He used chess to seduce me and it was fantastic [Part 2] [FM]

Yall seemed to like [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ncg9tr/he_used_chess_to_seduce_me_and_it_was_fantastic_fm/) so I guess I’ll write about my other super weird chess story with that same guy.

So this guy was basically living with me while I studied abroad and we both really loved playing chess. I had just gotten out of a relationship so it took us a while to start hooking up, but when we did things escalated quickly [see part 1 where he seduced me with chess]

Anyway, one day we were talking about fantasies and he mentioned that he liked toys with a remote. I told him I had a pair of vibrating underwear like that and he flipped out and kept asking if I was serious.

I shrugged. “Is it really that surprising?”

He considered me for a moment. “Can I… see them?”

I laughed as I went to my underwear drawer and dug around to find the pair. It took me a while to locate them, but I finally spotted the black lace wrapped around a remote and pulled them out. I thrust them into his hands and he gaped at them for a few moments before looking up at me.

“You should put them on and we should play chess,” he suggested.

My eyes widened. “Fuck no.”


“They’re super strong. That won’t be fair.”

“I thought you could beat me under any circumstances.”

“You’d seriously resort to that just to beat me?”

He smiled sheepishly. “I’m not very noble. Plus, I want to watch you with them on. Come on, do you seriously think I could beat you even under extreme circumstances?”

“What do I get out of this?”

“The joy of knowing you’re unbeatable?”

I cocked my head to the side as I considered this. It was actually a pretty enticing offer. “Fine, but I’m still going to win.”

He handed me the underwear and I held my hand out for the remote. He shook his head. “I think we’ll only know if you’re really unbeatable if you let me control it. If I can make you come before the end of the game, I’m counting it as a win.”

“This is going to be really embarrassing for you when I kick your ass. Turn around so I can put them on.”

To my surprise he did so without complaint. I slipped off my panties and pulled on the underwear, smoothing my skirt down over my legs. “Ok,” I finally said as I reached to pull my board out from under the bed. For half a second I felt a jolt of vibration and my face flushed a little as I turned to face him.

“I just wanted to see if they were working,” he said with a wicked smile before clicking them back off. This was going to be a little more difficult than I imagined.

I laid the board flat and slowly brought out the pieces. He sat across from me and gave me a smirk as he rolled the remote around in his hand.

“You’re enjoying this a little too much,” I complained.

“I think you’re going to be enjoying this soon.”

I moved the center pawn for an opening and he mirrored me. I immediately brought out my knight as he moved his bishop across the board to put my piece in jeopardy. I was calculating how to counter when I suddenly felt a vibration in between my legs and gave a little yelp of surprise. I looked up to find him smiling.

“It’s a little early in the game, isn’t it?”

He shrugged. “You’re strong at openings. I figured I needed the help.

I took in a sharp breath of air and continued to study the board, moving my bishop out to protect my knight. He smiled at me as I drummed my fingers on the table before running a hand over my face. I was getting flushed and could feel myself turn red as he gave a soft laugh from across the board.

“How’s your strategy coming along?” He asked innocently as I moved a pawn forward.

“Just fine,” I replied without meeting his eyes. He castled and I did the same.

I saw him click the remote again and felt the intensity speed up. “Fuck,” I mumbled as I reached to move my bishop back. He took my knight quickly before I could even register that he had put it in danger.

“You’re not playing your best,” he mused. “It’s almost like you’re distracted.”

“I am just fine,” I said as I moved to trade bishops. I was setting the board up to take his rook and he didn’t see the opening. He moved a pawn back and I attacked, pushing the piece off the table.

“You’re going to pay for that,” he said as he clicked the remote again, making me gasp a little as the vibrations quickened. I let out a little whimper as I moved out my queen.

“Are you anxious to finish?” He asked.

“What?” My cheeks were growing red.

“The game. Are you anxious to finish the game?”

“I’m fine,” I lied as I squirmed in my chair. He took my other knight and I moved quickly to take his last bishop. He leaned back and considered his next move and I got the feeling he was going intentionally slow.

“Oh my god, please move,” I pleaded from across the table.

“Why?” He laughed. “You are really in a hurry.”

“Please,” I begged him.

“Beg me again.”

“Please, please move a piece.” I was almost crying at this point.

He finally moved his pawn and then clicked the remote again which sent a wave through my body. I slammed my hand down on the table, almost knocking over some nearby pieces, but then took a deep breath and moved my queen to the left to put him in check.

After he moved a pawn up to protect his queen, I took his final rook with mine to put him back in danger. Waves a pleasure were growing now and I let out a small moan as he moved his king again before clicking the remote once more. A gasp escaped from my lips as I closed my eyes and tried to distract myself from what was happening in between my legs.

“You look like you’re in pain,” he chuckled.

“Not at all,” I tried to say but it came out more as a gasp. “You’re about to be in pain as I corner you. Check.”

He moved his king again which gave me an opening to take his queen.

“Shit,” he mumbled.

I let out another moan as my eyes turned towards the ceiling. I was getting close but I was also only three moves away from checkmate.

“Fuck,” I cried as he very slowly moved his king to the side. I moved my queen almost immediately and then grabbed the side of my chair.

“I think you have me,” he said in defeat as he moved his king back.

I moved my queen a final time. “Checkmate,” I groaned.

He smirked from across the table as he clicked the remote again, this time all the way up to its full power. I felt the jolt and slammed my hands on the table as a gave a final cry of pleasure. I gasped for air as I climaxed hard and gripped the sides of the table until the waves finally subsided.
Finally, he clicked the remote off without letting that stupid smirk fall from his face.

“Do you want to play again?” He asked.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ndzcms/he_used_chess_to_seduce_me_and_it_was_fantastic


  1. This was awesome. So we’ll written like I was there. Hopefully there are a lot of stories for us nerds ?

  2. Yo, y’all play the Ruy Lopez that game? Serious question. I’m sure I’ll get down voted, but half way through reading I was actually interested in the game.

  3. Well what if I defeat you online on chess.com. only 1 rule no Berlin draws

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