The Business Deal – Part 1 – [MF] [MF] [Seduction][Cheating][Non-consensual consent][Swapping]

This is my first long story. It was experiment for someone and decided to post here to see reaction. This damn thing got way too long, I mean like, it’s over a hundred pages in my Google doc. It is more like a damn novella, but if it is well received I will post more and see where it goes. Thank you for reading.


“I’m sorry, you…what?”

Ben was confused, shocked, and dizzy. He was trying to process what was happening and he wasn’t doing a very good job. When he had walked into his boss’s office a few minutes ago he thought it was to talk about a project. Instead, his boss had proposed something so outrageous that he was having trouble believing if it was real.

“I think it’s pretty straightforward,” his boss said.

He leaned back into his chair and regarded Ben in a cool and even gaze.

“I want to spend the weekend with your wife. In return, I will promote you and give you a bonus. I think that is pretty clear. Wouldn’t you agree?”


Ben was a young man of 27, well built, tall, handsome, and very good at what he does. The financial services firm had hired him right out of business school and he was a top performer. His wife, Stacy, was of the same age, very beautiful, medium height, long straight hair, and a wicked smile. Men chased her, but she was loyal to her Ben. Likewise, Ben was only about his Stacy and in that, they were quite lucky.

However, there was one man that wanted to chase and catch Stacy very badly. That was Ben’s boss, Stephen. He was in his 50s, somewhat fit, a little paunchy, good looking, but not a head turner at first glance. Stephen was the president of the company and a womanizer. He kept this from his wife very well through a series of tactics and enablers within the office. Stephen was never so bold or stupid as to go after his secretary. He had much different tastes. However, when they approached him to ask if there wasn’t something they could do to prove how valuable they were to the company, and they usually asked as they started to remove a button or two on their blouse, he had no reservations about making them prove their value on his desk, couch, or chair.

His preferred type was “pretty, married and unattainable.” He loved the chase, the forbidden fruit, the idea of having another man’s partner for himself. Stephen’s kink was to use his position of power for his dirty deeds. He would prefer to have charmed them on his own, persuading them to spend a couple of hours with him on his own merits, and he did enjoy those experiences.
There had been times, though, when he had been unable to easily persuade a woman to enjoy his office or a nearby hotel. He enjoyed these women the most, the chase was more exciting. Most he had worn down and then had them, conquering them for an evening like a general finally winning the long battle. However, once caught, he sometimes lost interest. If they worked for him, he had them transferred to other locations with some money and a new title. They despaired but didn’t say anything as they knew it would hurt them, not him.

Again, most of the time he could persuade them. As years passed, however, he began a game that pleased him to no end and satisfied both his lust for women and power. He called it “The Business Deal.” There were those women, either that worked for him or were the wives or girlfriends of the men that worked there, that held out resolutely and saw through his charms and machinations when he tried to seduce them through his normal efforts. These he wanted most, not just for a fun evening, but to assert his control and dominance. The offer was simple: promotion and a bonus, and if they held out, he hinted at firing. He liked when they held out, so he could flex that ability. In the end, all of them fell and agreed to his demands.
Ben and Stacy were just the latest targets for Stephen in a long line of ruined marriages and relationships. He had seen Stacy when she brought in some lunch for Ben, who had joined the company just two weeks ago. He was entranced and wanted Stacy for himself. Being so new, it would not be hard to get her to agree. New guys were always in a precarious position as they had just changed jobs and had everything to lose. He smiled and made his plans.

Stephen had actually just finished a “business deal” three weeks before. It started last summer when a man two floors down had his wife over for lunch. She was tall, had long flowing brunette hair, blue eyes, and a figure that made men gnash their teeth at their rotten luck that they could not touch her. They were eating in a common room when he saw her. Stephen walked over and introduced himself and immediately tried to charm her. She firmly rebuffed him, skillfully, as she was used to his style from many other men. Stephen understood the game as well. He began working on the husband, getting to know him, being kind and encouraging, ingratiating himself into his life and, by extension, into hers. She continued to ignore his charms and efforts. However, he learned one day that they had just made a move into their first house, so things were tight and he saw his opportunity. He bided his time and then, one day, she came into the office for lunch again four weeks ago.

Stephen approached them and greeted them in a friendly manner. You know, like when the chef says hello to the lobster right before inviting him into the slowly heating pot. After some small chit chat, Stephen asked the husband, Jon, to go to another office and get some papers from a VP or something. The husband apologized to his wife, Tami, but rushed off, allowing Stephen to sit with the wary wife. He continued to talk with her but she had her guard up, feeling she could handle him. Normally, she would be correct, but she wasn’t ready for what he said.

He told her, bluntly, that he wanted to spend the evening with her. He said if she did, Jon would be promoted, a sizable bonus be deposited into their accounts, they could use one or two of his vacation homes on occasion, and Jon would be fire-proof. Or, she could say no, and when he returned she could help him pack up his things from his office on his way out the door since he would be fired and blackballed within the industry in that city. Her choice.

Tami was stunned. Stephen has delivered the ultimatum quickly and directly, without much emotion. He didn’t want to waste any time with her. They talked back and forth, her expressing her disbelief and holding back tears. Tami told him she would go directly to HR with this if Stephen attempted to fire Jon, and Stephen laughed. He told her that it would be her word against his, and considering the HR director was a close friend and would be on his side, that wouldn’t be much of a risk. Also, at the end of the day Jon would be gone and he would do everything to prevent him from getting jobs elsewhere, and considering that mortgage payment would be due no matter what, she had much more to lose than him.

“How could you do this to us? He has worked hard and we just got that home, our first. Why would you take that all away just to get your rocks off with me? This is serious bullshit!”

“Tami, I can respect that, but you are incredibly sexy and I can’t help what I feel. I would do anything to be with you for just one night.”

“That is not happening! I may lose our home saying no, but I’m not going to be some whore!”

“This is no different than me being an ex-boyfriend or something. I mean, you slept with other men before Jon, right? And you still got married, so the fact you’ve had other men and yet are happily committed to him shouldn’t be any different than now. Just think of it as if we had dated for one night back then, it was fun but we went our own ways, and then you’re back with him. Nothing changes for you guys, except a lot more money, a promotion, and a great memory of passion.”

“Oh come on, how can even you convince yourself of that bullshit. You know exactly what this is. Fucking coercion and extortion.”

“Tami, look, I truly believe that you only have everything to gain from this and nothing to lose. I mean, I may be older, but I still take care of the women I am with. I am certainly no slouch in bed and I think if you just relaxed and went with the flow you and me could have a great time, no one has to be hurt and everyone walks away happy. I guarantee I will put a smile on your face.”

“You’re crazy. Does this work with a lot of others? Do other women just smile and say ‘Sure!’ and spread their legs for a night and it all works out like a fucking Lifetime movie?”

“Actually, yes. Those papers I sent Jon form to get from that VP? That VP is Mitchell, who a few years ago had no future here or anywhere really. Not bad, just a middle manager. But he married up, by like a lot, and Marissa was absolutely stunning. I talked with them and made a solid financial offer. They took me up on it, and now Mitchell is a VP and actually doing well, Marissa stayed with him and they are doing great, first kid on the way, and it never gets brought up.”

“Yeah right, like you never went back and said I just need one more night, and it would be a shame if something were to happen to Mitchell’s position.”

“No, I never went back and did that. I promise you, not that you trust me or believe me, but you can talk with Marissa yourself if you’d like. She works in HR now, assistant to the Director actually and she is very happy with the results.”

Stephen had made it clear with that statement. If she went to HR, the Director was on his side and his assistant had benefited herself from a business deal. It would be a dead end to complain and Jon would still be fired. It was a no win solution.

“In fact,” Stephen said as he leaned close to Tami, “I never had to offer Marissa another penny for her to spend more than a few more nights with me. She took the deal, was very satisfied, and came back for more on her own, and I kept my end of the deal no question. I think I could offer you the same and make you very happy in all respects.”

Tami was quiet. While only a few seconds passed, a million thoughts went through her head. She was stuck. There was no way out of this without someone getting hurt. She had no idea how to keep her relationship alive with Jon if she did this, but at the same time, they were doomed if he could ruin his career. She had a good job, but they couldn’t make it on one salary right now. They would lose everything.

And, damn him, his words wormed their way into her head. In college, she had been a party girl. One night stands and a few other adventures had been a norm for her, before she met Jon her senior year. There must have been at least two dozen men within three years. Yet, they were all put aside in her mind when she realized how amazing Jon was and committed to him. Could she put aside her marriage for one night to solve this problem and then lock it all away like she did already?

She thought of Daniel, the one that was closest to winning her before Jon. He was a fantastic lover, had a large cock, and left her shaking every time. Jon was only slightly smaller, just as good and only getting better, and really better in every other way so she had rationalized it away. She never thought she could forget Daniel, but she had, and despite any dick size difference, she never wished for him any day of the week. Could she do the same with Stephen? Pretend this was a past lover and then dedicate herself again to Jon? Would he accept her, though? That was the problem.

Tami said she couldn’t keep something like that from her husband and it would break him. Stephen responded that she wouldn’t have to tell him. Stephen would. That afternoon in fact. He wanted him to know. When Jon returned, Stephen asked him to come by later that afternoon. Stephen presented the idea to Jon, who understandably went ballistic. He calmed Jon down and explained the deal to him. He said Tami was open to it and that he should talk to her tonight. Jon was stunned into silence as he could not envision Tami being open to it. Stephen told him to leave right then and let him know tomorrow morning what they decided.

Continued in Part 2
