Getting together with [m]y [f]riend

When I was a freshman in college, one of the first friendships I made was with a girl I’ll call Megan. I don’t mean friendship as in we knew each other’s names and would say hi, I mean we would have long conversations about anything and everything and would always be texting and inviting each other to school events. Normally I’m pretty nervous around cute girls (especially back then) but I was able to stay cool with Megan because I was head over heels for another girl. There were times when it seemed like Megan wanted more from me but I just wasn’t too interested at the time and eventually she found another guy she clicked with.

Fast forward to the next school year and I ask her to hangout and catch up about our summer vacations. I meet her a few days later at a campus café and was not prepared for the flood of emotions I was about to feel. Her silky blonde hair had recently been cut into a blunt style that came down just past shoulder length. To contrast her beautifully pale complexion she had on a flowing black dress which exposed her athletic legs all the way down to a pair of simple black boots. I remember little about what we said or did that evening because I was so in awe of how pretty she looked and how we still had such good conversational chemistry. She made sure to respectfully bring up one thing early in the conversation: she was still seeing the same guy.

I’m not the type of guy to be all macho or sleezy and try to pull moves on a girl if I know she’s in a relationship. I also told myself that I enjoyed being Megan’s friend even if I couldn’t date her. I don’t know if that last point was true or if I was just crushing on her. Either way, we continued to hang out over the years. I’d still be awkward around her from time to time but she didn’t seem to mind and now that I’m older I’m able to keep my composure around girls much better.

Just last week our dynamic changed. A lot. We went to get drinks together on a rainy night in a cozy little bar downtown. I got there before her and ordered myself a glass of wine to ease the butterflies that would hit me when she walked in. Even after taking this precaution, my heart rate spiked when she walked through the door. I gave her a hug and helped her take off her jacket. Two things struck me: how gently the thin straps of her top rested on her supple shoulders and how alluring her boozy perfume was.

We sat at on a bench seat together and talked the evening away. I was getting lost in her fragrance, her playful glances and her energy. Just the small section of her stomach that showed between her shirt and black jeans was enough to have my imagination spinning, I was unbelievably fired up. I think for that reason I had no hesitation asking her to come see my new apartment. I’d usually consider such an invite a little inappropriate but I figured that we’re both adults now and she can make up her own mind. “Sure, I can come check it out for a little bit,” she says.

After giving her my address we go back to our separate cars. I know to avoid a few sections of the route with long traffic lights and make it there before her with a few minutes to spare. I make sure everything is tidy and set a bottle of wine out on the coffee table. I’m pouring myself a glass as she walks in. Again I go against my platonic, straight-edge instinct and offer her a glass. And again, she accepts. I only have one couch in my living room and I’m dreaming that she’ll sit right next to me but she sits a cushion length away. With more wine in my blood I am forgetting that we are long time friends and all I can think about is how much I need Megan.

I collect our glasses, bring them to the sink, and decide that my final move will be to sit right next to her on the couch. I think to myself, “if this last effort doesn’t lead anywhere then fine, she’ll know my intent and I won’t push it any farther.”

She stares into me as I sit down and stops talking mid-sentence. Despite the alcohol, I am still nervous to be playing such bold moves (in my opinion). It takes all my focus to hold her gaze in the agonizing seconds of silence that follow but then she puts her hand on my thigh and the spark between us turns to lightning. We lunge for each other’s faces and force our tongues and lips together wildly.

My dick immediately strains to assert itself against my pants but I can’t notice that discomfort because I’m so invested in grabbing every part of Megan’s slender, toned body that was moments ago forbidden to me. I first reach for her perfect ass that she’s been sculpting in the weight room and use it to pull her onto my lap where we continued to make out in a frenzy.

I can’t describe how good it felt to be grinding rock hard against my friend and knowing it would only get better from here. I thought of her cute lips wrapped around me and had to feel them right then and there. I pulled her more towards the couch and stood up so she was sitting before me. I caressed her face and put my index finger on her bottom lip. She slowly licked and sucked on my finger while I undid my pant zipper and underwear with one hand. She ran her hands up my shirt and felt my abs and back and pulled me closer.

My cock was now free and inches from her delicate lips. She guided her mouth onto my head and then looked up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes to see my reaction. I sighed in one of those rare moments of life that is perfect bliss. The corners of her mouth lifted in a smile and she returned her focus to my dick. She rocked her head in strokes up and down my shaft, taking more and more of me. It wasn’t long before she was bobbing her head as deep as she could go and I was loving every second of it. I made sure to tuck her fine hair behind her ears and hold back the majority in a ponytail. She surprised me by suddenly taking me as far as she could and then resting her forehead on my lower stomach, pulsing slightly up and down while my head was in the back of her throat. Five seconds more of that and I would have lost control, no question.

I pulled my dick away and told her how fucking hot she was, she smiled and replied with a similar remark. I grabbed her hand and led her to my bedroom; I had just bought a new white comforter and sheet set and I could not wait to see every inch of Megan’s naked body on top of it. We stripped the remainder of each other’s clothes off and I threw Megan on the bed, telling her to get on all fours. A positioned myself behind her and consciously paused to savor the moment. Her silky hair, the slight glisten of moisture that caused the muscles in her back to glow, her exposed asshole—in this intimate moment it occurred to me that God must have worked overtime to make her body.

I was aching to be inside of her so I pushed the head of my dick into her wet pussy. I savored that slight resistance you get when you first enter but pushed myself slowly until she was taking all of me. Her little moan made my heart throb and I realized how much this girl meant to me. It felt like the past four years had been foreplay and that that night was inevitable. I grabbed both her hips and began pulling her into me harder and harder. We both started breathing heavier and moaning our pleasure. I knew I was getting close but badly wanted to kiss Megan before I finished.

I pulled out and put Megan on her back for missionary. She grabbed my shaft and guided me back into her. I thrusted with the same passion as before while she massaged my balls. I told her how much I’ve needed her and she brought my head down to kiss me. That was the tipping point for me, I was going to cum and could not stop it. I started thrusting even faster and harder while Megan grabbed my back with both hands.

I exploded in ecstasy, pumping rope after rope into Megan’s sweet hole. The feeling of release was unimaginable. We gradually came down from that intensity until we were still, without pulling apart. We kiss some more and settled down, she giggled and thanked me for showing her my apartment. Eventually we got cleaned up and tucked into bed. I fell asleep in total peace and with my beautiful friend in my arms.



  1. This has heart break written all over it. Great story but pretty sure it ends badly. Hope am wrong mate

  2. Wow, quite an amazing and interesting story! Glad you enjoyed yourself! Kudos!

  3. Fantastic story! I love how you two took the step from good friends to intimate lovers. Glad you got to finish inside her too.

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