The Good Neighbor [MF] [Self- Meenie00]

Meenie and her husband had finally waved goodbye to the movers. They took a cheesy selfie of the two of them in front of their new house. From a distance Meenie heard a man call out, “Hey! Need help?” She turned and saw him for the first time. Their next door neighbor was a tall dark haired man with kind eyes. He held her phone and snapped a dozen photos of the two of them in front of their house.

Months passed, and they got to know each other better. Lawnmower not starting? Ask Greg next door. Need a plumber recommendation? Greg knows someone. Whats the best place to get a burger around here? Greg’s got the answer. He was a great guy, and Meenie and her husband both liked having such a helpful neighbor.

They decorated the room in their house as a nursery. Grays and neutrals. They didn’t want to assume any gender before they even had confirmation Meenie was pregnant. But she wasn’t getting pregnant. She was getting nervous. She finally managed to convince her husband to go to a fertility clinic with her. She was impatient. She was ready to be a mother – and for some reason it wasn’t happening. The doctor had been kind but the news had devastated her. Her husband had low sperm count. It might take a while to get her pregnant, but it was possible.

Another few months passed and Meenie got more an more impatient. It wasn’t fair! She was ready to be impregnated! She tracked her ovulation, insisting her husband fuck her nonstop for days before and after – anything to knock her up. But no matter how much hot jizz he pounded into her hot pussy, nothing seemed to take.

It was after one of these unsuccessful ovulations Meenie felt at her lowest. Her period had ended, and she knew she wouldn’t ovulate for another few weeks, but she felt a deep ache, a need that just wasn’t being fulfilled. She felt terrible, and tried to keep her disappointment from her husband. She loved him, and it wasn’t his fault his spunk wasn’t great at making babies. He wanted a baby as much as she did, and it wasn’t fair to punish him for his genetics.

She shuffled around the backyard , debating whether she had the energy to weed anything, or if she really just wanted to collapse into the lawn and cry. The fence between hers and Gregs yard was chain link. He exited his backyard in a loose bathrobe with a beer in his hand. He saw Meenie and waved jovially. “Hey Neighborino, I took the day of work for a staycation! What are you up to?”

Meenie plastered a smile on her face. “Oh hey Greg! Sounds like a fun plan! I’m just debating whether the weeds are bad enough I have to do something about it.”

Greg laughed and took a sip from the can in his hand, “Yeah I hear ya, it doesn’t look so bad those HOA cunts are gonna get on you yet. Don’t worry about it! Hey… actually, want to have a breakfast beer with me?”

Meenie laughed and nodded. She walked around to the front through her cat and took a U turn through Greg’s gate into his backyard. As she made her way to his patio furniture he returned to his yard, a box of cheap Rainiers under one arm. He set the box on the cheap glass table and fished out a beer for Meenie. It was cold at least she thought as she cracked it open. She took a sip and relaxed into the white plastic patio chair.

“Got shit on your mind?” Greg asked, pulling her from her reverie.

“Yeah. It’s just… something disappointing. Like not bad or wrong, just sad.” she mumbled into the beer, taking a long glug.

Greg nodded and leaned back in his chair, sipping his beer again. As he leaned back Meenie realized Greg wasn’t wearing PJs under his bathrobe. He might be wearing underwear, but he certainly wasn’t wearing a shirt. Meenie had seen Greg in swim shorts before, but for some reason seeing him shirtless under a bathrobe seemed more… intimate… than the crew hanging out in swimsuits together.

She took another sip of beer, flushing as she looked away from his chest, suddenly aware she had been ogling him. Greg laughed. “Busted!” he chuckled as Meenie looked him in the eyes, startled.

He pulled his bathrobe open. He was wearing grey boxer briefs under his navy bathrobe. “Nothing too exciting under here, ha!” He laughed as she drank the rest of the beer, tipping his head back to get the last of it from the can. Crumpling it slightly he tossed the can on the table and leaned forward to grab a new can.

Meenie’s blush left her bright red, and she sipped at her beer, looking only at the table. She HAD been busted. Greg was wrong though, The sight of him in his underwear casually drinking beer was stirring something in her. Meenie closed her eyes, and licked her lips, trying to push the thoughts far from her.

She opened her eyes to see Greg looking back at her. He waggled his eyebrows and chuckled. Meenie was still flushed, but she managed a weak chuckle, taking another sip of her beer. The can was getting low. She tipped her head back to take the last bit in a few large gulps. As she set the can down on the glass table, Greg seemed to huff a bit. She glanced over at him, “Mind if I take another?” She asked as she pulled another can from the box, not waiting for an answer.

Greg smiled wide in his usual goofy way, “Oh sure, I’m sure you’ll pay me back later.”

Meenie flushed again as she cracked the beer. She couldn’t help but think of ways she could pay him back that didn’t involve beer or money. Greg smiled and leaned back into the chair looking at the evergreens that ran behind their lots. “Beautiful day for a staycation,” he muttered.

While he was looking elsewhere, Meenie took the chance to check him out again. Now she could clearly she the bulge in his briefs. It hadn’t been there before when she was looking. Had he gotten a chub from her? Meenie was pretty average looking, she had no qualms about it, but she knew Greg hadn’t been having luck with the dating scene, and probably would be happy fucking a girl as average as her.

She jerked her view away from his bulge and tried to refocus her mind away from it. He was still looking off into the distance. Meenie sighed and set her half full beer on the table. Greg glanced over, “Want to talk about it?”

Meenie looked into Greg’s friendly eyes. She did want to talk about it, but she didn’t want to ruin her friendship with her next door neighbor. She took a deep breath, and started anyways. She explained all about their fertility issues, her love for her husband, but her crushing disappointment she struggled to hide from the world. She also told him how desperate for a baby she was. how desperately she wanted to be pregnant, to feel the baby stirring in her belly.

Greg took it all in silently, nodding occasionally, taking a sip of his beer every so often. As Meenie poured her soul out she felt so good. She’d been carrying the weight alone for too long. She finally finished, explaining how she’d just finished her period, and was nervous about another ovulation with no results this month. She took a sip of her beer, smiling.

Greg sighed and crunched another can. He silently set it on the table and stood to grab another from the box. Meenie wondered if they were even still cold, and as she looked at Greg grabbing a beer from the box she realized that the bulge in his thin boxer briefs had nearly tripled in size. It lifted the fabric from his legs slightly, pitching a wonderful curved tent.

Meenie felt herself getting warm. Not the hot flush from her embarrassed blushing, and not the heat from the buzz she was starting to get from the beers. THe warmth started deep in her belly and spread toward her thighs, settling into a warm heat radiating from her crotch. She didn’t dare shift in her seat, but she could tell that she was starting to get wet.

Greg sat down, cracking his new beer. His pants tent was now clear as day. Meenie raised her eyebrows at Greg, causing him to look down to his lap. “Shit – I hoped it wasn’t so obvious, sorry Meenie, I don’t want you to think your problems got me hard or anything… I just can’t think about dudes cumming into pussies without getting a little excited.” He smiled his goofy smile, but this time he was definitely a little red.

Meenie laughed, diffusing the situation, “No Greg, don’t worry, I shouldn’t have dumped so much on you – all things considered you’re taking it way better than I expected. I mean, telling you all that shit – I feel soooo much better like a huge weight lifted off me. At this point I’d forgive you anything.”

Greg smiled, his eyebrows waggling, “You’d forgive me.. *Anything*?”

Meenie cocked her head slightly at the challenge. “Yeah. Anything.”

Greg set his beer on the table, and Meenie looked at him curiously. He rose slightly in the white plastic chair, and hooking the waistband of his underwear with his thumbs pulled his down to his ankles in a swift movement, settling back into the chair.

Meenie gasped. His dick looked big as a bulge, but released from the fabric it was clear just how huge it actually was. It bobbed slightly, standing at attention. It looked at least 8 inches, but as Meenie stared, it almost seemed to continue to grow as she watched. Greg shifted his hips, causing the huge rod to swing and bob again.

Meenie looked up into Greg’s eyes. He was smirking a smirk she’d never seen before. She realized suddenly her mouth was hanging open. she closed it with a snap and gulped, realizing her mouth was full of drool looking at her neighbors huge cock.

“Do you want it? I mean… You’re not ovulating now, but I’ve never been diagnosed with low sperm count.” Greg said his word slowly, carefully.

Meenie, feeling the haze of horniness coating her, nodded. Greg stood. “We should, I mean, should we go inside?” As he stood she looked up at him, realizing the implications of what was happening. She desperately wanted a baby, and looking at Greg’s huge dick, she felt sure he would absolutely fill her with cum and babies all she wanted.

She stood slowly, setting her beer can on the table. Greg turned and entered his house, Meenie following silently. The backyard sliding door opened to his dining room. She knew his house was a near-perfect mirror of her own. He looked over his shoulder, checking she was still following and made his way back to his bedroom.

He had a huge king size bed that dominated the small bedroom. She and her husband only had a fullsize, needing more room for dressers and furniture than the bachelor next door. As she followed him in, he turned and shut the door behind them, simultaneously shrugging off his navy bathrobe. He was completely naked, and while he might not be a perfect 6-pack abs kinda guy, he was certainly more fit than her husband – and his dick was huge to Meenie.

Meenie realized she was still fully dressed. A little self conscious, she pulled off the plain tshirt she had been wearing, exposing her simple black sportsbra. She began tugging at the sports bra, causing her boobs to pop out of the elastic and jiggle as she wrestled the bra over her head.

Greg was immediately upon her. Before Meenie could think, Greg had both her breasts cupped, on in each hand, and he was leaning down, hungrily suckling on one of her nipples. It felt SO GOOD. Her nipples responded hardening – the little nubs standing at attention. Greg continued to nibble, suck and lick her nipple, torturing it. Meenie felt the familiar flood in her panties. If she wasn’t sure she was wet before, she DEFINITELY was now.

She whimpered slightly and Greg immediately pulled his head back to look her in the eyes, “Was I too rough? Do you not want that?”

Meenie bit her lip. She did want it, she knew she wanted it, but she wasn’t still sure if she *should* want it. “Let me get my pants.” She finally managed to eke out.

Greg released her breasts and stood back, respectfully giving her space. The cool air against her wet nipple was like an additional torture as she undid her jeans, and pulled them, and her white cotton panties down at the same time. She looked up at Greg who seemed in a daze, staring at her short bush. He licked his lips unconsciously. Meenie felt inordinately pleased that he was clearly aroused by her nudity. She shouldn’t be wanting to attract anyone other that her husband, but here she was, naked, in her neighbors bedroom, delighting that he was drooling over her.

He finally tore his gaze away from her bush and looked her in the eyes. There was a look there she hadn’t seen before. Something Feral and hungry. He almost growled the words, “So you want to be filled with cum, then?”

Meenies eyes widened and she nodded.

He was fast, faster than she expected. He scoped an arm around her waist and tossed her face down on the bed. He still growled, hungry. “Ass up Bitch.”

Meenie shivered at the forceful words. Her husband had never spoken to her like this. Greg had never spoken to her like this. She needed to be spoken to like this again. She needed it.

She scrambled to get onto all fours facing the headboard, her ass facing Greg. She couldn’t believe it. She wasn’t ovulating in this moment but she was acting so needy. She was like a bitch, she thought. A filthy bitch in heat. She could feel Gregs hands on her asscheeks, spreading her pussy lips wide. She was completely exposed to him, and she could feel his breath on her soaking wet pussy lips.

Her pussy hole clenched, making a slight *plip* sound as it squeezed closed, and then opened hungrily. Greg Shifted himself on the bed, crawling behind her. Still spread wide, she felt a wet *thoc* as a huge heavy rod smacked against her wetness. It was so hot, and as it slid up and down Meenies slit over her hungry pussy hole, Meenie let out a small moan, ready to me mounted like the breeding mare she was.

Greg moved slowly, the fat head of his huge dick sliding up and down, getting slicker and wetter. In a way Meenie was glad to be tortured slow. Greg was so big, she was legitimately worried he might not fit in her pussy.

He stopped the slow stroking, and Meenie couldn’t help but whimper with sadness. However, he pressed the fat tip of his cock against the opening of her pussy. It attempted to gobble it, but his dick was to big. He slowly pushed, the pressure and stretching of her tight pussy ring felt so good Meenie let out a moan. THe pain and the pleasure built until with a sudden *Shlick* He made his way in. Meenie’s pussy had never been stretched so far, and she relished in the tight, filled feeling Greg’s dick was giving her.

He rocked his hips back slowly, eliciting another moan from Meenie. He then pressed in, forcing his dick nearly halfway in. Meenie groaned at the stretching, but loved every second of it. She leaned a little back into, helping the dick take another inch.

Greg Groaned, “Unggggg, Bitch you’re so wet and tight. So so… tiiiiight.” He groawled and pulled his glistening fat cock out a few inched and then pushed himself into Meenie. She rocked back at the same moment, Forcing him in with a wet Smack his hips hit her ass. He was all the way into her and Meenie couldn’t believe how huge he was and how filled she felt.

“HUngry Bitch,” Greg chuckled as he shifted his weight slightly, causing his huge dick to stiff Meenies insides. “Please… Eh, Eh, More… Please!” Meenie panted back at him.

He began to set a rhythm, slowly removing a few inches, and then quickly forcing himself to the hilt. Meenie’s Pussy was on fire from the pain of stretching to accept such a large cock, and the extreme pleasure of being fucked by such a huge cock. She couldn’t help moaning every time he pulled back, and squealing with delight every time he thrust in.

The Rhythm set, Greg continued, sliding one hand away from her hip and up to her shoulders. With a slight pressure, she forced her face and shoulders down onto the bed. Meenie complied happily. With her ass waggling underneath him, and the rest of her forced into the bed, Greg leaned, adding weight on the hand now pinning her to the bed.

The pace increased and Greg grunted,” Yeah bitch, you fucking love getting fucked like a bitch in heat. I’m gonna full your tight pussy with cum. I’m going to fill your pussy with a goddamn bucket of cum.” His insults flowing out of him as he kept Meenie pinned and thrust deeply, painfully into her.

Meenie could only moan and whimper in response. It was exactly what she wanted. A big stud to fill her with cum. fill her with babies. Her moans began to form words, but only barely. She completely released control of the situation and loved the feeling of Greg fucking her. “More, eh, eh, oh my god, please, oh ungggg, more, please!” She whimpered and moaned.

After a few minutes, the pace had become frenzied. Gregs monster cock began to swell and Greg chuckled. “Here you go bitch, take my fucking cum you fucking cum slutttttttttt.” As he began stuttering his pace left the rhythm and began frenzied pumps, his orgasm spasming. Meenie had been right on the edge of orgasm, and the second she felt the first jet of hot wetness splash against her cervix.

Greg pumped another few times, his dick sputtering and jetting spurts of hot cum deep into his next door neighbor. Meenie shivered and shook, the waves of pleasure and excitement washing over her.

Greg slowly pulled his softening monster cock from Meenie’s hot wet pussy as it spasmed and milked every last drop of cum from him as he exited her.

He stood, and took a deep shuddering breath. “So uh… we need to keep doing this until you’re pregnant, right?”

Meenie smiled and looked over her shoulder at her Neighbor. “Yeah… I mean, I don’t ovulate for another two weeks but… I wouldn’t mind the practice.”

Greg laughed and playfully smacked the ass still at attention in front of him. “Glad I could be of service.”


1 comment

  1. “Her period had ended, and she knew she wouldn’t ovulate for another few weeks”… classic /r/menwritingwomen omg ?

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