Going Places – Longish

*This is an early draft of a work in progress. I am trying to write about the process of how two people begin to negotiate a female led relationship. This isn’t the first time I’ve written from a Female POV (I’m a guy). But I’m always nervous when I do so. It never feels right. Any feedback, especially from other writers would be appreciated. Things like is the dialog believable? Does the woman sound too mature? Stuff like that.*

*Enjoy! (I hope!)*

01 In Charge

We had been on our third date, and I had decided I liked him well enough to go a step further. We started kissing on my couch in the living room of my apartment. Always the gentleman, he allowed me to set the pace. And soon enough I was stroking him through his trousers.

I broke our embrace, “Take off your pants”. Quickly Karl stood and dropped his trousers around his ankles.

“Underwear too!”

When he was naked from the waist down, he turned towards me, a little uncertain as to what he should do next. He was rather cute at that moment. His hard dick was roughly at my head height. With both hands, I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him towards me, and when he was close enough, I placed my nose against the part where his balls met the base of his dick and inhaled deeply.

I’ve always enjoyed the scent of an aroused man, and Karl did not disappoint me, I felt a little twinge down the left side of my body to my clit. I was in the process of being aroused myself. I had intended to give him a quick hand job as a thank you for a pleasant evening, and as an incentive for continuing our relationship. But I changed my plans at that point.

He might get a hand job, but I was going to get something out of it as well. It was his musky scent that made me decide that I wanted him for a boyfriend, at least for a while.

I smiled up at him, and he smiled back. His smile was a bit tentative, and briefly I wondered if he was a virgin. It didn’t matter to me. He wouldn’t stay a virgin as my boyfriend, and certainly at this university, a sweet and gentle boy like him wouldn’t stay sweet and gentle, much less a virgin for long. Modern women, in my opinion, were much too predatory towards men. Seduction should be a gentle, two way street where everyone wins.

At any rate, I said, “You smell good!”

Karl looked a bit surprised, “I, I, smell, OK? You know, clean and all?”

I rubbed the tip of my nose up his erect shaft, up past the tip so my lips were touching him, “More than OK, you smell,” I extended my tongue and licked the clear fluid seeping out of his circumcised penis. “Delicious!”

Karl closed his eyes and exhaled, it sounded like a breathy groan.

I began to lick the underside of his dick while looking up at him. Karl’s eyes were looking down at me, but they were unfocused. I had decided that he was a very sweet boy, and virgin or not, I loved his gentle innocence.

“Don’t move your hips,” I said, ” and keep your hands to your side. Let me do the work, I want us to go slow the first time.”

I could tell, he wanted to grab the back of my head and shove himself inside my mouth. But he, sweetly, did as I asked. Though he gave the most delicious groans.

I took him right to the brink of an orgasm and then broke contact.

“Oh Baby!” It didn’t’ take much to make me sound aroused, I was. “Remove my panties for me, please!” I scooted my hips forward so my butt was on the edge of the sofa.

Poor Karl! So rudely snatched away from the brink of pleasure, by the woman giving him pleasure! It took a second for his eyes to focus and process what I asked of him.


Karl knelt down in front of me and took a deep breath. Again, I wondered if he had ever seen what I was about to show him. Then he reached under my sundress and touched my thighs. I could feel the electricity jump from his body to mine. He could feel it as well, I could see it in his eyes.

“Gently, sweetie”, I said, “You are unwrapping a present, not unwrapping a burger!”

Gently, Karl did reach further up my skirt. A bit clumsily, he reached the crotch of my panties. I was SO wet! I wondered if he could feel the wetness. How could he not?

I lifted my hips, “pull them down slowly and when they are down around my ankles, carefully remove my shoes, and remove them.

When Karl removed my left shoe and freed my left foot from my panties, I lifted that leg and pressed my big toe against his lips. He kissed my toe, and gently licked it, and I then lowered my foot from his face. “The other foot.” was all I said.

“Yes” Karl remove my shoes, freed my foot, and pressed his face against my panties sniffing deeply.Surprisingly, he neatly folded them before laying them aside.

I gently grabbed his head and pushed him under my skirt and between my legs. To be honest, Karl wasn’t that good, but he was slow and gentle, I thought he had some talent. With proper coaching, he could learn.

I let him fumble around with his tongue for bit. I don’t know why, but I enjoyed watching him on his knees trying SO HARD to please me. Maybe, I thought, it was just his eagerness in trying to please me. It certainly hasn’t happened all that often with most of the boys in High School, or, so far, at the university. But I was getting very horney.

“Honey,” I said, “Why don’t you lie on the couch?”


I stood up and allowed Karl to get up. “While you’re at it, take off all your clothes, it seems a little silly for you to have your pants around your ankles, wearing a sports shirt.” Karl was having too much fun to not do as I asked.

“Do you mind if we do a 69?” I asked.

“Well, no! I mean I don’t mind at all!” He smiled up at me. He was so cute! there he was, lying stark naked on my sofa while I was wearing that yellow sundress that, frankly, made me look spectacular, and no underwear. I swung my leg over his head and spread my dress out so that every part of him above the waist was covered by it, and then I slowly lowered myself onto his face and positioned myself, so my pussy rested comfortably on his mouth and his nose jammed against my asshole. My favorite position!

I bent forward and took his veiny and somewhat purple erection into my mouth and slid down as close to the base as I could. Again, I took a deep breath, savoring his scent. I heard Karl moan, so I ground myself against his mouth. Karl started to lick and kiss me down there, while I stroked him just enough to keep him interested in keeping me happy. I’ve learned that giving a boy too much, too soon, meant that he would get his fun and I would be left with nothing. This was MUCH better than having him kneel in front of me.

Soon, I was essentially using him as something to masturbate against. Though as I moved my hips forward and back, my asshole would be in easy reach of his tongue. And to my great pleasure, he seemed to enthusiastically explore me there as well as my vaginal lips and clitoris. I decided to keep him at that point. At least for a while, he would be mine.

Eventually, I had an extraordinarily strong orgasm. And afterward, I remained seated on his face while I stroked him till, he came. I enjoy making boys come! I love how they thrust and spurt and moan all because of me! I love the idea that they know who gave them that orgasm, and I love how they fall all over themselves afterwards, trying to convince me to pleasure them again. Just thinking about that made me drip more into his mouth.

Slowly I got off of him and looked around for something to keep him from dripping on my furniture. I saw his shirt and used it to clean him up. Then I lay beside him to cuddle.

“That was nice!” I said.

“Oh, yes!” Karl’s voice was all dreamy.

I knew he was mine.

02 The Truth

Our relationship went on like this for another two months. I must say, Karl was a quick learner when it came to pleasing me. He seemed happy to let me sit on his face as much as I wanted, and he seemed to be learning what I wanted from him just by how I sat on him. Riding him was a lot like riding a favorite horse. After a bit, Karl didn’t need explicit commands he just knew by the set of my legs, and pelvis what I wanted from him. And Praise be! He was not too sulky on those few occasions when he didn’t get to come at all. I really dislike those man child whiners.

Maybe it was because that he was trying so hard to please me, but I began to worry that maybe I was using him a bit. I liked Karl, a lot! And I wanted him to feel he was getting as much out of this relationship as I was, though in truth, I couldn’t see how that was possible.

It was after a wonderful Saturday afternoon where I had had a wonderful orgasm, and he had come from what I consider, frankly, a pretty spectacular blow job. We were cuddling, and Karl had that half sleepy, half smug, dreamy look on his face that guys get when they’ve been totally drained by a woman.

I pinched his nipple, “Are you happy?”

Karl nodded his head, and just said, “mmmm.”

“I don’t mean just this minute; I mean with US. Are you getting what you want out of this relationship?”

Quickly, Karl lost his dreamy expression, I could see alarm in his eyes, “Well, yes. I love what we have!”

“It’s just that you work really hard to please me, and…”

“I LOVE pleasing you!”

I kissed his forehead to reassure him, “I know baby, and I love how you love that. But am I doing enough for YOU?”

Karl looked confused, as if he had some difficulty understanding the question. Then his eyes, briefly, took on a hooded look, and then looked normal again. “I’m quite content, I, I, like hearing you moan! I like how you play with my hair when I go down on you and grab my ears when you are about to come. I like how you smell when you sit on my face!”

“How I smell? What do I smell like, am I clean enough?

It was Karl’s turn to reassure me. “Oh, yes, clean. You smell like pancakes. I had a girlfriend once that smelled a bit like chili and. . .”

“Pancakes? I smell like pancakes?”

“Well, not like pancakes from a Pancake House with syrup, nuts, and whipped topping, just plain, off the griddle, pancakes. And only a little bit.”

I looked at Karl quizzically.

“I uh, like pancakes.” Karl gave me a nervous smile. I could tell he was trying to figure out if I was mad at him. I needed to explain myself better.

I smiled at him, “I’m glad you like how I smell. and I hope you always will. But I like you a lot, I’m not ready to say I love you, but I am ready to say, I want to keep you around for some time.

Karl smiled at this, a big, goofy happy grin. I continued. “What can I do for you, to make sure you stay happy with me and stick around?”

I reached out and pinched his nipples again, and he squirmed with pleasure, and smiled. “Come on! Tell me your deepest, darkest sexual fantasy! Let’s see if I can make it happen?”

Smiling, Karl brushed my hands away from his chest. “No! that’s crazy!”

I pinched his cheek, “You’re so cute when you blush! Tell me! Do you want to get spanked? Dress in women’s clothing? What?”

“No! That’s weird, besides, you’ll think it’s disgusting!”

“Karl! I sit on your face and let you lick my pancake asshole a couple times a week! I enjoy it, and I think you do too! What could you possibly tell me that is more disgusting than that?” I could tell I was getting to him; he was about to tell me something, maybe not the whole truth, but some truth. I reached out and started to stroke his penis. “Come on, Baby! Tell me, let me make you as happy as me.”

“I’m afraid you’ll laugh at me!” It has been my experience that the male half of the human race fear losing the respect of their women more than anything else.

“I want to make you happy, Baby! And to do that, I need to know what it is. I will accept anything you say!”

Karl had turned a corner in his mind, I could see that. “OK, remember last week, when you called me a ‘good boy’? I liked that.”

“You want me to call you a ‘good boy’?”

“No! No! Well, sort of. It’s the way that made me feel. Like you were a queen, and I was there to do whatever you wanted. I was there to serve you, however you wanted to be served.”

“Kind of like female domination?”

The dam had broken in Karl, he couldn’t stop if he wanted to. “Yeah, but different in some ways.”

“How so?”

Karl managed to look sheepish and determined at the same time. “Well, it’s not spankings and name calling, though that happens, so much as it is I’m not allowed to come without your approval. In my fantasies, I’m like a houseboy who waits on you hand and foot, and you use me for your pleasure, only I can’t come until you tell me to. You train me to serve, to cook, to clean house. Sometimes you lend me out to your friends.”

“Oh, I do, Do I?”

“Only very good friends, and only female friends. I must obey them as if I were obeying you, the only restriction is I can’t come. They can torture me however they want, but I would be punished if they made me come.”

I was amazed at the amount of detail Karl was providing, it was a lot to take in. And I wasn’t as disgusted as he had feared, though I wasn’t fully on board the yacht called. “Queen of De Nial”.

“Karl, I love how you have opened up to me! I love that you trust me enough to do this. And I’m not opposed to doing this for you, but it IS a lot to take in. I need some time to think, is that OK?

“Of Course.”

The truth was, I was taken aback, some. I have had similar, parallel fantasies since I was, well, forever.Fantasies where I had boys at my beck and call, where they had to do whatever I wanted them to do. They weren’t always sexual fantasies, but they were always fantasies where they were so much in love with me, that they would do whatever I wanted.

The thing was, I never considered them something attainable, it was something so far out of my experience in the real world, that it wasn’t something I could or should even want. Frankly, I was a bit frightened that my idea of how the world worked might be wrong! I really liked Karl and I wondered if this was some weird transitory idea, he had gotten into his head that would get us committed to something neither of us could handle.

I took a deep breath, “Let’s think about this for 4-5 days before we decide to do anything.”

“I don’t need any time!” That was so – Karl!

“Well, I do need some time. I want a week to think this over, and maybe do some research. In the meantime, we go on as usual, but neither of us can bring this subject up.”

It was an awkward 4 days, we had some things planned with friends, and a couple of times, he started to bring it up when we were alone. I shut him up with a stern look though. But I could tell the suspense was killing him.

In the meantime, I did do some research. I looked at pornography, some were nice, others – yuck, just yuck. I did some internet searches and found some Femdom websites run by and for women, which were extremely helpful. I also looked at sites aimed at men which were interesting, exciting, and a couple of times, a bit sad.

03 My Decision

It turned out that I didn’t need a full seven days to make my decision, just 5. So, I called Karl and told him to come to my house that evening at 6:00 pm, sharp.

Karl was his usual self. He was 5 minutes early.

I told him to sit on my sofa, and I sat on that old club chair I got from a resale shop. I know I’ve said it before, but Karl is really cute and endearing when he is nervous.

I decided to jump right in, I thought Karl might have a heart attack if I dragged it out. “I’ve come to a decision about us.”

Karl interrupted me, “I want to say right off, it doesn’t matter what you decide, I want you in my life.”

“That’s good, because I don’t want a slave, I want a boyfriend.”

“Oh,” Karl looked a little depressed at this news.

“Hear me out,” I said with more force than I intended.

Karl was smiling, “I like bossy women, I always have.”

“Well good. This is how it’s going to work for us. You aren’t going to be my slave; you will continue to be my boyfriend. I don’t intend to humiliate you in front of your friends and family. However, I’m the boss, What I say, goes. Is that clear?”

“Yes, thI felt relieved, I was worried about this. . . thing, we were starting. I wanted to have the lion’s share of power in our relationship, but I didn’t want to go too far, too fast, it seemed like a good way to burn out on each other if we assumed too much too soon.”The way I see it, we need to start slowly, we need to find our limits with this, what we want and what we like. The both of us. I want us to start out with you just accepting that I’m the boss of you, and that, in general, you have to be a loving, cheerful, respectful, and OBEDIENT, boyfriend. Can you do that.”

“To be honest, I think I am already that!”

I smiled, he was right, mostly. “True, but this formalizes it. We both acknowledge that I have a position of authority over you, and that if you don’t have a serious ethical problem with my decisions, you have to live with them.”

“Sure!” Karl was enthusiastic.

“I am uncomfortable with that ‘sure’ from you. I don’t see how a man who has surrendered his power to me can think ‘sure’ is an appropriately respectful acknowledgement of my authority.”

“Should I have said, ‘Yes, Mistress’?”

“No, that seems a bit over the top for what I envision as our first baby steps into a sort of woman led relationship. I think you should have said, ‘Yes, Ma’am’ or ‘Yes, Miss Carol’.

Karl had a big, happy grin on his face, “Yes, Ma’am.”

“I want you to understand, Karl, that we need to grow into this relationship. Maybe, in time, you will be a full-time slave, maybe you won’t, but we both need to be comfortable with each step we take.”

“Yes, Ma’am, but now what?”

“Well now,” I smiled at him, I felt almost predatory. “I am going to teach you how to be the perfect boyfriend AND the perfect sex toy!”

“Miss Carol, isn’t that the same thing?”

“Not quite, my love. Not quite.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/na8nfe/going_places_longish