Wife(F) Gets Her Husband(M) a massage for his birthday (anal) (MF+)

“A massage? Really? You’re sure about this…”

It’s almost five o’clock on a Friday as you herd me into the somewhat deserted waiting room of a local masseuse.

“Yes! This is your birthday present! Now would you just relax and enjoy yourself?” You check me in at the front desk as I have a somewhat tentative seat in one of the oversized waiting room chairs. They’re comfortable…but I’m not.

I’m just getting settled in when a very large breasted blonde steps out from a door marked “Private”. I do a double-take…I can’t help myself! This girl has curves that just won’t stop. She checks a clipboard and says, “Donnie?” I offer up a little half-hearted wave and you give my shoulder a shove.

“Well, go on, will ya? I’m paying for this…the least you can do is PRETEND to enjoy it.”

I cross the room to the bodacious blonde. She sticks out a hand and says, “hi, I’m Tammy…right this way.”

I shake her hand and follow her stunning round ass through the door in to the obviously “private” inner sanctum of the massage parlor. As I think “massage parlor” I almost flinch because every time I’ve used that term in the past couple of days you’ve corrected me with a sharp punch in the shoulder. You would frown and say, “masseuse! It’s a MASSEUSE! They have licenses and everything…stop thinking this is some kind of ‘fucky-fucky, sucky-sucky’ kind of place with a happy ending. This is a REAL massage and you are going to enjoy it!”

I walk into a room filled with candles and low lighting. There is a table in the center of the room. Yeah, right…masseuse, my ass…this is a massage parlor.

Tammy is very business-like as she points to the table, “Donnie, I need you to disrobe completely and lie down. You can cover up with that sheet there. I’ll wait in the other room until you’re ready, okay? Just give me a call…remember, my name is Tammy.”

Tammy disappears into a small room off to the back of the main room. I do let my gaze linger a moment on her ass as she departs. Completely disrobe, eh? Okay. I take everything off and fold it up on the little side table by the door. I lie down on the main table and pull the sheet up and over me. I wasn’t specifically instructed, but I decide to start out on my back.

Once I’m completely covered I take a deep breath and call, “Tammy? I’m ready.”

The door opens and Tammy re-enters the room. For a moment I think my eyes haven’t quite adjusted to the light, but then I realize that she is, in fact, completely naked. Her enormous breasts are full and round and very perky sitting up high on her chest. At first I think “implants” but I can tell from the way they sway as she walks they are very real.

She takes two steps towards me and I suddenly feel VERY naked and a little panicky. “Hey…hold on a minute here…I don’t think this is what Jen paid for. She’s right outside…I really don’t think this is what she had in mind!” My voice is starting to creep up in pitch just a bit and it even cracks as Tammy and her enormous tits continue towards me.

Tammy wordlessly stops in the middle of the room and then you step out from where she came. You are ALSO completely naked. For a minute I start to worry I might be having some kind of a stroke.

“Oh, baby…this is EXACTLY what I had in mind!” You chuckle as you cross the room to stand next to Tammy.

[READ THE FULL STORY](https://smuthub.co/couples-erotica/birthday-massage-05-2021/?utm_source=reddit.com&utm_medium=social)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n9wg4f/wifef_gets_her_husbandm_a_massage_for_his