I(F21) help my brother(M18) with his confidence (inc)

“Come on douchebag, gimme the remote!”

Connie’s voice was clear and annoyed as he held the remote out at full stretch by the other side of his body, giggling as the woman gyrated mechanically on the TV screen.

“You are so disgusting, change it!” She didn’t sound happy, and when he refused to change the channel, she tried to swipe his arm to get the remote for herself but was unsuccessful and he laughed again, much harder this time, clearly enjoying the fact that she found the topless woman so distasteful for some reason. He relaxed a little and she suddenly attempted another swipe, missed, and sat with her stern face on and her hand held open.

“One last time.” She narrowed her eyes. “The remote.”

Pete was an irritating little toad, most people thought so and not just Connie. Unfortunately there wasn’t much that she could do about it given that he was her brother. Mostly she just tolerated him, I mean, he wasn’t always irritating, just when he was bored.

Pete was very bored at the moment and was spending his time flicking through the cable channels, taking more than was absolutely necessary to work his way through the tease TV sections at the back end of the list, the fact that it annoyed Connie was an added bonus to getting to see semi-naked women.

“I’m just joking, here you go.” Finally her offered the remote to her, but snatched it away as she reached for it and stuffed it down the front of his pants.

“If you want it, take it.” He said and burst into laughter again while Connie scowled at him.

He was always like this when he got the remote.

“I mean, what do you get out of that anyway?” Connie gestured towards the TV and the bottle-blonde woman on the screen flipped from her back onto her hands and knees and started humping the air.

“It’s pretty gross, she doesn’t even have a particularly nice body.”

Pete laughed and pulled the remote out of his pants. Connie made a mental note to wipe it down before using it. He pointed it at the TV and flipped forwards a few channels, stopping at an older, slightly sagging woman wearing a pink bikini who was laying on her side staring seductively out of the screen.

“See, she looks like you.” He said and howled with laughter again.

She had spent the previous summer wandering around in a pink bikini, though she knew her body looked better than the woman on the TV did.

Connie huffed and snatched the remote, forgetting her previous desire to have it cleaned and disinfected, and flipped up more channels, revealing more girls in similar states of undress and similar gyratory poses. She was shaking her head and Pete noticed her.

“What’s your problem? It’s just like modeling, only naked and on TV.”

She looked at him. He was serious.

“That is NOT modeling! That is….rolling around while a thousand guys jerk off over you.” She continued flipping as she spoke, stopping to look at a pretty Asian girl. “She’s cute though.”

Pete giggled briefly then stared at the TV as the girl unhooked her bikini top and let it slip off. The smile drifted from his face and he was transfixed as the girl massaged her hands over her bare breasts. Connie was watching him the whole time.

“Jeez, look at your face. What are you gonna be like when you see boobs in real life?”

He spun and looked at her. He looked hurt. It almost made Connie laugh, she had always thought Pete had a funny face, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on why.

“What do you mean ‘when’ I see some? I see boobs all the time.” He attempted a confident manner but failed miserably.

Connie did laugh this time and he looked even more hurt and his bottom lip stuck out slightly as he tried to think of the witty retort that didn’t come.

“Pete, I think we both know that you have never seen a decent naked body in real life.” She paused for a second for effect. “Male or female.” She laughed again. But noticed that he looked genuinely hurt now, and she almost felt bad for teasing him, after all it wasn’t his fault he was funny looking. After he spent the next couple of minutes staring at the wall beside the TV instead of at the pretty girl on the screen, Connie knew she had upset him, and she felt bad.

“What’s wrong? I was just messing around, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

He nodded but stayed silent. Connie went back to flipping through the channels, but didn’t really find anything worth stopping for and went back to the tease stations. Something occurred to her.

“How come they don’t have guy channels like this?” She wondered aloud. Pete didn’t reply.

“I think girls would love to watch this, but I guess they’d have to be careful about what they showed. I mean, you couldn’t have a huge dick swinging around on…”

Pete got up and walked out of the room before she could finish her thought.

Ten minutes later he came back in, and to his surprize Connie was still flipping through the tease channels. He sat back down without saying anything and watched the girls flicker past, then he saw the one he liked.

“Oh, wait it’s Marianne!”

Connie stared at him.

“Marianne is..my favorite…” Pete realized that he had shared too much information and decided not to speak any more as he felt his face flush a deep red.

He could feel Connie’s continued staring and out of the corner of his eye he could see she had a grin on her face.

“Your favorite?”

He didn’t respond.

“Do you watch this stuff a lot?”

He still didn’t respond.

“The Asian chick is my favorite.” Connie added, still grinning. “She reminds me of myself.”

Pete was still flushed. “She’s called Aimee.” He could feel the couch tremor as Connie laughed hard, and he couldn’t help but feel the giggles rise in his stomach too.

“Stop it…I…” His voice cracked and he burst into laughter. The two watched each other as they laughed, their mouths wide open and their shoulders shaking. Soon, tears filled their eyes and they both struggled for breath. Connie spoke first.

“Oh Godddd…you are such a goof…”

Slowly they both regained their composures, which was punctuated by shorter laughing fits, and when the tears had been wiped away and the aching cheeks had got most of the feeling back, Pete suddenly jumped in with a question.

“Do you…” He thought about the question. “Have you ever been worried about something, that you’re not good enough for…”

He paused again and thought hard about what he was asking.

“Sometimes guys worry about stuff…”

Connie understood.

“Don’t worry too much about it, as long as…everything works.”

She had the feeling that she wasn’t quite able to explain it to him properly, and took a deep breath while she thought about it.

“I’m sure everything is fine. You know? I mean, I’m sure it must work if you spend all your time watching this stuff on TV!”

The joke didn’t quite hit, and Pete looked at his feet, embarrassed.

“Have you ever showed it to anybody?” She asked. He shook his head, his eyes still staring downwards.

“It can’t be that bad…” Suddenly Connie felt lost for words, and at the one time she really needed them. She thought about offering to get one of her friends to look at it for him, but that sounded like a ridiculous idea as it replayed back in her head. They sat in silence as the girl on TV gyrated and thrashed around on the bed like a landlocked fish. She surprized herself when she suddenly spoke without realizing she was going to.

“You could show me.

[READ THE FULL STORY](https://smuthub.co/incest-taboo-erotica/brothers-confidence-issues-04-2021/?utm_source=reddit.com&utm_medium=social)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/nanmd8/if21_help_my_brotherm18_with_his_confidence_inc


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