the technological boom, the world was a much stranger place. In the Americas, before European boats sailed across the Atlantic, the lands of New Mexico were home to many gods. Unlike the Abrahamic denomination, the Native Americans deities juxtaposed nature itself. Many of these deities lived in isolation, while others were worshiped by the indigenous tribes. The Zuni tribe were one of these tribes. Native to the deserts of New Mexico, the Zuni’s relied on Tó Neinilii, the ‘water sprinkler,’ or rain god to bless the tribe with enough water to feed their crops. The Seeker was the arbiter to Tó Neinilii. A position held by the same bloodline for hundreds of years. The first born daughter of each line, the Seeker was the mouthpiece for the rain god.

Aviana, the tenth Seeker of the Zuni tribe ascended Mount Pah. A woman of eighteen, Aviana’s task was an impossible one, bringing rain to her dying village. Aviana climbed the dirt path to the summit, dressed in her ceremonial Seeker attire. Leather wraps covered her arms from elbow to wrist, trinkets dangling from each strap. Her top constricted her chest, outlining a rather busty woman of eighteen. Her skirt flared up in the breeze as she climbed, revealing her brown pigmented skin with each strut in her leather boots. Her hair was braided back into a knot resting on her cranium.

When she reached the summit, the valley revealed smoky fissures of red and orange below. The tribe lasts three months without the aid of the rain god, but without his gift, they would be forced to leave their sacred ground. Her mother, the ninth Seeker of the Zuni tribe, neglected her duties as Seeker and caused Tó Neinilii to punish the Zuni for their betrayal. Aviana was determined to right her mothers wrong.

“I will not fail,” she said, staring out in the distance towards her ancestral camp. “I will not let you down.”

Turning towards the mouth of the cave, Aviana approached. Her fingers were shaking and her chest expanded against her ceremonial top as she entered. Not knowing what to expect, the young Seeker was scared of failing her tribe. She feared that she wasn’t strong enough to bring back the rain, or worse, to have Tó Neinilii deem her not worthy of the title Seeker. Still, she marched through the darkness and into the unknown. Her boots clanked against scattered stones before light greeted her youthful face. “The temple of Tó Neinilii,” she gasped, stepping forth into the most sacred area of the Zuni people. “Tó Neinilii..,” she whispered.

The temple of Tó Neinilii was said to be an oasis. A temple built on lushful trees and veins. Streams of water cascading down the temple walls, gifting the vegetation with everlasting life. These were the tales told to her by her mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and down the bloodline. But this wasn’t what Aviana saw. The trees that grew in her gods temple were dry and brittle. The streams of water that provided eternal life had dried, leaving nothing but a dead river bed around her. “Tó Neinilii!” Aviana cried out, dashing through the temple, the summer heat ever so present against her skin. “Tó Neinilii!” she cried out once more. “It is me…your mouth!”

When Aviana reached the center of the temple, a chair crafted from dead branches and leaves stood. Sitting in the chair, a lifeless husk of a body rested with a crown of thorns on its head.

The sight brought Aviana to her knees as she wept. Hands covering her face, Aviana wept for her tribe. She wept for herself. And most importantly, she wept for Tó Neinilii. Whipping her tear filled eyes, Aviana crawled towards Tó Neinili until she rested at his knees. “Oh sweet, sweet Tó Neinilii. What has happened to my sweet Tó Neinilii,” she moaned, resting her head on his lap. The remains of Tó Neinilii were nothing more than a decaying corpse of wooden bone. As the Seeker wept, her hand traveled up her gods chest, resting on his heart. “Come back to me Tó Neinilii. Come back to me,” she begged, her hand stroking the god as if it was a lover.

The young Seeker remained at her god’s side for five days, until her rations ran out. She evoked every ritual that she was taught to restore Tó Neinilii. She bathed him from her waterskin. She searched the temple for cryptic messages. She prayed for hours on end, hopelessly distraught as her rations waned. “Oh my dear Tó Neinilii I love you more than anything in this world. If you can hear my prayers, please show me how I can restore you fully.”

Tó Neinilii remained still. His lifeless body showed Aviana no sign.

“I will not give up my sweet Tó Neinilii. I will return once more and stay by your side as your body turns into ash. I will not give up!” she shouted, her voice crackled like thunder.

At that moment, when her voice sounded into the night, a spark ignited inside the god as if his mind was slowly awakening from a deep slumber. “To Nilhsi a’no…” it whispered.

Aviana darted onto her knees, hands on her master’s checks. “What is it you ask of me? I will not let you die!”

“To Nilhsi a’no…” it whispered again.

“To…?” Aviana repeated in frustration. “Tell me how to restore you, damit!” she roared, raking her hands down the gods chest before she froze. Resting below her palms, she felt what only she could only describe as a heart beat. It was faint, but growing. Her eyes glowed and when her eyes met the beating source, her mouth watered. Between the frail legs of Tó Neinilii, a stem like phallus grew. It was short and flaccid and rested above two acorn like testicles. “I…” the Seeker looked up to the god. “I know what to do,” she nodded. “I will not fail you.”

Reaching towards Tó Neinilii bark like cock, she squeezed her thumb and pointer finger around the girth and jerked her wrist backwards. She watched Tó Neinilii intensely, like a mother would a child. Her pace quickened against his bark cock, pulling his enlarged head. “Come back to me Tó Neinilii. I will not let you die!”

Her voice rang in the mind of Tó Neinilii. Lost in an empty space between realms, the old god began to rise.

Aviana gasped when Tó Neinilii’s leg shifted against her. “ Come back to me, my lover! Come back to me, my lover! Come back..!” she moaned, launching herself forward as she wrapped her lips around his godhood. The texture made her pause. Tó Neinilii’s godhood was like nothing she could describe. The texture of hard bark and scent of pine overwhelmed her senses and yet possessed the quality of a swollen human phallus growing in her mouth. And it did. Not a minute in her mouth, her lips tugged on the small branch before it bloomed inside her. She moaned in a blissful tone, moving her head further down his shaft as her hands fondled the swollen acorns below. “I won’t give up on you Tó Neinilii” she thought. “I will spend the rest of existence latched on your pulsating stem before I ever give up!”

His Seekers voice boomed in his mind. He heard her calls and responded in kind.

Tó Neinilii’s moans filled the air. Aviana withdrew from his godhood, stroking his now respectful cock in both of her hands. “That is it Tó Neinilii! Let your voice shake the skies as I pleasure you!” Dropping her mouth onto his bloated cock, Aviana struggled not to gag. His cock had grown like a weed inside her fertilized throat. The ever expanding godhood forced her mouth open past her limits and yet she persisted. Her hands now fondled two overgrown acorns, ripe with seed. Alter her angles, Aviana desperately willed Tó Neinilii’s member into her loving embrace.

When Tó Neinilii’s eyes opened, his body began to resemble his godly body. The once brittle bark now covered his body like armor. Leaves of brown and black now bloomed orange and red. His crown of thorns, sprouted roses and lilies at the crown of his head. His essence returned to him. The roaring storm had returned to the world of the living and it was all because of his faithful servant, Aviana.

“Tó Neinili!” she cried, popping her sealed lips from his shaft. “You are almost restored!” she shouted in excitement, removing her ceremonial top from her frame. “Please Tó Neinilii, your people need you,” she added, gravity taking her breast. “I need you!” Holding herself against Tó Neinilii’s lap, Aviana pressed her brown orbs firmly against a godhood too large for her mortal mouth. “Bless us with your gift,” she moaned, holding him against her beating chest. “Bless us with rain and food,” she thrusted her breast against the pulsating bark. “Bless us with your seed!” she cried out, holding onto his cock like a vice as her lips pressed against Tó Neinilii’s open slit.

Thunder roared in the distance. The skys surrounding the New Mexico desert grew fat and dark. The wind began to howl and the temperature dropped. Tó Neinilii’s eyes began to glow and every leaf on his body stood up.

“Ummm…” Aviana moaned around his enlarged tip. Her hands continued to engulf him, edging him closer and closer until she felt the thunderous rumble in his loins. With a sudden pop, Avian’s wanting lips pulled away from the godly cock right before his climax.

Tó Neinilii let out a godly cry. His spine arched back against his throne, presenting his gift to the needing sky. Glowing summer colors, the leaves rippled from his skin, swirling around him and the Seeker like a protective cocoon before a waterfall burst from his tip. “TUUUUU….TUUUU….TUUUU….” he cried out. The waterfall of cum continued to climb, meeting the bloated sky head on before erupting with lightning and thunderous joy. Tó Neinilii fell back against his throne, his gift restored to the Zuni tribe.

Aviana watched with gleeful eyes as Tó Neinilii seeded the clouds above. Their stomachs are impregnated by her master’s potency. She cried out, extending her arms at the sound of thunder and the gift of rain that cascaded from the sky above.

“The gift…” Aviana moaned.
