The Damned Woman [FFF] [1 woman 3 angels] [homosexual]


This is based on the painting “The Cursed/Damned Woman” by Francois Octave Tassaer.

The speaker has escaped a religious cult and found themselves in a catholic church where they call out to the heavens. They are answered by three angels who appear as women and teach her the ways in unconditional, divine, carnal love.

First time writing something like this, so I hope you like it. ?


The night was dark and the rain was unforgiving when I arrived at the large church door. At first, I did not know it was a church, I had been running for hours through the woods in the night, wind howling in my face as my shift dress grew heavy with water.

It was very late when the priest let me in. I was brought through the fantastic main room with its high-vaulted ceiling and stained-glass windows brought to life from the lightning, before settling back to their dark slumber. I did not realize how tired I was until I sat by the fire. My legs fell out from under me causing a hard landing to the chair. The priest brought me a warm robe and soup. They told me they did not have much, but they set up a bed of blankets for me by the fire so I may rest.

I barely comprehended them telling me I was safe and to not open the doors for anyone or anything. As I sipped at my soup, I knew what they had meant. I had come from a place deep within the woods. I had been part of the people not spoken about; the weirdos living for the final day of the world. But I had escaped.

In that place, everything was a sin. My own existence was a sin. Without me even admitting to it the leaders of my former world had made my life one of servitude and punishment. Somehow, they knew my desires before I did, and they showed me every day that those desires were wrong.

I had tried to be good. Tried to follow the path we were all meant to follow, but that day, everything became too real. There was the voice that spoke to me and told me to leave. It was the same voice that spoke to me when I read scripture that told of a loving and merciful God. It told me that love was the only path, love of self and of others. Love, without strings, with true selflessness, was the path.

The voice told me I was of value.

So, I fled.

As if in a trance of my thoughts I placed my bowl down and walked into the main area of the church. Even in the dark with the storm outside, I felt the brilliance of this place. Different from what I had grown up in, but still I tried to find the love that I so longed for. Where was the love in this place?

I walked to the altar and knelt before the cross. It was not something I had been taught to do, but something I felt I had to do. With my head bowed I asked; “Show me where love is. Where is my place in love? What is it to be loved in both the spiritual and carnal way?”

Gradually, everything fell silent in the church. The rain, thunder, and wind faded from my ears. I felt warmth before I saw it. I heard the hum of pure heat before I saw them. I lifted my head and before me were three angels in the crystal-like light that should have been blinding, but it was still able to maintain my easy and astonished gaze.

They were magnificent beings. They were perfect geometric shapes covered in wings and eye. What should have been chaotic brought an easy calm and sense of balance to me. I knew them to be angels, not from seeing, but from this sense that washed over me the moment I saw them.

I rose before them as they descended. Every second went by as those it was the span of a day. They were glorious in their crystalline beauty. As they touched the floor they transformed before into women reflective of my own form, while still emanating the subline beauty of their true forms. They were naked and lovely in their divinity. I felt myself long to touch them and be embraced by them.

I did not understand. The moment I became aware I was becoming an adult I had struggled with the feelings I had been told were wrong. The feelings everyone told me I had and tried to beat out of me. Yet here were angels and I could feel only the warm glow of what I later realized was love.

They did not speak, but I heard them. *Do not fear us, dear one. We are here to answer your call.*

They spoke in a collective tone in my mind, with the harmony of a choir. I could have wept at the beautiful harmony of their voices in my mind. Everything about them was divine beauty and they approached me with a devote and tender love.

In their touch, I felt a wave of comforting desire flood my senses as my robe fell from me. Their hand caressed my body and explored me with languid ease. I felt their own breasts press into me as met their mouths in turn. Their kisses were fills with the comfort and love I had been searching my whole life for. The divine was accepting me as I was and granting me the gift of being valued.

I felt their tongue in my mouth and on my body, moving with the same ease and intension of their hands. The way they cupped my breasts and stroked my back so lightly. The way their fingertips danced on my buttocks and between my thighs. I felt weightless.

*Relax, dear one*. I heard them say, never ceasing the nibbling on my neck and thighs as another rolled my nipples in their fingers. I moaned and breathed, falling into them but never on the ground. Their presence made me weightless. *We want to bring the heavenly pleasures you desire into your beautiful, earthly flesh.*

I gasped as one moved between my thighs and began to move her mouth on what I would later learn was my pussy. Her mouth moved more gently as if introducing me to this new sensation. I could feel her tongue move up and down my pussy, spending more and more time on my clit, another word I later learned.

The one who had been so attentive to my nipples moved to kiss me, cupping my one breast and framing my head in their arm. I reached to her and grew more excited as I returned the same languid strokes of the fingertips that she had brought to me before. The third moved her hands along my back and stomach; moving between squeezes and tantalizing strokes.

I gasped and breathed and they continued building the sensations within me and heard my own breath move in a harmony all its own. This was the unconditional carnal love that was being brought to me. There was nothing wrong. If creatures as divine as these loved me, accepted me, then I was no sinner. I was no heretic. I was loved.

*We heard your call. Every night. Waiting for you to choose your path. We cannot show you the path for you, you must choose and when you did, we knew we could give what you had been wanting and needing those many years.*

There were so many emotions I felt at once as I breathed and moved. We were in the air and I was safe in their embrace; protected from the realm of man. I was being taken for the first time by the divine in the full embrace of their unconditional love.

I heard my own wetness as I melted and pushed my body into them. I needed them. I needed a mouth on me, hands and fingers all over me. I needed to feel my nipple be rolled, licked, and sucked on under mouth and tongue while the other was pinched and pulled.

I needed to feel a mouth on my pussy, licking me with unrelenting persistence. I could feel my clit throbbing as the tide of my desire began to rise with each rolling wave that washed over me.

I felt a ball of warmth growing within me. I wanted to be consumed by it. I felt fingers join the mouth on my pussy. They curled within me, urging me further as my eyes rolled back. I clench around those fingers and the sensation grew in intensity as felt more fingers within me.

*Breath into it, dear one. We love you. This is what love feels in the most base and intimate level.*

My eyes closed and I only felt. Feeling was all that mattered and they were making me feel more than I thought possible. This was my dream, my longings, my need and they had answered my call, bringing with them more than I thought existed in my world.

I could feel the hands and mouthing urging me. Their bodies pressed flush against mine so all I could feel was their exulted heat and passion.

As the fireball within me moved to release I felt them hold me and increase their urgency. *Do not fear the feeling dear one. You are loved. Allow this pleasure to you.*

I felt my control give way to the pure sensation and my limbs moved with the frantic electricity that began to move through me.

I felt the fingers hitting the very depths of me. The sensation on my clit, whether it was brought to me by tongue, mouth, or finger I do not know, but there was a wave building.

As I threw my head back further than I thought possible and cried out a mouth descended upon mine. I screamed into it as the fireball released and the wave crashed. I heard my wetness drip to the floor below us and they called to me; *do not stop, continue. You deserve this pleasure. You deserve our love.*

I continued. As one orgasm seemed as though it was ending, they brought me another one and wave upon wave built on each other increasing the intensity of the last. They moved me and took great care in demonstrating to me what my body could do. I cried out for them and their voices all through the night as they brought to me divine pleasure.

That night I came many different ways. They taught me how to return the sensations they brought me. Their sweet nectar brought me more energy and life than any bowl of food. They laid me before them and instructed me on how I could pleasure myself while demonstrated various techniques on themselves.

They gave me a physical sermon on pleasure and self-love in the truest and most physical way.

When day came, I found myself tucked in my bed by a freshly stoked fire. My divine lovers, gone before dawn. I felt such a comforting warmth in the morning that I thought I must be in heaven itself.

I hope to meet my holy trinity of ecstasy again. Until that day, I have determined it will be my holy mission to find others lost in the storm, like me, and bring them a piece of that exalted holy awakening that I experienced.



  1. For a first time this was quite beautiful actually. Well done, keep writing.

  2. I really enjoy that painting and this work took a very interesting and beautiful take on it! It was a pleasure to read

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