[MF] [Anal] A Good Morning

*This story is from only a few weeks ago. I am sure many of you have had mornings like this, and hopefully you’ll have many more. Is there any nicer way to start the day?*

I’m standing in a queue; I think it’s the post office, but I can’t be sure. Wherever it is I know there is something I must do but I can’t seem to focus. I see my old friend Jess from school a couple of places in front of me and call her name. She doesn’t hear me and then the next time I look she is John, but not John. I feel frustrated. I know its him, but the shape is wrong, taller, broader. I can’t focus on his face, but I can feel it is him. We are at a party, not-John and I. He is handing me a drink and the music is too loud, so we move to a sofa to have a seat, but the sofa is a bed and not-John is saying something that I can’t understand. I am happy. We lie beside each other whilst the other guests walk by oblivious, he touches me…

Slowly I opened my eyes. I was lying face down on the bed, arms tucked under the pillow beneath my head which was turned off to one side, my left. My long brown hair lying across my shoulders , which along with a good part of my upper back were exposed above the thin duvet. My right leg was more or less straight out and my left was bent up with my thigh almost at ninety degrees to my body. I was naked which is often how I sleep, depending on how the mood takes me.

I could feel the weight of John’s body pressing against my back, and the heat of his breath on my neck as he snuggled in close to me. His breathing was slow, relaxed but purposeful suggesting he was wide awake and had been for a short time. The other things I could feel were the two fingers of his left hand buried inside me, slowly moving in and out, and the slight pressure of his thumb on my bum. He was being gentle, almost to the point where you might have thought he was afraid to wake me. It felt amazing.

From how wet I was I guessed he must have been doing this for a while, and I wondered how long before that he had been trying to decide whether to disturb me or to hold back his desire and leave me to sleep. Still I lay motionless, not yet wanting him to know I was awake, savouring the pleasure he was giving me. It was like a secret, where I was the only person in the world in that moment who knew what was happening. Sure, John knew what he was doing, but only I knew the pleasure was being received as well as given. A few moments longer passed, and I noticed a slight shift in John’s movements. The in and out motion slowed and the pressure behind me was not so firm. Afraid that he was starting to feel uncomfortable continuing when I was still asleep, I let out a small moan of encouragement.

“Ah… you are awake then. Good morning.” John said as he kissed me gently on the shoulder. “I was wondering how long it would take.”

“Good morning” I replied quietly, still half asleep and still confused by the dream that I had been roused from. I remained lying as I had been, still enjoying the feeling you get first thing as relaxation sucks you down into the mattress. It doesn’t matter how restless you are when you go to bed, it always seems to me that in the morning, bed has a gravity of its own.

Realising I was now awake, John once again increased the range of his movement. Still taking it slow, but each push of his fingers was now going deeper into me than before. After a few dozen or slow gentle thrusts he withdrew them entirely and slid his hand under me searching for my clitoris, running his hand up my opening and spreading my moisture as he went. When he found what he was looking for he began to massage me as he knows I like, slowly at first but increasing the speed and pressure slowly. The thumb which had previously been pressing against my bum, was now dipping in and out of my vagina with no particular pattern, teasing me by stroking the outside before sliding back in for another few gently thrusts. “Mmmmmm” I moaned, enjoying every touch.

This was by no means the first, or I hoped the last time I had been woken in this way. I always find that I get incredibly turned on from this. The stimulation whilst asleep has a more potent effect on me, and when I awaken my body is flooded with oestrogen. And that morning was proving to be no exception.

“The drawer…” I muttered softly, letting my voice tail off. I could hear John smile, something in the way that one breath came out next to my ear. Then his fingers were gone as he rolled away. A moment later he was back, and I felt his hand disappear beneath the covers and over my bum again reaching down between my legs which still had not moved. This time though it wasn’t a finger that I felt but the smoothness and girth of my vibrator which penetrated my wetness. He pushed it in a few inches, then flicked it on at the lowest setting and I let out a louder moan as he gently began to work it in and out as he was doing moments before with his fingers.

John kissed the top of my back and around my lower neck whilst with his left hand he worked the toy in and out of me. I was moving now. Any pretence I was making of not being fully awake was gone as I started to gently moan with a greater frequency. The feeling between my legs was amazing and I had pushed my head back, elongating my neck with my eyes closed as I breathed more and more heavily. John increased the pace gradually, as well as the speed which he clicked up a notch without missing a stroke.

An “Oh God!” involuntarily escaped my lips at this sudden step up in the pleasure. He continued on. I could feel his short beard brushing the skin on my back as he moved back and forth with his lips and tongue. My hips were moving in time to John’s motions, and I was squeezing the toy inside me trying to draw it deeper in to me. I knew that had this been John’s cock he would be fighting the urge to cum as I applied this additional pressure. But it was me that was going to cum and as John sensed this, he again stepped up the speed on the vibrator and started to be much more deliberate with his movements. I didn’t last much longer. “I am cumming! Keep going.” I said quietly, still with my face away from John’s as it felt like every muscle in my body contracted at the same time.

I rode the most intense wave of the pleasure as it coursed through my body before relaxing down into the bed again. John reduced the speed of the vibration slowly, before clicking it off but leaving it inside me a moment longer knowing I don’t like to feel empty too soon after I cum. When he finally removed it from me I felt the palm of his hand slowly trail up across my bum and the toy passing up between my cheeks which were slightly parted due to the still raised position of my left leg. It rested a few seconds with the tip against my rear opening then it was gone as John again rolled away from me.

I heard him place the vibrator on the bedside table but was surprised when he didn’t immediately return to me. I had already cum, but John hadn’t, and fair is fair. I turned my head to the right without yet moving the rest of me to follow, to see what he was doing. He had pushed the duvet off himself and was lying on his back naked as I was, and seeing he was looking down towards the bottom of the bed, I followed his gaze. At first I thought he was masturbating, and was about to ask him if I he wanted me to finish him when I noticed how shiny his hands and his penis were. I then watched as he held the small black bottle upside down above the head of his penis and another trickle of lubricant oozed out onto the tip. Placing the bottle down again beside him he continued to spread it over his hardness with both hands.

I returned my gaze up towards his face to see that he was now looking at me. Our eyes met and we both smiled. “I love you” I said, and his smile deepened in response. “I love you too” he replied before I turned my head back away from him again. At the same time I gently slid my arms out from under the pillow where they had been supporting me. My hands made their way down under my body cupping each breast and tweaking the nipple gently, then onward across my stomach to find the heat between my legs. I closed my eyes again as I slowly started to touch myself, dipping my fingers inside to coat them before returning to my clitoris and getting a head start on orgasm number two.

It wasn’t much longer until I felt John roll back up against me, having decided that he was ready to go. He slid the covers completely off me exposing my nakedness. John knows that I enjoy anal, but he also knows that he needs to take it easy until we get into a rhythm and that if he wants me to come then in most cases I need some other stimulation as well. On this occasion I was happy for that other stimulation to be my own fingers, and was already well into my own world when I felt the weight of his body as he raised himself up above my back. Initially supporting himself with his arms either side of me, he had his right leg outside mine and used his left to pull my left leg in parallel alongside with his again on the outside. He then sat up into a kneeling position, sitting back on my thighs.

I slid my hands out from under myself and round to my bum, taking one cheek in each and gently pulled them apart exposing myself to him. I could feel the coolness of the air and relaxed slightly ready to take him. I know that John finds it an incredible turn on when I present myself to him in this way, willingly opening myself for him to enjoy. He rubbed me with his fingers inserting one slightly to gently coat the entrance before doing the same with the tip of his penis. I felt the pressure of the head beginning to part me as John pushed forward slowly. The first few centimetres stretched me wide, almost to the point of discomfort but this would only last a second. As the bulbous head passed through, my muscles relaxed on to the narrower shaft and I released my cheeks allowing them to close around him. I returned my hands underneath to continue stimulating myself as I took the remainder of his length.

Once he was fully inside me, he paused for a moment to let me get used to the feeling and to enjoy the sensation of being full. At this point I wished I still had the vibrator close to hand as I had a sudden desire to be filled in both places at once, but instead I had to make do with my fingers which were being squeezed between me and the mattress under John’s weight. He leant forward on to my back as he simultaneously started to move out and in and I matched the speed of his movement in my touching of my clitoris. Now lying prone with John likewise on top of me, his legs gripping my hips and upper thigh, he started to move in me in a more deliberate fashion.

“That feels amazing” he said, “I love being in your ass.”

“Yes it does,” I replied “I can feel your balls against me.”

With just enough space between my legs to allow his heavy balls to hit against my pussy, I enjoyed this additional sensation as he pushed into me with each thrust. If I had been on all fours, they’d be slapping against me much harder perhaps even removing the need to finger myself, but this was nice as it was. John quickened the pace after a few minutes, he never takes long to cum when he is in my ass, and I did likewise to maximise the chance of us cumming together. After a few minutes of him taking it easy, John reached under my body with his right arm and wrapping it under my right shoulder he reached over partly across my chest and partly across the lower part of my neck and took hold of my left shoulder. With his other hand he reached up and leaning on his elbow next to my face he took hold of my hair at the back of my head. His upper body was now pressing down heavily on mine, and his hips were doing all the work.

As he started to build his pace of movement, John held me tight with his right arm pulling me close into him whilst using my hair for leverage he turned my head to be face down in to the pillow. I was trapped and had no real control of what he was doing. I loved it!

“Are you ready?” he asked me “I want to cum.”

“Yes.” I replied, my voice slightly muffled by the pillow.

I wouldn’t be able to breath like this very well, but it wasn’t going to be a problem for much longer. With my confirmation, John really started to go for it squeezing me even tighter with his right arm, pinning me in place as he began to thrust hard. I increased my pace on my clitoris with my right hand as my left held myself open to allow the best access to my now almost frantic fingers. I was seconds away from cumming as the warmth built inside me. John was going harder and harder, barely giving me any time to get used to it before he increased again, and I came for him moaning loudly into the pillow. This clearly was the sign he had been waiting for and he started to slam me forward no longer caring how hard I wanted it, focusing solely on his own needs. This pushed me straight into another climax as he pulled my hair hard forcing my face forward and up as his arm pressed against my exposed throat. I managed one big gulp of air and then screamed through this unexpected extra orgasm just as John unloaded his balls deep inside me.

As John released my hair, my head dropped back down on to the pillow exhausted. I brought my arms out from under me as he rolled off after gently withdrawing himself and we lay side by side for a while before both falling back asleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/nfec2o/mf_anal_a_good_morning

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