Step Sister Corruption Part 117 – Day 75 Contraception (fiction, M/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I stood on the stairs.

Did this bitch just admit to not taking any birth control?


Then I thought about her plight and everything she went through. I guess if I had been mistreated and used by idiot guy’s I would go celibate and not use any birth control as well.

I spoke, “So you want him to wear a condom?”

Sabrina moaned, “Yes….” she groaned before continuing masturbating, “I’m currently ovulating and don’t want to get pregnant.”

She arched her back as another orgasm hit her body she lightly whined, “God it’s not enough.”

Sabrina tilted her head back, “Please help me Summer I need cock I’m unbelievably horny.”

I moved down the stairs only to get away from the moaning I heard from behind Gabe’s door.

Obviously Gabe was having fun with my *pet*.

Why is it everyone was indulging in their carnal desires except for me?

I sighed and moved down the stairs to address Sabrina.

I spoke softly, “I don’t know if I can convince Gabe to put on a condom honey.”

Sabrina was moving her hand furiously on herself as she looked at me through glazed eyes but still spoke through pants, “Why…not….??”

I smiled, “Honestly Gabe has been going so long without using any protection that I’m not sure he could perform with one now.”

Sabrina actually stopped, “Wait so you’re telling me that he may be tainted?”

I laughed, “Yes and no.”

Sabrina looked at me confused. I understood where she was coming from. I sat down next to her and spoke, “I have been using Pussy Balls ever since Gabe and I started mingling.”

Sabrina continued to look at me confused. I sighed, “You know what a Pussy Ball is right?”

Sabrina slowly shook her head.

I almost wanted to facepalm myself. This girl is so ignorant that she didn’t know something that should be common practice.

I had to continuously remind myself that Sabrina on purpose decided to distance herself from ALL acts including ALL devices and supplemental help.

But she should know about the Pussy Balls at least right? I mean they were included in Dr. Braxter’s box of goodies she handed us at the beginning of the semester.

Wait…..don’t tell me.

I looked at her, “What have you done for projects in Dr. Braxter’s classes.”

Sabrina looked at me, “I did the celibate path for the first project because I was already doing that after asshole.”

I looked at her, “And the items at the beginning of the class?”

She looked at me, “I just bullshited it without trying any of the products. Why?”

I looked at her, “Because the Pussy Ball was one of the items.”

She blinked at me, “It was?”

I nodded.

She spoke, “Ok what does it do?”

I sighed, “Aside from all the feel good effects it helps with STD protection and a few other things including a huge form of birth control.”

Sabrina blinked at me, “Really?”

I shrugged, “Sure.  I use it all the time and I have popped positive on either front once.”

I was leaving out the face that I also had the O Plug installed in me so getting pregnant was extremely unlikely….though I was a little concerned when I felt a little off one day shortly after the switch and took a test and it came up positive but a day later I tried again and it came it out negative.  Turned out to be a false positive.  Still I freaked out immensely.

I may or may not have punched Gabe once or fifteen times for knocking me up with his delicious cum until I found out that I was good.  Then I had to apologize to Gabe in which he may or may not have tortured me as punishment for my actions.

What?  Could anyone blame me.

I felt my face flush as I remembered that extremely fun night.

Sabrina meekly spoke, “I’d feel safer if he wore one though.”

I nodded, “Right.  But would you like a Ball?”

Sabrina thought about it for a moment and looked up at Gabe’s door seeing he was using a different girl than myself.  She looked at me and nodded.

I smiled, “Right I’ll be back.”

I stood and walked over to Kelly’s door to hear light chiming coming from Kelly’s door as I approached.  I smiled knowing that Kelly was making some money.  But I didn’t hear anything from Kelly.

I opened the door to find Kelly’s ass up and shaking uncontrollably as I heard a faint murmur sounded a lot like ‘Thankssss’ right as the laptop chimed causing Kelly’s ass to shake up and down uncontrollably as Kelly let out a low moan before murmuring ‘Thanksssss’.

I smiled at Kelly who at least in her stupor was saying ‘Thanks’ but wasn’t getting the rest out that I told her to use.

I poked my head over to see how much was *donated* to her for her private show for her followers while being careful to not get into the frame so they had a reference point.  

Seeing how I couldn’t find one I put on one of Kelly’s masks so I could get a better look and was able to see that she had been *donated* a total of $4783.  Meaning she had roughly…..I tried doing the math from the site’s *donation* brackets and came to the number 4783 $1 donations or at the max 90 some odd people *donating* $50.  Though I knew the numbers didn’t match up very well as due to the number of donated and how many followers were watching her show was currently at 27691 viewers currently watching Kelly twitch and quiver uncontrollably.

I decided to be nice and reached onto the computer and set a limit of $18000 once it hit that the show would be over…..I think.

Once I saw how much this bitch was making after only being only for roughly….fuck I didn’t know.

I looked at the laptop and saw her current show was at ten minute and thirty seven seconds.

Fuck me!  

Is that how much she makes….

Ok when I have a free moment I should start doing these *private shows*.  Though I wondered how long it took Kelly to gather this much fan base.

Then I remembered looking at Gabe’s mom’s website where she gets roughly over 100,000 followers per video and she gets *donations* as well.  Meaning if I use Kelly’s current financials.


At least that explains why they were able to afford this fucking house…..and their house….and their **studio**.  And everything else they are doing which I had absolutely **NO** idea what they had.

But if I remember correctly Gabe and Kelly did say that their dad controls all the money and they had no idea how much their online videos made nor how much they got from their sponsors.  They just know they got an allowance every month from their dad and the rest they were told he put into a 401k for them.

I sighed as the math and everything didn’t add up to me.

I just knew I was living pretty much rent free with Gabe and Kelly and their parents didn’t mind. I was pretty much living under *their* roof rent free.

Still maybe I should talk to Gabe and/or Kelly about their living situation again using the numbers I just saw with everything.  Might be something.  Might be nothing and my numbers were completely off.

I shook my head and remembered why I was in here.

With Kelly’s private show set I walked over to Kelly’s mini fridge where Gabe had loaded all of *OUR* P Balls and grabbed a couple.  One for myself.  One for Sabrina.  I laid one out for Kelly to shove up her, that’s if she was still wanting more action…..I smiled with how much Lilith’s was coursing through her she’ll definitely be ready for more.

I would grab one for Morgan but I made her shove one in her after she got out of the shower while I went and checked on Sabrina.

I walked out of Kelly’s room after hearing another chime go off and hearing Kelly moan as her body was on autopilot enjoyment.

I walked out thinking that my previous move might have been a little much…  After overdosing the Wicked Bitch who was furiously making herself raw on *our* couch I thought her punishment was the perfect response.  Though looking at Kelly’s unconscious body just going through the movements I did think about it….sort of.

I walked over to Sabrina and set the overly large golf sized ball on the table in front of Sabrina.

Sabrina stopped her rapid hand movement to gaze at the ball in front of her.  She breathed heavily, “Is that the ball you were talking about?”

I nodded to her.

Sabrina looked at the ball, “How do I install it?”

