How I [M]et the girl who took my virginity, Part 1.

This is LONG. This is a lead up to the next story about my first time. It gets deep and dark about my personal life around the first time I had sex. Revealing details have been changed for anonymity.

Midwest – early 2010’s

At 22, I was striking out for years at college bars and on dating sites. I thought the odds would be in my favor. Athletic military member in a college town? I honestly didn’t think I would have to work so hard to get laid. Time and time again I was stood up and ignored. It got to the point where I just kinda stopped trying. I would go out with friends and co-workers but never tried to hook up with women. On one end, I was happy in my current state and it was multiplied every time I heard a co-worker say something like “I think that bitch at the bar gave me the clap” or “fuck my life is over my GF is pregnant”

I was happy and unhappy at the same time. I wanted sex but couldn’t get it to save my life. Until I signed up for college classes on my military base.

A few days after I turned 23, I got a bad phone call. My sister is losing her mind saying “MOM IS UNCONSICIOUS. SHE DOESNT HAVE LONG” between sobs and sniffles.

Let me be clear. This is not a “Hallmark Movie” mom. She wasn’t even Peg Bundy. The only think she cared about was the bottle. The 3 of us kids my mom spit out were nothing but annoyances to her, and I had no intention of stopping my life for a few days to get home and go to her funeral. I was persuaded by my father to come home and at least say my peace, because after all she was unconscious and was in pain for her last few hours on earth.

I had to get my affairs in order. I called my leadership, who told me not to come back until I was ready, and had to tell my college instructor I would miss at least 1, maybe 2 classes.

Ill spare you the details of the trip home. Lets just say it was short and sweet. I was back at work in 3 days.

My college class was also surprised to see me after only missing 1 class. Apparently the instructor had told them I was gone for a family emergency. I was met with everyone saying hello and a sympathy card when i sat down and a few people around me asked if everything was ok. I didn’t tell them what had happened but after class ended, 8-10 classmates said we should go get a snack and a drink. That’s when I had my first actual conversation with the girl I had been eyeing, Amber.

At the bar, everyone asked how I was doing and if everything was OK. I didn’t go into detail in the group, simply telling them my mom was sick. We all made small talk and jokes about class and had a fun time. After an hour of so, the group broke up and I was unexpectedly sitting surrounded by the 3 cute girls in class, one of them being amber. Amber was eyeing me up and down and was being pretty flirty with me, which came to a screeching halt when she asked if my mom was going to be ok. The look on here face changed when I said, “probably not, she died on Monday night”. Her eyes went wide and shes blurted out “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have asked, let me give you a hug!” as she wrapped her arms around my chest and back.

She was pretty awkward around me for the next 15 or so minutes before I decided to head home. Before I left, Amber found me and told me she wanted to cook me dinner at her house, and asked for my number. The next day she texted me saying she was going to cook me breakfast for dinner on Saturday, and we could hang out to forget our trouble afterwards.

Breakfast dinner was delicious. We sat on her couch with some space between us and watched something on her TV that she was addicted to, American idol or something talent based. This was the first time I got a good look at her figure. The military uniform she usually wore to our class was not flattering, but now I could see all her curves. She was just small enough to be classified as short, but had a large enough chest and ass to be considered curvy/thick. After a few episodes, I said I needed to head home and thanked her. She walked me to my car and asked if I wanted to hang out again, which I did, and replied, “of course, lets go up to the city next weekend? we can make a whole day of it?” She smiled wide and said yes. gave me another big hug and said good night.

The day after i asked her over text if she wanted to see the museum at the closest major city, and then grab an early dinner and then watch a movie at her place. She quickly responded “Sounds amazing, can’t wait to see you! :)”

Saturday arrives and I show up her place. She’s sitting outside her place waiting for me, which gave me another view of her amazing body. She had on cotton shorts that barely covered up her entire butt, and a cute white shirt with lace designs on it. On the hour drive we make small talk about college, stuff about our jobs, interests of ours, normal date stuff. We spend about 2 hours walking around the museum before we call it and decide to head to dinner. On the way out of the museum, she gets close to me and grabs my arm. I’m freaking out inside but play it cool and walk her to her door and open it for me. She gives the cutest “Awww thank you!” and gives me kiss on the cheek. More freaking out as I walk to the drivers side and get in the car. She directs me to a resturant she knows in the area as i place my hand on her leg. She looks at me with a look i’d never seen a woman give before, it was pure lust and that was the smoke that lead to the fire.

We sit down at dinner and she keeps eye-fucking me every chance she gets, and is playfully rubbing my let with her foot. We make more normal date talk, favorite movies, music, food, normal stuff” We get up to leave and the arm grab from the museum turned into a hand hold out of the restaurant. Freaking out again, open her door, another kiss on the cheek. The ride back to her place was just sexual tension. She spent the whole time talking about her career so far and asked me a few questions about my job, but i don’t think she could focus with my hand on her thigh, probably because she kept moving it up and down her leg.

We get to her place and she tells me to get comfy on the couch as she changes into slightly less revealing sleep short, but replaced the lace white shirt with a black tank top. She grabs a blanket and sits right next to me and turns on some movie. I couldn’t tell you what movie was playing, because my hand was being moved up and down her leg again, by her. The movie ends. It’s midnight. I look at her at tell her I need to leave. She looks surprised, but said “Um Ok, do you want to hang out again tomorrow?” I agree and tell her she should come over to my place for a movie and pizza. She grabs my hand and says I don’t have to leave if i don’t want to. Message received, but I needed to clean and do laundry if a girl is coming over, so I tell her I’d like to but i cant. She walks me to the door and says thank you for the fun day. I do the most suave thing I can think of and say, “no, thank you for the company” and move in for the kiss. She wraps her hands around my neck and keep my from pulling away. This simple goodnight kiss turns into a make out session in a microsecond. After what felt like 10 minutes she releases me and says “that’s for being a gentleman, I’ll be thinking of you until tomorrow”

I sleep for a few hours and wake up to a text around 6 am from amber and reply, and the following text exchange happens —

A – “That was an amazing day. I can’t wait to see you later”

OP – “Thank you for the company. I had an amazing time”

A – “What was your favorite part of yesterday? just curious…”

OP – “Its between your perfume, and the goodnight kiss. I can’t pick a winner”

A – “My perfume, huh? Glad you like it, ill keep that in mind. Let me know when i can come over, i have to clean but then I’m free the rest of the night”

OP – “Ok sounds good. See ya soon”

I text her around 5 and say pizza is on the way. She shows up a minute or two before the pizza. We Eat, and get her favorite show going on my Netflix. Sitting up on the couch turns into us laying down, spooning before the end of the first episode. She grabs my hand and runs it up and down the length of her body, tummy to thigh. 30 more minutes pass and we get to making out again. She moving my hands all over her body at this point, and says “you don’t have to be gentle, i like it a little rough”, which was my cue to dig my fingers into her butt and bite her neck, both which promoted subtle moans from her. Not wanting to fuck up my opportunity, I just keep kissing her and rubbing her body and she grinds me while on top. An hour or so passes and she needs to leave. It’s 9 PM and 7 AM Monday is rapidly approaching. I walk her to her car and she surprises me. She give me a goodbye kiss and looks me dead in the eye and says “Why haven’t you made a move yet? It been 3 dates and I basically threw myself at you yesterday”

That when my heart stopped. If I tell her I’m a virgin, will she laugh? will she stop talking to me? think I’m weird for being 23 and a virgin? I decide to rip the band-aid off. The words “well because I’m a virgin and not sure how to navigate this situation” stumble out of my mouth slowly. Once again her eyes light up with lust. “Really”, she says, excitedly, “You’ve never had sex?” “That’s awesome. I’ve never been someone’s first before, this will be fun for both of us.” We kiss deeply again and she’s says she’ll text me when she gets home. That’s where things get good.

Part 2 incoming.



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