Hell Has Come to the Kingdom of Azania [M/F]

*This is my first foray into erotic literature. I’ve not had much practice in this format. Warning: the story contains scenes of a male/female (Succubus) interaction; I had a much easier time working under the umbrella of erotic horror.*

The wagon sped along the road, cutting through the night with nary a concern for where the horses, broken now into a terrified sprint, were going—only one thought drove the driver forward…*escape.*

A single lantern, mounted atop the wagons’ barrel, sent a halo of golden light a few feet up the path, just enough to illuminate the way back to camp; he needed to warn the captain before it was too late!

Hell had come to the kingdom of Azania.

* * * *

Captain Fvelt folded a scroll of parchment and placed it neatly atop the ever growing pile on his desk. Another report, another unexplained disappearance at the southern border, with the locals laying the blame at the feet of demons. Demons!

“Damn superstitious southerners,” he growled.

In truth, the news was terribly frustrating for him. The south had proven to be a much greater headache than he had anticipated—every few days news would float into camp that more people were missing across the territory; a month prior, when he had taken this post, the number of missing persons had been normal, you expect some in a region this big, but over these last few weeks the incidents had grown at an alarming rate, triple what was expected.

The captain walked stiffly to his balcony and leaned against the stone battlements, watching the forest canopy sway in the breeze of a sweltering, arid night. The moon was lost amidst a sea of dark clouds, her light barely able to wind its way between the tangle of branching tree limbs.

He had been given the south because of his youth. It was a region made up of vast wilderness and farmers; as far from glory as glory could be. The brass was hesitant to promote someone so young to a true command, like in the north, but they couldn’t ignore the heir of a great house either, so a compromise had been reached: he would secure the south as a test of his ability. If he succeeded and showed the brass what he was capable of, he would be promoted to lieutenant-commander and moved to the northern holds, where the greatest military minds of his generation were stationed. After that…maybe a place in Azania’s history books?

Fvelt smiled at the thought and turned his eyes back to the present and to the men of his command—his current band of forty-five; a mix of soldiers, laborers, masons & carpenters.

The craftsmen had performed a miracle in getting this overgrown, abandoned fortification back in serviceable condition; the camp was looking neat and orderly too, with tents erected in straight lines, trenches dug about the perimeter with wooden walls still to come. Mneo Keep, as it was called in the days of old, would serve well as his central hub to southern order.

“A light—a light on the road,” a watchmen yelled! The chime of the alarm bells began to ring, high and frantic.

The bells set the entire camp to motion; squad leaders yelled commands, soldiers scurried, donning armor, grabbing pikes and shields from the weapon racks—preparing for battle.

Captain Fvelt turned from the battlements, snatching up his sword belt as he did, before quickly running to the lichen coated door of his chambers. The hinges groaned in protest as it swung open; the lieutenant was waiting for him in the shadowy hall, full silver plate gleaming in the torchlight—the man snapped a quick salute against his breastplate.

“Sir, wagon approaching, Skelt tried to flag it down at the guard-house, but it barreled right through the barricade.”

The captain nodded and the pair began a quick descent down a spiraling stone staircase to the bottom floor of the tower.

“Did they spot the driver, Moore?”

The lieutenant shook his head.

“Skelt barely got an eye on it before it crashed through the check-point…two horses, moving like they were being whipped by the Devil Himself.”

Fvelt groaned and bounded across the long stretch of stone hallway, out into the encampment.

“Don’t you start with that Devil shit again, lieutenant. I have to take it from the locals, I don’t have to take it from you.”

“Just keeping with southern tradition, captain,” Moore laughed. “One of the scouts nearly broke his damn horses’ legs just getting here to warn us.”

The chaos of the camp had turned into an exemplary model of discipline and order, all in the time it took to get downstairs—thanks to the constant, rigorous drills he’d put them through this past month; twenty soldiers stood at the ready, organized into neat rows of five.

Lieutenant Moore broke step with the captain, positioning himself in front of the formation. Fvelt folded his arms behind his back and stood a fair distance away.

“Alright, you green bastards,” Moore shouted! “The captain wants a word.”

Silence fell like a stone—the laborers, masons and carpenters rushed by, headed for the protection of Mneo Keep. They would stay within the confines of the basement until the threat was dealt with.

“I’m sure many of you have already heard by now, but we have an unknown rider coming from the south. The scouts report a single wagon, but we need to be prepared for a potential enemy ambush. You’ve all heard the rumors—be vigilant, be smart, call out anything odd, but don’t approach the wagon recklessly or go anywhere alone. Is that understood?”

The men roared in answer.

“Absolutely dickless, the lot of you,” Moore yelled. “Your captain just asked you a question, answer him like men, not pants-pissing boys!”

The men did not disappoint—their answering cry shook the camp.

“Squads one, two and four, line up along the road—take torches and pikes to the front, if that wagon doesn’t stop on its own, bring it down,” Moore called, his voice rang like thunder, “squad three, defend the keep, if anything approaches the trench, call out and give them hell, but keep an eye on our craftsmen, they’re the priority. Squad five, you’ll sit in reserve at the top of the hill.”

The soldiers roared and slammed gauntlet-clad fists to

Squad leaders broke rank and called out a frenzy of orders, urging the men to task with sharp cadence calls and clear voices.

The entire encampment was built atop a large hill, set against a mountain. Mneo Keep was the only forking pathway the road south could take until you got closer to the border and it began to branch off into dozens of tiny villages. If you followed the road north for ten miles you would run into the town of Stivers, a logging colony of five hundred or so people, and the path to the capital of Azania would open up. If the wagon was carrying anything dangerous and managed to slip by, the town of Stivers would pay the price.

Squad’s one, two and four formed rank at the fork, shields and pikes at the ready—a motley assortment of torches burned along the road. As they finished setting up, the captain could hear the beat of frantic hooves and the clack of the wagons’ wheels along the road. The noise echoed through the entire valley.

“Lieutenant,” the captain said, almost under his breath, “join the pike crew on the road, I want your eyes down there.”

“Aye sir!”

The big lieutenant took off at a sprint towards the fork, moving so easily in the burdensome plate that Fvelt couldn’t help but be impressed.

The captain walked, hands clenched behind his back, to where squad five had taken position at the entrance to the camp. He could see the tension, the anticipation of what was to come, written on the soldier’s faces.

The wagon came into view. A light, like a surging comet, hurtling towards the lieutenant’s group with no sign of stopping—Moore’s voice trumpeted above the rattling of pikes and the metallic clang of shields being hefted into position.

The horses met the shield-wall. A great crash of steel erupted, like the pounding of a giant blacksmith’s hammer. The terrified horses screamed. Wood splintered. Moore shouted something the captain couldn’t hear and then the light of the wagon toppled.

The wagon’s canvas caught fire and it wasn’t long before it spilled over to the frame; the lantern must have broken during the fall and spilled oil.

Moore’s voice cried out once more and his commands were echoed by the squad leaders. “Pull back to safety,” they yelled! A lone horse, galloped past the men and followed the fork towards the encampment road.

“Squad five, at the ready,” Captain Fvelt bellowed.

The squad-leader’s voice echoed the captain’s command—the men of squad five fell into formation; three men at the front with shields at the ready and two men behind, using the shields to keep the pike tips steady.

The blaze at the road grew and sent crackling cinders of gold into the midnight sky. A thick column of black smoke poured from the wreckage

It must have been carrying barrels of pitch, Fvelt thought. Reckless. Stupid. He would have words with the driver, if he survived.

As the horse from the wreck made its way up the hill it began to slow to a trot, its flanks pumping like bellows—barely able to catch its breath. Fvelt finally caught a good look at the beast for the first time, as it entered the circle of torch-light at the top of the camp.

“Squad five, at ease,” Fvelt hollered. He recognized that spot of white for at its neck. The chestnut colored draft-horse snorted.

Fvelt’s stomach heaved—it was Merro’s horse, Rickard. Merro was a civilian that had been commissioned to ferry soldiers and craftsmen to the southernmost strategic keep, Earth’s Hold. Fvelt sent them three days ago to prepare the fortification for his arrival. What had happened?

Fvelt stepped forward cautiously, Rickard, was a gentle horse, but even the most placid horse would kick if it was scared enough…Rickard was petrified, the captain could see it in his eyes.

“Calm down, Rickard, it’s me—it’s Fvelt.”

Fvelt placed his hand in front of the draft horses’ snout. Letting him catch his scent.

The horse snorted and stepped against the captain. Fvelt caught the bridle and ran his fingers soothingly along the stiff white patches of hair that dotted Rickard’s nose.

Every muscle in Rickard’s neck was trembling. Draft horses weren’t bred to sprint, something must have spooked him good to get him to run like this.
“Herod, get him to the stables—let him drink and eat all he likes.”

A member of squad five fell out of rank, took the bridle and led the horse to the stables. Fvelt had to see the wagon for himself—he ran at a sprint towards the wreckage; thick gouts of hellish yellow flame and black columns of acrid smoke poured into the night’s sky, obscuring what little starlight they had. As the captain closed the distance to the burning wagon, Moore fell into step beside him.

“The horses hit us head-long, captain, strangest damn thing I’ve seen in my life. Before I knew it, one of the men had put a pike through the poor beast’s chest—then the wagon tipped. Forgive me captain, but unless I’m blind, that’s Merro’s wagon and those are Merro’s horses, ain’t it?”

The captain nodded. The body of Abel, a willful, stubborn black horse, lay in the dirt with a broken pike shaft through his chest.

“I didn’t know it was Merro’s wagon till the entire thing was on fire, captain. I should have stopped them, tried to calm the beasts down.”

“You did the right thing, lieutenant. If these horses got past us and hit Stivers, we’d be pulling burnt corpses from the town’s ash-heap in the morning.”

Fvelt put his hand on Abel’s head, kneeling down to whisper a soft prayer. He had lost men in combat before, but for some reason the death of a good beast always cut him the deepest. He’d grown up raising horses at his family’s villa and he’d always loved them—people were complicated, always hiding behind subterfuge, waiting to show you who they really were, but horses? They would always show you exactly how they felt.

“Moore, take fifteen men and march on Earth’s Hold at once. I want to know what the hell is happening here and why.”

“Aye captain, we’ll get to the bottom of it.”

Moore whirled and barked out orders in his gruff baritone. The men began to double-time back to the camp.

“Coming, captain?” Moore asked over his shoulder.

That was when they both heard a rustle in the trees—a branch snapped beneath the weight of something’s foot. Both the captain and Moore had their swords drawn in an instant.

“Formation!” Moore hollered. The soldiers cut off from their run and began to stack themselves into a tight cluster at the fork.

Captain Fvelt moved backwards, never losing sight of the tree-line until he felt Moore’s hand clap him on the shoulder and guide him back into formation.

The rustling grew louder—grew closer. Whatever it was, it was running. The men waited, listening, as the noise grew. Fvelt squinted, were those eyes? Eyes that burned like fire—crimson stones set in velvet midnight.




The forest bed played like a discordant symphony—something was coming.
The wagon’s fire spit golden embers along the road causing thousands of tiny shadows to elongate over the brush.

“Weapons, at the ready!” Moore shouted.

The squad leaders echoed the command and the pikes came sliding over the shields.

The silhouette that emerged from the dark was almost human-looking, but the lines were wrong—distorted, twisted. The captain’s heart slammed in his chest.

Every movement was wrong, every shadow a poor facsimile of humanity—those eyes, where had they gone?

A woman stepped into the light of the burning wagon.

It wasn’t until she had collapsed to her knees, rending the quiet with her sobs, that the captain’s fingers stopped squeezing the hilt of his sword.

Two men broke rank and ran to the woman—a decision that would cost them dearly if this were an ambush. Moore shouted for them to get back in line, but they ignored his command.

The pair pulled the woman to her feet and guided her back to the formation. Moore shot them a dangerous glance that would have withered the most battle-hardened man. Sheepishly, the two soldiers fell back into place under the menacing eyes of their lieutenant.

The woman’s hair was snowy white from the deepest frosts of winter, thin, pallid lines drifted in a soft breeze across an achingly beautiful face. She was dressed in an old gray tunic with matching trousers—the style of the south.

*A farmer?* Fvelt thought.

“My name is Captain Fvelt of his majesty King Leer’s royal army. You’re safe now.”

The woman threw her arms around the captain, pressing against him with desperate strength. Underneath that tunic were the softest curves he’d ever felt in his life.

“B…bandits along the road,” she rasped, breathless. Her voice was soft and lovely, even her words, drawn from quivering lips, stayed with him long after she was finished speaking; the woman’s skin was fever hot.

Fvelt curled an arm around her back, letting her cry into his shoulder. “It’s all right, you’re safe now,” he repeated gently.

The captain turned his eyes to Moore who nodded in understanding; if there were bandits on the road, it might explain what had happened to Merro and the rest of his men.

“What’s your name?” Fvelt asked.

The woman’s breath came out in a rush against the captain’s neck and sent sparks dancing down the length of his spine. “Alyssa.”

It took a moment for Fvelt to gather his wits. *Pull it together, man,* he thought, *this was a citizen that needed help.* He grabbed her arms and gently pried her away.

“Come, we must get back to camp. You’ll be safe there.” Fvelt placed a hand on her back, guiding her towards the encampment.

“If you’ll consent to stay here for the night, we can get you someplace safe in the morning.” It was only then, when she turned, that Fvelt noticed a patch of blood above her shoulder.

“You’re hurt!” he exclaimed.

Alyssa looked down at her shoulder and then back at the captain, as if noticing the blood for the first time. Her pale hair curled around a face that could only be rivaled by paintings, depicting the gods and goddesses of legend; her eyes, cut from the deepest emerald, were a tangible weight that called him like a siren’s song.

Alyssa nodded absently, her eyes distant, she took the captain’s arm and squeezed.

The poor girl was clearly in shock.

By the time the pair had walked back to camp, Moore had already dispensed swift discipline. The two soldiers that had broken rank lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

The rest of the men were busy striking tents from orderly lines and gathering supplies in rough carry sacks; they would be ready to march soon.

“Tristan,” Fvelt called, “take this woman to my chambers, gather ointment, bandages, food and water.”

It was with reluctance that Alyssa let go of the captain’s arm and allowed the soldier to guide her to the keep. In truth, Fvelt regretted seeing her go too—her warmth had been oddly comforting.

Moore’s eyes followed Alyssa—there was a sway to her walk. The gray linens hugged her hips like a second skin, as if they were too small for her; the fabric bunched with each step, accentuating delicately muscled legs and the ripe curve of her backside.

“Now that’s a sight I won’t soon be forgetting,” Moore grunted.

“Lieutenant…” Fvelt cautioned.

Moore grinned. “Aye, sir.”

“Take some of the scouts with you for the journey, when you get to Earth’s Hold I want a full report. I’m sending word to our runners in Stivers for more men to be dispatched from the capital,” the captain said, matter of factly.

Moore’s eyebrow quirked up at that. “That necessary, sir? The brass will think you can’t mana—”

The captain cut him off with a sharp gesture. “Fuck my commission, lieutenant. I can’t play politics when the men under my command are at risk. I’ll deal with the fallout.”

Moore’s smile widened to a ravenous grin. “Aye, sir. I’ll look forward to serving under your command in the south for the next twenty years.”

Fvelt laughed and clapped his hand on the lieutenant’s plated shoulder.

“Be careful out there, Moore.”

The lieutenant saluted, hand to chest and bellowed. “Right, you sorry sacks of shit, we leave in five minutes, if you’re not ready in time you’ll be joining these miserable fuckers.” He gestured pointedly to the two men on the ground.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/nfvdii/hell_has_come_to_the_kingdom_of_azania_mf

1 comment

  1. Part 2:
    * * * *
    In short order, Moore had his fifteen men marching down the road—if they were left unharried, they would arrive at Earth’s Hold late in the evening on the second day. Fvelt organized runners and one of the few horses he had under his command to make for Stivers and call for reinforcements. After setting the watch rotation with the remaining squadron and seeing to the needs of the laborers he made his way back to his chambers in the tower of Mneo Keep.

    Alyssa sat on a tufted stool in the corner of the room, hands folded neatly in her lap. Her tunic was more tattered than he’d first realized, cut in places that revealed smooth, pale skin almost shimmering in the torch-light. It was his first real look at her in good lighting…she was a vision, a picture of beauty and soft curves the likes of which he’d never seen.

    Alyssa watched him with those gorgeous eyes, drinking in every movement he made, never saying a word as he brought a tray of medical supplies and set it down on a table at her side.

    Fvelt undid his military tunic of heavy blue wool and hung it on the wall. He was dressed in a light white under-tunic that revealed nothing but lithe, coiled muscle around a runner’s frame. His bare arms were covered in a light sheen of sweat that immediately began to cool against the kiss of the night air.

    “I suppose you want to take a better look at me,” Alyssa asked? Her voice was honey, dripping with an almost sultry purr.

    *Fvelt smiled bashfully.* Gods, she was gorgeous.

    Only the word gorgeous didn’t do her proper justice. Every facet of Alyssa was a delicate work of art, as if a masterpiece, hewn from stone — with every line carefully planned and fretted over by the fabled sculptors of old — was given life, to grace the world of mortal men with an eternal elegy of beauty.

    Alyssa lifted her hands to her shapely hips and began a slow ascent up her body — her fingertips followed the muscles of her flat abdomen, to the line of her pale sternum and under the swollen peaks of her heavy breasts.

    Fvelt was captive to her display. He wanted nothing more than to follow her hands and kiss every new inch she unveiled. He took a step towards her without realizing he had.

    Alyssa slid between the valley of her cleavage and began to undo the strings of her tunic with deliberate slowness. As the second to last string was undone, a breathy moan of satisfaction escaped her lips.

    The captain tried not to stare but her breasts defied logic, they were double the size of what his hands could hold, yet firm, as if held in place by some unseen force. He couldn’t help but watch the tiny rivulets of sweat bead against her elegant neck and slide between the dark chasm of her cleavage. She stood and faced him, wearing a teasing smile.

    The captain cleared his throat and with some effort of discipline moved just the arm of her tunic aside. His heart was pounding, the thunder of it pulsed in his ears. They were so close.

    Despite the outside of her tunic sleeve being covered in blood he could find no sign of a scratch, much less wound, that would account for this kind of blood-loss. It was bizarre. Only…he turned to look at her, the gears in his mind forming a sinister motive for her arrival.

    Before Fvelt knew what was happening Alyssa’s arms snaked around his neck, pulling him in; the soft curves of her massive breasts, barely contained by the loose fabric of her tunic, mashed against his chest and filled his body with a burning heat.

    *Stop her!* His mind screamed. He could feel it, deep down, that something wasn’t right with her.

    The captain’s hand moved to the pommel of his sword, but it was too late. Alyssa twined his hair between her fingers and their lips met in an intimate dance.

    Her kiss was fire. It raged through his mind, burning every thought, every feeling, to ash. His fingers fell limply from his sword. He groaned against the soft cage of her lips.

    After what felt like an eternity, she pulled away, leaving behind the memory of heat and a prickling sensation that lingered on his lips. It was strange. It didn’t hurt, but he had the distinct feeling he should be worried by it.

    Alyssa pursed her perfect mouth against his earlobe and whispered sweetly.

    “It’s such a shame…that you and your men are going to die tonight.”

    Alyssa chuckled darkly.

    Fvelt’s thoughts were mired in a dense, dark fog and his body fought against his judgment. He struggled to understand even the most basic thoughts. *Sword…*

    His body screamed, it wanted nothing more than to touch her, kiss her, explore every curve of her body with his mouth, succumb to HER!

    Alyssa pulled his head down to meet her lips…they were so wet and plush. He couldn’t wait to feel them again.

    *SWORD!* The soldier in his thoughts waded through the haze and realization struck just as their lips were about to touch.

    He pushed against her with all his might, gaining room to free his sword with a metallic rasp. The captain leveled the tip at her.

    Alyssa hit the floor, her hair fanned out behind her like a frozen waterfall. Her eyes changed from a lovely emerald green to a burning red, set in a field of darkness.

    “I was hoping you wouldn’t make it that easy.” She purred.

    “Who are you?” The captain growled.

    Alyssa laughed, high and wild, it wasn’t a human sound. His lips throbbed. *Had she used poison?*

    Alyssa rose from the floor and as she did, the tunic slipped free from her shoulders, revealing her full, naked breasts for the first time. “A succubus,” she hissed.

    Fvelt was struck by need. His body burned for her. His penis throbbed against his trousers so hard that it began to make him dizzy.

    “The bane of all men,” she continued, taking a step towards him. The sheer size of her chest should have left her breasts dragging against her taut stomach, but they didn’t. Gravity had no hold on them. The pale masses of flesh jiggled with every step she took…and her nipples, pale and pink, were just begging to be sucked on.

    The room grew dark for the captain and began to spin. He was so hard, every movement, every touch of the fabric against his cock sent a wave of pleasure surging through his body. It was an effort to keep his sword hand steady.

    “Finding it hard to think, captain?”

    Gods, he felt so good. He throbbed harder than ever, nearly sending him to his knees. His body screamed out to touch her. To succumb.

    “You let a succubus kiss you, captain…our lips are coated with an aphrodisiac venom. The pleasure will only grow until it’s the only thing you can think of.” Alyssa took another step towards him and laughed again. “Soon you’ll be begging me to drain you, they always do.”

    Alyssa hefted one of her massive tits and brought it to her mouth. Her tongue slid against the tip of her nipple and swirled around the areola. “And when you do, I’ll bring you pleasure greater than you’ve ever known…” she began, moaning as she spoke, as if the anticipation aroused her. “I can’t wait to break your spirit, captain.”

    Fvelt tried not to listen, tried to deny what she was saying, but he could feel the venom coursing through his veins.

    The room spun faster. It was so hard to focus.

    “Give in…” she whispered breathily. The succubus was close.

    Fvelt screamed and swung his sword.

    The succubus side-stepped the blow and leapt inside his reach. He tried to gain some distance but as he jumped backwards he smashed against a wooden table, a heavy thing of solid oak, that stopped him in his tracks.

    The captain swung again, desperate to keep the succubus at bay, but he was off balance. The swing lacked conviction.

    The succubus grabbed his wrist and held his sword aloft. Her other hand found his cock through his trousers and began languidly circling the head.

    Fvelt groaned from the sensation and nearly toppled over. Pre-cum erupted from the tip of his member and spilled down the front of his trousers. The pleasure was mind-numbing. He needed to cum so desperately. His cock ached as her fingers slid teasingly up and down his length. The sword fell from his grip and clattered to the floor.

    “We succubi are denizens of Hell, captain.” Alyssa whispered softly. The hand holding Fvelt’s wrist slipped down his muscular forearm and drug across his chest.

    After a tug at his waist he felt his sword belt slip free and fall to his feet. “We feed on the souls of men.” She tugged at his waistband and his naked cock sprang free, coated in glistening pre-cum. “Temptation is our weapon.” She gripped below the head and began to deftly pump his length. Her touch was exquisite. “And just like Merro, you will all die screaming while we swallow your souls.”

    The captain groaned in pleasure. His legs gave out and he fell against the desk-top. It creaked under his weight.
    Alyssa did not let up—she followed his body and sank to her knees, still pumping his cock with luxuriously long strokes.

    “I’m going to show you sin, captain.” Alyssa licked her lips and moaned, her breathing grew excited.

    She moved his cock beneath one of her giant tits and pushed the throbbing head against her nipple. Her hands stroked him again and again until he’d left a hot pool of pre-cum dribbling against her pale flesh.

    Despite the extraordinary pleasure that wracked his body, despite the fire of pure hunger in his loins, a voice still called to Fvelt, tried to plead with him to pick up his sword before it was too late.

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