Hostel Relations [MF]


I heard the shout come from the other side of the baggage claim area and quickly whipped my head around. I saw Karen, my friend from college lumbering towards me, her bags weighing her down.

“It’s so good to see you!” I said, opening my arms and giving her a big hug.

“You too!” She smiled back.

It had been a year since we had seen each other, so we were both extremely excited for the long Memorial Day weekend. We walked to my car, and began the drive to the hostel we would be staying at. As soon as we exited the air conditioned airport, the heat hit us. Even though it was nearly 7 pm, it was up near 100 degrees, and it felt every bit of it. By the time we reached the hostel about 40 minutes away, we were already sweaty and gross. The heat had taken away any quippy banter, relegating us to regaling stories from our college days, and chatting about the few people we have stayed in contact with since. When we got to the hostel, we knocked on the door and were greeted by the host: a 6 foot tall black man with a shaved head, dressed in shorts and a ratty t-shirt.

“Hey! You guys must be Karen and Mark. Come in come in. Let’s get you guys out of this heat. I’m Jimmy, it’s nice to meet y’all.”

The cold air from the house hit my body as soon as I walked inside and I let out a deep breath. We filled out the paperwork, paid for the weekend, and dropped our bags off in one of the rooms. We took a seat at the table in the living room, each with a glass of ice water, and each slumped over in our chairs. We began to cool down though, and our energy returned. We went out and grabbed a 6 pack, returned to the hostel, and started to talk about all of our adventures since the last time we had been together, falling back into the comfortable groove we had with each other while in college. We played cards, and other people staying there joined in. First there was Hilda, a twenty two year old from Germany. She had blonde hair, was about 5 foot 5, had C breasts, was wearing a colorful romper that drew attention to her cleavage, and when she smiled, she did so with her entire face: eyes squinting, nose wrinkling, full teeth showing. After Hilda sat down, we were then joined by Julie, a twenty nine year old from New York City. Julie was Asian, had shoulder length straight black hair, was 5 foot nothing, and weighed maybe 95 pounds soaking wet. She had small perky breasts hidden under a blue top that was open in the back and had on a pair of white shorts. Julie and Hilda were both incredibly friendly, but they also had completely different personalities. Hilda was quiet, listening to the conversation for the most part, only offering comments when questions were asked directly to her. Julie was loud and sarcastic, and I found myself frequently getting into verbal sparring matches with her, each appreciating the other’s wit, especially when it was directed against the other. Soon the four of us were talking like we had known each other for years.

“Hey, I am almost out of beer. I think I am going to run across the street and pick up some more. Does anyone else need anything?” I asked, drinking the dregs of my last brew.

“Yeah could you pick me up some hard cider?” Julie asked, picking her empty bottle up and showing me the brand she wanted.

“Oh me too please!” Hilda added on.

“Sure. Be back in a sec.” I stated before walking out the door, and heading across the street to the liquor store.

I smiled as I picked the drinks from the refrigerated shelves, thinking about how much fun the weekend would be, and happy to take a timeout from life just for a few days. With the drinks in hand, I walked slowly across the street, basking in the finally cooled off night. I opened the door and set down the drinks at the table. To my surprise, there was someone else sitting at the table.

“Hey. I’m Mark.” I said.

“Simon.” He replied. “How are you?”

“Oh pretty good. Just kind of hot. Where are you visiting from?”

“Austria, but this is my third city in America. I was in Boston and then Houston before this.”

“Oh awesome. How long are you here for?” I asked.

“Just tomorrow, then I leave the next day.” He answered.

“Oh same with us too.” I said, gesturing to myself and Karen.

The game continued, and Simon fit right in. I could tell he was a bit of an ass, but he was hilarious, so I didn’t mind at all. Simon was sitting next to Julie, and quickly it became pretty apparent that he was quite interested in her. A lingering glance, a brush of her arm, Simon knew how far he could go without getting creepy. If Julie noticed, she did an excellent job of hiding it. She was friendly to him, just like the rest of us, but not moreso. The rest of us continued playing, talking, and laughing like we had been earlier in the night. It felt like we would continue at that table forever, until Karen looked at the clock and exclaimed.

“Jesus, it’s 3 am. I need to crash if I have any hope of doing anything tomorrow.” She said.

“Yeah,” I agreed, suddenly yawning. I think I might turn in too.”

Everyone conceded that it was too late to stay up, but that we would eat breakfast together in the morning and decide what we would do the next day. We all shuffled off to our various rooms, Julie and Hilda in one of the smaller ones, and Simon, Karen, and myself in the largest of all the rooms. Everyone else in the hostel had already gone to bed, so we tried to be as quiet as we could when getting to our bunks. I changed into basketball shorts and a t-shirt with a few holes in it, slid into my bed, and closed my eyes, but for whatever reason sleep would not come. I listened to the heavy breathing from all those around me. Karen had the bunk right above me, and I heard her drift off first. Simon twisted and turned for a bit, but he settled down as well. Soon the only sounds in the room were a light snore from across the room, and a few blankets rustling. My eyes remained shut, but try as I might, I could not fall asleep. Finally, I decided that if I was not going to fall asleep, I might as well do some reading. I eased out of my bunk and grabbed the book that I was reading from my bag. I snuck out of the room as quietly as I could and went out the door to the enclosed backyard. I turned on the porch light and settled in on the bench. I had barely read five pages when I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Julie with a glass of water in her hand.

“How come you’re up?” She asked while lingering near the door.

“Just couldn’t sleep. Figured I would do some reading instead of tossing around all night. You?”

“Same. You know, except without the book.” Julie replied, holding up her phone and cracking a smile at the last part.

“Solid. Solid.” I bobbed my head up and down and trailed off.

I looked back down to my book. Julie hesitated by the door, not sure if I was going to say more, but after a few seconds she came and sat across from me at the table. I glanced up solely with my eyes and saw the light of her phone illuminate her face as she stared intently at the screen. My gaze drifted back to the pages of text in front of me, and that was how we sat for the better part of an hour. Suddenly, Julie sighed audibly, stood up, leaned back and stretched with her arms over her head. The tank top she was wearing rode up to expose her tight stomach and was drawn tight across her breasts. The bright light of the porch contrasted the pitch darkness around the yard, and Julie was at the center of the light. She ran her hand through her hair, then sat back down.

“It’s weird,” Julie started. “It’s like I’m tired, but I know that as soon as I get in bed I won’t be able to fall asleep.”

“Yeah, I feel the same way. I’ve been stuck on the same page for the last 15 minutes because I keep losing focus, but I don’t really want to go to bed.” I responded, looking up from my book.

“You want to play a game?” Julie looked at me with a wry smile.

“Yeah I’m down. What did you have in mind?”

“I have. It’s like never have I ever, but you say things you have done and put a finger down when you haven’t done something. When one of us loses it’ll be time for bed. Sound good?”

I closed my book. “Sounds like a plan to me. Ten or five?”

“Let’s do ten.” Julie said. “I don’t want to make you put all your fingers down and go to bed that quickly.”

“Oh yeah?” I scoffed. “What makes you think that I’ll be the one that loses?”

“Because I’ve done way more shit than you.”

“We’ll see I guess.” I said defiantly. “You go first. Show me how adventurous you are.”

Julie leaned down over the table and put her fingers up. She grinned and the game began. It started pretty tame by covering countries we had traveled to, places we had stayed, random activities we had done, etc. After quite a few rounds and some interesting life stories, we had both put down most of our fingers, but I held a one question lead.

“I have fucked a guy.” Julie said, knowing that she would be able to get me with that.

“Fuck you. That’s a cheap shot.” I jokingly complained as I dropped into a tie with her. “Fine if we are going to go that route then I’ve gone down on a chick before.”

I waited for her to lower her final digit, but she did not. “Ah, dammit! You baited me!” I said.

“Yeah kinda. Oh well. Looks like I’m about to take the lead, and win the game. It’s a shame too. I wasn’t quite ready to go to bed.” She jested. “I have witnessed a guy jerk off on the subway in New York.”

“You know, I thought I would be more upset about losing, but if the price of winning is watching a hobo jerk off, then I think I’m ok with losing.” I quipped, closing my fist and signaling the end of the game.

“See. Told you I was way more cultured and experienced than you.” Julie gloated.

“I wouldn’t say that winning by one and having to resort to a cheap shot counts as more cultured.” I chuckled, giving her a playful shove.

“I don’t know. I sure feel cultured.” She said, pushing me back.

We walked back inside next to each other, and stopped at the doors to our respective rooms.

“See you at breakfast.” I leaned down and whispered.

“Yup. See you then.” Julie breathed back.

I felt her hand brush against mine as she went past me into her room, followed by the click of the door closing behind her. I went to my bed for the second time that night hoping that this time I would actually fall asleep. I closed my eyes once again, and brought the blanket up over me. After a few minutes and some adjusting to the bed, sleep did come.

I was woken the next morning by a crack in the window shade shining a ray of sunlight straight into my eyes. I squinted and blinked myself awake, stretching my legs and arms in the bed before rolling out onto the floor. I dragged myself to the kitchen table where thankfully there was coffee already brewed. I put some bread in the toaster and poured myself a large mug of the caffeinated beverage. Hilda was already up and at the table along with a few other guests that I had only met briefly. One by one, each member of our impromptu group arose, and when Julie woke up and made her way to the kitchen, we were finally all congregated. We discussed the plan for the day, and decided that we would go downtown so that we could hit up some museums, get lunch, and sort of wander about the city. Following the successful execution of this portion of the day, we arrived back at the hostel and started to plan the night. Since it was most of our last nights in the city, we decided that we needed to go to a good old fashioned country bar since none of us had ever been to one before. The girls all agreed that they needed to change while Simon and myself were more than happy to stay in the casual dress we had been in all day.

The ladies all finished changing at different times, so as we waited, Simon and I watched TV in the living room. First to be done was Karen who looked nice in a black shirt, dark blue jeans, and white strappy heels. Julie came out shortly after, looking phenomenal in a strapless blue shirt covered with a white sweater, tan shorts, and black slip ons. The four of us waited for what felt like hours for Hilda, but finally she emerged from the bathroom wearing a short red dress, black shawl, and 4 inch black heels. With Simon and myself ogling at the woman that just emerged from the bathroom, Karen cleared her throat loudly.

“Sorry. Just wow. You look great, Hilda.” I said.

“Thanks.” Hilda blushed.

“Hey! How come I don’t get a ‘You look great, Julie.’ Do I look shitty or something?” Julie said in mock indignance.

“No. You do look great, Julie. Very nice.” Simon said without missing a beat.

“Meh. I don’t know about that. It seems like you sorta mailed this one in. Don’t worry. You can try again tomorrow.” I responded to Julie’s sarcasm with some of my own.

“Thank you, Simon. That’s very sweet. Eat a dick, Mark.” Julie said, laughing and punching me in the arm.

“Owww. Abuse!” I exclaimed.

“Fuck off.” Was the chorus from Julie and Karen.

Around 10:00 the Uber arrived to take us downtown to the bar that we had found online. It was everything we had expected; from the live music to the men in cowboy hats and boots, we loved it all. We started drinking, Julie and Hilda settling on vodka cranberries, and the rest of us getting beers. When it was time for the second round, I thought that it would be fun to get a shot of whiskey with my beer.

“Anyone up for a shot?” I asked.

The three girls shook their heads, but Simon nodded.

“Alright!” Yelled Julie. “Let’s get some shots in you guys!”

The drinks came, and I turned to Simon. “Cheers, man.” We clinked glasses and downed the whiskey. The familiar burn down the back of my throat made me smile. “Gotta love good old Jim.” I said to nobody in particular.

I nodded my head and tapped my foot to the music, witnessing the dance floor fill up with variously skilled patrons. I smiled and took another swig of beer.

“Want to dance?” A voice asked me.

I looked over and saw Karen grinning and finishing her third beer.

“Yeah, sure. Why not?” I said.

I took her by the hand and we went to the dance floor where I proceeded to make a complete fool out of myself, but also had a ton of fun. Shortly after we entered the dance floor, Julie followed along with Hilda and Simon. We all started dancing in a group, although Simon kept trying to section Julie off from the rest of us. When the song ended, Julie offered to get the next round of drinks.

“What does everyone want?” She asked.

“Same.” We replied unanimously.

Julie went to the bar, and after a few minutes, she returned with our drinks and also another shot for me and Simon.

“You’re the best!” I said loudly.

I grabbed my shot and again toasted with Simon. We took the shots and chased them with our fresh beers. This trend continued, each one of us buying a round, and everyone coming back with shots for me and Simon. Hilda got the last round right before last call, and by this point we were all fairly drunk. Nobody was passed out or puking, but we were all feeling the effects of the previous night of very little sleep and all of the alcohol of the night. The band was playing one last song before closing down for the night.

“One last dance?” I turned and asked Julie.

“I suppose.” She said, a grin flashing across her lips.

“Ok. One sec.” I turned to Simon. “Cheers buddy,” and I raised my glass. He raised it back and I downed my last shot of the night. I then took Julie on the dance floor, and grabbed her hands, doing perhaps the worst two-step in American history. Julie could not keep a straight face the entire time, as we turned all over the floor. The song ended and I continued to hold her for half a second before letting her go.

“I called the Uber. They should be here in about 5 minutes.” Hilda came up and told us.

“Sweet. Just enough time for me to finish my beer.” I exclaimed.

The five of us gathered at a table, all finishing our drinks, except for Simon who was nursing a glass of water, and still had his shot in front of him.

“You good?” I asked sincerely.

“Yeah, I think I’m done drinking for the night though.” He responded a bit weakly.

“Alright. Well let us know if you need anything before we leave.” Said Karen.

“Uber’s here!” Hilda said, looking up from her phone.

We all got up to leave when Julie’s voice took us by surprise. “Anyone going to take this?” She asked, gesturing to the full shot of whiskey on the table. When we all shook our heads, she shrugged her shoulders and gulped it down. “Alright let’s go.”

The ride back to the hostel was only about twenty minutes long, but sometimes twenty minutes is longer than it seems. About ten minutes into the ride, Simon, who was sitting next to me, started shifting uncomfortably, then he started breathing really deeply and lowered his window.

“You ok, man?” I asked quietly.

Simon looked at me and shook his head yes, but he looked extremely green. “Fuck, please don’t puke in the car.” I thought to myself. The next ten minutes were brutal for me watching Simon, so I cannot imagine what it was like to be him during that time. The second that the driver pulled into the driveway at the hostel, Simon was out of the car and puked on the front lawn. The rest of us got out of the car and ushered him inside. Simon headed straight for the bathroom and locked himself in, leaving the four of us outside, hoping that we had not killed him.

“Fuck me.” Said Hilda.

“What?” Asked Karen.

“My ride to the airport is going to be here at 4 and I am not going to be able to wake up to my alarm, I’m too drunk.”

“Here, set the alarm for what time you need to get up at, then give it to me. I’m a really light sleeper, so I’ll wake up, then I’ll wake you up.” I instructed Hilda.


“Yeah. No problem.” I said.

“Ok. Well I’m going to bed then. Good night. Thanks for all the fun.” Hilda addressed our group, then went to her room.

“You guys need any help looking after Simon?” Karen asked.

“Nah, I think we are ok. It’s only about an hour before I have to wake up Hilda anyways, so I might as well just stay up with Simon.” I told her.

“Yeah, we’ve got it. I’m going to go to bed in a sec anyways. I just want to make sure he’s alright.” Said Julie.

“Ok. Goodnight then.” Karen yawned as she went to bed.

Julie and I checked on Simon every few minutes, and eventually got him to drink some water. By the time we had him cleaned up and gotten him in his bed, it was about fifteen minutes before we had to wake up Hilda. I sat at the table with her alarm in front of me, tired, but unable to go to bed at this time. Julie pulled out the chair and sat next to me. She laid her head on my shoulder and breathed softly into my shirt.

“Mmmm. You smell nice.” She said wistfully.

“You’re full of shit.” I chuckled lightly. “I probably smell like booze and puke.”

“Top that with the smoke from the bar and it’s every girl’s wet dream.” Julie murmured as she nuzzled herself deeper into my shoulder.

“You know it.” I said.

I reached around and draped my arm around her, pulling her into me. My head bent down and my nose rested on the top of her head. She too smelled vaguely of cigarettes and alcohol, but I could also smell her pomegranate shampoo. I laid a soft kiss on her head, prompting her to look up at me. I propped her chin up and kissed her lightly on the lips. Julie kissed me back, her lips caressed mine, gently pressing on them while my arm hugged her tighter to me. Our lips separated briefly, then they met back with muted passion, both of us wanting it, but neither of us with a ton of excess energy. My hands peeled off her sweater, then shimmied up her shirt. Her already hard nipples were poking through her thin strapless bra, my fingers gently pinching them through the material. My thumb rubbed her protruding left nipple lightly, then switched to her right. These touches made Julie breathe harder and faster, kissing me more aggressively as a result. I felt a gentle bite on my lower lip, then her hand started stroking my thigh. I felt a light graze over my bulge as she brushed the outer edge of my engorged dick. Her fingers traced me through my pants, then seized my manhood, stroking me firmly. I scooted towards the end of my chair to give her better access, but also to allow myself to reach between her legs and massage her slit over her shorts. Julie unbuttoned my pants and reached her hand down, grasping my hard cock with her small hand.

“Wait. Do you have a condom?” Julie asked.

Fuck. Five small words about to kill what was shaping up to be a memorable night.

“I swear I’m not trying to be a bitch or anything, it’s just that we are basically strangers and…” She continued breathlessly.

“No, no, you are totally right. It’s 100% the smart thing to do.” I said reluctantly.

BEEP BEEP BEEP. Hilda’s alarm began to go off. Julie and I looked at each other, helpless and unable to change the time. I turned off the alarm.

“Okay. So hear me out. I think I have a plan.” I started.

“I’m listening.”

“How about this. You go wake up Hilda and make sure that she is ready to go to the airport. I am going to run across the street to the 24 hour 7/11 and get a box of condoms. I will say bye to Hilda, then we can continue with this. Yeah?” I pleaded.

“Ok. Be back quick.” Julie said.

Julie kissed me and went into their room to wake Hilda up. I zipped up my pants and ran out the door. I crossed the street and ran half a block down to the store. I bought the condoms and then sprinted back to the hostel. I went into Hilda’s room just as she was finishing putting everything in her bag.

“It’s been a fun weekend.” Hilda said to the two of us.

“It has. Fly safe.” I said.

“Enjoy your trip.” Julie replied.

“Get some sleep guys. Thanks again.”

And with that, Hilda walked out the door and left for the airport. Julie and I looked around her room. Despite having six bunks, there was nobody else that was assigned to the room. Julie and I realized this about the same time. I pulled her towards me, simultaneously stepping back and closing the door. I reached down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up over her head. My arms closed around her bare back as I kissed her neck. My hands wandered down to her ass, cupping each cheek. I felt her breath blow past my ear as she pushed me up against the door. She broke away from me and slowly removed her bra. She had small brown nipples on her petite breasts, and I wanted nothing more than to put them in my mouth. She held me at arm’s length and took off my shirt, then once again unbuttoned my pants. My pants fell to the ground, and Julie followed. She was on her knees, and gradually pulled my boxers down. My dick sprang forth and into her greedy hands. She began to lick my shaft, starting at the base and finishing with the tip of her tongue on my head. She opened her mouth and placed my cock at the opening, then slowly slid her lips up and down the length of it while her tongue tickled me. Her hand held onto the base, pumping me in and out of her warm, wet mouth. Her other hand moved to my balls, massaging them both carefully and playfully as my rock hard member pulsed with desire. My hips began to gyrate and lightly thrust in rhythm with her stroking. My head tilted back and I closed my eyes, fully embracing the moment. Julie stopped stroking for a second, causing me to look down and into her eyes, my cock still halfway in her mouth.She pulled her head back, and my sopping wet dick fell from her lips.

“You enjoying yourself?” She asked, coyly.

I nodded, then I pulled her up to her feet and picked her up. I placed her on the middle bunk and pushed her shoulders back so she was lying flat on the bed, legs hanging over the side. My lips found her sweet nipples, and I took each in my mouth, savoring her taste. I flicked my tongue out to tease them, watching them shrink and harden. My fingers danced over her stomach, finding the button on her shorts and subsequently undoing it. My lips grazed her stomach, then reached her unfastened shorts. I pulled them off, leaving her black panties on but askew. Her legs parted, the heat radiated from behind her black curtain. I kissed her inner thigh in a line, moving all the while towards her pussy. When I reached the seam of her underwear, I paused and started over from the other side. Julie squirmed in anticipation. She reached down in an attempt to pull my head to her aching lips, but I held fast. It was only upon reaching her panties a second time that I removed them. Julie lifted her hips so I could pull them off. I paused once again just to take in her beauty. Her small breasts sat on her chest like small sand dunes, her erect nipples acting as a crown to their perfection. Her smooth body glistened in the streaks of moonlight that came from between the shades, every movement allowing another part of her perfection to be accentuated by the beams.

“What are you waiting for?” Julie asked quietly, yet with desperation.

“Nothing. You are just really pretty.” I answered absently in the understatement of the year.

Julie blushed. “You don’t have to flatter me anymore. You already got me in bed.”

I smiled and lowered my head to her loins. I parted her lips with my tongue, tasting her for the first time. I found her small hood and caressed it with my tongue. She flinched, then melted into me, resigning herself to my movements. I dragged my tongue down the length of her slit, then kissed and sucked her labia as Julie writhed in pleasure. I took a finger and pushed it slowly into her tight pussy. She let out a gasp as it went in, grinding her hips against my finger and face. I focused on her clit, flicking and licking it while my finger slowly thrust in and out of her. I heard her hands grab at the sheets, pulling on them. Simultaneously, my finger was greeted with a flood of juices as Julie came.

I reached over to the pack of condoms and got one out. I ripped open the package and put it on, then turned back to Julie. I pushed her legs further apart with my hips, then lined up my dick with her entrance. I guided my head inside of her; she inhaled sharply. I pushed further inside, going slowly since she was so small. I exhaled as I reached the bottom of my hilt. I started to thrust, moving the entire set of bunks while doing so, but not caring in the least. We began to get a rhythm with each other, every thrust more powerful from the last. I reached out my hand and started rubbing her clit as I was pumping in and out of her. The effects were immediate. Her hands shot to her nipples, squeezing them then by pulling on them, both actions with aggressive force. Her legs clamped around my back, limiting my movement but drawing us close as she came again. I bent down to her and picked her up in one sweeping motion, then lowered her onto my dick. She seized my dick with her hand and maneuvered it inside of her. Again she sighed as I entered her. She slid down to my base, and wrapped herself around me, readying herself for the coming force. I placed my hands under her ass and started to bounce her on my dick. Julie grabbed and scratched at my back, fueling me to fuck her even harder. We were both attempting to be quiet because of the other people in the other rooms, but it was becoming more and more difficult to contain. I put Julie down on the floor where she bent over for me to enter her from behind. She braced herself against the door, and my cock split her open one more time. I grabbed onto her ass and thrust into her hard. She whimpered, wanting so badly to scream out her pleasure, but without the ability to do so. I thrust deep inside of her and moved my hands from her ass to her tits. I pulled and pinched her nipples in accordance with my thrusts, further soaking her pussy. I could feel myself getting close to finishing. I pumped with a new vigor, taking in every second of pleasure.

“I’m going to finish.” I breathed into Julie’s ear.

“Ok. Do it. I want to make you fucking cum.” She said in a hushed voice.

I thrusted twice more inside of her before the floodgates opened. My toes curled and my knees locked, and I felt the hot load burst into the condom. I held my position in Julie for the entire orgasm, and when it was over, I shuffled back and fell on the bed, hitting my head on the bunk above.

“Ow. Fuck.” I said, more surprised than hurt. “Stupid bunks.”

Julie laughed. “You ok?” She asked. She moved towards me, and sat down at my side.

“Yeah I’m just an idiot.” I replied.

We shared a small laugh before disposing of the protection and then laying down in the same bed. She nestled into me and we soon both drifted off to sleep.

We were woken the next morning by a knocking on the door. Julie quickly threw on my shirt and opened the door a crack.

“Hey have you seen Mark? It’s almost time for him…” Karen paused, noticing the shirt that Julie was wearing. “to take me back to the airport…” She finished awkwardly.

“Umm yeah. He’ll be right there.” Julie said uncomfortably.

I got dressed as fast as I could, and in under 10 minutes was ready to take Karen to the airport and drive myself home. As we were leaving Julie and Karen shared a strange hug to say goodbye, then Julie came over to me. All of the passion and fun of the weekend was suddenly gone, and we were just strangely standing by each other. Julie went and gave me a half-hearted hug.

“It’s been fun.” She said.

“Sure has. See you when I see you.” I gave her a two fingered wave and walked out the door. I put my bag in the back seat and got in the car, first heading to the airport, then home.
