Fake audition

Looking for someone who will/wants to play an innocent girl who wants to be an actor!!! 18+… Minimum:- 10 lines…. Descriptive, detailed and creative…. No one-liners, 18+ female….

Plot:- Fake interview/audition

Tags:- Non-Con, Filming, Blackmail, Trick, Drug, Dark theme, etc…..

My character:-
Name:- Leonard
Nickname:- Leo
Tag name:- Loser
Age:- 45 years

Short backstory:- He was an orphan, lived a very hard life, people use to call him “LOSER” and he was homeless!!!

He had only one goal in his life…. “Earn money”. In his childhood, the person/human inside him died and he became very insidious….. He learned that the easiest and the fastest way to earn money is by making “Porn videos”. So he started tricking and trapping girls because he knew a pornstar means more money what he can’t afford. But if he traps some needy girls, and works with them, then by giving them less amount of money, he can afford to shoot videos….

He started his own small and illegal company where he was the writer, producer, actor, etc!!!

//let me know if you wanna add or change anything…. I am open…

Interested….. Feel free to DM me….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/nbeel0/fake_audition