It was supposed to be date night [MF]

This was the evening we looked forward to and needed. All the work, all the overtime I did and all the travel you did for your company had us lost from each other, from our own lives. All of that was passed, you were staying at home for a long while so tonight we planned the date night we always loved to have. Dinner, a bottle of wine, a walk around town where the action was, all fantastic.

I was cleaned up very nicely. Nice pair of dress pants and that blue striped button down laundered, pressed, fitted but just loose enough to not show everything. I of course was ready to go, being a guy, I was dressed in no time so I turned on the TV watching some news channel stuff, it barely enthused me to pay attention, I bided my time while you were in the bedroom.

The commercial played when the door opened, you walked out and walked right in front of the television and I. There you stood in that dress that was fitted up top yet flowed from the flowered pleated fabric down below the waist half up the thighs. The passing glances and inattention I paid to everything around me focused into the moment as I looked you top to bottom. You looked at me with this open-eyed zeal this sense you knew just how dynamite you looked and felt to see my gaze change right before you.

I sat up straight from the slouch I had on the couch. My brain you can tell from so many times was churning into those thoughts only the devilish mind I have can conjure. I sat there still but the blood coursing though me but near stunned to do anything but look. You took a very deep breath, your inhale I can see though the snug fit of that dress and slowly you walk up to me. A smile widens my mouth to you approaching me.

Without permission and without means of escape you hold my shoulders and move me back onto the couch while you start to climb and straddle me. My hands reach out and hold your waist as you slink ever so gently on me to be leveraged on me. Your hand reaches out to cup my cheek while I see your breathing quicken just a little. I squint down to look at your hand to kiss you and within one slow motion you lean forward to me, press yourself against me and to look down at me in unequal eye level.

You are in control and the first kiss you give was small and cute but the series of kisses afterwards were with some raised intensity building to your mouth opened to offer this deep passionate lip lock. Breathtaking was the only was to describe this as you ended the nervous anticipation within my own head to let me revel in the taste of your lips. I sat there obedient to let this happen. My body rested still below yours as you controlled most of this moment. My hands all but ignorant to what was going on but they were moveable and free to hold and touch the small of your back while this pash proceeded.

The once tight clamp of your legs against mine in your straddle loosened just a little to clue my brain to feel and caress the tautness of those sexy thighs I can see below the bottom of the dress did not cover. I was never one to keep myself still in the moment like this. My hands slowly glided up your thighs to hide under the fabric of the dress. Sensing my exploration, you pour on the pressure to a feverish level of romantic embrace. Our necking let our tongues take turns to come out and play. My hands roamed slowly and nowhere nearly discretely up your thigh to your hips.

It was still the amazing surprise to find out you were not wearing any panties. Oh my darling, you knew my kryptonite! You knew that dress would make the statement and now that I discover the smoothed, warmed skin all but exposed to my fingers you would certainly expect that soon the tides of this amorous episode will turn.

My hands are no longer roaming as they now found the prize. The slightest touch and massage movement expels the large gasp from your mouth. Your body freezes in clutching me while I’ve now reheated the situation. It is like an act of desperation when you pull off and lean back at me. You reach your hand to the back to unclasp the top button of the dress loosening the fabric enough to let you start pulling it off you completely.

Another pause comes over the moment as these tired eyes of mine focuses on all of you. The trim, slim physique you kept all these years in full nude focus while you are there spanning my legs. A smile glows upon you as your hands comes to touch and improperly try to cover yourself. All the while the adrenaline rush you anticipated me to feel was there. The swell in the trousers I still was wearing was abundantly noticeable and became proof enough you have me now in the frame of mind where I want you to be in this moment.

My hands kept still from gently fingering you start again start to move and prowl the area of your pussy. I apply no pressure at all, the tips of my fingers are slow and meticulous in their movement. Every pass through I take my time stroking and lightly petting you. My eyes look right into your eyes seeing this look of anticipation on your face as you brace your arms around my shoulders. You look back at me, your breathing somewhat rapid. This staring contest that might have been was yours to loose with my hands starting to move a little quicker generating heat and tension. The sudden nerve response shoots up your body to the back of your neck that has you roll your head backwards to let out a long cleansing breath of delight.

The excitable sense dampens down enough to have you bring your head forward to come to me for a ridiculously passionate series of long kisses with it’s taste whetted by two mouths and tongues. My pressure below slows down to the methodical pace as before but remains to retain the pleasure factor. My other hand moves up your smooth skin of your back. When the other hand reaches your neck and shoulders it shifts your head to the side where my lips trail saliva on the length of your neck. Long full lipped smooches on your neck changes to wet coverage from my mouth using the tongue and hot breath, you are near feeling crazy with the sensation.

Your slow surrender into submission drops and your hands drop down your legs to suddenly feel and realize my trousers still are on. Awakened by the reality, the disparity of clothing has you with purpose reach for my belt to unbuckle. I stop all action while I intently watch you and give you the leeway to do what you must do. With trousers loosened you jump up to reach forward grasping the waist of my trousers. Your arms slowly and gently pull the trousers off with my body slightly arched off the couch to assist. Past the bulged part in my boxers then past the knees where they can be pulled off legs one at a time.

Trousers off, socks still on, You come back to me and restfully hover over me to unbutton my buttoned-down shirt. You work at a frantic pace to find and unlatch each button to the point where a break in the fabric appears. You grab the shirt to pull it back and to pull it off having my shoulders, chest and torso exposed to you. You breathe in this output of energy as your hands gently placed on my chest with the smile now returning to your face. I my mind this is far from over, I think you know this too.

For the first time in a while, I moved from a near stationary position to move onto the long way of the couch with you still on top of me. Your body is half on and half off the couch. One leg all but stands on the floor while I have you tuck the other against the cushioned back rest. A series of deadly kisses begins on your shoulders and neck that again overwhelms you into a buzzed out romantic mood.

You are so deep in pleasured emotion by the look of you with closed eyes when I suddenly lower my head beyond your neck to again taste the lovely scent from your perfume. My tongue crosses one shoulder to the other with small kisses driving you into this wicked state. You lean your torso out and slowly out of my arms that brace you with my mouth running down the middle of your chest to be placed in between a pair of perky tits. Hands called into action to cup the one breast while the tongue flicks the nipple instantly erecting it. My body and head shift across to the other side to lick around the other nipple and in this ravenous movement my mouth covers and tries to swallow and ample swell or your whole breast whole. The instinct comes to cover up and grab me tightly in shock. I pull back relieving lightening bolt of shock to relax your body so much that I now slump further on the couch kissing and playing licking your down your tummy and to the waist area. Your hands hold and brace my shoulders in my sinking down you and your body.

My head now lays on the couch and my arms and hands grab your waist area to guide you over top of me. Your legs apex in almost perfect alignment to my head. You somewhat stand and kneel on the couch while you feel this pull from my hands that lowers you down to me. You have a gaze of amazement come over your face as you now realize what might happen cannot be stopped.

You take hold to the top of the couch with one hand and running your fingers though my hair with the other. You feel a warm breath purposely come out of my mouth as my cheeks brushes your top inner thigh. The anticipation has taken forever as your labia feels my lips. My hands tighten the hold on your hips while I start to feast on a very warm flower reddened and slightly swelled from the foreplay action.

Certainly no teeth, but a deep low moan comes from me as I start to munch, chew and tug away at your pussy with mouth. My tongue comes out to widen the chasm to take more of you. I can barely see you with eyes barely peeking upward. You are forever unsettled trying to stay put feeling the edgy and tense thrill come and go almost at random. Continued shock waves charge and affects every part of your body. Heaving laboured breathing I can certainly hear with subtle whines synchronized with your breath.

Overwhelming pleasured anxiety courses though you and try as you might, you pull up to take the pressure off, but I will not let you escape for too long. I am laying there casually lapping and slurping away when I finally start to deal with the particularly sensitive clitoris with a probing tongue that has you sharply moan.

I can only hear the word, “god!” as you reach both your hands down to touch head and face. My downward grip still solid on you for the moment knowing the feeling overcoming you begins to be too much to handle. Your legs feel a permanent stiffness as you take my head and with the strength you muster to pull back and off of me. The tug of war for a several seconds starts where you pull off my face but you get dragged back. Each time you return you get planted where the pleasured pain does not relinquish. With one pull back with the extra strength I have, I hold you for several second and full speed move and bury my tongue deep within your clit as far as I can poke. The damage now done and you are done too.

You hold my face to look at me and move your body back barely getting over my chest when a rigid stance has the spray of warmed juice come out to wet my chest. Uncontrolled gasps I can hear with near violent shaking while your hands hold my face and grab the hair on my head. Wet fluid cum drips from you on onto me. You breathe with an open mouth as your body starts to gently relax itself.

The calm comes back into the moment. My hands loosen completely to let you stand up and totally stretch and move though the movement. The content feeling now replaces the shock of your release. You know that you needed this and I know I wanted you to have this. The red flushed cheeks of your face frame this smile I see as I sit up and stand to come near you. Instant gratification as we have this warm gentle hug letting time freeze in the bliss the moment brought.

Words need not be said though the deep love we feel we know remains. I look at you and you look at me with the loving eyes I long to always see. Is it still date night? Will we want to go out for that dinner? Questions needs to be answered while in the moment I hold you and your naked body pressed so tenderly against mine.
