[F]21 My FWB Scavenger Hunt (Task 5 The Final One aka A Game of Strip Kings)

Alright. So last one. I’m gonna try and be brief and cut to the fun parts for y’all.

It was S’s last night in town (she had to move out pretty quickly after graduation to spend a few days at home before her new job wanted her to start) and she decided that she wanted to have a few friends over to hangout and casually drink to celebrate.

Now I had a feeling that I knew what was coming since she had been pretty clear about completing the whole list by the time she left town so I was sure to show up prepared for anything (specifically a strip game of some kind which was the final item on the list).

There weren’t a lot of us. It was the three housemates that lived there S, R, and K, myself and my roommate E, her newish boyfriend, and S2 and her boyfriend. We started out drinking and hanging out and mostly just reminiscing. Then S brought out a deck of cards saying she wanted to play Kings.

Now idk what it’s called where you’re from (Kings, Kings Cup, Circle of Death, etc) but the premise is simple. You take a deck of cards and lay them out in the circle around a can of beer (we used a white claw lol). Each card has something that corresponds to the number that comes up (6-girls drink, 5-guys drink, J-never have I ever). After you pull a card you’re supposed to put it under the tab of the drink in the center and the person who pops it has to chug it. And the first person to break the circle of cards has to chug their drink. Everyone’s got their own rules and such but it’s pretty simple and fun.

It takes about half the game for S to put her plan into play. She draws one of the kings from the pile and gets to make a rule. She went with an old favorite that’s gotten me partially naked in this game before of anytime someone touches their face they have to take off an article of clothing.

No one in the group objected to the rule and we played the rest of the game with it. Most people were really good about not touching their faces and the most skin we ended up seeing was from E’s boyfriend who ended up in his boxers and from K who ended up in her bra and underwear.

Now when the game ended one of the first questions was “can we get dressed now?” To which everyone did but then S brought it all out. She suggested we all get dressed and then we play again from the top this time with the rule of anytime you’re supposed to drink, you also strip.

By this point everyone is drunk enough to agree, even though it doesn’t take a math major to figure out that the person with the most on has maybe 7 articles of clothing and at a minimum everyone would have to strip at least 4 times if we played the full game (which would guarantee that at least E’s boyfriend would be naked, I myself only had on 5 things…).

Now I will cut to the highlights. R draws the first king and implements the face touching rule again which completely fucks over K (who has no self control when it comes to touching her face apparently). This results in her being the first person to show off anything significant when she’s forced to take off her bra a few turns later.

I am the next person to draw a King and realizing that the first can of the game is about to pop, decide to come up with some punishments for when that happens saying that the person who pops the tab has to do a lap around the house dressed as they currently are. This then lead to a lot of other rule making that had nothing to do with someone pulling the king such as once someone was naked they had to do dare from the group and the person who broke the circle would have to strip twice.

Not long after this S popped the top on the can and had to do a lap of the house in her underwear. R and myself accompanied her outside to ensure she did it properly while everyone else watched from the windows and porch lol.

The first person naked was E’s boyfriend and while I will admit I don’t super like the guy (for several reasons) but I have to admit he did have a lot to be proud of…

The very next turn K had to get naked as well. (Who she is also super hot in that southern sorority way).

I was the person who broke the circle which is what got me naked (I had been in my bra and underwear till then). I had been hoping to at least beat S or E but that didn’t happen. It felt super embarrassing for me but at the same time a huge turn on. I had a large internal debate about how much to cover myself and decided against it (K was only politely covering her tits at the time lol).

The first dare to a naked person was to K from E who made her give me a naked lap dance. Now I found K as attractive as I would any other completely naked girl not named S but even I have to admit it was really hot having her grind her ass into my naked lap. Ultimately it lasted maybe 15 seconds and was more funny for the group than sexy but the lap dance became a bit of a dare theme as something easy that wasn’t to put of bounds (since both guys were in relationships).

Slowly the rest of the group ended up naked with the exception of S2 and somehow E. They were the last two standing both in their bra and underwear. It was R who drew a king which was one of the last like 10 cards left and made the rule that anyone still dressed had to get naked. S2 and E both protested cause they were trying to win so R compromised and said that the loser of a best 2 out of 3 Rock Paper Scissors had to strip and the other person was the winner.

Before they could Rock Paper Scissors though R popped the tab on the can and ended up having to do a naked lap around her own house. This time we all came out onto the front porch naked to watch (it was like 2am and completely dead but we were making enough noise that if any of the neighbors cared to investigate it would’ve been quite the sight).

When R completed her lap of shame E and S2 ended up RPSing right there on the front porch. Much to my chagrin E won and true to her word S2 stripped naked right there on the front porch.

Now the real shame is that the party kinda fizzled out pretty quickly after that. S2 was the next person to lose and E’s boyfriend suggested that she should give him a lap dance. S2 shares in my secret dislike of this guy so she flat out refused. He got oddly angry about it considering his actual girlfriend was sitting their in her underwear right next to him and then S2’s boyfriend got angry and there was almost a very angry fight between these two very naked drunk dudes in the living room.

Now this was my first time seeing E’s boyfriend naked (I saw S2’s during the strip cards against humanity game earlier in the semester) and he’s a tall thin dude that’s pretty lanky. S2’s Boyfriend is an equally tall guy who just happens to have probably have 100lbs on this guy easily. About the only thing on E’s boyfriend that was bigger was his cock… it was quite a sight watching the two of them half hard about to brawl.

After that both the couples got dressed and left. E and her man first and shortly followed by S2 and hers. The four of us that were left hung out kinda in a daze still mostly naked and covered by blankets discussing what happened. Of course it was S who suggested that we finish the game.

Now we were all naked and drunk and I at least was super horny so I know what y’all are expecting this to turn into and unfortunately a full blow orgy did not end up happening.

The craziest thing that ended up happening was S dared R to go down on me (easily the most sexual thing that happened during the game outside of some sucking on nipples and leaving hickeys). R had confided in S when she found out that we were hooking up that she’d never been with another girl (not surprising) and that she’d always wondered. So that’s how I ended up with this Red-Headed sorority sister between my legs licking my clit as her two sisters/roommates watched.

Now other than S this is only the second girl to go down on me and I will admit she wasn’t very good at it lol. S was miles ahead but it also could have been a matter of nerves too.

Now the game ended with me getting the second to last dare from S of a naked lap around the house (she admitted she went easy on me cause she was feeling sentimental) and the last dare was to K.

The street they live on ends next to a set of railroad tracks and occasionally but not often a night train will run past. Of course right as we’re trying to come up with this last dare we hear the train. So naturally we dare K to streak to the end of the street and “flash the train” (she’s already naked so flash is relative).

The three of us two drunk to care at this point stand in the middle of the street to watch it happen. She’s so drunk she almost falls over two or three times lol but ends up at the end of the street jumping up and down buck ass naked waving at the train.

As she’s running back we hear a car coming up the hill from the other street that runs perpendicular to the street we’re on. Based on how quickly it drives past and doesn’t acknowledge anything none of us got caught but it was enough to sober us all up enough for R and K to decide it was time to pass out.

I spent that last night with S and while we did end up having sex after they went to bed it was kind of an odd experience. I haven’t made “love” in a long time, but that’s kinda what it felt like which was nice.

I helped her and her Dad and uncle the next morning pack up her car and the last of the things that needed to go into the Uhaul. It was odd seeing K and R in the morning too after the night we had shared lol. Kinda felt like all four of us were doing our best to hide the “shame” of the previous night from these two old middle aged men who, if one of the participants wasn’t their daughter or niece, would’ve easily busted a nut had the witnessed any of it.

So that’s that. I’m still dealing with a bit of the lasting fallout in the fact that S2 and E aren’t speaking (S2 went home for the summer without saying goodbye to her) and E still doubling down on this asshole she’s dating (we are planning another beach trip at some point in June or July and I really hesitant to her inviting him along).

Mostly I miss S in an odd way. Not like in a heartbroken kinda way but in a shared experience kinda way. If that makes sense?

Anyways to make a long story short (to late) this may be my last post here for awhile. Like I said I’m not ruling out posting ever again so if something interesting happens over the summer don’t be surprised to see my name pop up lol. I also might continue to post to my profile like I did last night. Those polls are proving quite interesting lol.

In the end thanks for reading and Ill apologize one last time for all of the confusing initials I know some of y’all hated that lol.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/nf3f8c/f21_my_fwb_scavenger_hunt_task_5_the_final_one

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