The Age of Blackstone – Ride the Storm, pt2

Fort was rebuilding from the attack. New roofs were being installed. The gargantuan gates were being

Inside the barely standing town hall, the locals were meeting. Sabuk was seated before the entire room.

Blackstone stood in the room. He listened to seemingly endless debate and incessant arguing. The armored wandered turned and shifted in his stance as if he could find no comfort.

Sabuk smiled at the giant man’s growing impatience.

Finally, Blackstone had had enough.

“Your problem is an elemental.”

“A what?”

“An elemental, a type of entity which appeared during the Third Age, the Manifestation. Normally they appear for a short period of time and return to the ethereal world from whence they came. But this one…I believe she is trapped.”

Manning’s brow furrowed.


Blackstone’s horn-helmeted head nodded. His eyes simmered.

“Yes, and I believe it is through massive energy generated by a human being that this ‘Storm’ can free herself of this realm and return home.”

Manning frowned up even more.

“Massive energy?”

“Sexually. She is claiming your males not out of tribute but, through her madness, she is trying to go home.”

The speaker snarled at Blackstone and then at the boy. “The rest of the males in town are either too young, too old or too important to face the Storm!”

The armored man looked Devan over. “And what of you, Speaker?”

The man swallowed hard as Blackstone stared down at him. “I–I–some of us are too important…!”

Blackstone stared at the much smaller man. “Of course,”

The town leader limped up to the armored wanderer. There was genuine sincerity in his eyes. There was also fatigue and regret.

“Please, stranger, stay the night in our village. It is the least we can offer you for saving Sabuk.”

The wanderer looked at the boy who was now pulling on his glove. “Please, Sir Blackstone?”

Blackstone exhaled and the room trembled.


*Dreams of the Storm’s sensual body embracing him filled Sabuk’s sleep.* *He imagined the warmth of her large round bosoms – the female entity’s large swollen nipples in his mouth.* *He felt the thickness of her ample backside – its roundness receiving his engorged manhood.*

*Then the dreams became nightmares as she roared out in supernatural defiance.* *The air froze.* *The sky cracked.* *Sabuk screamed in agony as he felt his body torn apart by primordial forces.*

Sabuk woke from his slumber.

He gasped as his nightmare faded and his vision quickly adjusted enough to see Blackstone towering over him in his room.

“S-sir Blackstone?”

The moonlight glinted and danced down the armored man’s presence. His eyes simmered in the darkness.

“Come, boy,” he answered, “I will take you away from this place. I have encountered places where you may live in peace. Away from here.”


Blackstone turned and stopped in his exit. He looked back over his shoulder slightly.

“No town is worth saving if it will sacrifice its innocents to survive.”


The door to Sabuk’s family home opened and it was not a moment later that Blackstone and he looked upon their blocked exit.

Surrounding the small abode was a collection of the town’s fighting males.

At the front of the armed presence was town leader Manning. Safely behind the makeshift army stood Devant.

Blackstone narrowed his gaze at the robed man.

Devant felt the threatening stare.

Blackstone turned his attention to the townspeople surrounding him.

“Some of you know who I am,” the wanderer began, “None of you want what I can do…”

The armored man’s hands slid to his sides.

“Please, sir Blackstone,” Sabuk said with pleading in his eyes, “Show them mercy…!”

As Blackstone debated the level of dispensing his ire, the air froze and all those gathered could see their terrified breaths misting in the air. Skin shivered. But only partially from the cold, mostly from fear.

The Storm manifested again.

This time, the creature flash froze a gate wall and shattered it with ease.

She levitated inside the town, her voice echoing over all.

Lightning danced in the clouds directly overhead. Thunder rolled in and shook the town of Fort.

The Storm hovered there in her majestic and terrifying nubile form. Power crept in arcs off of her sexual body. Her eyes glowed bright white, her nipples shined with reflective brilliance and every curve of her tall, magnificent body was threatening to anything mortal.


The creature was gone.

Her threat remained.

Sabuk looked up at the armored man who inhaled deeply.

Time had passed. The Storm’s ultimatum was heavy over the entire town.

Blackstone stood once again with the council. Sabuk was under protection by the makeshift guard of town.

The warrior spoke to the town, to Manning its leader and to the cowardly speaker Devant. “I have seen enough to know what you face. This being is an elemental, their kind is rare, often keeps to themselves and powerful beyond measure. She is trapped here, driven mad and, fortunately for you, at a fraction of her power. Sabuk is a boy. Send him to it and he will die. Painfully.”

There was much discussion amongst the town. Normal people who were typically good and kind now, when faced with immediate extinction, ran on fear and were prepared to send a boy to his death.

Blackstone debated the idea of slaying half the town and leaving with Sabuk but he knew the boy would protest.

He exhaled in irritation.

Robed and decorated, Devant snarled. “Well then, you go and fuck it!”

Blackstone inhaled deeply. He turned and began to leave the hall.

“Where are you going?!?”

“To ride the storm.”

The room paused.

“To fuck it.”

Fort’s denizens talked amongst themselves. They spoke in whispers of disbelief, in conversations of terror.

Prior to his exit, the armored man stopped. “Before I forget,” and with his words still in the air, Blackstone swiftly pulled his devil-red weapon “Trial” from its holster and fired point blank at Speaker Devant.

From the waist up, the speaker had been vaporized. His torso, shoulders, neck and head were gone, the edges burning orange from the hellacious blast.

The town’s people backed away in a collective gasp.

“It would serve you appropriately to meet a similar end. Cowards. Weaklings. Murderers. However, Sabuk asked me to be understanding with you all so …thank him soon. It turned out he truly was your savior.”

Manning stepped to the side of the armored man as he exited the town.

“The boy asked you to show mercy!!!”

Blackstone stopped. He looked gently on the boy with simmering eyes. “I did.”

Blackstone headed towards the opening gates which led him to the path towards the clearing.


Blackstone stood in the forest opening. A wind blew around him. The trees shook and the sky was turning an orange blue.

Dawn was approaching.

As the forest air charged with a biting sense of electrical discharge, Blackstone knew the Storm was approaching as well.

Blades of grass frosted over suddenly. Tree tops caught aflame.

“Come woman,” Blackstone began aloud, “Come so I can bed you hard and free you from this place.”

The sky crackled overhead.

“Brave words, wanderer…but even you may not survive my passions.”

“Perhaps,” he responded. “Or perhaps I will give you a ride that sends you back to your ethereal home singing to your fellow wispy sisters why your hips hurt, your back aches and your breasts quiver. Now, let us be about it.”
