A girl, abducted: The Intro [MF][noncon][violent]

The early afternoon sun was only slightly visible through the towering concrete apartment buildings and the tangerine trees lining the narrow street. The heat, however, was making its presence abundantly known. Hot, humid summer air was making everyone in the city sweaty, cranky and indolent, anxious to find themselves close to the air conditioner or, in this part of the city, next to a fan.

The streets here were even narrower than usual, the concrete hunks lining them were even dirtier and the air, filled with the dust of dozens of summers wafting off of the buildings, was even thicker. Still, very few of the neighbourhood’s inhabitants could be seen out in the streets, like you could find in other places across the city, with old people in their undershirts playing cards on a rustic table as old as themselves on the pavement, or teens sipping on iced coffee and playing music on some marble steps. No, the roads and pavements there were lonely, as were many of the people: most of them impoverished, in need of a job and in search of a better life, they were living in tiny apartments with many people, but no one really close.

Lia had only seen two other people while walking through the streets, a pair of boys that looked at once older and younger than her who didn’t raise their heads from their phones while she was passing them by. The phones looked a bit too good for the area, she thought, and found herself feeling for her own phone in the pocket of her shorts. Yeah, still there, of course.

She wasn’t used to walking through there, even though she had been living in the city for some time by now. The reputation kept her well away, even though she didn’t really have that many expensive things that they could steal from her. Her denim shorts, red t-shirt and leather sandals were not turning her into that much of a target, either, and her phone was probably worse than the ones on the boys’ hands. She had a mental note for months that it would be the first thing to replace when she’d get her first salary.

With only a year left in medical school, Lia was getting closer to that exact salary. She was more eager than ever to be done with it, the studying, the cramming, the revising… One more year, and she’d be a doctor, finally. She’d have all the money she needs to buy a phone, fancy clothes, a car, more pairs of heels – god knows she wanted those – and, importantly, more food. It was her love of food that had brought her to the neighbourhood that day, but she wouldn’t receive any love back.

As she reached the street corner she was looking for, she let her pale arms hang down in disappointment. She had come looking for an Indian restaurant, one of those shabby little places that sell the best dishes you can try, prepared with care from grandmas in a tiny kitchen; real dishes by real people, that’s how an article had advertised that hidden gem. Alas, the sign on its window was clear: CLOSED.

Lia swore. She should’ve checked before coming, but she figured she would just take a chance. Well, she did, and the goddess of luck spit on her.

She turned around, looking for anything else. She wasn’t sure she should really eat anything at a restaurant in the area that wasn’t featured in a blog, but her hunger was controlling her mind. Her eyes caught a glimpse of a storefront with an open door just a block away. It looked like a convenience store.

*Maybe it has a chocolate or something*, she thought. Better than nothing.

When she walked through the door, her disappointment grew. The shelves were, well, full wouldn’t be the best word to describe them, and the faded blue colour of the walls gave everything a dizzying underwater appearance. Behind the counter was a tiny, old, Asian woman who looked surprised when Lia entered and took her feet off the dirty surface. A man in his thirties (her son, probably) was sitting next to her, bare-chested. He looked at Lia with a stare she couldn’t decrypt.

“Hi”, she said to them. “Do you have any snacks, maybe?”

The guy, looking almost angry, nodded and pointed behind her. She turned and saw a shelf with an assortment of bags: she knew some of them were prawn chips, but was not so sure about the rest.

The woman and man behind her started discussing intensely in a foreign language. She guessed she had interrupted their afternoon relaxation. The guy said something louder, and when she turned back with some bags in her arms, another man – around 24, like herself – was coming out through a door next to the counter. The three of them were talking among themselves as she put the chips down on the counter.

“How much is it?” she asked, rubbing her thumb and index together. The man who had just joined them, wearing a bizarrely-fitting purple shirt, waved to get her attention. “More snacks behind”, he said, pointing through the opening on the wall.

Lia stood for a moment, thinking. These people had probably not seen a customer for ages. Maybe that’s what she should do: get a lot of Asian snacks, go home, turn on the air conditioning and eat as many different chips flavours as she could before masturbating and sleeping. That’s a proper ending to that disappointing day.

“Thank you”, she said smiling. He smiled back and nodded politely.

She walked through the doorway into the backroom. The walls in front of her and to her right were full of shelves; most of them were empty, again, but some had a few worthy items: instant ramen, sauces, some bags of spices. To her left, a narrow metal stairway led down to a basement. The walls were all the same sickly blue.

Lia stood in front of the spices, thinking why the hell weren’t they selling those outside.

The answer never came to her. Her thoughts were interrupted by an arm suddenly wrapped around her throat.

Lia tried to shriek, but only a hoarse “Eeeeh!” came out of her mouth. She grabbed at the unknown arm, trying to pry it loose, then trying to push the person away from her. She could feel skin behind her: the man with the naked torso. She kicked backwards, but missed him. He swung her around, bringing her to face the doorway. The other man came through and went to grab her legs; she kicked again, furiously, but her kicks missed their target once more. He managed to grab them and lift them up. Her whole body was now off the ground and the pressure on her throat was hurting. With eyes open wide, she saw the man in purple wrap something around her legs and pull, and felt the plastic of a tie wrap bite her rather pale leg skin.

He let her legs fall to the floor. Tied together, she no longer had the strength to swing them around as hard. He grabbed her hands next, stopping her from swinging them around like crazy as she was. It took him a moment, but he brought them together and tied them tightly as well.

Lia really tried, but the truth was, she simply wasn’t strong enough. The panic seeping in her brain kept her struggling to shout, but no really sound made it out. She tried headbutting either man, but they were out of range and all she did was make the bare-chested one tighten his hold on her throat. She could feel palpitations in her chest.

However, her panic levels could go nowhere but up when the purple shirt guy drew a pocket knife from his pocket. He opened it and waved it close to her eyes.

“If you shout, I kill” he hissed, and nodded to her as if he was waiting for her to agree.

*Say yes, you idiot*, her brain told her somewhere among the other signals. Through the hurried deep breaths, she nodded back.

The half-naked man loosened his hold. For the first moment since they attacked, she could hear things more clearly, mostly her heart and breathing going out of control. The man behind her reached to his pocket, then grabbed her jaw, pulled it down and shoved inside a rag. An acrid taste filled her mouth.

Lia was so focused on the knife in front of her, she didn’t see the tape being prepared to cover her mouth before it was stuck to her face. She had never seen a knife before – a knife not meant to cut chicken or veggies, that is.

When they seized her by the ankles and armpits and pulled her off the ground, she shrieked, but she couldn’t really help it. The fabric in her mouth couldn’t let her express herself fully, in any case. The men carried her downstairs like a sack of potatoes, and dropped her on the bare concrete floor with the same elegance. Except for a few cardboard boxes, the basement was completely empty.

As she thrashed around on the floor, with renewed purpose, the men started ascending the stairs. The older man paused. He walked down to her again and looked over her for a moment; she could see she had scratched his cheek earlier and it was bleeding just a bit. He reached down to her, even as Lia tried to get away, and pulled her phone out of her pocket. When he left, he switched off the room’s light, leaving her in the dark. As the volume of her muffled sounds rose, it was almost like a wounded animal deep in the blue sea.

Lia realised she would probably not be heard. Besides, her throat was starting to hurt. She stopped shouting and started thinking itself.

*Okay okay, let’s keep calm. What the* fuck *happened?!!?!?!*

*Well done on keeping calm here. What do these people want?* Every answer possible just made her more afraid. *Where were the stairs again? Maybe if I climb them… I will be with them again. Fuck. FUCK!*

*Maybe I can break the ties…* Lia bent her waist and tried to grab the piece of plastic around her legs. She had seen it was black, like her toenails. Almost like a bizarre matching ankle bracelet.

Her equally black fingernails tried scratching the fastener, but it was obvious they wouldn’t do much against it.

*Maybe if I find a tool? Maybe in the boxes…*

The buzz of the light turning on broke the silence. The older man, still bare from the waist up, started descending the steps. Lia started with her unintelligible noises again, this time with a pleading tone in them.

The man stood for some seconds, looking at her as he had when she first entered the store. Then, to Lia’s absolute horror, he pulled down his sweatpants. Lia glanced at his hairy, erect cock for a moment before managing to look away.

Her silenced cries grew louder, more frenetic, and panicky like her eyes that rushed away from her fully-naked captor. She struggled and tried slithering away but he grabbed her shorts and held her down. He slid his hand underneath her as she lied prone and with a bit of an effort managed to unfasten the button and undo the zipper.

Lia started hyperventilating when she felt him pull her shorts and pink panties together down to her knees, which were numb from all her flailing against the concrete. She didn’t want to believe what was happening, that it was happening to her. It was happening to many girls around the world, she knew that, but she had never thought it would happen to *her*.

*This isn’t real. It isn’t real.* She heard his joints crack as he was bending down, felt his hands firmly take hold of her waist and simultaneously pin her down and pull her towards him, and she felt his naked legs next to her own. His weight rested on the back of her thighs.

Then, she felt something else move between her closed thighs menacingly. She clenched her buttocks as hard as she could, kicking on the floor so much she thought her feet would bleed. But to no end.

His cock head was brushing against her pussy lips, almost taking its time to move forward. She squirmed and squirmed, and thought she heard the man laugh. It might have only been her mind, though.

He pushed it in. Slowly. Lia drew a heavy breath through her nose and stood still for a moment, wide eyes focused on the box in front of her bearing a soy sauce logo. It was like time was paused, as her first tear left her eye.

More were to follow as he shoved his cock in all at once. Lia screamed so bad she started coughing.

As he pulled out and pushed back in, the pain hit her. An intense, burning pain of dry flesh rubbing together. He pulled and pushed, again, and again, and started fucking her in earnest.


Lia was screaming and crying both inside herself and outside. His cock was not huge – she couldn’t even think of how it would hurt then – and the pain she could probably live with, but the disgust she was feeling was unique, having this dirty man penetrate her, his pubic hairs scratching against her ass. Every slap of his body against hers was filling her with horror, anger and pain.

He went harder, really giving her all his strength. He took one hand from her waist and pulled her brunette hair, arching her back in a way Lia would have found hot otherwise. With her hands tied up beneath her, her fingernails were scratching the floor, contributing to the sick sounds filling the room.

His cock was going in and out, in and out, relentless and fierce. Lia could feel her pussy struggle to cope. She hoped it would relax and open up, to lessen the pain if nothing else, but her mind was so disgusted she couldn’t manage to do it.

The other hand let go of her waist as well and instead slipped under her t-shirt, rubbing her belly and reaching her bra. With a swift move, his fingers were underneath the band and playing with her nipple. He pinched it and flicked it, leaving it hard and making the tears run faster down her cheeks.

He was lying on top of her by then, fondling her breast and pulling her hair. With every stroke inside her, her soft skin on her thighs and lower belly was scraping against the hard surface.

*God… no….please…god…no…please…* Lia’s thoughts were forming at the rhythm her captor was fucking her young pussy.

He squeezed on her tit more steadily now and gripped her throat instead of her hair. He fucked her with renewed intensity, making her pussy walls burn more by using up all the lubrication they had tried to create.

Then, abruptly, he stopped. He pushed hard inside her and moaned. Lia heard his voice for the first time since he had returned.

Renewed dread filled her, as she knew he was filling her instead.

*He is cumming… Jesus Christ, cumming inside me.* Her heart broke as she pictured his seed entering her. *Dirty piece of shit!! Fuck you!*

He was staying still, catching his breath, still inside her. Her silenced sobs were the only audible sound in the room, so much that even the slap of her face against the floor as he let her throat go seemed deafening.

Finally, he rose. As he released her, Lia gathered her aching body into the fetal position, crying silently now with her eyes shut. She could hear him put his pants back on; he was sighing, obviously tired by his effort. He went up the stairs, not bothering to switch the light off again.

Lia remained still and sobbed for long, so long she thought she even fell asleep. All of her young body was suffering: her throat was aching from the screaming and his tight grip; her belly and legs were cramped and abraded from the friction with the floor; her knees and toes were scuffed from all the kicking – she hadn’t even realised she had been kicking – and her pussy, well, her pussy was burning from the inside.

She opened her eyes, blurry with tears still, and looked at her scuffed knees. A few metres away, a new item was on the floor. A used condom.

A rush of relief filled her brain at knowing he hadn’t actually cum inside her, followed by a shudder when she realised it had streaks of blood over it, obviously a sign of the tears he had caused inside her.

Lia tried to recall her training about rape and its trauma in order to not concentrate on that visual too much. But another question was tormenting her for now.

*What are they going to do with me now? If he wore a condom, that means they will let me go, right? So that I won’t have evidence?*

She knew that wasn’t an absolute truth, but she didn’t want to think of the other options.

*What if they keep me here for days… There were stories like these in the news, weren’t they?*

*But someone will search for me. They’ll find me before long.*

Steps were heard again. Lia’s heart started beating faster. This time, it was the old lady and the young guy coming down to her. They didn’t see the condom, or if they saw it, they were both unfazed by it.

The lady spoke to the man, with a cold determination in her voice, whatever she was saying. He approached Lia, still tied like a helpless parcel. She felt dirty and embarrassed as she realised her jeans and panties were basically at her ankles.

The young man grabbed her arm and pulled her roughly so she’d be lying on her back, then he held her arms above her head and tugged on her t-shirt. Lia shook her head and hips fiercely and shrieked. The old lady came close and pulled her red t-shirt the rest of the way up, exposing her whole abdomen and chest. She removed Lia’s beige bra and her tits were all of a sudden free.

Lia wasn’t sure if it was more humiliating to be stared at by the guy holding her arms or by the woman. They were looking at her soft curves like eyeing a piece of steak at the butcher’s. The Asian woman’s small, wrinkly hand stroked her belly and made her hairs stand up. Her calloused fingers followed Lia’s curvy lines and touched her not-inconsiderable tits tenderly, grazing over her small pink nipples. She looked into Lia’s green-and-hazel eyes, almost savouring the fear and surprise the girl was enduring.

Then, as abruptly as they had started this insane examination, she lowered Lia’s bra and t-shirt and actually pulled her shorts up to cover her chubby ass. The thong lodged itself too tightly against her hurt pussy, but she wouldn’t object to having some of her stolen modesty back.

The assailants both left and Lia was left wondering just what the fuck that was all about. Was she trying to humiliate her? To evaluate her? She couldn’t understand.

But she wasn’t left alone for long. A few minutes later, she heard heavier steps coming down the steps.

Two men now appeared, both wearing jeans and t-shirts. One of them had black-rimmed glasses and the other had a sleeve tattoo covering his whole right arm up to his wrist. They were both very muscular and Caucasian, although the man with the glasses was blond, an uncommon characteristic for the country.

The blond man was carrying a large bright pink garbage bag, which he shook open. Lia froze and tried crawling away.

*They are going to kill me! Fuck fuck fuck!*

Tattoo Man snatched her legs and kept them still while Blond Man guided them into the garbage bag. They started pulling it all the way up, despite her vocal and physical protests.

*I don’t want to end up in a bin! Please god, I don’t want to die!*

The huge bag reached up to her stomach and Blond Man yanked its cord to close it tight around her body. Tattoo Man then reached into one of the boxes nearby and took out a weird piece of plastic. Looking at them unfolding, Lia realised it was a long, dirty plastic sheet.

Accompanied by more horrified cries, the men laid the sheet on the floor and rolled Lia in it like a perverse, cruel burrito. She could move less and less with each layer of the material wrapping around her and the addition of ropes tied over the whole bundle immobilised her.

All the while, the men had not spoken a word. Lia chilled at the thought that they had done this before.

As they picked her up for the second time in the same day, Lia was asking herself if this was how carpets feel. In fact, she hadn’t felt like a human being since she first walked through the store’s door earlier; she only felt like an object.

Although she couldn’t see out of the dirty plastic, Lia could tell they had brought her upstairs and were moving her out of the shop. She was too tired to shout when they found themselves in the dark street and, besides, she could tell that no one would hear or care. She was placed – dropped, to be precise – inside of a van, and when she felt the engine start and the van take off, she began shivering out of the exhaustion and misery.

She had been happy, she had been living her best life and getting ready for an even better future. Now, she had been raped, tied up like a roast and thrown in a van heading for god-knows-where.

Her hope lied with her phone and her friends. Someone would be worried and they’d find her before long. That was her last thought before falling into a short, tormenting sleep, lulled by the smooth rocking of the vehicle.

Little did she know that her phone was on a technician’s bench, somewhere in the other side of the city, getting some meticulous work done on it. When it would be eventually found, the technician’s hefty reward would ensure that the police would be definitely left without a clue.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ngi9c5/a_girl_abducted_the_intro_mfnonconviolent


  1. Oh wow, this was quite the ride. Your writing is seriously amazing

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