One night I sent a guy some nudes, you know, just some titty pics and a video squeezing them type of thing. He sent back a video of his nice, huge, thick cock cumming. I instantly bit my lip and smiled. I was not expecting that. The way he stroked his cock made me wet. I felt my body tense up and my breathing became heavy as I imagined how amazing that would feel inside of me. I could feel my mouth water as I caught myself biting my lip once more. I wish he would cum in my mouth after seeing the way it dripped down his hand and cock. Obviously I grabbed my vibrator and put it to good use after getting worked up like that. Once I was finished I cleaned up and went to sleep. I vividly remember dreaming of him pinning me down, his hands holding mine beside my head. I turned my head as he pressed his lips against my neck. Gentle moans escaped my mouth. I can feel him getting hard as he tenderly grinded against me. My chest rised up as I inhaled deeply, taking in each kiss as he went down my neck to my chest. His tongue softly circled my nipple before taking it in and sucking. I felt myself becoming very wet. His gentle touches are just what I needed. Releasing my hands from his, he got up and took my panties off. He slid his boxers off and his huge cock sprung out. I smiled as he made his way between my legs. He kissed me once more and I could feel the tip of his cock on my pussy. My body is aching to feel him inside me. He then slowly pushed the tip in and I gasped as he pushed every inch in me slowly. . . it’s just too bad that’s where my dream ended and I woke up hot, breathing a little heavy and so, so wet.
Damn! That erotic! May be you can try sexting or Roleplaying, I am sure that would light your loins on fire and You might brutally get fucked by him ?
P. S I absolutely love pinning my partners against walls or even better translucent French doors ?putting a great show for neighbours