[F]21 My FWB Scavenger Hunt (Task 1)

So it’s been a month since I posted about the scavenger hunt that S had me (and by extension two of my other friends) while we were at the beach for spring break. Since I completed all five items on my list she had to do a five item list that I had for her. Initially we had talked about it all happening over the course of one weekend… but school and finals and S’s graduation (!!!! We’re so proud of her!!!) got in the way. So in the end it ended up being a month long endeavor for her.

Now before I get into the story of what happened I figure I’d give y’all the big update. Like I said S graduated this weekend so she is moving on to bigger and brighter things! But with that we decided to end our FWB thing we had going on and just stay friends. I’m mostly bummed cause I really enjoyed how close we grew this past semester with all of the moments we shared both sexually and otherwise but I feel like such a more liberated person for it.

So I decided that in order to celebrate her graduation and moving away I’d share with y’all the scavenger hunt I came up with for her that she completed over the past month along with a few of the other things that happened in that time.

So without further ado her list was:
1. Naked Mile at a party
2. Skinny Dip In neighboring apartment complex’s pool
3. Sex in the bar/club we went to a lot
4. Streak down the walkway in the middle of campus
5. Set up and participate in a strip game of some sort

So task one… something we’ve both done and really what started off this relationship of ours… so it seemed like a natural one to put on the list lol

Now the party in question was I think two weeks after spring break? It was one of the last big parties we had prior to everyone starting to stress out about finals (which let me tell you really subdues the mood lol). We started drinking pretty early in the day so I was pretty wasted by the time S came up to me saying she needed a beer pong partner for the next round.

Now like I said I was drunk but not that drunk that I couldn’t see past what she was trying to do. I had a feeling that she was going to try and rope me into as many of the tasks as possible so I definitely didn’t want to get roped into this one with her (although I would be lying if I hadn’t thought about throwing a game or two earlier in the night when I had played).

So of course she turns to the next logical choice… her Sorority President… Now we will call her M. M is fucking stunning. Like Greek Goddess stunning. But she’s one of those girls who knows how attractive she is and uses it as justification to be kind of a bitch? It also doesn’t help that her family is loaded either. Now I have never actually had more than two or three brief conversations with her so most of that info is coming from S.

So I knew things were gonna go according to S’s plan the minute she asked her and she responded with “I don’t know I’ve never played before”. This girl just graduated and had somehow made it through nearly 4 years of going to parties and had never played beer pong before. That should tell you all you need to know about her lol.

Naturally S is missing on purpose (although if I’m being honest she isn’t the best player when drinking anyways…) and M has no clue how to throw a ping pong ball to save her life. Seeing this the two frat guys on the other side of the table can smell the naked mile like a shark smells blood in the water.

M immediately starts trying to drunkenly plead her case against the naked mile even before the last cup is made. And to be honest under normal circumstances when her partner wasn’t trying to have to streak around the party they’d probably have been able to talk their way out of it (consent is sexy y’all). But between S practically stripping to her underwear at the table before they’d even finished redemption shots and several former pledges (now full sisters) reminding M and S of the naked mile they had to do a few months ago somehow got M to join S.

Now M refused to strip in public and instead insisted that they go inside to a bathroom (despite that meaning that they then had to run through part of the house then too…). I made sure to hang out in a spot where I could see the festivities. E had joined me knowing that this was an item on S’s list and wanted to gloat along with me especially after the incidents we endured under S’s list lol.

Now both girls apparently ran out the front door first (closer to the bathroom and less crowded) but soon enough they were in the backyard to lots of cheers. Both of them covered up pretty well. I was impressed that M had the balls to go fully naked (I half expected her to be in her bra and underwear). She practically sprinted through the backyard hunched over but we all still got a really nice view of her ass as she did it.

S was also fully naked and covering herself with her hands, though she ran at much more of a jog so everyone got a much better view of her than M. I kicked myself for not making a rule about covering up but I decided to let it slide and use it to tease her during foreplay later that night (which I did… lol).

They both got another ovation when they returned fully clothed. M seemed really embarrassed by the whole thing where as S basked in it a bit more. The rest of the party was pretty normal after that with the exception of two frat guys getting naked miled right before we left the party. I didn’t catch much of it but the little bit I did see when I went outside to investigate the commotion had none of the grace and bravado of M and S’s lap around the house lol.

I got to be the dominant one that night teasing S about the naked mile and about M. It was the most dominant I had been with her since the first time we’d hooked up NYE. It was also the first time she asked me to fuck her in the ass with the strap on (we took that part really slowly…).

So that’s task 1. I figure Ill post the other tasks over the next week or so as I pack up my apartment to go home for a few weeks (assuming you guys want to hear more).

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n8zeys/f21_my_fwb_scavenger_hunt_task_1