Sweet Dreams

He’s leaning casually against the boring whitewashed frame to my front door waiting for the expected after date kiss. Looking up at him, and the way his golden brown eyes glazed over slightly as his gaze lowered to the tasteful hint of my cleavage, I knew nothing in my expression promised anything expected. Slowly and deliberately stepping into him, I lean into his chest and press myself into him, grinding just a bit. His breath catches, and a small smile flickers across my lips. I like that, oh, yes, I like that quite a bit. Feeling a bit like the cat in a game of cat and mouse, I stand on tippy toes and give him a warm, open mouth kiss, moving my lips over his, savoring the way he seems surprised at the heat of the movements of my lips on his. Quickly, teasingly, I slip my tongue over his lips and coax his into a dance of heated swirls and gentle prods that makes me draw a breath hurriedly. I whisper into his mouth ” You wanna come up?”. I relax back onto my heels in time to see him nod yes, almost as if he can’t believe it. Grinning wickedly, I take his hand and after struggling with the keys for a moment in my excitement, the the key slides home, and I’m up my steps. Knowing he’s looking at my ass, though, I slow down. Just the thought of him staring at my ass make things low in my belly tighten in appreciation of what is to come. At the top of the stairs, I turn and stare down at him, watching his eye’s shift into that feral, almost wild look a man gets when he knows that you won’t say no. It wasn’t just that I wasn’t going to be saying no, though….. oh not that in the least. I lift my hands to his shoulders, and ask the all important question… ” Will you do exactly what I say?” And he nods, exactly like I knew he would….

I’m laying flat on my back against my plain white cotton sheets, nude and trembling. The soft scratchiness of my sheets is just another sensation to heighten the entirety of my pleasure, so I rub the tender skin of my heel over and over it while I instruct him to suck and lick my nipples in the way that I like, “Slowly, suck them into your mouth, then slowly, remember, always slowly, flick your tongue up and down, and never change your pace.” Smilingly, and almost shyly, he obliges and slowly pulls my tiny half hardened nipple into his mouth. I watch with mouth slightly agape as my lightly pink aureole disappears as he’s pulls more and more into his mouth until all I can see is his mouth covering my breast. His tongue begins to slowly, ever so slowly flick up and down. Uuuuuup, doooown, uuuup, doooown. He doesn’t touch any other part of me, we’re connected by just his mouth, on my breast. He never changes his pace, just like I told him, just that steady up and down motion with his tongue. Now this is starting to go beyond just feeling good, I’m starting to get frustrated, every flick of his tongue sending jolts of electricity from my nipple to my groin, making lower things tighten a little more each time. The rest of my body is beginning to tingle, begging to be touched, but I refuse to break my torture and tell him what my body really wants.

But soon I’m beginning to whimper and arch my back, my body declaring what it wants. No help needed from my lips. It asks, aches to be caressed and stroked, and exactly like I told him , he ignores my body’s pleas. I grind my groin into the air, trying to ease the tension between my legs. He glances up at me with eyes that long ago have become dark with the want to finish what he’s started. ” Now the other one, and don’t be afraid to use a little teeth” . I try smiling at him, but I’m thinking it comes out a little more like a pained baring of teeth. Because this much pleasure is a kind of pain. Eyes never leaving mine, he deliberately, pulls off my nipple sloooowly, scraping his teeth and earning a hiss of pain and appreciation from me. Quickly, this time, he bends his head to my left nipple, only he is more urgent and rough this time. Biting, pulling. His hand snakes up my stomach to encircle my other breast and knead it roughly as he abuses my nipple with his tongue and teeth. The frustration proves too much, and my hand drifts down to between my legs, where I began to lightly stroke myself, feeling my own wetness and marveling at the slickness as I trail my fingers lightly up and down my slit. Realizing what I’m doing, he sends a questioning glance my way, and I nod to him. Somehow understanding what I need, he wrenches my hand from between my legs and forces it above my head, all the while continuing to assault me with his teeth.

I fight him, that place low in my belly aching and burning to be touched, filled. I feel as if all of me is throbbing with the need to be touched, enjoyed. Even my slight annoyance at him for stopping me from touching myself is drowned by the strangling jolts of electricity racing through me at being forced into submission. Abruptly he rips his mouth from my nipple and wraps his hands in my hair, kissing me roughly.His lips press into mine firmly enough that if I don’t open to his assault, my teeth will cut into my lips. He forces his tongue into my mouth, until I have no choice but to join my tongue in the dance he’s leading. I am reduced to a whimpering, pliant thing, and I sense that our little game of cat and mouse has been reversed. I beg him to stop the teasing and just fuck me, please fuck me. But he only smiles. And this time it isn’t a shy smile. It’s his turn now.

Still smiling, he grasps my hair tighter and tighter until it’s just pass the point of pain that is pleasurable, and just hurts. I open my mouth to tell him as much, when he wrenches my head towards the side of the bed, until I’m on the floor, on my knees and facing him. Stunned a bit at the sudden change, I steady myself with a hand on each of his thighs, staring up and him and rubbing my hands in the silky coarseness of the hairs on his legs. In my state, even the cold hardwood floor bruising my knees feels good. I let my eyes roam down his body. His neck and slightly muscled chest with the light smattering of fine dark brown hair. To his smooth stomach, with his perfect oval naval, and downwards still, to the tighter, darker, more course hair leading to him. The whole, thick length of him. He’s not fully hard yet, but certainly on his way. Not extraordinarily long, but the girth of him is something to admire. He curves slightly to his left, a quirk I find endearing on such an intimate part of him. As I watch that perfect sight of him, His length twitches slightly, seemingly begging for my attentions.

Kneeling on the floor and moistening my lips with quick nervous flicks of my tongue, I lean forwards lightly graze my tongue over the tip of him. I look up up at him, watching his face as I gently pull him, not yet fully hard, into my warm mouth. I swirl my tongue in circles and prod experimentally over his soft head. I love taking a man in my mouth when he’s like this, not yet at his hardest, more pliable and soft, the texture so different than when he‘s rock hard . Quickly, however, my attentions were having an effect, and I’m having to be more cautious with my teeth. Growing, growing, until he’s hard and throbbing. Curling my lips over my teeth to make a soft warm sheath for him, I begin moving up and down, faster and faster, taking more and more of him into my mouth, until my nose is nestled in his groin hair, his length down my throat, easily enough to surprise me. My throat is completely relaxed and I feel none of the usual urge to gag, which I can only attribute to his dedicated attentions earlier. I move up and down the length of him, savoring the cotton candy taste of his precum. I move slowly to fully enjoy the smooth soft texture of his skin, the faint veins throbbing on the underside of his shaft. His head swells slightly, a warning that I will end things too soon if I kept this up. For the few precious seconds I have before I push him beyond that point of no return, I focus on how he feels slipping like silk past my lips. I make an appreciative popping noise as I pull off of him, making us both chuckle. Still chucking a bit, and giving him time to recover, I busy myself with nibbling his thighs, and massaging his balls with one hand. I look up after a little while of this to see that he no longer looks so rock hard he looks as though he will burst. With a quick smile, I decide I’m finished with the foreplay, and let him know this by wrapping first my fingers, followed by my lips firmly around him. Looking up and meeting his gaze, I try to put how much I enjoy doing this into my eyes, I begin to purposely move to the base of him, and back to the tip, grabbing his hips with my free hand and thrusting him into my mouth. Listening to his breathing change, and him swelling suddenly in my mouth, I immediately lighten my tongues’ dance across the underside of his head, and slooowly, moved back and forth over only the tip of him.

When he’s a bit calmer, I climb back on the bed and kneel in front of him, ass waving in the air in that universal “fuck me” pose. Feeling the bed shift under his bulk, I wait, my face buried in my scratchy soft sheets. I smile as I feel him slip into me, but that smile is soon replaced my teeth biting into my lips as he pounds into me, relentlessly. No starting slowly, not now. I’ve pushed him too far for that. And along with the pleasure, there is pain. He’s starting too hard and fast for my body to adjust, and I open my mouth to tell him to let up, but instead only strangled sounds escape. He’s begun hitting that perfect spot, that hidden spot deep inside of me and melting the pain into the pleasure. That perfect spot that winds me tighter and tighter, raising goosebumps along my flesh. I feel the slap of him against my ass, and I start wheezing out commands as that delicious pressure builds and builds, telling him to fuck me faster, harder. ” I can’t hold back too much longer” he wheezes. ” Don’t stop! please, don’t stop! please, please, please….” my words become yelps and moans I muffle in the sheets I hold scrunched to my mouth. That pressure that is almost pain is building, building, and suddenly I’m flung over that shining edge, and down, down, down….. Sheets clutched in my hands, I feel my body contorting around the hard length of him, and the wetness that is me glistening on his abdomen, down my thighs…

*BEEEEEEEEEEP, BEEEEEEEEEEEP, BEEEEEEEEEEP*My alarms’ insistent screaming jerks me back into my own body, my own bed. My body is still twitching from my orgasm, my upper lip is sweaty and my sheets are wrapped around me from my thrashing. My skin is still riddled with goosebumps. I reach a hand timidly between my thighs to discover that I’m soaking wet, down to my knees, as are my sheets. ” Are you fuckin serious?!”, I curse to myself. Unwinding the sticky wet sheets from my heavy limbs seems an impossible task. Finally freeing myself, I stare down at my still slightly quivering thighs hanging over the side of my bed “Son of a bitch!”, I add for emphasis, and chuckle shakily to myself. Sighing, I slip out of bed and struggle into my robe. My body still doesn’t seem to be working quite right. I strip my bed quickly and ball my sheets up and toss them in the laundry basket, and walking almost normally, I give the alarm clock a quick swat to silence it on my way out to make coffee.

Talk about sweet dreams.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/nfm9nr/sweet_dreams

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