Smugglers Ch 1 (Star Wars, Twi’lek, Romantic, Blowjob, Creampie, Adventure)

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Alright, onto the chapter :)

“Remind me never to listen to you again Captain.” Nijia Katejia growled through the speakers of his modified clonetrooper helmet as he charged through a pair of white armored troopers. The newly minted ‘stormtroopers’ clattered to the ground of the imperial base as the powerfully built kaleesh stood over them. Neither trooper could see the stlightly reptilian humanoid’s eyes through his helmet but they knew that the warrior wasn’t thinking anything nice.

Nijia’s Lig sword penetrated the eye socked of one trooper’s helmet before he yanke the blade handle back and slashed the throat of the other one. Nearby he saw Vashtin Draus skate by across the metallic surface of the hangar they were trying to leave. The human slid over the ground like a water snake across a pond with the help of his repulsor boots. Nijia watched the Jabiimian native leap over a set of crates and fire his long barreled blastgun into the helmet of a trooper hiding behind it. There were still four troopers in the area of the hangar but none of them were keeping the pair from making an escape.

“Lets move Nijia. And stop complaining. If you didn’t want to get shot at you could have stayed on the Wolf.” Vashtin shouted over the loud piering pop of blaster fire creeping up on the two. Nijia growled back at the human before he reached back and picked up the black armored crate they were trying to remove from the Imperial base.

“You said it would be a hairy retrieval but that didn’t involve blasting through a full platoon. I can only kill them so fast.” The Kaleesh said before he bound away from the two dead troopers and closer to the hanger opening. All around him he occasionally saw the black and red armored form of Vashtin as he flashed back and forth to keep the pursuing troopers on their toes.

“Just keep moving! I’ve got your back!” Vashtin shouted before suddenly his right repulsor boot started to sputter and give out. His feet hit the ground and he tried to make up for the surge of momentum when he found himself headed right for a Stormtrooper. The human captain of the Ion Wolf stumbled and then managed to roll right into the legs of the stormy who had just moments ago been lining up a shot. It hurt like hell but the rolling crash took out the Stormtrooper in a way. Vashtin whirled quickly around and blasted the fallen soldier in the face before he grabbed at the dead man’s belt. There was the standard issue blaster and comlink but Vashtin had something better in mind. When his gloved fingers found it he couldn’t help but smile as he looked up and saw the three closest troopers moving to find a firing position on him.

“Here you go boys.” Vashtin said as he triggered the thermal detonator attached to the back of the trooper’s belt. He hurled the white and black explosive before he took off with the white utility belt in tow. In his line of work every supply counted and when the explosion rocked the hanger he just hoped the extra second to unbuckle the gear wouldn’t cost him. When he finally got through the hangar opening he saw Nijia and quickly looked for the signs of their ride. Unfortunately all they saw appeared to be an empty landing platform with tons of crate piles and what appeared to be empty fuel tanks. A whole lot of nothing.

“Where the hell is Arya and Teyza?” Vasthin asked as he tried to catch his breath. They couldn’t wait around here. Any moment and the rest of the base was going to come falling down on top of them. Suddenly when the metal flooring of the imperial base shuddered beneath his feet Vashtin realized it was already too late. A hangar door right next of them slowly opened up revealing the formidable armored shape of an Imperial AT-DP walker.

“Kortumai ka’laash.” Vashtin heard Nijia grumble next to him as the AT-DP moved another step closer to them. The armored walker’s single turret whirred as it aimed down at the pair of thieves.

“Attention thieves. You will step away from the crate now and await arrest by the stormtroopers arriving. Any attempt to escape will result in death.” A low voice squawked over the lout speaker. Vashtin’s teeth ground together at the sight of the walker. He had seen enough Imperial walkers to last a lifetime back home. Suddenly at his side his comlink chirped.

“Mister Drauss I heard you could use a pickup.” A voice smooth as polished beskar said over the comlink. The human with raggedly long hair kept in combined strands with beads and tribal motifs grinned. He loved hearing that voice, even more so when it was coming to the rescue.

“We need more than that Blue Three. We need the big guy. Then a pickup faster than a podracer on Malastare.” Vashtin would have giving anything else to have two functioning repulsor boots but reinforcements would be a close second.

“Roger that.” The human from Jabiim turned to his Kaleesh partner.

“Time to move.”

“Right!” Nijia growled before he took a step forward and hurled his Lig sword right for the AT-DP. The blade slammed right below the narrow slit of the viewport of the vehicle; nothing damaging but it made the pilot flinch. The distraction was all Vashtin needed as he sprang into action. The human and Kaleesh traded places quickly with Vashtin grabbing the crate and moving it away while Nijia raced right on ahead for the walker. When Vashtin back up he saw he Kaleesh bound up onto one crate then a larger pile and then another before he leapt for the walker.

“Merako Rah’shiiir!” Nijia growled as he landed right on the face of the walker. Vashtin grinned as he pressed a button on is blastgun. The sleek silver gray weapon reconfigured itself from a short range scatter gun pattern to a more medium range blaster carbine. He had a feeling they’d have company soon. The comlink on his belt started beeping as well and as Vashtin ducked to avoid the blast of the walker’s ball turret he saw the Kaleesh retrieve his Lig sword and then scramble up on top of the walker. Red blaster fire erupted and tried to take Nijia out. Vashtin turned and saw six new stormtroopers moving in from he left side of the landing platform while Nijia occupied the walker on the right. On his comlink the beeping got louder and louder.

Vashtin fired a couple shots to get the soldiers to bend down low into a crouch right as the beeping turned into a full uninterrupted tone. Show time Huwg. Vashtin thought as he put a hand on the crate to brace it for what was coming next. Suddenly a explosion seemed to rock the entire platform as what appeared to be a comet hit the ground. When the smoke started to clear the stormtrooprs saw a black eggshell shaped object at the center of the crater. They slowly moved in forgetting about Vashtin and the walker. Then very quickly the eggshell started to break apart, well not so much break apart as change. The plating pulled off and revealed itself to be heavily armored durasteel sections. Inside of the eggshell the bulky skeleton of a droid unfolded itself.

Vashtin grinned and raised his comlink to his lips. “Huwg welcome our imperial friends.”

“Yes Master.” Huwg, or the HWG 915 model heavy combat droid replied as a heavy repeating blaster and single shot grenade launcher were extended from the droid’s carapace. The nearest Stormtrooper took a red round of hot plasma to the face before any of his brothers could respond. Huwg started lighting up the whole area before Vashtin heard Nijia’s voice on the com channel.

“Hey you big walking tank! Did you forget about the walker?” The Kaleesh grumbled. Huwg turned and faced the much larger vehicle and started blasting away with its repeater canon right as Nijia dove off the top of the vehicle. The Kaleesh warrior landed in a roll as Huwg fired its grenade launcher. The heavy detonite sphere smashed right into the AT-DP’s right leg. The walker fumbled for a moment before it fell face forward.

“Slap another kill on your plating Huwg. Now keep those bucketheads busy.”

“Roger Master.” Huwg declared before turning his attention back to keeping the stormtrooprs at bay. It was right then as Nijia moved to grab the other end of the crate to help Vashtin lift the load that the Ion Wolf made her appearance. With silver and blue exterior it speared through the night on heavy ion engines. Two dualset KDY maneuvering jets were set under rotating wings on either side of the CEC-MVIK class freighter that Vashtin had spent years on modifying into a nice fashionable gunship.

The vessel’s twin side mounted laser cannons pelted a new squad of stormtroopers coming in from the hanger bay that the pair of smugglers had first exited. “I recommend you move your ass Blue One and Two. Now!”

“You heard the lady.” Vashtin said quickly as he and Nijia started to hustle. The Ion Wolf turned ninety degrees and right ahead of the two they saw the cargo ramp being lowered. With Huwg still providing fire support the two raced aboard their ship with their stolen cargo intact. On board a young Togruta punched the control for the ramp release before racing off. She moved so fast that she nearly tripped over Vasthin who had collapsed on the deck.

“Easy Teyza where are you going?”

“I have to save Huwg!” She replied quickly with a warm cute voice as she raced out of the room.

“Ah he’ll be fine. Phew…”

The Kaleesh moved up and dragged the Captain up. “You need to get back to drilling with me again my friend.” Nijia said as he removed his modified clonetrooper helmet.

“That crate was heavy and you know it. Anyhow I’ll take that under advice if we survive the next hour. Get to the guns.”

“Very well.” The Kaleesh said as they both felt the Wolf turn and move below them. It was time for droid pickup. Vashtin moved through the same door that Teyza had taken. He moved into the main cargo hold and saw the young Togruta with orange skin and white markings already preparing the ‘grabber’ to retrieve Huwg.

“Did you prime the charges?” The Togrutan girl said nothing but quickly moved her hand below the control board to flick a small switch.

“Good. Lets get Huwg’s big metal butt back.” The Captain said as he kicked a release on the ground and opened a circular door that opened up into the firefight raging below. The shields of the Ion Wolf would hold against small arms fire but Huwg’s durasteel armor couldn’t hold out forever. Vashtin clicked in a blue button sending a recall signal to the droid. On a small display linked to the underbelly cam they saw the droid move quickly into position before changing back to his eggshell form before Teyza pressed the magnet activation button. With a loud clang the droid was lifted right from the ground back into the Ion Wolf.

Vashtin had to admit that the girl was picking up things fast. “Good job. Make sure the doors are sealed and then strap in. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.” The human male activated the ship com channel. “Eggshell is back in his carton. Let’s say our farewells.”

“Roger that Blue One.” Vashtin felt the Wolf turning beneath them before they started rocketing away from the base. He smiled as he moved into the main viewing area ahead and below of the cockpit. Most of the view was taken up by a scenic view of Malith’s rolling mountains. Two screens however showed the review cam’s imagery of the Ironfast, the Imperial base that he and Nijia had just escaped out of.

“Time for the storm.” He said quietly before he pulled out a detonator and pressed the single red button on the remote. In the rear cams the feed suddenly showed a massive fireball emerging from the base proper. Before the base had been alerted to the theft that the human and Kaleesh had working on they had secretly planted a number of charges at the base’s central reactor. While all the Imperials were focused on the people trying to escape no one searched for something they had left behind. So as intended all along by Vashtin’s generous contractor the team had not only stolen a valuable cargo but they had also stirred up major trouble on Malith which would pull Imperial resources from Kalduun the crew’s main stomping grounds. All in all it was a pretty nice job as far as what they had been getting after Imperial control in the region started to tighten up. Now all the crew had to do now was to make its way sneakily past the massive blockade of ships that would be slowly moving in to blockade Malith after the base was destroyed.

Fast as the Ion Wolf could go if it blasted out of Malith right now all it would take would be one lucky scan from any of the vessels currently in orbit and then the ship would be painted with a big fat imperial warrant. So for the time being they had to rest up, play it safe until the exfiltration part of the op was ready and then it would be clear sailing and then a nice lockbox full of credits. Let’s just make sure we get there in one piece Vasthin thought to himself before he headed up towards the cockpit. While they had some down time he had to make sure to thank their daring pilot personally for her services.

Vashtin Draus entered the cockpit of the Ion Wolf. Inside at the pilot’s chair sat a lovely orange twi’lek. Her skin had the color of a burning sun and he knew that she could burn brighter than a new star if she wanted to. She wore a pair of tight blue pants, silver edged black boots and a dark blue top with a small pilot utility pack that settled over her bust. It was a far call from the attire that Vashtin had met her in but she still looked undeniably sexy, especially after such a close escape.

“You’re getting sloppy mudboy.” She said softly without even turning to the male from Jabiim. A small grin flared on his lips. The twi’lek was the only one who called him mudboy, a joking nickname for him since all she had known about of Jabiim before meeting Vashtin was that it was cold and muddy. For a moment Vashtin paused at the door before checking a info panel fixed into the left wall. Unfortunately there was still no messages from Breeker. When he moved closer into the cockpit he looked out and saw the dark interior of the cavern surrounding his ship. When they set out on the job the crew of the Ion Wolf had spent a good deal of finding refuges for after the base theft was complete. Vashtin knew things would be rough after that and even now the Imperials had a fleet of TIE fighters scouring the region around the Ironfast base.

“Well it took us a bit longer to set the charges in the base. We didn’t want to start the party before we were sure we would have some serious detonation. Setting up bombs is not something to be rushed. Were you worried?”

“Why? Cause if you died I’d be able to stop this crazy lifestyle and find a nice comfy corporate job and get lazy investigating corporate fraud?”

“You could never go straight ma’am.”

“Haha…I’d still last longer than you in a regular job. But the boredom would suck. How did Nijia do?” Arya said as she finally turned towards him. Her misty green eyes looked over Vashtin while her lips curved into a small smile.

“A little banged up after fighting a walker bare handed but then he is a Kaleesh, they should have brought three if they wanted to stop him. It’s nice to have backup out there. Factor in the elements that people hear Kaleesh and they think about Grevious, well that’s a nice crystal in our lightsaber.” Vashtin said as he leaned in close to the orange twi’lek, made to kiss Arya’s lips but at the last second he moved past her and then pressed a button that pulled up a readout of ship information.

“Looks like the number two engine might need some work. Might be a shaky capacitor.” Vashtin said as he saw Arya roll her eyes.

“You’re the worst.” She scoffed as she turned her face from him.

“Yeah but I’m the best at being worst. We’ve got at least hour of downtime. I think I need you to check out an injury of mine. Might have pulled something below the belt.” Vashtin’s hand quickly moved up to block Arya’s swing. When he caught her gloved hand he leaned in and kissed her orange lips. She struggled for a moment but as he pulled her arm towards him he kept her lips flush with hers. Somehow even when the crew was running lean she always tasted like spice and it drove Vashtin mad when he couldn’t enjoy a kiss before a mission. What followed with her usually was always worth getting her riled up.

“Mrmm…” Arya said when she finally pulled away. “You think you’re so smooth Draus.” Arya said before keying in a lock on the ship controls. Vashtin relaxed his grip slightly but then received a punch from the twi’lek’s other hand.

“Hu’oh… okay maybe I deserve that hah.” He said as he released her other hand and backed away. Arya was out of the chair and on him well before he stopped moving. The twi’lek threw her body against the taller human. She held his body against hers, kissing his beard covered cheeks and running her hands over the plates of his armor.

“Come on.” He whispers to her quickly before grabbed her hand and taking her down the steps leading from the cockpit down to main floor of the ship. They turned a corner and then moved through a corridor before making another right. After that, they slipped into the captain’s chamber and then their hands were on each other once more. Arya had just enough time to kick off her boots before she heard a quick shuffling as Vashtin fell on her once more.

The lovely orange Twi’lek’s utility chestpack and her top were quickly removed. The simple bra fell to the ground quickly after as Vashtin grabbed her large breasts in his hands. Leaning down on her as he shouldered Arya’s upper body against the bed he greedily attacked and supped on her breasts and nipples. Her nipples were a slightly darker shade of orange than her skin and already her nubs were hardening as his pink tongue quietly washed and surfed over her nipples and areolas.

“Mrammmm… Vash…” Arya moaned out as her fingers moved through his hair. The Twi’lek kept her lover’s head right where she wanted him as her legs rubbed against his sides as he lingered over her. Vashtin could feel the increased beating of her heart as took a nipple in his mouth and yanked it gently before releasing the nub.

“Aahhh… you know I’m sensitive, you jerk.” Arya told him quickly before capturing his chin in her hands and pulling him into a wet hot kiss. The Twi’lek loved the naughty taste of her own flesh lingering on his lips before the human from Jabiim pulled back. He quickly tossed off his dark light armor plates and then his undershirt before he quickly helped Arya pull her pants down. As usually the naughty orange humanoid below him wore no panties. Upon closer examination he smelled that she was already wet and his eyes caught the glimmer of sensual condensation on her outer lips. His cock throbbed in his pants at the sight before Arya bent forward and started grabbing at his buckle.

The Twi’lek was extremely acrobatic and she felt little strain as her back bend forward to the point where her naked breasts were hanging just above the bed that lay in between her feet. Her agile fingers that usually occupied with punching commands into datapads or control consoles undid the Human’s belt and then tugged down his pants and undershorts. A small coooh of delight emanated from her lips as her eyes flashed up towards Vashtin. His cock was already big and he was still not even fully erect. Arya decided to help him out and quickly took the base of his cock in her fingers while she took his head in her lips.

“Nrahhh… fuck… so wet and warm.” Vashtin breathed out as Arya quickly started to lick and suck on his cock. His manhood throbbed under her sultry embrace. As her tongue washed underneath and around the crown of his cock he felt the first bead of salty precum leak out before she started going deeper and deeper on his length. Before long the Human grabbed gently onto the Twi’lek’s shoulders and pulled her off his cock before pushing her back down onto the bed. Vashtin shuffled out of his pants and then climbed up on top of Arya. While one hand grabbed at her breasts and gave her a nice squeeze the other hand positioned the tip of his cock right against Arya’s increasingly wet pussy before he started to thrust inside of his Twi’lek lover.

Arya felt her lips part as her lover’s thick cock pushed inside of her silken embrace. Her hands flopped to the sides and started slowly scratching against the comforter as he took her with fast and long thrusts. She felt his hips start to slam against her own before he squeezed her breasts again. The orange Twi’lek felt her release starting to well up in her core as her nails left the blankets on top of the bed and grabbed onto Vashtin’s shoulders. He wasn’t particularly broad shouldered but he still had the muscle of a trained soldier and it made Arya weak in the knees any time she saw his exposed arms or chest. “Fuck… fuck me Vash… please… make me wet as a Kaminoan storm. Yeah….Yeaaghhhmmm.”

On top of the horny orange being Vashtin never stopped his relentless drive into her pussy. His lips occasionally returned to her nipples but he enjoyed spanking her ass as well. The loud crack of his flat hand on her plush ass excited him to no end. Inside of her wet molten sex he could feel his cock throbbing at quicker and quicker intervals. Arya’s pussy was moving as well, locking in around him as she pulsed as each new roll of his hips pushed her to new levels of physical pleasure. The heat billowing from his balls started to boil over and when Arya grabbed her feet and pulled her legs back to push her pussy up that extra set of inches it not only made thrusting easier and more enjoyable but the tightness increased.

“Your… pussy is going to kill me one day, love…” He barely managed to gasp out before he started to cum when her pussy started to really tighten up around his cock. Vashtin groaned out as Arya screamed below him.

She held onto her feet as much as she could to keep her cunt as tight and close around the cock she craved as possible. The Twi’lek was cumming even before the human pounding away at her pussy. When she started to feel the intense spray of his hot warm cum the lingering part of her mind not pushed out by her own orgasm started to melt away. The two lay there together basking in the sexual bliss of their union. Arya nestled against Vashtin’s chest with one lekku swung around his hip and the other falling on her back. Her fingers moved gently over his flesh as she felt her eyes grow heavy.

“Can’t we just stay here?”

“After, we still have a lot of work to do. And if we want to get through it alive we need to get back to work.” The human said as he stroked her head tails. The orange skinned body shivered beneath him. A smile formed on the bearded face knowing how much sensitive Arya was to being touched like that. She gave him a shove on his shoulder and then rose up from the bed, cum still sticky between her legs.

“You talk of work and then start rubbing all of my naughty places. You’re going to have to be punished for that.” The orange twi’lek said with a sassy tone before she strode out of the cabin and into the refresher. Vashtin had to grin at that. I sure didn’t fall for her bedside manner. The human from Jabiim thought before he followed after her. The two washed each other quickly and without too much fooling around and then Arya went off to the cockpit while Vashtin made his way to the main room to go over the details of the next stretch of their journey.

As Vashtin moved out into the open space on the port side of the Ion Wolf he saw Nijia working on his craft. The Kaleesh warrior was going through a string of motions and practice drills. Each strike seemed to be faster as the Kaleesh built up speed and sweat with a determined look on his orange muscular flesh.

“Captain.” The Kaleesh declared simply before he stopped his movements and sheathed his blade. Vashtin was glad to see the warrior was preparing for combat, they would need his skills for the rest of the operation. What he wasn’t happy to see was a young sad faced Togruta who was hovering over what appeared to be one of Huwg’s arms.

“Teyza what’s wrong?” Vashtin asked as he sat down into one of the ruddy brown fabric couches. Teyza continued to slowly work at fixing up some of the internal servos that allowed the combat droid to move its arms and rapidly defend a hot spot.

“He always gets damaged. You make him go into battle too much.” The young girl said with a determined if not sorrowful expression and tone to her words.

Vashtin had to roll his eyes at that. It was just a droid to him. He’d seen them protect and destroy on his homeworld and he never thought they were anything more than metal and circuitry. But somehow the young girl from Coruscant had developed a tie with the big metal killing machine.

“We need Huwg to come help us otherwise the bad guys would blast us to bits. If it were not for Huwg and you fixing him up sometimes we wouldn’t be here. We’d be dead and you’d be all alone with Arya.”

“And I’m not nearly as lenient on young ladies as he is Teyza.” Arya said as she strode into the room. Teyza’s eyes widened slightly before she bowed her head and got back to work.

The orange twi’lek looked over at Vashtin expectantly. “I have us on course. Reeder came through, says the Sentinel is just about ready to head out. Let’s make it quick.”

“Thanks. Alright listen up. First part of the job went pretty smooth so we’re going to continue with that on the rest of it. We’re almost home but with the blockade and us not being on the Imperial’s favorite list we need to make sure that the ship doesn’t get pained with a bit kill order. To do that we’re going to need this shuttle.” Vashtin said before triggering a switch and activating the central holo projector. The equipment was actually nestled inside the holographic chess board. The board split in two and a large lens revealed itself and immediately cast the room with a ghastly blue glow.

An image of a Imperial Sentinel class shuttle appeared before them. “As you can see it’s a decent sized ship, large enough to cover us in its sensor shadow. We just need to put it on our outbound trajectory.”

“I’m assuming you don’t plan to ask nicely.” Nijia said with a grunt and Arya smiled behind Vashtin.

“Of course not, where would the fun be in that? Alright first thing we’re going to need is to have Arya and Teyza do some very convincing acting.”


“This is Shuttle Yasla responding to distress call from escape pod. We have reached the site of the escape pod. Looks pretty bad. We’ll investigate and then return to our normal route.” The captain of the shuttle declared as the landing gear were deployed. The copilot beside him looked worriedly at the wreckage where the escape pod had crashed into the ground.

“I don’t know captain looks like something is off. The damage doesn’t look like it would come from an escape pod that fell from space. It looks like it was launched in atmosphere.”

“Selding shut your mouth and help me. We’ve imperial citizens to help. I’ll not here that academy hogspittle.” Captain Kuno declared as he undid his harness and headed out to assist with the escape pod. Lieutenant Selding gave a sigh as he nonetheless unlocked his own harness and followed the black haired captain.

The two got down the landing ramp and quickly went over to the escape pod. The voices in the distress call had been two women, a mother and daughter apparently. Captain Kuno was surprised to find a man lying back amidst the charred earth.

“What is this?” Kuno asked as Selding arrived. The lieutenant immediately had his hand on his blaster. Unfortunately, as his gloved fingers brushed the handle of his blaster a hand gripped his head, and that of Captain Kuno’s.

“It is a distraction.” A guttural warrior voice declared behind them before the hand pulled Selding and Kuno’s skull together. There was a loud ‘whack’ before darkness took him.


“I thought I said to kill them when they came to the pod.” Vashtin said as he dusted himself off and then pulled his blaster.

“No killing, not for these two. They are not stormtroopers and were deceived by a cry for help. We’re not murderers Vashtin.” Nijia said as he pushed both the unconscious forms into the hole that had been created when they launched the empty escape pod from the Ion Wolf. Vashtin looked the two forms and felt his fingers tense on his blaster. He wanted to kill them, they were Imperials and killing Imperials was one of his best talents. But the Kaleesh was right, they were just poor saps in a way but poor saps that nonetheless were part of a bigger machine. Still he couldn’t afford a pissed of Nijia.

“If they wake up and somehow get word out I’ll be having words.” Vashtin said before he put his blaster away and quickly removed the comlinks and blasters off of both the officers.

“Of course Captain.”

“Alright, call Arya and tell her to get back her ASAP. I’m going to get the shuttle back online.” Vashtin said and quickly got onto the shuttle. The controls were easy enough to navigate. The human had flown a Lambda class here and there and the Sentinel just felt like a bigger and more ungainly cousin. So long as she can get the job done I don’t care how she looks. Vashtin thought to himself as he started powering up the engines. On the sensor board he spotted the Wolf coming in. Once it landed Nijia went in and grabbed a pair of spacesuits for the two of them and climbed back onto the Sentinel.

Vashtin looked up as Nijia approached. “Everything setup on their end?” Vashtin asked as he looked through the communication logs. The smuggler captain wanted to know what they’d be dealing with in orbit. Every scrap of information would help them escape. Plus he had to double check exactly which orbiting ship the shuttle was supposed to meet with.

“Looks that way. Arya says not forget your zipper when you suit up.” The Kaleesh said before he stepped into the bulky suit. Vashtin gave him a bit of a growl of a grin at that.

“Funny man. Alright let’s get out of this system. Hope the Imps won’t smell your scent from inside this can.” Vashtin said as he finished preparing the ship and slowly started getting them on their way.

In no time the Sentinel craft was on approach to the Imperial blockade. Out ahead of them the Star Destroyer Dominion waited for them. The star destroyer was huge and intimidating and yet it was only one out of three powerful ships currently presiding over Malith. The Sentinel was registered to arrive at the Star Destroyer about an hour ago and as they got within sensor range Vashtin had a felling they would have some explaining to do. Thankfully the smuggler’s plans didn’t call for sticking around long enough.

“This is the Star Destroyer Dominion to shuttle Yasla. You were supposed to be here some time ago. Why the delay?”

“I’m sorry Dominion, the engines have been giving us a lot of trouble. It started up en route and we were closer to you then a port. Requesting immediate repairs on the … oh no.”

“What is it Yasla?”The shipboard officer asked. Vashtin smiled before he started fiddling with the controls. It felt bad to destroy such a ship but if it meant he and his crew didn’t have to look over their shoulders then it was definitely worth it.

“We’ve got bad signs all across the board. Something is going critical in the engines. Send help Dominion. By the force,” The human added more worry to his voice. “The engines are overheating. We have to the escape pods now!” Vashtin cut the line when the imperial officer tried to figure out what was going on. After that the human from Jabiim and his Kaleesh copilot quickly headed out the craft after leaving a nice timed charged to detonate in conjunction with their escape.

After that the two simply hovered down to the Ion Wolf waiting safely beneath the shuttle and being masked by its shadow and they were almost home free. “How we looking Arya?” Vashtin asked over his comlink which was now back to being hooked up to his ship.

“Ready to spring Captain. Jump locked in to detonation sequence and here… we… go.” Arya said before suddenly the Ion Wolf leapt forward to lightspeed. The crew of the Dominion never saw the other ship the whole time. All they saw was a shuttle apparently having a major breakdown before it exploded off their bow. The situation was listed as an accident and logged after rescue crews attempted to find any signs of the crew. Fortunately no one had actually died but the shuttle explosion had given the crew of the Ion Wolf its ticket out of Malith space.


Thanks for reading. That’s the end of this story for now. If enough people like it, I might do more.

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