Nutrition and Love (Part 3) [milk] [ffm] [breasts] [milkmaid] [lactating]

Time waits for no one.Morning became afternoon. Amy and July were fast asleep after multi-orgasm and exhaustion from the release of bottled up emotions and longing for each other. Maybe the reason for not holding on to any relationship after July moved away was that they never really forgot each other, maybe their expectation from relationships was far beyond what was being offered by the commoners. The clock struck 2PM and July’s alarm went off. She has to be at work at 3PM and she has never been late since she started working at the smoothie bar which is a block away from the gym. She tried to wake up but found one of her nipple lodged in Amy’s mouth while she slept like a baby. July squeezed the nipple and slid it out and got out of the sheets. Amy was deep in her sleep due to the previous days travel and the morning adventures. July stood up and room’s chillness woke up her nipples. She walked to the bathroom, closed the door behind her and looked herself in the dull mirror.

July was surprised to see that both her breasts were swollen due to Amy’s wild play earlier but also increased milk supply had filled her udders. Her her nipples sore to the touch. July’s left nipple that was plundered and bore the most brunt of Amy’s hunger and thirst in the morning had become almost double in size. July lifted her breast to her mouth and gave a good lick to the areola and nipple as a sign of appreciation for not disappointing her and satisfying Amy. July, like a good mother, knows that Amy’s thirst cannot be quenched in a day especially after so many years, gave the left nipple two more licks and spoke to it saying “be a nice girl and be ready for what is going to happen to you tonight” and quickly turned to her right nipple and licked it as well saying “don’t think i’m ignoring you girl but you are not strong enough to withstand what Amy may have in store for you both”. She quickly heard the snooze go off saying it was 2:30PM. July took a quick shower and dried herself. She decided on a lacy bra to keep the girls airy and put it on but she stopped quickly after trying to hook it. The swollen breasts and nipples wouldn’t allow a bra to keep them locked up sending tingles every time she tried. July decided to go to work braless and chose a thicker slip and t-shirt than usual. She rushed to the store and is a lean hour. Business usually picks up around 4PM and starting from 4:30PM her eyes will long for Jay’s arrival for his pre-workout juice. Jay always avoided direct eye contact and usually acts as if he hadn’t seen her ever before, be it gym or the smoothie bar where he has been seeing July for the last one plus year.

It was 4:50PM. Jay arrived late. July had already made his drink with her secret recipe specially made for Jay that has been transforming Jay. Jay walked in preoccupied, quickly asked and paid for his drink and left in a dash. July was disappointed that he left in a hurry as she missed him a bit but told herself that she will see him in the morning at the gym.She always felt a butterfly in her stomach at the sight of Jay. Her fantasies and dreams had Jay and she felt a strong connection with him and he hasn’t recognized or reciprocated her feelings even a tiny bit which made July long for Jay even more.

It was 7PM. The usual customers had come and gone, the tip jar was full and it was time to start cleanup and prep fruits for the morning. The rest of the night will rarely see a customer and she usually closes the bar by 9PM. Just as she was about to start the cleanup, July’s cell rang announcing it was Amy. July picked up and said “Hello”.Sleepy Amy on the other end asked “where is my milkmaid mommy”. July responded by saying with a giggle that she will be home soon and will bring the goodies for Amy when she comes back.July hungup the phone, went to prep for the morning. Before she knew it, it was closing time. July walked back home hurriedly and the last hour was spent thinking about feeding Amy and sudden flashes of Jay’s face in between. Amy,on the other hand knew she wanted and it was always the hucow. This was Amy’s fetish and she couldn’t orgasm without it. July knew this very well and being the cow for Amy gave her the ultimate ecstasy. They both shared lactating fetish, wanted to feed and be fed. A normal relationship with a man, while convenient, will leave the most important act to fulfill the bedroom needs, not that they were against it but it hadn’t worked out well with anyone so far.

July reached home.Amy was lying down naked in the sofa watching TV intently with loud music on. July heard the music from outside the door.She knew what Amy was up to and changed all her plans to be spontaneous after seeing Amy. But Amy had her own plans for things to do with July. July very slowly opened the door to surprise Amy. The sofa is placed a few steps to the left of the door facing away and so Amy didn’t see or hear the door opening. Amy was lying sideways with a hand supporting her head and one leg folded up leaving the heavy boobs resting on the sofa cushion,her long nipples pointing out and her dry pussy exposed and well aired. July took a few steps and was surprised to see that Amy had shaved her nether regions while July was at work. July quickly slipped out of her t-shirt and pant, walked towards Amy on toes causing her boobs to jiggle and her sore nipples to rub against her slip sending electric pleasure waves between her legs. July stopped short of three steps and looked at what Amy had on the table top – two bowls of cereal with a spoon, an electrified goat milking machine with the suction cups and tubes, a double headed dildo next to the cereal bowls. July’s eyes lit up but it can wait. July had a bigger treasure before her that cannot ignore. Amy has been unaware of what is happening.

July knelt and took a good look at the clean shaved pussy. She gently kissed and Amy felt it and involuntarily tried to close her legs. She looked down and there was July but she hasn’t loosened her legs. July forced open her legs and dived in to the pleasure well, eating her pussy like a hungry wolf devouring a young rabbit.July deployed her tongue and its tactics to dive deeper in making Amy moaning. Amy took one of her breast in her mouth and started chewing her nipples while enjoying July’s tongue swirling inside her. Amy’s legs were shaking and there came her first orgasm.July felt it as well and gasping for air she raised her head only to look at Amy with her nipple in her mouth. July’s possessiveness kicked in and she stood up, pulled Amy up by her hand making her drop her nipple from her mouth in the process. July, with a frown look at Amy, said “Hey that’s mine, you can’t have it, not one drop”. Amy didn’t respond but stared directly at July’s udders, told July “let me have mine and you can have yours”. July’s frown melted, she climbed on Amy and sat on her lap. This brought Amy’s lips close to July’s chin.Amy kissed July tasting some of her own juice that was covered over July’s mouth.Amy knew that this moment belonged to July and knew what she was hungry for and let her in charge.Amy slided down a bit with a more relaxed arched sitting position that brought her closer and better access to July’s sweet rich milk filled udders. July let her fingers wade through the back of Amy’s head and pulled her hair making Amy open her mouth. July raised and leaned towards Amy and gave an approving nod to Amy to start quenching her thirst. The thick slip that July was wearing interfered with Amy’s access to her udders. July noticed her calf’s trouble, freed her melons for Amy by lowering the slip and went back quickly to holding Amy’s hair back making her mouth wide open this time. July leaned closer and lowered her right nipple in to Amy for her to latch. Amy licked the nipple and took it in and started sucking rhythmically. July’s breast responded but sending a stream of warm creamy milk to Amy. Amy dug in and kept sucking. July loosened her grip on Amy’s hair, closed her eyes and juice started between her legs. Amy emptied July’s right udder in less than three minutes sending July halfway to heaven. July opened her eyes and realized Amy was done with her right nipple but still held the latch for she was waiting for July to guide her on next step. July took her right nipple out, pulled Amy’s hair again and lowered her favorite left nipple into Amy’s mouth. July ordered Amy to bite the areola hard and hold her bite. Amy complied, her teeth dug in July’s right areola. July watched Amy’s teeth digging in to her areola and closed her eyes for a second in pleasure. Amy knew what July’s next step is going to be and she tilted her head backwards causing her right udder to stretch. July nodded, tightened her grip on Amy’s hair and starting pulling back her breast by leaning backwards. July’s udder cried in pain but neither July nor Amy was listening to its cries. As July leaned more and more back, the areola started to slide, while still under the tight clutches of Amy’s teeth. July leaned forward to ease the stretch and went backwards again causing the areola to slide more releasing huge spray of frothy milk. July had almost pulled the nipple out and stopped the pull when the teeth was halfway on the nipple and paused for a second to feel her orgasm. July ordered Amy to latch.she complied. July knew it was time to allow Amy to have the control and nodded to Amy as a sign that its her time while she was latched. Amy released the latch, examined both her udders and motioned July to get up from her lap and assume the cow position with access to her left udder. July did and closed her eyes.

Amy inspected the goat milking machine and turned it on. She plugged the machine to July’s left udder and other suction tube to one of her own breast to simulate the calf sucking rhythmic motion and watched the alternating suction of the machine.The 8oz collector quickly filled up. Amy turned off the machine and emptied the contents to one of the cereal bowls. July experienced every step of the way in ecstasy with shut eyes and was waiting for Amy’s next move. Amy slid the other cereal bowl directly under July’s left udder, engaged one side of the double headed dildo and entered July from behind. July screamed in pleasure and held on her grip on the sofa. Amy’s held on to July’s hip and on first thrust her grip slipped. Amy quickly move her hand to July’s udders and help a firm grip before starting to ride her, slow and shallow at first then deeper and deeper. Each thrust of Amy followed by a hard squeeze on July’s udders causing the cereal bowl to fill up. Both had reached climax in a few more minutes and collapsed on the sofa. Amy suggested that the cereals would give a sugar and mood boost. The last bowl was more creamier and frotheir than the other and July insisted that Amy have that bowl. Amy gladly took the bowl and slurped each spoon with a wink at July. They both giggled and dug in to the cereal bowl. Amy looked at July and said “I wanted to tell you about a run-in with a guy this morning” and July responded by saying “I wanted to tell you more about Jay, but you go first”. Amy described the encounter not knowing it was Jay, the same Jay that July is having a crush on and that she felt lightning strike, a connection with the guy but didn’t know anything about the guy. It was 11PM and July reminded Amy that it was her first day of work at the smoothie bar tomorrow at 7AM. July didn’t bring up to talk about her crush on Jay but it was getting late. They emptied their cereal bowls, got up from the sofa and hit the bed. Amy lay on her side in the bed and July quickly followed. July looked at Amy’s breasts and they felt heavy. She twisted and pinched Amy’s perky nipples with a piercing look at Amy’s eyes. Amy slowly closed her eyes. July knew what it meant and slid down the bed, took one nipple in her mouth and squeezed the other causing wet spots in the bed due to dripping milk. Amy dozed off leaving her bunnies at July’s mercy and didn’t know when July slept. July, being the gentle mother, feeling that Amy had slept off, latched and emptied Amy’s breasts and slid up the bed making sure her udders are in Amy’s face so Amy can feed on her now-refilling udders if she wakes up in hunger in the middle of the night. July closed her eyes and replayed the events of the evening with Amy. Feeding Amy the way Amy wanted gave July her utmost pleasure and she touched both nipples in appreciation that they did their duty well the whole day after few years. July’s udders are Amy’s gift. July recalled coming to Amy many many years ago with flat chest and broken confidence, a constant subject of ridicule in school. Amy, the farm girl was never socially accepted. They found each other. Their bonds ran deeper and stronger and it was all going to be tested by Jay. contd…

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