I loved to torture my ex by biting his ears [MF]

One of the reasons I love sex is that you can learn *allll* about people in ways you’d never learn otherwise. For example, I had no idea that for some men, biting on their ear can reduce them into actual human puddles, until I started dating my ex.

To be completely transparent, this guy and I only got along *really* well when we were in bed. The chemistry was unparalleled. I’ve never experienced anything like it—the word “lust” in neon. Through sex, we communicated seamlessly. It’s why we hungered for it. Because when it came to words, we *never* understood each other.

Hence, we spent most of our time together naked.

For hours.

My favorite thing to do was, well, torture him. He was borderline submissive so I got to explore my dominant side, even though we never put labels on it. I liked to have him lay out on his stomach. He’d never gotten a professional massage before (a shame bc they are among my favorite activities, second to sex and ice cream), so I’d do my best imitation.

I’d straddle him, naked. He was a big guy in every sense of the word—I loved feeling my legs stretch, loved feeling my fingers in his soft folds and his muscle. I’d rub his back and his shoulders. And then I’d keep going, using cream to work his muscles. I’d *actually* massage him so that all of the tenseness he carried in his shoulders and body evaporated. Until he was relaxed. Malleable. Mine.

As I’d work his shoulders, I’d lean over so that my naked torso was hovering above his back. He knew what was coming next. His breathing would get more ragged as I’d lean over, closer and closer. And with my tongue, gently flick the tip of his earlobe. He’d shudder and move around a bit. They were *that* sensitive—even the tiniest flick would lead to a full-body readjustment.

Naturally, I couldn’t give him what he wanted *that* quickly. I’d return to massaging him. Then lean forward again, this time grazing the tip of his ear with my teeth. Eventually I’d lean in and fully…do stuff to his ear. Suck it, bit it, tickle the tips with my fingers.

By then, of course, he’d be throbbing, so I’d reach down with my free hand and run my fingers near his cock. He’d keep his boxers on because I liked telling him to take them off. He’d be writhing, literally ,because of the ear, and then when he’d lift off the bed I’d sneak my hand under his body o fully cup him. Then I’d weave my hand so that it was underneath his boxers, fully touching him. I’d massage him *slowly* as I’d bite his ear.

I thought of this whole routine as playing an instrument. The more I played the better I got. And I *loved* the song.

The key was to make it last as long as I could. I just LOVED making him quiver in this state of prolonged anticipation. In which he was thinking of nothing but release and desire. I think it’s a gift to be able to give that to someone—the gift of being in the moment. And the knowledge that bringing them pleasure brings *you* pleasure.

Part of the reason I was so generous with him is because he was so generous with me. After I’d make him come by sucking him off, he’d start with MY erotic massage. He’d torture me with nipple play and my vibrator, making me come more than once always. It ended with us fucking, but not after we’d exhausted every other possibility. Too bad we didn’t get along IRL, hah. The sex was transcendent and giving!

Are any of you in possession of extremely sensitive ears? I learned mine are very sensitive—but nothing on his level!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ncqcqs/i_loved_to_torture_my_ex_by_biting_his_ears_mf