He used chess to seduce me and it was fantastic [FM]

I met this dude while I was studying abroad in college who had taken a year off to travel. Not to get too into it, but he had kind of a dark history and was a little twisted. That being said, he was also super attractive and we hit it off as friends really quickly because he was easy to get along with. We started hanging every day, and even though there was clearly chemistry between us, I had just gotten out of a horrible relationship and was not even looking to hookup.

When he found out I played chess he challenged me to a game. I told him I was really good (I am) and that it didn’t even seem like a fair fight.

“If you’re so confident, how about we make it interesting? If I win, we’ll go on a real date and you have to let me kiss you.”

I agreed because I knew I would win, and I did. I kicked his intermediate-level ass. I beat him so badly he was legitimately frustrated the rest of the afternoon and sulked until dinner.

So a couple of weeks pass by and we keep hanging out and playing chess. I ALWAYS beat him. We hang out so much he stops going to his hostel and basically moves in with me. We are not hooking up at this point, but there is a lot of flirtation going on. Like onetime he was making me dinner and I told him he looked good with a spatula in his hand. When he gave me a confused look I continued with, “Because it looks like you’re about to spank someone with it.”

I was not exactly being fair.

Finally, we do have a drunken makeout one night, but things just didn’t get very far at all. However, it sparked another level of attraction between us that was getting hard to fight, so we started making out regularly and dry humping. This led to a bit of dirty talk which is how we discovered we both had particular tastes in bed that were… let’s just say compatable.

One day we were alone in my apartment and he challenged me to a game. I told him I was getting tired of kicking his ass and it didn’t seem fair.

“If you win I’ll go down on you,” he said.

“You won’t win.”

“If I win I get to do whatever I want.”

“That’s not a very good deal,” I complained.

“Only if you think you’ll lose.”

I eyed him for a bit and couldn’t help but be a little annoyed by the smirk on his face. “Fine, but only because someone needs to rattle your confidence yet again. ”

“I also suggest removing one clothing item for every major piece taken.”

“I like to play defensively. You’ll have me naked too quickly.”

He flashed a smile. “Is that a no? You seemed pretty confident in your abilities earlier.”

“Fine, I’ll do it.”

He pulled out the board from under my bed and set up the pieces carefully never letting the smile fade from his face. He moved a pawn forward and I mirrored his opening. He studied the board for at least 30 seconds between each move, but I moved within seconds. I knew this opening and focused on setting up the pieces for a longterm strategy.

We traded knights and he turned his face towards me with a mischievous smile.

“Those are major pieces.”


He took off his shirt and threw it away. I tried not to stare as I removed a shoe and kicked it to the side.

“That doesn’t seem equal,” he pouted.

I shrugged. “You didn’t set any additional terms.”

I studied the board carefully but felt my face growing red at the shirtless body sitting across from me.

“Are you getting distracted?” He laughed.

“You wish.”

I moved to take his bishop and saw his smile falter as he examined the pieces. Finally he shrugged and took off a shoe. I assumed I was outplaying him and regained some of my confidence at his look of confusion.

“What happens if we stalemate?” I asked while he tilted his head to study the board.

“Then we don’t hook up at all,” he shrugged.

“I kind of doubt that.”

“Well, it’s the truth so you better hope one of us pulls head,” he smiled as he moved to take my knight. I responded by taking his other bishop before we both met each others eyes. I took off my other shoe and he did the same. We traded castles and each removed a sock.

“Socks shouldn’t even count,” he complained.

“I didn’t set the rules.”

“I should have negotiated harder.”

In an attack I didn’t anticipate, he took my other castle suddenly. We traded two additional pieces then and he looked up at me and smiled. I took off my other sock and my tshirt. He took off his belt and let it fall to the floor. I took in a sharp breath and tried to focus on the game.

At that point I saw we could trade queens. He was ahead slightly, but I was a better player and could probably still corner him if I played carefully. Of course, this would mean an additional piece of clothing and another layer of distraction. I went for it anyway, knocking his queen off the board before he did the same to mine. I met his eyes and he took off his watch without looking away. I responded by taking off an earring.

“Fuck, I forgot you had on earrings.”

I was smiling to myself until he took my final bishop in another attack I didn’t see. I took off my other earring as I frowned at the board. We moved our pawns around for a while until he finally moved to take my remaining bishop. I responded by taking his remaining knight. Very slowly we both stood at the same time. He pulled his pants down and kicked them to the side so I very slowly did the same.“We could stop playing now,” he breathed as he examined my body.

“You scared?”

“Absolutely not. This is the first time I’ve been ahead.”

He had one remaining castle, but I was ahead on pawns. It would be hard for him to corner me, but I had to play carefully. We moved back and forth on the board, dancing around each other as we both played slowly and defensively.

“You usually crush me,” he mused. He grabbed his water and swirled it around, letting the ice in the glass gently clink on the sides. “I think you really are distracted.”

“I play well at the end.” This was usually true, but this was the worst I had played in years. I couldn’t believe he was ahead and it was rattling me a little.

That’s when I saw it. I could move my pawn to put him in check and take his castle with my next move. We would stalemate. I smiled to myself, playing the ending out in my head and reached to make my move, but something stopped me. My eyes shot back and forth between the pieces and could see him confused by my hesitation. I let out a long breath and instead moved my king backward, allowing him to move his castle to checkmate me.

“You lost on purpose.”

I shook my head, “No I didn’t.”

“You totally did. There’s no way you didn’t see that opening.” A mischievous smile was stretched across his face as he leaned back to consider me. “You wanted me to win.”




“A deal is a deal though.”

I gulped and slowly nodded my head. “What do you want?”

“I hadn’t really considered it.” He tilted his head to the side and moved his eyes to the ceiling as if he was working something out in his head. “I didn’t think I would win.” I held perfectly still and waited for him to continue. He muttered to himself as he pretended to come up with a plan, slowly allowing a smile to stretch back across his face. “I think you getting into bed is a good start.”

I slowly walked over and laid back on the sheets. I could barely breathe and as muscles in my stomach clenched at the sight of him standing over me, looking my body up and down with a smile. He reached into his bag in the corner and pulled out a tie, moving slowly as he brought it closer.

“Arms up,” he said. I did as I was told and he reached to pin my hands above my head and tie them together. He ran a hand down my body which made me shudder a little at his touch. “Anything I want, huh?”

I shot him a pleading look and gave a little nod.

He reached for his cup of water and took a large gulp before setting it back on the table. He climbed on top of me slowly and then leaned down to kiss my neck. As he opened his mouth a little I felt a sting of cold and realized he had ice in his mouth. He pushed the cube with his tongue to let it stay on my neck for a couple of seconds. I let out a cry at the bit of pain.

“Do you want me to stop?” He asked genuinly.

I gulped and shook my head. He kissed me down my neck and grabbed one of my breasts with his hands, squeezing it slowly before pushing it above my bra. He put his mouth to it and started licking, allowing the ice cube to graze it. He repeated this with my other breast as his other hand held me down by my hips. “Fuck,” I yelled as I squirmed beneath him. It was more pleasure than pain but it was sending chills down my body.

Finally, he put a finger inside of me which made my head spin. He gave me a wicked smile as he reached to take the ice cube out of his mouth and moved to press it inside of me. I wiggled beneath him, crying as it melted. Then he pressed himself on top of me and I welcomed the warmth of his body as he rocked back and forth gently.

“Please fuck me,” I plead.

He reached for a handful of my hair and gave it a tug so that my eyes met his. “This isn’t for you,” he growled and then used his fingers to gently turn my head to the side as he moved his mouth to my ear. “This is for me, do you understand?” I gave him a small nod. “You don’t get to enjoy this unless I say.”

He cupped my breast again and I let out a small groan. “You still seem like you’re enjoying this,” he shot as he moved his mouth to my collarbone. “I’m going to punish you if you keep it up.” I gave a helpless nod and tried to steady my breathing as he moved his hands down my body.

He slammed a finger inside of me and I gasped. He put his other hand to my mouth as he moved in and out. “Don’t enjoy it,” he commanded, but I was seized with pleasure and couldn’t help moan and he sped up his pace. I let out another whimper. “What was that?” He asked as he removed his hand from my mouth, still fingering me with his other.

“Please,” I begged.

“Please what?”

“Please let me come.”


“I can’t help it. It feels so good.”

“If I do you’re going to pay for it,” he growled as he slammed another finger into me.

“Whatever you want,” I replied as my body shook beneath him. Suddenly I felt a wave of pleasure ripple through me and I erupted around him with a final cry.

“That’s going to cost you,” he smiled as he grabbed my thigh and flipped me over. He grabbed a handful of my ass and squeezed tightly. “How many times should I spank you?”

I groaned below him. “Three times,” I suggested.

He reared his hand back and hit me hard. “That one was a freebie for picking a low number. Try again.”

“Ten times,” I finally gasped.

“Fine, but you have to count them out.”

He reared his hand back again and as it met my skin I let out a small whimper and heard my voice croak, “One.”

He repeated this until we got to ten and then he just fondled me for a while before reaching his hand around my waist to pull me closer.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” he whispered into my ear in a low voice. “This is still for me, do you understand?”

I gave a nod as he gently spread my legs and positioned himself behind me. When he slammed into me I wanted to cry it felt so good. He pushed himself into me over and over again as I panted below him. I could feel myself building and tried to fight it. The funny thing about fighting an orgasm though is that it just makes your body react strongly.

“I’m going to come,” I cried beneath him.

“I didn’t tell you that you could,” he said harshly as he gave my ass another slap. This only made me build faster.

“Please,” I pleaded as he continued to slam into me.

“Fine, but you’re going to make it up to me later,” he breathed as I suddenly orgasmed almost immediately at his command.

“Fuck,” I cried out. He came shortly after me with a final gasp and let himself fall behind me.We laid there panting for a few minutes until he turned to me with a goofy grin. “Holy shit,” he laughed.

I smiled back. “I was not expecting that.”

“Was it too much?”

I shook my head. “It was just interesting. I would like you to untie me now.”

“You look nice with your hands bound though,” he smiled.

“Dude, untie me!” I yelled as I thrust my hands towards him. He finally obliged and gave me a light kiss before getting up.

“Next time we play chess I think you should let me win again,” he winked.

Spoiler: I did not let him win again but we did continue to hook up. I might write more about him. He was an interesting dude.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ncg9tr/he_used_chess_to_seduce_me_and_it_was_fantastic_fm


  1. I wish 5% of the internet could write as well as you, that was an absolute joy to read. Thanks for sharing!

  2. On my third date with my then-girlfriend-now-wife, we picked a place that happened to have board games and a chilled out vibe. I, being the idiot that I am, wanted to show off a little, so I picked up a nearby chess board. I placed well in school competitions so I had some confidence.

    This girl destroyed me. No, scratch that. She humiliated me. It was like we were playing two different games. And then she did it three more times, in a row.

    I came to know later that she was the state champion. Well played, love.

  3. loved the story really easy to follow sounds like you had a hot time together and as he tied you up lying face down on the bed then spanked your arse cheeks before sliding is hard cock inside your tight arsehole yet

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