Behind Every Successful Man (Part III)

[Part I]( | [Part II](


When I get home I want to ask Alice about that maybe-sighting of her at the office a while after I thought she left but when I get home she jumps on me. We have a really healthy sex life. We fuck most days. Sometimes more than once but god damn. She is in rare form tonight. She pulls my pants down, pushes me to the floor and climbs on top of me. She’s wetter than usual and I can see her creaming on my dick. Once I fill her with my jizz she sucks my dick cleaning her and my cum of my cock. When we both catch our breath I do ask…

“Hey, I thought I saw you at the office today.”

“Yeah I brought you lunch.”

“Yeah I know I mean a while after that. 30 minutes later maybe?”

“Right after I left you I had a lunch meet-up.”

“Yeah? With who?”

“I saw Toni today. You remember Toni, right?”

“Tony? Oh! You mean Toni from college? Of course I remember her!”

“Yeah I bet you do.”

“Well obviously I’m going to remember the only other woman I’ve slept with since we’ve been together. No offense.”

“Why would I be offended? I was part of it.”

I laughed. “God, what happened to those crazy college kids we used to be?”

“Oh I think I’m still pretty wild.”

“And a wild girl like you never felt like she was missing out married to a boring guy like me?”

“The last six years you are the only man I have got on my knees, spread my legs, or bent over for and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


I never wanted to lie to Oliver. So I was very careful not to. I did have a lunch meeting. With Mr. Johnson. I did see Toni today, just not at lunch. I have only spread my legs for Oliver… just sometimes to let other men fuck me in exchange for things that would make his life better. Oliver was far too much of a gentleman to ask anything like “did anyone else cum in you today?” So I think I won’t ever be put in a position where I had to lie.

As long as he doesn’t ask the right questions anyway. If he asks “hey are you planning to fuck all the partners at my firm to get me a job?” then I’ll be backed into a corner.


I hate night shifts. I don’t get to talk to anyone. The fun part of working front desk security is friendly chit chat. Night shift has none.


Some broad in a trench coat is tapping on the door. I groan as I get up to go to see what she wants. Fuck I need to lose weight. I unlock the door and open it without letting her in.


“Hi, my name is Alice Goodman. I have an appointment at Schafter, Johnson, & Kant.”

“It’s after hours. Who is your appointment with?”

“Schafter, Johnson, & Kant.”

“No one put your name on a list, I can’t let you in.”

She seems annoyed. Entitled bitch. She’s thinking it over. Then she looks me dead in the eye then opens the trench coat. She is completely naked underneath.

“I will suck you off if you let me in.”

I love the night shift.


Jesus that fat old security guard took longer to cum than I thought he would! I think I’m late now. I swallow and make my way to the elevator as quick as I can in my heels. I don’t bother closing the coat.


Dick Johnson is an old white horny fool. I am not a prude. I am not above fucking the many lovely young women and men in our firm’s internship program. But I have never called the senior partners to a meeting at midnight for a piece of pussy. A LATE piece of pussy. My wife is already suspicious about a midnight meeting.

The senior partners have a floor to ourselves. Our assistants are usually here too but they aren’t tonight. We are waiting in the receptionist area. It occurs to me, perhaps too late, that the old fool Johnson didn’t think to leave the girl’s name with security so she probably can’t get in the building. Just then I am disproven by the opening of the elevator doors.


Between the old men stands Quinn Kant looking like a black goddess. (Is that racist? I don’t think it is but I might have a blind spot there.) In college Quinn Dupris was my hero: a badass bitch who never let anyone get in her way. Then she married Chrysta Kant, my favorite fashion designer (I’m wearing her heels right now!) and became a partner at Johnson, Schafter, & Richter by taking down Richter with a major class action suit. She’s almost 50 but still looks 30.

Johnson is there, smiling because he knows what’s in store. Next to him is Jack Schafter. Johnson is older than my father and Schafter is older than my grandfather. Dick Johnson looks like a handsome man grown older. Jack Schafter looks like a fucking mummy.


20. DICK

I popped a pill this time so I’m ready to go a couple times. I need to get back inside that ass. Kant had been skeptical that any piece of ass was worth a midnight meeting, but now that she sees Goodman’s wife she seems to be singing a different tune. Quinn Kant is probably the only woman worth fucking at this firm who I haven’t fucked. She’s made it clear it’s never going to happen but getting to watch her and Goodman’s wife will be a hell of a consolation prize. I gave Jack a pill too. He barely has any idea what’s happening but he knows he’s getting some pussy so he’s happy. I’ve had to explain several times that Kant is a partner and Jed got forced out. Poor bastard, I hope my mind doesn’t get like that. He still pulls though. His step-granddaughter and his nurse both ride his cock on a regular basis to try to secure a place in his will. If you’re going to be confused all the time, fucking gorgeous woman less than a third your age is the way to do it.

21. JACK

I got wood. Boom boom time. I don’t know if the black one or white one is mine, but both look good.


“Well, you would be Mrs. Goodman then.”

“Yes, Mrs. Kant.”

“I admit I was skeptical about but I see why Dick thinks this might work. Join me in my office. I’d like to get to know you before you get old man spunk all over you.” She turns to the men. “And you do NOT get to watch.”

I follow her to her office like an obedient school girl.

23. DICK

Well, shit.

24. JACK

What’s going on?


I don’t waste time and undress as I speak.

“I’ll be honest. I don’t like Oliver for this job. He seems too much of a pushover. An asshole like Blake Long will undercut the ostensibly charitable agenda of the division but he will get things done. I don’t expect Oliver has that drive. I’m not sure if he sent you to fuck him into the job or if you’re doing it behind his back. Neither inspires much confidence.” Now that I am fully nude I lean toward against my desk. “Lick.” Obediently she falls to her knees and buries her face in my ass, moving her tongue over my asshole. It is extremely pleasant. “So if Oliver doesn’t deserve this job, his only hope of getting it is if you are so good at this that my desire to have you again eclipses my lack of faith in his ability to do the work.” As if on cue she slips two fingers inside me. I didn’t tell her to do that but prowess at improvisation is commendable.

I push her off me and turn around. If her tongue felt that good in my ass I’m ready to see what it can do with my clit. I pull her by the hair back into my crotch and she eats me like her life depends on it. I haven’t had pleasure like this in years. The interns are too inexperienced and my wife hasn’t been this enthusiastic since the honeymoon. (She’s also cheating on me with every model that walks a runway for her and thinks I don’t know. It would be bother me if I wasn’t fucking every intern at the firm, which she doesn’t know). As my entire body begins to tremble and I scream out loud, I start to think maybe Goodman’s wife might be the thing to bring the fire back to my marriage. I do love Chrysta but it’s clear neither of us can keep our cunts off of other women’s faces so maybe the right third could reignite the passion that brought us together.

After one earth-shattering orgasm, I decide to end it for the night. I fully believe she could give me several more but Chrysta might already be suspicious about my being out so late. Promoting Goodman is worth it to feel this good. Honestly it makes me wonder about his skill in the bedroom if he inspires such devotion in his wife. I prefer mistresses to misters but that might be worth investigating.


“Your husband has my support for as long as that gives me access to you. I’ll need you to come by my house this weekend. I have some more things for you to take care of. Your husband needs all three of our votes for this promotion. You’ve earned mine, though he’ll need to earn it himself at some point. Dick’s also in the bag for you. Jack should be easy enough to convince, as long as you can keep from getting physically ill. Good luck. Close the door on your way out of my office.”

I leave her office. Well, that’s good news I guess. When I come back out to the reception area both Mr. Johnson and Mr. Schafter are completely naked and fully erect. For a man who looks like dried skin stretched over a skeleton, Jack Schaffer’s dick was enormous. Eight inches if I had to guess. Maybe nine? His old man balls hung halfway down his thighs and he had a super-hairy bush of totally white hair.

I decide to start with the geezer. I get on my knees to suck his freaky old man dick. Through the years I have let myself be used by many men to make my Oliver’s life better, but I never felt degraded. This feels degrading… and some weird twisted part of me is turned on by that. This man was a senior citizen before I was born and now I am taking his cock in my throat. What a dirty whore I am! I am getting so wet.

27. DICK

I get sick of Jack having all the fun so I grab her hips and pull her up. She stays bent over blowing Jack. He has a goofy smile on his face and I don’t know whether to attribute it to the blowjob or his senility. I start to fuck her cunt from behind. The first time I had cum in her tight ass but this time I fully intended to breed the bitch.

28. JACK

I get my dick sucked a lot. The nurse I hired is great at it. My late wife’s spoiled granddaughter Jenna has started now that she knows her real grandfather left his money to charity. They al think I’m too far gone to know what they’re doing but I know. The blonde woman wants something too and this blowjob is so good I’m tempted to let her have it, whatever it is. Dick explained it earlier but I forgot. I forget a lot, but that don’t make me stupid. Stupid men don’t fuck the women I fuck at my age. The blonde thinks this will be over soon but I’m no teenager. On my pills I last a loooong time.


Johnson bursts inside me soon enough but then Schafter takes his turn behind me. There’s no technique just mechanically pumping away. Against all odds it feels good, partially just on account of how big he is and partially just over how much I apparently get turned on by being so thoroughly degraded. I feel something building in me… I think this decimated husk of a 96-year-old man might actually give me an orgasm. After about 15 minutes of repetitive but weirdly satisfying pumping I can’t hold it in anymore and I just GUSH. The only men who have ever made me squirt like that before are Oliver and this one rock band I fucked to get Oliver backstage passes. I pant, out of breathe while the old man. Just. Keeps. Going. After an eternity he finally cums inside me.

“Come by my house Sunday. My nurse could learn a thing or two from you,” the old man smiles at me. He’s sharper than the others realize.


Whew, I drank too much last night. I passed out before midnight and was just comatose all night. Alice must have overdid it too because she slept past noon. I didn’t even wake her up to tell her the good news: I got the job! She believed in me when I didn’t even believe in myself. I’m want to take her out to our favorite restaurant to celebrate. If I can get a table, anyway. Getting a table at Chez Henri is damn near impossible though.Yet somehow Alice always manages to. Maybe I should wake her up to find out her secret…
