The Business Deal – Part 3 – [MF] [MF] [Seduction][Cheating][Non-consensual consent][Swapping]

[Part 2](

Part 3

The following Friday, a limo stopped at their house midday. Tami wasn’t quite sure why it was so early, but it didn’t matter. She walked out calmly, wearing a nice casual dress with heels at Stephen’s request. Jon had hugged her and kissed her but did not walk to the door. He didn’t want to see Stephen or the car, just wanted to pretend she would walk out the door and then walk back in magically tomorrow. There were some tears but not many. They were cried out from this past week. There was a plan and they would go through with it. He kept repeating to himself she was just going to see some friends over and over and that this would be over soon.

Tami got into the limo and sat next to Stephen. When she entered the car and shut the door they exchanged some pleasantries and then he gave her some papers. The first page was a termination letter that outlined how Jon had been stealing and falsifying numbers in his reports. The additional papers purported to provide proof of Jon’s malfeasance. It looked very official and damning. Tami despaired. She was not ready for this.

“What is this about? We already have everything settled?”

Stephen looked at her and said, “You outlined some of your boundaries. This is to say what I think about those boundaries. I don’t like them. Now, you will not do anything that you feel completely uncomfortable with, but no kissing? Using a condom? No, that won’t work.”

Tami understood that she had made a deal with the devil and this was the price. She had made a grave error. However, if this was what he had planned all along, if she had said no, then Jon would be headed to jail as well as being fired. At least there was still a chance to hold onto something positive, it would just be more intense than she envisioned.

“You’re a real bastard, and a complete asshole. I already agreed, why did you have to do this, too?”

“Insurance I suppose. You’re absolutely beautiful and I have to have you. I promise, this will be a good experience, I will in no way force you to do anything at the end of the day.”

“We had a deal. How can I trust you on anything anymore? Not forcing me, this whole bullshit deal is forcing me!”

“Tami, listen. This only works if you are willing. I need you to want this as well. That is also part of this deal now. You have to want this. You have to show me enthusiasm, interest, a return of emotion. If you lie there like a dead fish or something then I drop these papers. As I said before, I’m not a monster, really. If you work with me, I can give you a hell of a time, something that you will not mind remembering and really enjoy. I can promise you that. I really can. But you have to work with me. Starting now.”

Tami was silent and realized they still had not moved. She had this final chance, but she knew it was false hope. It was no longer losing a job, it was legal problems. And Jon had no idea. She had to decide right now. She said, “Alright.”

Stephen smiled and sidled up close to Tami. It would begin right away then. He shouted for the driver to go and they were off. By the time they were four blocks away, he was kissing her fiercely and his hand was traveling up her dress. They reached the freeway and her dress had been unzipped and pushed to the floor leaving her body in a bra, panties, and heels. It happened so smoothly and quickly, Tami was doing it before she realized it. Then they hit rush hour traffic and were stop and go in the limo for 30 minutes.

Stephen took advantage of the time and slowly moved her around the long back seat. He unclasped her bra and took each breast into his eager mouth. Tami couldn’t help but feel the pleasure as much as she fought it. It was a natural physical reaction. Stephen pushed her back and pulled her panties down over her legs. The air against her by now wet pussy was an immediate shock to her. He kneeled on the seat and unbuckled his pants quickly. Tami saw his cock emerge. He was a good size, she could admit that. Inwardly, she sighed some relief. He was not bigger than Jon. She knew this would be one of the first questions he would ask and she could answer truthfully that he was a little shorter and maybe a slight bit thinner. Perhaps Jon’s ego could handle that part.

Stephen pushed her legs open and she braced herself for his first penetration as he guided the tip of his cock to her. He entered her more easily than she thought he would as she had not realized how wet she already was. He pushed her open and she sighed. It felt good, the excitement of the moment was working subconsciously on her. Stephen started slow but was then pounding her like there was no tomorrow. Her body was reacting naturally and she did feel pleasure mixed with the distaste and disgust.

The car began to pick up a steady speed and she could glimpse trees and buildings, even a large truck through the windows. At one point, a large trucks kept pace with their limo and she could see the driver’s face. He could not see her, even when he glanced her way. But the idea of being able to see someone else while she was getting fucked hard was an unusal feeling for her. It excited her at some level. Her mind wandered and she realized she had been moaning and her mouth hung open. She watched the driver for a minute or two. Some part of her wishing he would look and see her in the middle of this pleasure. She didn’t want to think why this aroused her, she just wanted to feel it.

After they had driven for a while, he then sat back and brought her forward on her knees. He guided her head to his cock and she sucked him hard, bobbing up and down, until he grabbed the back of her head and came hard. She swallowed every drop and cleaned him off.

“That’s one,” she said, as she wiped her mouth of the not unpleasant taste. “I’m surprised you used the first one in the car. What hotel are we going to for the last one?”

Stephen replied, “I’m surprised you thought it would only be two times, I told you there were some changes to boundaries and the deal. Also, there is no hotel, we’re headed to the airport to board my private plane to my vacation home by the ocean. You’re staying the weekend with me.”

“That was not part of the deal! Two times in a hotel and I come home tomorrow! What the fuck?!” She yelled.

Stephen held up the papers and jiggled them. “This is a copy. The office has the original and they will send it the moment I say so. That is the final deal. I promise. Take it or leave it and don’t question me one more time this weekend or it gets sent. Tami, please, I want you to enjoy this, I really think if you just gave yourself over to me you will realize that you will have the best of both worlds. I saw your eyes a minute ago. You were into it and loving it from what I could tell.”

Tami glared but didn’t answer as she knew he would see through anything she said.

“You get back to a loving, newly promoted husband at home and a memory of a glorious weekend being fucked like you have never been fucked before. You really can’t lose. As I said, you just have to show me that you want it and everything works out.”

Tami bowed her head. This was her life now, and she had to deal with it as best she could. She slowly got dressed and sat in the seat looking out the window. She focused every part of her to send her love to her husband. Her whole heart. Then she put that into a box and closed the lid and locked it. She went to another box and opened it, and got out the party girl from college, the girl she used to be and would be for one weekend. She hoped.

While they waited to board the plane, she texted Ellen and explained what had happened and that she would need her for the weekend. Ellen muttered a few curses but stuck with their agreement. She would stay with Jon until Tami got back. In an effort to help, Ellen reminded her of a few things from their college days about some asshole boys they knew. Yeah they fucked them a few times, but they were now almost forgotten. They would do the same with this.

They flew for about two hours. During that time she joined the mile high club. They took off, he had put on some music, and they had some drinks. A short time later she got him hard and had blown him again. Then he let the seat fall flat and she climbed on top and rode him until he grabbed her hips and climaxed deep into her. They rested for the rest of the trip as she had tired him by that point.

Tami sat and reflected on the past few hours and was both sad and guilt ridden. She was sad at the change in her life. How this would mean things would never be the same with Jon. She had already been fucked twice by Stephen and swallowed a load and they weren’t even at his house yet. She was guilt ridden because of how hard he made her cum on the plane. Twice. In the limo, she was shocked and angry at first but the idea of doing it in a limo was very exciting and new. It was erotic actually. And being taken hard and determined on the seat had made her a wet mess truth be told. The orgasm she had in the car was not faked. She absolutely hated that she enjoyed it. But she did enjoy it.

What is going on? She thought. How can I have turned so quickly? On the plane, when she rode him, she did not fake the wetness pouring out or the two times she came as he ground into her. When she got off him, his cum had slowly left her and traveled down her leg. That was the first “dirty” moment of the trip in many ways and it again brought out the two sides of her: disgust and arousal.

They arrived and, while they were transferring to a car, she had a moment alone while Stephen took care of some arrangements. She did not call Jon right away. She couldn’t. She checked her phone and there were some texts from him, innocuous things about the dogs, his day, and something else. He was hurting badly. She thought for a while and then texted him the bad news. She wouldn’t be home until Sunday, he had changed the deal and she couldn’t stop him. She loved him with all her heart. There was a long wait and he finally replied, that he could not live with that. She thought again and called him.

“Jon, I need you to do something for me. You cannot question it, you cannot deny me this. I am doing something I am disgusted with but there is some light that we have to focus on. We have to do this together. Do you understand?”

Jon did not. He yelled and cried into the phone. Tami finally cried as well. But she repeated her request. She asked him if he trusted her, even with all this going on, did he trust her and love her?

He did, through tears he said that this was the most horrible thing ever but he would not lose her. He would not let him win and he would figure this out.

“I already have part of it figured out, but I need your trust and I need every bit and scrap of the love I have for a man I want to spend the rest of my life with. The greatest lover I have ever known and will ever have.” The last line was actually true. Stephen was great, but it was sex, and now that the thrill was gone for a moment, she knew that she still wanted Jon more than anyone, only wanted his cock in her no matter what happened this weekend.

Jon did not reply, but her last line helped. It was the first brick of his ego being rebuilt. Finally, he said yes, I do trust and love you. More than anything. What is it you want?

“You’ll do it without question? Without hesitating? For me?”


“Promise me. Promise me like you did when you asked me to marry you, with that look in your eyes that got me.”

“I promise. I do Tami. I love you. What is it?”

“Ellen will be stopping by soon I think. I’ll let her explain.”

“Ellen? What…?”

“No questions, please. I will see you Sunday night around 6 and we will make love like never before and you make me yours all night. Agreed?”

Jon was silent. He reluctantly agreed and they hung up.

They traveled by another limo to his home near the ocean. That night they had dinner and wine in the house, all by themselves. He fondled her many times and they talked for a while. He could talk well, but he probably had tons of experience doing this. Then he kissed her and they made out on the couch. He took her to the bedroom and undressed her and she undressed him. He laid her back and went down on her for the first time, bringing her to orgasm within a few minutes. He was skilled she admitted reluctantly. He then moved onto her and pummeled her hard and fast. She tried to stifle her arousal, but she moaned. Then she moaned louder, then she screamed, and cursed, and finally, after the third position he had moved her into, she had begun to give in.

Stephen could sense the change and smiled. This was the moment that so many other women had found themselves in. They had fought him, but once they were in the throes of passion he could really let go. He just had to get them to make that change themselves, and he always had them do it vocally. He asked Tami if she wanted it, did she want it, what did she want. It took her a long while to give him the answers he wanted, but he had worn her down. She was being fucked well, and she knew it. Her body had taken over from her mind and wanted more of this new situation. She finally gave in and yelled at him that she wanted it, to fuck her, to fuck her hard.

“Yes! Fuck me Stephen, just fuck me hard and get it over with. Fuck me, fuck me.. fuuuuuu….ohhh gooooddddd….” and she came hard again. He came soon after. They rested for a while without talking. Stephen fell asleep and stayed asleep for the evening, a reprieve for Tami. She got up and showered for half an hour, her mind racing as she tried to get the stink off of her. She was repulsed and, unfortunately, swollen with horniness. She hadn’t done something like that for a while. Jon was really a fantastic lover and rocked her world regularly. Any given night they had was still superior to what happened today, but it was different. This was just sex. Fucking. And she had liked it. Damn it, she loved it. And then she hated herself again. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

She got out and dried herself off but realized she had no clothes to wear. She looked at her panties and realized she couldn’t wear them. She tossed them. She went to some drawers as Stephen snored. She looked at him, naked and spread eagle on the bed. She realized she had been staring for a few minutes. There were a few women’s clothes in the drawers. She saw multiple lingerie type panties of different sizes. She almost cried then but kept herself together. She found some her size and checked that they were clean and fresh. She found a t-shirt and some shorts. She thought, how am I to make it an entire weekend without any…..shit, without any clothes. She smirked at the rude joke. Yeah, I won’t need any clothes, will I? She asked herself.

She walked outside and she could hear the ocean, if not see it. It was dark, but she thought she could see some light. Tami went back into the house and found a guest bedroom and got into the bed. She couldn’t sleep with Stephen. Not like that. As she lay there she tried to picture what would happen the next day, their only full day together. It was hard to think about, but she ran over the different things she figured he would ask for. Some were normal and she could get through them. Anal would likely be on the menu and, unfortunately, she loved anal with Jon. Stephen would likely enjoy that. It was all too much though. She rolled to her side and thought about Jon and wondered if Ellen had followed through. She hoped she had, she needed Jon to be OK, and with that, she finally fell asleep.

Continues in Part 4


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