This was years ago when I worked at a kiosk in a mall, we were both around 25. She worked at a store nearby in the same hallway. We met over time, seeing the same faces in a mall you start to recognize people, and she finally said hi one day when she thought she knew me. It turns out we had a few friends in common and probably saw each other at parties or something, but had never formally met. She was the “big titty goth girl” 5’6″, big boobs, round ass, pale skin, bright red hair, was chubbier but I like that.
Over the weeks we start taking our breaks together, go to the food court and bitch about customers, chat nerdy shit and music. We talked about relationships, I had just gotten out of a pretty bad, abusive one and she was currently stuck living with her ex because she couldn’t find a place on her own. She had lost a lot of friends in their breakup and was a bit lonely. My friends and I used to have wing nights at the bar every Wednesday and I asked her to join us. She sort of knew a couple of the people there, and admitted to having a crush on one of the guys we both knew, I thought I’d play a bit of matchmaker and hook them up. She didn’t drive so I offer to pick her up and drop her off, if she needed it.
Now, my car at the time had a lot of troubles. I needed a new part but didn’t have the money, and my engine would sometimes over heat. I was basically waiting for it to die on me and then get a new one. I warned her that it was a dice roll if I could even drive and she didn’t mind.
On wing night we both worked morning shifts, so she asked if we could just head to her place after work for a couple hours so she could shower and change, then hang out a bit. We watched some TV then headed out.
At the bar I introduced her to my friends she didn’t know, but tried to get her to chat with her crush. Dude was friendly but either didn’t seem interested or was oblivious. He didn’t reject her or anything, but didn’t react to any of her advances either. As a result she drank a few more beers then she normally would and asked I could take her home.
About two blocks from her house my engine starts to over heat. I ask if it’s okay to hang out for a couple hours to allow it to cool down and she agrees. We watch Idiocracy and I ask about this Ex she lives with but I haven’t seen. “Oh, he’s out of town for work for a couple days. This happens sometimes. I was hoping to bring your buddy home to bang while he was gone, but THAT didn’t happen!”
“Sorry about that. I’m a poor substitute too.”
“Oh please, your not bad at all. There’s a reason I like hanging out with you.”
I’m totally oblivious to any flirting or hitting on me she has been doing. After some chatting and the movie finished I went to check my car. Went a couple blocks and smoke started coming out. That was it, the car was dead. I limp it back to her place and ask if I can wait for a tow truck driver. She’s already in her PJ’S, silk boxer shorts and a tank top that fails to hide her nipples. She let’s me in and turns on the TV while I call for a tow.
My God. 3 hour wait.
I tell her I can take a taxi but she says she doesn’t mind. She sits on her couch and invites me over. All night we had sat at opposite ends of the couch, but this time she sat RIGHT beside me. She leans in to cuddle a bit and I oblige, still oblivious to any hints she is dropping. After a few minutes she turns to face me, and makes her final OBVIOUS move, she leans into to me and we start making out.
I wasn’t expecting this, I assumed she was only interested in my friend, or not interested in me, but we made out and she got more aggressive. She put my hands on her breasts before grabbing my crotch. It wasn’t long before I pulled her top down and shoved my face in her cleavage. Her soft, huge boobs felt amazing. While I did this she managed to unzip my pants and pull my cock out. She slip down between my legs and started lightly licking my cock before stopping and looking at me.
“I’m not some whore… I’m just, really horny. Maybe we should stop…”
She said this with my cock in her hand and tits hanging out, but I was suprised we were doing anything at all.
“Oh.. okay, I understand. It’s fine…. uh… can I just use the bathroom? Try and calm down a bit?”
She laughed “Holy shit dude, I wanted to see your reaction. You’re so red. That’s so hot!” Then she immediately went down on my cock, sucking it deep and hard.
She enjoyed teasing me like that. She would bring me close and then stop, or have me eat her out but pull away and giggle. The whole night was teasing and playing, she loved making me squirm.
Finally I managed to pin her legs down and lick her pussy till she came. She wasn’t quiet with her orgasm and I could see why she waited until her ex was away. She shuddered after finishing. “Ah fuck I needed that.” I come up and hold my dick, expecting her to return the favour with oral or asking me to fuck her, but she giggled more “Haha. Dude, this was for me. I’m all good now. You want to get off you can do it yourself.”
I was done with her teasing at this point. “Sorry, at this point I’m going to need help with that” and I crawled onop of her, putting my cock between her big boobs and wrapping them around it. She gave me a big, shit eating grin as I got closer to coming. “Do it. Fucking cum on my tits!”
It was like magic word and I jizzed right there between them before collapsing beside her.
We chatted after. I told her I was suprsed she made a move on me, I thought she liked my friend. She admitted to having a crush on me too, but she wanted to see me flustered, and thats why she teased me so much before.
By the time I got dressed the tow truck was outside to get me and my car, it was 2am and I was exhausted. She gave me a big kiss before I left.
We hooked up a couple times after, but never really dated. Once, when we both closed at the mall, she pulled me into her storeroom unexpectedly and gave me the most enthusiastic deepthroating out of nowhere. I wasn’t even hard, but she got me there and to cum in a few minutes before smiling and closing up shop.
Eventually she moved away and I haven’t really talked with her since.
Great story! Sounds like such a fun time :)
Fuck yes! Teasy big titty goth babes are the best!
Did the car get fixed?
The car is the real wingman in the story, gotta love that guy!
I feel like the tow truck driver should have come in later to help
so basically its the one that got away huh I kinda feel bad for you sounds like she is a keeper
Great story. Did you ever fuck her?? How was she?