I (27M) admitted to my girlfriend (25F) that I was sexting another woman. Later that day she (35F) told us exactly how to fuck each other [MFF]

Like everyone, I’ve had a bit of a tough time during lockdown. Can’t see my family, can’t go to the movies, bought a bunch of defective KN95 masks, the usual. What sets my situation apart is that I live with my wonderful girlfriend, Andrea.

We’d met in college during her Freshman year, my Junior. It was a classic case of opposites attracting: she was a tiny Korean-American chemical engineering major, barely a shade over five feet and a hundred pounds. She was self-conscious, reserved, afraid of seeming out of place or unqualified. I was a burly, brash English Lit major who split his time between drinking, warming the bench for the club rugby team, drinking, mansplaining D.H. Lawrence, and drinking. But when we met each other at a party, we just *clicked*.

Our very first interaction, for some reason I can’t remember, was a 10 minute-long drunken argument over whether *Gladiator* was overrated (who was arguing which side might surprise you). Her little smile when she knew I was bullshitting a point just to keep talking to her made me weak. I eventually brought her a shot as a peace offering.

She told me I had nice eyes. I told her she smelled good. She’d told me she’d gone through a bad breakup less than a week before. We lost a game of beer pong. She made really cute little noises when I kissed her neck… but the rest of that night is a story for another time.

The first night we hung out in my off-campus apartment, there was this electricity and hunger to it that I’d never experienced with anyone else. We tangled in my twin bed for four hours, the same three Weeknd mixtapes on repeat. Despite our almost silly size difference, our bodies found endless ways to fit together. She felt self-conscious about the fact that we barely knew each other, so we’d pry ourselves apart every 45 minutes or so to talk a bit. It was like if we learned a little personal factoid about each other we were allowed to continue devouring each other. I walked her back to her freshman dorm around 1:30 AM. It was about a mile from my place and we made a rule that every time a car passed we had to make out. I doubt anyone has ever walked a mile slower. I walked back with the biggest smile on my face, tickled by the way her roommates had jokingly yelled at her for staying out past her “curfew.”

We kept seeing each other. She helped me discover I was naturally dominant in bed. I suppose it’s easy to be when you are about a foot taller and weigh more than twice as much as your partner. She went crazy when I spanked her, choked her, whispered nasty stuff in her ear about being my good little girl while I pinned her to the bed from behind. This kind of thing was new to both of us. Falling into it together was intoxicating.

It turned out we were compatible outside the bedroom as well. At first, things were a tiny bit awkward. She took some time to open up to me, having grown up in a household light on sharing feelings. There was stuff about myself I kept hidden too (I was scared she’d think I was a loser for playing Pokemon Ruby on an emulator on my laptop???) But the more time we spent around each other, the more the walls came down. Her submissive streak belied a type A personality and intense drive to succeed, inspiring me to work harder and get my shit together. I helped bring out her goofy side. Her laugh was my favorite noise in the world, an uncontrollable bubbly cry that echoed hard off the walls of my tiny bedroom. I couldn’t believe that such a small person could make such a big noise. Long story shortish, we fell in love.


We dated throughout college and moved in together after she graduated in 2018, and have for the most part avoided major drama and friction since. I love her dearly and we make each other better. So a couple of years later when the first COVID lockdown happened I was like: “Sweet. I get to spend two weeks working from home and chilling with my sweetie while we ride out this whole pandemic thing.”

As we all know, that’s not quite how it went.

Two weeks of quarantine stretched into two months, into a year. The little routine she did each morning where she’d stretch on the floor in a sports bra and a tight pair of yoga pants started to seem less like an effort to distract me from a zoom call and get me to fuck her brains out and more like a way to maintain her physical and mental health. Which I suppose it always was.

When every week fits the same pattern, your sex life can start to as well. Add in increased stress from working remotely and my industry imploding from the extended lockdown… we weren’t feeling particularly adventurous. Missionary on Wednesday night, her on top Saturday morning; maybe a handjob here and there. Don’t get me wrong, the sex was still good! I know it’s shitty to complain about getting to fuck a hot woman you love twice a week, so I won’t.

But after we both received our second doses of the Covid vaccine (Pfizer gang), we both felt the funk of the prior year lifting. There was a light at the end of the tunnel. Suddenly, we were fucking way more often, almost daily. We did anal for the first time in like 3 years! She’d drag me into the bedroom unprompted, shedding her clothes as we went. She even let me buy her a vibrator, something she’d demurred on forever.

**Everything above this is all to say, I had no intention of cheating on her! I love her!**

Buuuuuuut the issue was, all this sex was actually making me *hornier*, somehow! It was like I’d turned on a dehumidifier but opened a window. I’m self-employed and had run into a bit of a lull between projects while Andy was busy with grad school. As a result, I often found myself all worked up with nowhere to go. Porn doesn’t really do it for me, and I needed some sort of outlet.

So like a total dumbass I went on Reddit and found an erotic roleplaying partner. You know, writing 4 paragraph entries over Discord that boil down to “I kill the evil sorcerer and then I eat your pussy,” real gross nerd shit. Luckily for me, I soon came across Jess, a funny, sexy older woman. She too was in a long-term relationship; her man wasn’t particularly adventurous but was cool with her blowing off some steam online. Our first interaction We dispensed quickly with the roleplaying business and switched to essentially sexting each other. The main thing I noticed when we started talking was that she was fun as hell. As we chatted and fantasized together we discovered we had remarkably similar interests, senses of humor, and sexual appetites. We could be talking about our favorite Mr. Show sketches and five minutes later be waist-deep in the depraved ways we’d be using each other.

It was hot, dude. We both tended towards being dominant sexually but managed to unlock each other’s submissive side. Jess loved telling me exactly how to touch myself while she detailed how she’d sink onto my cock over and over. She somehow knew exactly how far she could push me until I lost my mind and begged her for release. Other times, she would tell me about the dripping mess she was making in her leggings as I talked about using my big frame and rough hands to manhandle her into whatever position I wanted, taking all the pleasure I desired from her soft, pliable body. I understand this may seem kinda boring, okay? Sexting might pale in comparison to some of the other stuff you read on here about, you know, dicking down your asshole boss’s daughter in the bed of his lifted F-350 and the whole company applauding. But everyone reading this knows the erotic potential of the written word. We were talking way more than I’d expected, she was making me cum all the time. We couldn’t get enough of each other.

Beyond that, the whole thing was turning intense in a way that was shocking to me. Some mornings she’d message me “Good morning, handsome” with a kissy emoji. We’d tell each other about our days, frustrations with work. She’d even send me little glimpses of her body with the majority of her face obscured: the curve of her neck, her cleavage in a low cut shirt, a finger running along her full lips. She always deleted these quickly, making me think that maybe it was something that overstepped the boundaries she’d set in place with her partner. I’m ashamed to admit I got a sick thrill from making her break the rules. But what about *me*? It kind of felt like I was breaking the rules, right? Now, I wasn’t exactly cheating: Andy and I had talked about talking to women online when I started doing it and she didn’t mind. When Jess and I addressed the growing intimacy between us, we both insisted it was an act, a vestige of the role-playing. It’s fun to pretend to be falling for each other. Nobody was catching feelings here. I decided that I should still run things by Andrea as it was a bit more than she’d bargained for at the outset.

And, honestly? I was *fucking terrified*. I thought that she was going to be ripshit. I had no expectation we’d break up but I was sure I was going to get a severe talking-to. But when I told her how things had progressed, she seemed to take it completely in stride. Did I gracefully elide some of the gory details, the early morning texts, the pet names? Yeah. Whoops.

“That doesn’t bother me.”

“Uh… what? Really?

“You’re just texting someone, babe. I’m glad you’re having fun.” She kissed me, harder than I expected. “Besides, I’m the one who gets you when you’re all worked up off it.” She bounced out of bed to go do her morning stretching as I laid there in stunned silence. I’d always known Andrea to have a generous spirit, but I had expected she would at least tell me to stop. Lucky me, I guess. Now it was time to count my blessings and never bring this up again.

That didn’t last long. Later that day, Jess decided to torment me with some orgasm denial. She spent the better part of an hour working me up, sending me teasing message after teasing message while she reminded me I wasn’t allowed to cum without her permission. I guess I didn’t beg to her satisfaction, so she told me I wasn’t allowed to touch myself or cum until she messaged me again. I felt a bit fuzzy from the whole ordeal and went out to sit on the couch to cool off. A few minutes later Andrea finished TAing a zoom class and slumped next to me on the couch. She snuggled up into the crook of my arm and kissed me lightly on the neck. “You got some time to hang out?” She noticed I was in a bit of a state and snaked her hand into my pants and grabbed my still-rock-hard dick. “Oh my god,” she giggled. “What’s gotten into you today? Looks like we have to take care of you, huh?” I grunted in frustration and gently batted her hand away from my dick.

Without even really thinking about it, I said “Jess told me I couldn’t touch my dick until she said so.” We both stared at each other, shocked. Now I’d officially taken it too far. But instead of getting mad, I could see Andrea’s gaze go a bit cloudy, the same look she’ll get when she’s trying to do dishes and I come up behind her and start feeling her up. “Oh, *Jess* said that?” Andrea gave me a twisted smile, emphasizing the woman’s name, which she had not yet learned. “We better listen to her then, huh?” But she didn’t stop kissing me, rubbing her body against mine, running her hands through my hair. “Did she say anything about you touching me?” When I shook my head, she pulled me off the couch and into the bedroom. “Come here.”

Before I knew it, she had me on my back in bed, grinding herself against my face. It felt wetter than I could remember it being in a long time. She rarely sat on my face when I ate her out, preferring the access my hands had to her body and pussy when lying between her legs. But I always loved this view of her: She arched her back as she moaned, giving me a clear view of the way her straight black hair fell just past her collarbone. Her perky breasts always looked amazing on her tiny frame, but from here they were perfect teardrops. I couldn’t help but reach up and roll them in my hands. I could see her taut stomach muscles contracting as she breathed hard and worked herself on my face. Fuck. So hot. I needed to touch myself-

“No.” Andrea had somehow felt me reaching out for my cock. She slid back off my face to grab my right hand that was almost ready to relieve the pressure of my throbbing dick. I gasped in surprise and frustration, feeling her smearing her wetness across my hairy chest as she pulled back. “You’re being such a bad boy.” *Bad boy?* Where the *fuck* was this coming from? Andy was not a domme. Sure, she’d sometimes do a little cursory dirty talk when riding me, but this was something different. And now she was sitting on my face in a new way, pinning both my wrists beneath her shins with her knees on the bed. “Are you gonna behave?” I could only grunt my assent. Andy resumed humping my mouth, grinding her clit hard against the flat of my exposed tongue. She really went for it now, one hand bracing herself against the headboard, the other grasping for purchase in my short brown hair, trying to pull my mouth harder against her. I heard her breathing turn to sputtering gasps as the all-encompassing wetness I felt on my face got even wetter. “Fuck!” she shouted as I watched an orgasm rip through her body from beneath her. I’d never made her cum sitting on my face before. *As if I had anything to do with it*, I thought as she clambered off me and kissed me deeply. She’d used me like a piece of meat, and I had loved it. She wrapped me up in a tight embrace before whispering “remember what Jess said” into my ear. She gave my painfully hard dick a lazy slap as she rolled out of bed. I heard her turn on the shower as I laid in bed, dazed from the day’s events. After she finished, I took one myself, deciding the smell of my girlfriend’s pussy in my beard and chest hair wasn’t particularly conducive to not jerking off. I giggled to myself as I showered, trying to get my erection to go down by flexing my thigh muscles. Jesus Christ. What had I gotten myself into?

I managed to distract myself for the rest of the day. I had a project that I could put most of my focus into. But every notification that buzzed my phone got my cock hard, thinking it might be Jess. Eventually, it was. **You didn’t break the rules, did you?** I told her I had not. **Good boy**. I almost sprinted into my bedroom. Despite all the shit I’d been through to this point in the day, it was about 10 minutes before she finally allowed me to start jacking off.

After everything that had happened, I must have been loud enough for Andrea to hear me, or she’d just seen the speed with which I went into the bedroom. She walked in shortly after I’d started stroking, looking at me holding my phone in one hand and my dick in the other.



“You should ask her if I can help.” She eased onto the bed, moving my hand away and taking my cock in her own. I just kind of stared at her, dumbfounded.

“Babe, you don’t need-”

“Just ask her. You’ll be able to text better with both hands.” Andrea flashed me that smile again, the one I’d never really seen before. Jess and I had talked about the fact that Andrea seemed to be into the whole situation, and *maybe* about involving her some time down the line, but planning hadn’t gotten particularly far. I texted her asking if she’d be comfortable with Andrea jerking me off.

**I mean, she should just fuck you, right?** I wasn’t even surprised anymore when Andrea responded “Well, guess I have to now” and began taking off her clothes. Jess and I took a second to exchange some messages with a whole lot of exclamation marks remarking upon how crazy this all was. We quickly hashed out exactly what we were looking for out of this encounter. I read her next message out loud as Andrea straddled me, already visibly wet.

**I’m gonna tell you exactly what to do to him. Pay close attention, okay?**

I told Jess she understood.

**I know you’re probably so wet for him right now. Just run your pussy up and down his cock. Make sure you don’t let him inside. You can use his tip to play with your clit a little bit.**

We’d somehow never done that last part before and it drove her wild. She rubbed my cockhead against her clit in little circles, moaning at the new sensation. I’m not too proud to admit this pushed me over the edge and resulted in some pretty abject begging messages on my part. Weird to ask another woman for permission to fuck your girlfriend!

**Okay, fine. Now I want you to take him inside, but don’t move your hips. Just sit there and squeeze him with your pussy.**

I still have no idea how I didn’t cum immediately when she sat down on me. A lot of slow, deep breaths, a bunch of orgasms over the last couple of days, SSRIs, who knows. The squeezing was absurd; waves of pleasure were emanating from my cock that seemed to fill up my entire lower body. Andrea squeezed me like this occasionally but I must have been bigger and harder than usual because it felt like she was grabbing me with her fist. I unconsciously tried to rock my hips up into her.

“No baby, we have to pay attention. Ask her what to do next.”

**He’s probably losing his mind right now, right?**

Yep. Andrea saw me struggling to type back and took the phone out of my hands. This somehow was the most intense moment for me and the one I remember most clearly. Less than a day earlier, I was afraid the messages on my phone might be a wedge in our relationship. Now, she was sending them herself. I didn’t need to hide. She liked it because it made me feel good. The acceptance and love I felt from her at that moment were indescribable. It made it a little easier to ignore the fact that I was about to cum like a freight train.

She and Jess joked for a minute about how much my brain was melting at their treatment. Again, completely surreal.

**You can start fucking him now. Slow, please.**

Andrea complied. She felt so tight and slippery. God.

“Fuck, I can’t type either. I’m just gonna put it down on your chest so I can see what she says to do.” She started rocking up and down on me, giving herself a little grind of her clit against my pubic bone each time I bottomed out. I couldn’t read what Jess was saying anymore, but Andy didn’t complain when I grabbed her hips and pulled her into me harder, bucking my hips up against her on every downstroke. I could tell she was getting close. Her breaths became shallow and ragged. Her moans increased in volume and raised in pitch. I fucked her back harder now, both of us losing ourselves to the rhythm, the pleasure crescendoing. She screamed and I felt her pussy clamp down on me four or five times as she came, her fingernails digging painfully into my shoulders. Holy shit.

As Andy caught her breath against me, I reached for my phone to let Jess know how hard we’d made my girlfriend cum. I quickly skimmed some of the stuff Jess had been telling her to do and think about as she fucked me, some of which seem too graphic to share even in this already insanely graphic story. But as I went to type, Andrea knocked the phone out of my hands before I could say anything.

“No, I’m supposed to-” she started.

“I don’t care.” My voice was hard now. I was a little over being submissive at this point. I’d done everything these ladies wanted me to and still hadn’t been satisfied yet. So I grasped her body to my chest and rolled us over so she was on her back. I entered her roughly, using one hand to pin her to the bed by her throat.

Her moans of pleasure were back immediately and her hand shot for her clit. I wrenched it away by the wrist. “No touching. Hold your fucking legs back.” She stretched herself wide for me, feet almost behind her head, as I began to pound her harder than I can ever remember. I used my free hand to grab her by the roots of her hair and yank her head backward so her eyes met mine. I sneered in her face as the aggression and desire I’d been bottling up all day burst out of me all at once.

“You think just because someone finally taught you to take charge that you’re not my little slut anymore? Huh?” She tried to respond but all she could produce was a broken squeal. “Shut up. You forgot I get this whenever I want? You only get to be in control when I let you, don’t you ever forget that.” We slipped back into our natural roles, dirty talk soon replaced by moans. The phone buzzed on my bed with more instructions Andrea would have no opportunity to follow. I felt Andrea’s pussy hammer down around me as she let out a guttural cry and buried myself as deep as I could inside her, finally overcome. I howled into the sheets as I was wracked with the most intense orgasm of my life, my body feeling like it was going numb. I collapsed atop Andrea, feeling our hearts beating hard against each other’s chest.

We messaged Jess back once we caught our breath, telling her just how hot the experience was for us, how thankful we were to share it with her. She agreed and the three of us just chatted for a bit. It kind of felt like she was lying there with us, even though she was just words on a phone screen. Andrea and I couldn’t stop giggling and touching each other, the reality of what had just happened and how much we’d enjoyed it hitting us in waves over the rest of the day. We’d never felt closer. We had sex again that night: slow, exploratory, just us.


Jess and I kept talking and continued to have crazy chemistry. As a result, we both had issues complying with the boundaries we’d set for our relationship. That whole thing about nobody catching feelings? You know, it’s simpler in theory. We both sort of let it happen. I felt the affection and care I had for her calcifying into something different and harder to shake long before I addressed it. Maybe that’s why you’re supposed to play a character when you’re role-playing. Regardless of how we felt, we lived across the country from each other, her boyfriend was begrudgingly letting her do this in the first place, and Andrea and I had started talking about getting married. As hot as Andy and I both thought the experience was, we had no interest in bringing another person into our relationship or bedroom in the real world. There just wasn’t a path forward. Jess and I both agreed it’d be better to stop talking altogether than try to just stay friends or sexting buddies. Too much temptation.

I still think about her a lot, that’s the main reason I wrote this all out in the first place. Just trying to get this experience out of my head and onto the page so I can maybe look at it with clear eyes. I hadn’t exactly had a bangin’ sex life before meeting Andrea. I’d done okay, but there was a lot of bad timing and unrequited feelings. As a result, I’d always been somewhat insecure. She told me a few days ago that part of the reason she had gotten so turned on that day is she could tell Jess made me feel sexy and desired, that I should feel that way all the time. Maybe it took someone else to convince me to see myself the way she saw me all along.

You know what, I’ll take it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n6lha6/i_27m_admitted_to_my_girlfriend_25f_that_i_was


  1. I was all ready to be judgey when I was the heading but this was awesome dude. Andrea is a keeper.

  2. Great writing and a great last few lines. Unexpectedly wholesome at the end.

  3. Lucky. It doesn’t usually turn out well when that happens.

  4. Wow. That is some sexy **and** wholesome shit.

    You’ve also done a really good job of elucidating how a connection with effectively a stranger can turn into something much more real. It’s something I never thought could happen and then equally surprised when it happens again.

    This is really well written. Well done!

  5. Great story, and doesn’t sound like you did anything wrong, you explored within the rules and when you weren’t sure you checked in with your partner.

    Awesome on her for rewarding that so deliciously ;)

  6. Dude that was awesome. Not to mention the way you talk about affection, exploration and care, besides all the hot sex and kinky sex and texting threesome and what not.

    Absolutely wonderful writing as well. The swapping switch desire but being predominantly dominant. So my thing as well.

    I’m in the bus to work and I was tapping my hands on my knees to clap as i kept scrolling down my phone with the other and laughing out loud in a mask.

    Have fun with Andrea. Definitely a keeper so far.

  7. Wow lucky you. Last time I did this exact thing my ex wife fucked my best friend out of spite ?

  8. This is a phenomenally written story and probably one of the best I’ve seen on the sub ever.

  9. This is my favorite kind of story, both really hot and really sweet.

  10. Just hope you don’t lose someone as great as Andy over a few dirty words and wishful thoughts online. Cuz damn she sounds amazing!

  11. Great story man! My fwb and I are both really into roleplaying on DPP and have had some similar experiences like this in the past! It’s always so much fun :)

  12. Fucking the bosses daughter whilst all the employees clap got me ?

  13. Fucking english lit major and their writing talent…

    Great read dude ;-)

  14. The wholesome ending of this raunchy tale is so good. Glad to hear everything is well.

  15. You have 2 commitments now. The first and most important is take very good care of that hot little wench named Andrea. She sounds very well worth it. Number two might be nearly impossible and that is to teach all of these people on Reddit how to write at least a readable short story. Long ones with no paragraphs and 3rd grade grammar and spelling are very hard to read. Thank you for your great writing and thank you for sharing your experiences with us!

  16. So well written and somehow sweet – even with the almost cheating. (Consider posting in r/gonewholesomestories too!)

    Would love more stories of you and Andy!

  17. u/nsfwbrowser2121 I know the story is MFF, but their relationship of devouring is each other at the start is super hot, and also the orgasm denial stuff, so freaking hot. Plus a nice detailed read in general, enjoy?

  18. Dude this was so fucking hot omg!

    I know it’s not generally a healthy thing to construct an image of a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend, but if I did it she would very much resemble Andrea!

    I’m glad you had this amazing experience and mutually enjoyed it.

  19. This was very refreshing. Intellectual, emotional, physical connections. You are a thoughtful human that surrounds himself with good people. Bravo.

  20. That was, quite possibly, the finest piece of erotic literature I have ever read. Thank you for sharing this experience with such great detail, structure, and use of **bold** and other literary tools to keep us inside your head. Wow. Just wow.

  21. This was amazingly hot and I’m loving thinking about how your story is inspiring so much joy right now!

  22. > mansplaining D H Lawrence

    Lawrence is overrated. Fight me.

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