[MF] [Rough] The Beach

*This story is pure fantasy, but it is inspired by someone I saw whilst on holiday with my parents, when I was in my early twenties. The fantasy isn’t new to me, and I have enjoyed myself thinking how this might have unfolded on many an occasion when I’ve been alone with my toys. The detail has changed over the years and until now I have never shared it with anyone else, so enjoy!*

I was a week in to a two week holiday in the Caribbean with my parents, on what was likely to be our last proper family holiday together. I had been working hard all year at university and my grades were looking good, so when my Dad asked if I wanted to come on holiday with them I was torn between feeling I was a bit old for a family holiday and that it would be nice to have a break that there was no way I could afford on my own. It also allowed me to spend some time with my folks, which realistically once I graduated and found a job was going to happen less and less.

Back then I was, and still am, quite sporty and I enjoyed trying new activities that I had never done before. Dad and I had renewed our bond as we learned to scuba dive at the resort we were staying at, which in turn allowed Mum to lose herself in her latest book on the beach. Growing up Dad and I had a great relationship and we learned to do lots of things together, he was always willing to change to whatever the latest fad was that I was interested in just so he could spend more time with me.

It was on one of the diving trips that I first saw him sitting at the back of the boat with a couple of friends. He was a bit older than me, probably about thirty, but sitting there in just his swimming shorts I could see his body clearly and he obviously still took care of himself. At first, I wasn’t sure if he had noticed me as I was sitting near the front next to my Dad so was partly obscured from his view. I was wearing a black two piece which although sporty in nature rather than sexy, still did a fair job of showing off my figure and shaping my breasts nicely. We were on our way back from the dive which meant that I had discarded the t-shirt I had been wearing to protect my skin from the buoyancy jacket and as the afternoon sun was starting to give way, I felt able to expose my lightly tanned skin.

As we arrived back at the hotel dock and everyone started to unload, I noticed that he was hanging back slightly so I took the opportunity to do the same telling my Dad that I would gather our personal items if he’d take the dive gear back to the rental shop. The tanks were sorted by the crew but we were expected to return everything else ourselves. Once the boat was more or less clear of guests, I picked up our couple of small bags and wandered to the edge to step up on to the dock. He was just ahead of me, and as I was about to step up he turned back and looking me straight in the eyes, said in a low voice that would be inaudible to anyone else, “I saw you watching me.”

I was caught a little by surprise, but as I looked up into his eyes I could see they were smiling back at me, so I decided that he was being playful and perhaps I should do the same.

“Busted!” I replied, faking a guilty tone “Does that make me some kind of pervert?”

“Oh, I really do hope so” was his retort, quick as a flash as he held out his hand to help me step safely on to the dock.

We wandered along the dock together making small talk as we went, mostly talking about the dive and what we’d seen, how long we’d been on the island, who we were with. It was nothing out of the ordinary, just two people filling the time as they wandered up the beach. As we approached the dive hire shop I could see my Dad walking back. I didn’t want to spend the night having fun poked at me by my parents so I took the opportunity and quickly turned to him before my Dad was within earshot.

“Do you see that tree over there with the boats lined up under it?”

“Yes” he replied slightly confused.

“I’ll be there at 11pm tonight. Maybe you will be too, or maybe you won’t.”

With that I, slightly more loudly said “Enjoy the rest of your holiday…” and smiling at my Dad continued “…hi, shall we go find mum?” and handing his bag to him we headed up the beach towards our lodge.

The rest of the evening unfolded pretty much as normal. We’d fallen into a routine where after the afternoon dive I’d have a shower and then wrapped in my towel I’d sit on the balcony drinking a beer and watching the sun finally going down. Mum and Dad would be doing their own thing as well. After that I’d get dressed and we’d head over to the main building for dinner.

This evening I had chosen to wear a light yellow sundress with a subtle flower pattern on it. It was about mid thigh in length and had very slightly thicker straps than your average summer dress. This was partly the reason I had chosen it, as the thicker straps allowed me to wear my favourite bra underneath which was black with a lace trim around the cups, and supported my DD chest just perfectly giving me the right amount of cleavage. On the bottom I wore a matching pair of lace knickers which had a thong that nestled nicely between my bum cheeks. I love to wear thongs under thin summery dresses so I can feel the thin dress material brushing lightly on my naked cheeks. I had considered no underwear, given my planned rendezvous later that evening, but for some reason I felt more sexy with them on, than off.

Dinner was lovely as always; I had a light salad to start and then fish. We shared a couple of bottles of wine between us and had a nice relaxing evening, moving to the outside deck after the table was cleared away. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the clock in the beach bar just across form us, and could see that it was now about half past ten. I started to think of what my excuse was going to be to get away, but in the end I didn’t need one. Not long after, mum who had been sitting snuggled up to Dad on a double chair said that they were going to head back to the lodge. She thought I hadn’t noticed the subtle squeeze she had given Dad on the leg, but I didn’t say anything and was just glad that they still loved each other enough to want to make an excuse to be alone.

Pretending to take the hint, but really being glad that I didn’t have to come up with a story of my own, I said that I’d go for a walk along the beach for a bit. They did a really bad job of disguising their relief I wasn’t following them back, and we said our good nights agreeing to meet for breakfast on our balcony. I kicked off the sandals I was wearing and started to walk barefoot down the sand towards the shoreline, and to see if my mystery man had decided to join me. I always love the sound of the ocean, and as much as I hoped he would be there, part of me would have been happy to just sit alone on the beach listening to the waves in the darkness.

It was just before 11pm when I found myself standing under a palm tree, holding a pair of sandals and feeling slightly giddy in anticipation of what may come. With being so busy on my studies over the last few months, I had not made much time for a social life and what time I did have was spent either with my girlfriends or one of the many clubs I was member of at university, not looking for a boyfriend. I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend tonight either, but I was looking for some fun.

It was about ten past when he showed up, I was about to give up and go for a walk when he appeared behind me, “Hi.”

“Hi, I was just about to head off, so you made it just in time.”

“Sorry, I had to get my round in with the others. Then I had to make an excuse to leave that didn’t result in them following me to see what I was up to.” He held out his hand towards me, “Nice to meet you, I’m…”

I cut him off in mid-sentence. “I don’t want to know your name”, and instead of taking his hand to shake it I rotated my wrist and took it into my hand to hold by my side. “Let’s go for a walk along this way”.

I had been on a number of walks around the private beach over the last week, so I had a place in mind where we could be alone. I think he was slightly confused at first, but he caught up quick and faced with what he was probably now realising was a pretty sure thing he didn’t complain, instead falling into step beside me. Holding his right hand in my left, I brought my right hand over and pulled myself in tight to his side like we were old lovers. I left my sandals under the tree figuring I could get them later.

We again made small talk as we strolled along the beach in no particular rush. We gave each other no real meaningful information about ourselves and he seemed to be okay with that. He played his part on the walk, holding me tight, walking slowly and acting to anyone watching like any one of several lovers here together on holiday. Perhaps others had gone to this very spot before, as it seemed unlikely I had found it so easily when no other had. Perhaps others would find it tonight drawn by their own desire to be alone.

After about 5 minutes we came to the edge of a rocky crop which marked the end of the hotel property. I knew form my previous walks that these lasted for a few hundred metres, but we were not going any further. We were out of immediate sight of the hotel and in the darkness of the night someone would have had to be within a few paces to actually see us. The only light was the moon which tonight was not particularly bright and partially obscured by the trees the provided shelter to a small group of wooden tables and loungers just next to the rocks. The other reason I had chosen this spot was that the rocks meant there was some noise caused by the waves crashing gently against them, which would help obscure any noises we made from any passers-by. We stopped walking and I turned to face him, still holding his hand I looked him in the eyes and told him what I wanted.

“I want you to fuck me. I don’t want you to be gentle and romantic, I want you to take charge. I am going to struggle a bit… but not too much” I said with a cheeky wink and a smile “but unless I actually say the word ‘stop’ I don’t want you to. Do you think you can do that for me?”

I could see from the look on his face that he was a bit unsure about this sudden turn of events. After all he had only met me that afternoon, and knew little or nothing about me. I am sure he was going back and forth in his head between “Who is this crazy bitch” and “This is too good to be true”. When I spoke to him earlier in the day he was probably expecting a romantic walk, maybe a drink at the bar and if we hit it off, back to one or other of our rooms for the night. But here I was offering him something completely different, and after about thirty seconds of silence with me looking him in the eyes the whole time to show him I was serious he made a decision, and he let go of my hand.

I was still looking directly into his beautiful eyes when I felt both his hands on my shoulders, and he pushed me roughly down to my knees. My eyes dropped to his crotch which was now in front of me as he spoke. “If you want me to fuck you, then you best get me hard, hadn’t you.” There was a depth to his voice that wasn’t there before, and he was certainly playing the part of being in charge, whether he truly felt it or not. I reached up with both of my hands and undid his belt, then his zip and button and his trousers fell to the ground. I could see that unlike me, he had no qualms about going commando this evening and I was immediately presented with his still mostly flaccid cock.

He ordered me to take his trousers all the way off, and at the same time he pulled his shirt off over his head in one smooth motion. Like me he was barefoot, so he was now completely naked as he stood in front of me. I looked back up at his penis which was starting to rise above his impressive balls. I love the feeling of a man getting hard in my mouth so before I missed my chance I cupped his balls with my left hand and gently massaged them whilst using my right hand to lift his penis slightly so I could take it into my mouth. I enjoyed the feeling of it growing in me and the taste of him, as I used my tongue to spur him on to full arousal. I worked my mouth up and down the length of his shaft taking as much of him as I could whilst I massaged his balls with one hand and held his cock steady at the base with the other. I could hear his breathing become heavy, and as I looked up I could see that his head was tilted back towards the sky as he enjoyed me.

We were both clearly caught in the moment but at some point he seemed to remember my request and decided that was enough warming up. Roughly he grabbed my arm dragging me up off his cock without saying a word, to an upright position. “Take your knickers off” he ordered. I reached up under my skirt on both sides and putting my thumbs into the waistband I pulled them down to my feet and stepped out of them. “Give me them” he added, holding his hand out to me. I passed him them and he held them to his nose and inhaled sharply before throwing them on top of his pile of clothes. Next, he shoved me and I fell sideways landing on the soft sand with a thump and a small squeal. I twisted round on to my back, propping myself up on my elbows as I looked up at him “Now masturbate, I want to watch you cum.”

I had never masturbated for someone before, with them yes, but never for them while they just watched. It was so hot knowing that was what he wanted, to watch me cum. I continued to look at him as I lay back slowly onto the sand and reaching down with both hands I slowly lifted my skirt up at the front to my waist. I parted my legs so he could see the small neatly trimmed hair around my pussy. I moved my right hand across and ran a finger up and down the length of my opening, wetting it from the already abundant juices that were there. Then firstly I pushed one finger inside myself, then a second, all the way up until my palm was pressed flat on my mound. I pumped them in and out slowly a couple of times before removing them and moving them up to my now almost aching clitoris.

I started with a gentle rubbing motion, but quickly found my usual preferred circular pattern. All the time he was watching me, his eyes flicking between my face and my hand as he stood there with his rock-hard cock pointing at me. I knew this wasn’t going to take long, I was so turned on and after only a couple of minutes of doing this with him watching I could feel my first orgasm start to build inside me. With my other hand I started to massage my breasts through my dress before sliding it down and again putting two fingers in me. Within seconds of this I came as my gaze focused on his erection which he was now slowly pumping with his right hand. I arched my back, closed my eyes and I let out a deep low moan clamping my own hands between my thighs as the warmth rushed through my body.

With my eyes closed I wasn’t aware of the movement at first, but he had advanced towards me while I was cumming. The first thing I felt was him grabbing my long brunette hair on the top of my head and yanking me upright to my feet. I let out a scream, of genuine fright at first, then grabbing his hand with both of mine I managed to get my legs under me to push up and take the pressure off the top of my head.

“What are you doing!” I said more loudly than anything we said to each other since we met.

“My turn now, you’ve had your fun” he said, again using the deeper voice. This time though he almost sounded angry. Dragging me in front of him he pushed me towards one of the tables, using the weight of his body to keep me moving forwards.

“Wait, not so rough!” I said “You’re hurting me.” But he didn’t let up and he didn’t ease the pressure. Still holding my hair he slammed me into the wooden table, almost knocking the wind out of me and in the same motion lifting me slightly so that I could only just touch the ground with the tips of my toes. He forced me forward and down bending me over the table, then he roughly pushed my feet apart with his and I felt his free hand lift my dress up over my naked bum.

I shouted out this time half in pain and half in pleasure as he used his body weight to his advantage again pushing deep inside my sopping wet pussy with one stroke. Still holding my hair, pushing my face down in to the table he started to go at it hard right from the start. I was using one hand to provide something to cushion the pressure of my face on the wood, and I reached back with the other to try to push him off me but he caught my hand and twisted it up my back. I again cried out “You’re hurting me!” but again he kept going, if anything pounding me even harder.

His cock was buried deep inside me, and the combination of the loss of control and the relentless rhythm had me again approaching orgasm. I always find it easy to cum when I’ve already gotten there once and it didn’t take long. I cried out this time not in pain, but in pleasure, my legs going weak to the point that the only reason I didn’t fall was because I was trapped between his thrusting and the table. He let go of my arm sensing that the fight in me (such that it really was) had stopped and just as I was beginning to wonder how much longer I could go on like this his thrusts became more frantic and I could tell that he too was approaching his finish. He had let go of my hair and was now gripping my hips as he went as fast as he could. But he had one surprise left for me.

Suddenly and without any warning he pulled out of me and grabbing my hips tight with both hands flipped me over on to my back. Next, he dragged me off the table on to my feet and with his right hand took hold of his cock and started pumping as fast as he could. With his left he gripped the low neckline of my dress and ripped hard down and forward tearing it from my body leaving me wearing nothing but my black bra. He then pushed me down onto my knees as he had done before and sensing what he wanted I arched my back slightly and looked up towards him just as he unloaded all over my double DD chest and onto my face. After the last of his cum appeared to have stopped, I leant forward slightly and took his tip into my mouth cleaning it off before sitting back on my heels. He collapsed down on his knees next to me, and we both burst out laughing.

After some time holding each other, we headed back. He gave me his shirt to wear as my dress was ruined (I loved that dress) and my favourite bra was covered in his cum stains which I never did get out. He kept my knickers as a souvenir, and he flew home a couple of days later.

To this day, I don’t know his name.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n9i1w7/mf_rough_the_beach


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