How I Became the House [F]uck doll (21)

(First time telling this story, sorry if it’s slightly long)

This year hasn’t been great for anyone really, you just gotta work with what you’ve got. With that in mind, I used the minimal amount of resources I had to not become homeless.

To start off with, because it’s so very important, I’m 5’4, wavy light brown hair that ends around the bottom of my shoulder blades, modest 38C’s, and I played volleyball most my life so I’m trim. I also pretty much only wear my hair in a high pony (which doesn’t really matter). I hate describing myself but it feels like it was relevant.

Anyway, my first few years of university were what you’d expect, passed classes, went out when I wasn’t dying from work overload, and a few boyfriends spattered here and there. After my first year I moved out of residence into an apartment with my roommate, three of her guy friends and one of my girlfriends. Eventually after about another year my original roommate moved to a different city. Not long after my girlfriend got a cheaper place for herself. As any girl could tell you, being in an apartment with three guys can be intimidating from time to time. So I decided to find a place of my own. I took a job at a cupcake bakery to help pay rent and I looked for new places to live.

But life had a different vision for me, as my search for a new apartment was finally beginning to be successful, Covid-19 dropped in.

After a month the store I worked in closed permanently. With no more income and nursing debts piling up I was stuck. So with rent coming up and no real way to pay for it I did the logical thing. Asked one of my roommates to cover me.

Obviously he said no, so I inquired why not? He said I wasn’t his gf so he didn’t need to. His next words set the stage for the past year of my life, “at least when you pay for your girlfriend you get the benefits”. To which I said the dumbest thing possible “did you want the benefits?”

In the month of March I secretly blew my roommate while topless 5 times, he covered my tits and my rent. As the month ended I still had no plan as to how I would pay rent at the end of April. I decided to try the same strategy again and I ended up buying myself another month of rent.

But there is one fact of the universe I forgot to account for. Men are stupid.
Roommate number 1 in his infinite wisdom just had to tell the other housemates about our deal. Come April my roommates approached me. They told me that between the three of them, they would split and cover my rent, if I agreed to follow a list of rules.

Desperate I read the list, what was on said list;
– I must always have condoms on my person.
– while at home I can’t wear bra’s or panties.
– I must be free use, absolutely no saying no unless they say so.
– if a toy is purchased for me, I have to use it.
– while in my own room, I can not wear clothes or lock my door
– and my personal favorite, the only way to remove cum that’s on me, is by ingesting it.

A list that could only be written by three horny, sexless men.

With pretty much no options, I agreed. This began my nine or so months of being passed around from roommate to roommate like a bong.

Now you might be saying, there are so many things you could of done to prevent this situation. But truth be told it awakened something inside of me that I truly enjoyed. I started getting into it and enjoying my new living style. This also lead to me never being able to turn on my camera or unmute without streaming my own amateur porn videos to the lecture.

Before I moved out, I started wearing condoms as earrings and not bothering to wear clothes at all, and enjoying it like the real slut I am.

If you guys wanna hear more about my ethically questionable situation let me know!! I’ll try to be sluttier in 2021 and see where that takes me!!!



  1. I definitely would love to hear more. Anything you can say about it, and what else you plan to do to be more slutty in 2021.

  2. Gotta say, you have set a high bar tor sluttiness so far. Not quite sure what possible activities might be available to surpass that.

  3. I’m glad it worked out for you, but your roommates (the first one in particular) sound like real jerks if that’s the way he/they talked to you

  4. No fun not hot. That’s rape. It’s somehow cool that you’re okay with it. But your roommates are assholes.

  5. I guess the elephant in the room is…did you guys ever mfm or …?

  6. Most amazing thing I’ve ever read. Wanna hear
    bout how you were used and in the most detail. Your description of yourself sounds like a woman I’d wanna pursue. Pretty brunette. Who’s pretty slutty it turns out? Gold.

  7. I only upvoted, because you got enjoyment out of it, and you got the rent covered. Have an even better 2021!

  8. That was a great story! I wish we could be roommates. Can’t wait to hear more stories! ?

  9. >A list that could only be written by three horny, sexless men.

    appreciate the meta humor

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