[FF] A Shocking Discovery Part Two [D/s] [incest] [sisters] [degradation] [humiliation] [body worship] [foot worship] [panties] [mean]

[Part One](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ip66kr/a_shocking_discovery_ff_incest_ds_fdom_humiliation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

People seemed to like part one so I wrote a part two. I hope you enjoy!


Gwen stood up suddenly and began to pace slowly back and forth. “I just don’t know what to do with you, Alex.” She mused, “Clearly, you are an abomination to society. Part of me thinks it’s my duty to let everyone know exactly what you are.”

It took a moment for the blood to rush back to my brain but I yelped, “Please, Gwen, please don’t tell anyone.”

She smiled and ceased her pacing, “Well what do you suppose I do then? What should I do with you, dummy?”

I felt my brain whirring a thousand miles a minute to think of anything she might want. “I’ll give you money!”

She laughed, “Please, you think I want the $20 you probably have in your wallet. Whatever money you have isn’t worth a juicy secret like this.”

“I’ll do whatever you want!” I pleaded.

Her eyes seemed to light up and she dropped to being eye level with me again. “Whatever I want?”

I whimpered, feeling the tension in the room again, “Anything, anything you want.”

Gwen chuckled to herself and then leaned toward my ear to whisper, “So I’m going to say ‘Jump.’…” as she switched to my other ear, “And you’re going to say ‘How high?’?”

My voice cracked, “Yes.”

“Absolutely anything?”

“Yes! Yes!” I insisted. My stomach started to do flips thinking about what I might be agreeing to. How far was she going to take this?

She hummed excitedly to herself. And stood back up. “Alright, that’ll do. Just know you can’t back out of it now. If you refuse anything I say, your little dictionary sized erotica is being sent right to Mom and Dad and then to the whole school.”

My cheeks lost their color at the thought of it. The way she said it so chillingly, I knew she was serious. How fucking far was she going to take this?

Gwen went to sit down on the edge of her bed and patted the side, ushering me to follow. I stood up and started to sit beside her when she fussed, “Dear God, what is your IQ? Four? Stay on the floor, freak.”

I quickly jumped up and resumed the kneeling position on the floor in front of her.

“So,” She said after looking me up and down for a moment, “I have your first task.”

I nodded my head. My heart started pounding. The fear sent prickles down my spine. She was being so cruel, there was no doubt in my mind she wouldn’t hold back for anything she asked of me. I felt my body tense as I waited for her order.

“I want you to worship me.” She smiled, “I want to see just how badly you want me. I want you to show me.” My confused expression must have caused her to laugh, “C’mon now, even for someone with rocks for brains like you must be able to figure out what to do. Show me how you’d worship me.”

My cheeks flushed again at her insult. I apprehensively leaned forward and placed a kiss on her left kneecap. This seemed far too gentle of a request.

Her voice went sour again, “That’s how you show it?” She chuckled and lifted up her leg to tap my face with, “No, no, Doggy, you start at my feet.”

My ears started burning at this point. I brought my shaky hands forward and started to take off her socks. I was afraid of doing anything wrong. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to touch her skin as I did it? Maybe I wasn’t supposed to move too quickly? I carefully pulled at the delicate lace at the top of her ankle socks and slipped them off her foot.

“Good job!” She said condescendingly.

I hesitated before leaning forward again to plant a kiss on her big toe.

She waved her hands in a circle indicating for me to keep going.

I kissed a few more times going down the sole of her foot before meeting her heel when she giggled and exclaimed, “God, you’re repulsively obedient.”

I continued to kiss the bottom of her foot as she sighed, “You know you could have refused right? I might have been just fucking with you. You didn’t even try! Do you have, like, zero self respect at all? Literally kissing my feet. Haha, I’d ask you to kiss my ass except you’d probably soak the carpet underneath you.” She laughed and wiggled her toes in front of me. “I got an idea!” She covered her mouth briefly as she giggled, “Suck on them.”

I was shocked at her suggestion. Gwen must’ve noticed as she added, “Or else…”

I took a moment eyeing her foot before taking a breath and realizing I was just going to have to do it. I placed my hands on either side of her left foot and wrapped my lips around her big toe before sucking gently.

“Oh it tickles!” She shrieked and laughed. “I can’t believe you actually did it.”

Feeling my tongue wrap around her toe might have been an odder sensation for me than it was for her. I could taste her skin and I wondered if anybody else had ever done this to her or if I was the only one forced to humiliate myself to this degree. I let go of it and tried to reach some of her other toes.

“You look disgusted, Alex. Poor thing.” She mocked, “If you want to lick my pussy you’re going to have to do a lot better than this.”

I about choked on my own spit. “What?!” I stammered.

“Oh my god,” She laughed, “The look on your face! So priceless. God, you really are a pervert! Look how excited you got!”

The embarrassment washed over me suddenly. Here I was on my knees sucking my big sister’s toes, completely naked in full view and I just perked up at the mention of her pussy.

“C’mon, Doggy, there’s no time for disappointment. I asked for you to worship me and you’re honestly doing quite a terrible job. Why don’t you actually put some effort in and you might get a reward?”

My head felt light at what the reward might be. I glanced again at her foot and gathered my resolve. I started to lick her feet and suck on her toes with more passion. She struggled a couple times as it tickled, but urged me to continue. She would wiggle her toes against my tongue or jerk forward causing me to gag and choke to her delight.

Eventually she pulled her toes out of my mouth and told me to move on to her legs.
“I think you’ve earned being able to kiss my legs.” She announced, “Plus I don’t want you getting your gross drool all over my feet.”

To be honest, I was so thankful. I wiped my mouth of any spit and kissed from the top of her foot to her ankle. As I looked up to see her slender calves and gorgeous thighs, I couldn’t help but notice the slight view I had up her skirt. Being in this position, fantasies started dancing in my head. She was so perfect, everything about her was perfect.

Gwen seemed to notice I was staring and lifted her skirt slightly, “These?” She said as she became clearly exposed in her slim black thong. “Were you trying to scrounge around for a view of these, Doggy?” She dropped her skirt again and huffed, “God, you really are disgusting. You can’t even stop being a pervert for two seconds. Does anything go on in your head besides sex scenes?”

She pulled her leg away from me and leaned forward. “Open up your mouth!” She demanded.

I did so immediately, the fear tingling through me. I didn’t mean to upset her. I guess maybe I really couldn’t help myself.

“Stick out your tongue, Dog.” Her voice struck me like daggers.

I held out my tongue only for her to grab it roughly between two fingers and lean closer to me. “Listen carefully, my pussy deserves so much better than your filthy, vile tongue. You will never be worthy of anything you might be fantasizing about in your head. You are my bitch and nothing more.”
She let go and looked at her fingers in disgust before wiping them against my hair. “Also,” She added and quickly twisted a fistful of my hair in her hand, causing a thousand pinpricks to erupt against my scalp, “when I ask you to worship me, you should fall over yourself for the chance. If licking my feet is what you get, I expect you to be so grateful you would bow in front of me. Understand, bitch?”

I whimpered “Yes, I understand.” And Gwen released her grip on me.

She stood up suddenly and I watched her bend over and slip off her underwear underneath her skirt. “In fact, you write about huffing my dirty panties so much, why don’t you do it right now, dyke?”
She bent over and tapped the bottom of my jaw as she held her thong, balled up in her other hand.

“Please, Gwen-“ I stammered before I could feel her handprint across my face again.

“Did I say you could talk back, bitch?” Gwen grabbed my face firmly, “You’re really starting to piss me off. Open your mouth before you regret it.”

Without a choice, I opened wide and she quickly shoved her panties in.

“Perfect. Now oneeee second…” She moved around the room looking for something and then produced her phone suddenly. “Just a little collateral!” Gwen smiled.

“Please!” I tried to beg while muffled. But I saw the flash go off and her staring at the screen of her phone before turning it back to face me.

“Don’t you look so pathetic?” She said far too cheerily.

It was true. I looked pathetic, I thought as I looked at my own picture. My cheek was burning red as I had Gwen’s thong in my mouth. Stark naked on my knees in front of her. A pitiful expression on my face.

She slipped her phone in her bra. “Now I want you to do what I’m sure you’ve done countless times with my underwear in your mouth.”

I shook my head and tried to protest.

“Aw, Alex, are you forgetting that I *know* you’re a depraved slut? Poor thing, you really are dumb. No, I’m definitely going to have to see you masturbate right here, right now. And I’m not leaving until you cum. The longer you take, the more time it gives me to get oh so many pictures.”

I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I didn’t want photos. I didn’t want her to have pictures. Not of me like this. Why did I agree to do this?

“You can cry as much as you want, Doggy, but you still better rub that dirty pussy of yours like you’re a bitch in heat.” Gwen tsked.

I slowly moved my hand between my legs as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I could still feel the wetness from earlier. If anything I had only gotten more wet, actually. Even though I was afraid and humiliated, for some reason I just seemed to get more aroused. My fingers slowly started to move up and down and Gwen sat down on her bed to watch.

“We’re going to have a real fun time, you and I, now.” Gwen smiled, looking down at me. “You have no idea how amazing it feels being able to blackmail someone to do whatever you want. Knowing they’re too weak to put up any fuss. Too much of a slut for obedience to refuse. You have no idea what that power feels like.”

I began to feel the pleasure from touching myself. Seeing my big sister in front of me. Being naked and having her eyes all over me. I felt my breathing quicken and my heart thumping.

“I should get you a collar, Doggy. To put you in your place. You’ll always be a dog to me. Lower than a dog actually.” She said leaning forward to glare at me, “Even a dog bites when it’s been hit. You just say ‘thank you’.” She chuckled a little before sitting back again.

For some reason her words were thrilling. I found myself feeling more pleasure as she spoke. It sent tingles throughout my body. Something about the insults, the humiliation… I liked it.

Gwen pulled her phone from her shirt again and I saw her take another picture and much to my dismay I moaned. “You’re so fucked up, Alex. You like this, I know you do. Your stupid fucking pussy can’t tell an insult from a compliment. Your brain is fried on degeneracy and you can’t even care. You think I’m not revolted by how wet you are from me constantly barraging you with insults? You couldn’t be a normal person if you tried. Your brain has turned to incest-loving, perverted freak mush.”

As she talked I found myself starting to pant. I felt myself starting to get to the edge. Jesus Christ, I was actually doing this in front of my sister.

“Your cheeks are so red! Are you going to cum already? It’s only been a few minutes! Do you like it that much? Are you that fucked up in the head? Go ahead and cum. Embarrass yourself right here for me. I want to see how much of an idiot you make of yourself when you cum.”

I felt my legs shaking underneath me. I was panting, moaning, and whimpering. I felt the edge so closely. I wasn’t going to be able to stop it. I could see her eyes right on me. I could look into her eyes. I was going to cum.

Suddenly, I felt the waves overtake me and I started to tremble as the orgasm finally crashed against me. It had never felt as good as this before. I felt wave after wave and it wasn’t stopping. Her underwear in my mouth was probably soaked from drool. My head was light and my brain was numb. All I could see was Gwen. My sister. My big sister. Right there in front of me. I saw the flash from her phone again. I couldn’t even care as I rode the ecstasy.

“God, you really do make a mindless idiot of yourself.” Gwen muttered.

I came down from the high and saw her stand up and start walking for the door. “W-where are you going?” I mumbled deliriously.

“I just have some things I want to fetch, errands to now run. You can keep those underwear, consider it your reward.” She said as she opened up the door.

My mind started to whirr at the implications she just made when I heard her say just before leaving:

“God you have no idea what you signed up for.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n9iryo/ff_a_shocking_discovery_part_two_ds_incest