Compliant, cow-eyed law student [F] with jiggle

At the time, I thought of Morgan as a disposable bimbo, which certainly wasn’t fair. I’d returned from a year abroad to the US to continue my graduate work, and at that point a white girl seemed novel.
In the fall of 2006 Craigslist was a thing. We connected there, exchanged an email, and met the same day. She was a 1L at the same university, so we each only walked a few blocks. I’d never used CL before and meeting a stranger seemed almost dangerous, even in the afternoon daylight by the student center. We spotted each other easily. She was maybe 5’7″, brown hair with blonde highlights, and brown eyes, about 23. She had typical proportions, but I’d been with so many thin girls around that time that I think I perceived her as verging on chubby. I didn’t mind at all.
I had a hard time reading her. I’ve since learned that there’s something about some California people that seems off to me, and maybe that’s what it was. She was new to the East Coast, and we chatted a bit sitting outside about that and about law school before I suggested we walk, and I showed her back to my apartment in a dorm. She just went along easily with pretty much everything I suggested, which surprised me, since I was a total stranger to her. Her cow eyes and cow nature just placidly followed me.
Without any preamble or warning I kissed her, and again she submitted and followed my lead. I didn’t especially enjoy it. I was curious to see her naked though, and started to strip her almost immediately. With a couple minutes she was standing in my living room completely naked, while I remained fully clothed. She was fleshy, with sizable breasts and padding on her hips that was more than I was used to. She was nicely shaved, with just a bit of public hair, which I appreciated. We continued to make out and chat while she was completely naked. Eventually, I had her kneel on the floor while I unzipped and removed myself from my pants. She gave a credible blowjob while I was still dressed. I got bored after a couple minutes, pulled her up, and wordlessly walked her to the bedroom.
She asked me to wear a condom–just about the only thing she actually asked of me during the entire experience–and I did; I had a girlfriend and the time and it seemed like the responsible thing to do. We had basic caucasian missionary sex on my bed. I was watching her body the entire time, observing its differences and the ripple and jiggle that came with the response to my thrusting. Eventually I managed to get myself off and she went on her way.
She wrote me that she’d like to see more of me, though she wanted me to go down on her. I sort of notionally agreed, without any intention of following through. We met once or twice more, and I just used her the same way without any reciprocation, once fucking her while her friends were in the next room. I suppose I thought that because she was kind of dumb and not as attractive as I was I could do whatever I wanted; she was less a person and more a receptacle. In the end, I’m not sure I even particularly enjoyed it.
I looked her up just now and she’s doing fine: she has her own eponymous law firm in Pasadena, and plays sting bass in the LA Lawyers Philharmonic.
