[F]21 My FWB Scavenger Hunt (Task 3 aka Sex in a Bar Bathroom)

So this will probably be the shortest story of S’s Scavenger Hunt but one of the hottest for me personally…

So task 3 was to have sex in the bathroom of this bar/club we always go to on Thursdays and weekends if we want to go out. This was two nights after our Skinny Dipping episode so I know at least I was still feeling some pent up horniness…

The place is packed (as it always is) and we had been there long enough for me to be pretty lit… so I’m not entirely sure how it all happened, but I ended up going to the bathroom with S and because it was so busy we ended up sharing a stall (I’m guessing it was part of the plan…)

I don’t even remember if I needed to pee or not when we went in there but no sooner had the stall door closed then S had me pinned against the stall wall. She wasted no time in starting to just go to town making out with me, pulling my hair, and kissing my neck. Somewhere in this exchange is where she managed to get my underwear off (I had been wearing a low cute dress).

Now she had hinted on our walk to the bar that she was going to try and make this happen tonight, I had just been expecting it to be some random dude. In truth people hooking up in the bathrooms at this place was pretty commonplace, it’s just usually a guy getting a blowjob in the men’s room…

Had I known what was coming I’d have tried to stay quiet, but given the surprise and the umm… vigor that S was working my clit I was having a hard time controlling myself… As I said this wasn’t exactly uncommon in this bar but is normally something that happens in the men’s room… and not often between two girls…

It’s also the ladies room so naturally there is a line of people trying to use the stalls… it’s pretty clear to them what’s going on… some people are laughing and a few bang on the door. All this manages to accomplish is to get S to yank the top of my dress down (this is not the kind of dress you wear a bra with…) and to get her on her knees to start eating me out.

Now everything outside of the stall becomes a blur to me as I get fully into what is happening… that is until a bouncer kicks in the door… Now as y’all know this is not the first time I’ve been caught with my tits out… but this is the first time I’ve been “caught in the act” so to speak. And by the look on the bouncers face he had not been expecting to find two girls in that stall (again they probably kick one couple a week out for hooking up in the men’s room).

It was a really odd experience getting kicked out of this bar for getting caught with S’s face between my legs. I half expected them to let us stay with how flustered and apologetic the bouncer was but they didn’t. For what it was worth I was so flustered I totally left my thong that S had removed on the floor of that stall…

It was kinda surreal doing a very early walk of shame with no underwear back to S’s apartment. It didn’t dawn on me until later that night that this was also the outting of our “secret” relationship to the rest of the world (previously only our respective roommates had known).

Back at S’s place we ummm… finished what we started lol until her roommates got home (they had also been at the bar). Now they were all in the same Sorority and apparently M (the sorority President from the first item on this list) was not very pleased with a sister getting kicked out of a bar on a Saturday night for having sex in the bathroom.

Ultimately in the sober light of day we both had to answer for what happened. I didn’t have it too bad I just ended up having to explain to a bunch of friends (and some acquaintances that had no right to ask but did anyways) that I had had this FWB thing going on with another girl for the past 5 months… S had it a bit worse with some sorority things… but ultimately she graduated like two weeks after it happened so it was really just the embarrassment…

The big kicker of it was this event is what lead to us deciding that we would need to call the whole thing off once she graduated and moved out… (which as I mentioned has now happened).

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ncrhsd/f21_my_fwb_scavenger_hunt_task_3_aka_sex_in_a_bar

1 comment

  1. Shame for you, but going out in a blaze of – maybe not glory but maybe notoriety?! ?. Thanks fkr sharing nevertheless ?

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