Blackmail 22 – Boss Date Pt 6 (F, blackmail, fiction)

Do you have any idea how hard it is to eat while you have something turning you on?

While in a restaurant?

And people can hear your vibrator clearly?

As your approaching an orgasm?

With cameras pointing at you?

Yeah that’s my situation at the moment.

Serenity had taken away the last plate of food as she gave me a variety of looks ranging from confusion to straight disgust that I was showing off my body and let everyone know that I had a vibrator inside me going into the loudest setting possible that she and everyone in ear shot could hear clearly.

And my moans didn’t fucking help.

But did I care?

Not one fucking bit as I was enjoying my ride on the orgasm train. My breasts out on full display. My legs wide open as my hands tried to feed my face and tried to masturbate making my orgasms last longer.

When the second plate came out Miles commanded me to keep my hands on the table.





Those all my thoughts at once along with other closely resembling thoughts that were screaming in my head.

I was expecting by the third plate, out five by the way, Serenity informing us that we were being asked to kindly leave because thanks to Miles I was moaning like a whore as I was grinding into the chair as I approached my fourth orgasm.


The most Serenity told Miles was, “We’re receiving complaints that your companion is making a scene.”

I wanted to retort something but my mind was too focused on the vibration happening inside my pussy, inside my ass, on my clit and on my nipples.

I didn’t care I just grinded my pussy harder against the chair making a bigger scene as I felt cold air lick against my breasts signaling that they were free again.

Again I didn’t care as my orgasm washed against my body.

Miles just smiled at Serenity and said something but I hit my fifth orgasm causing my ears to ring so I couldn’t hear shit.

The first three plates I barely ate because I was having a hard time trying to hold a fucking fork before my body betrayed me as it started quivering from the vibrations hitting my sensitive spots.

Cameras were on me waiting for my boobs to pop back out after I had put them back in…..again.

My body was covered in sweat from the orgasms.

I knew for a fact my hair do was long ago destroyed from me tossing my head back more than once as I achieved my precious feel good orgasm.

My makeup I knew was also fucked thanks to my body as it was now drenched in sweat.

I didn’t care about any of it.

No fucks were given.

I was actually getting into making a scene as I started groping my freed breasts and pinching my nipples and twisting them.

I was in full exhibition mode not giving a shit as I had to trust Miles necklace protecting me from the camera’s.

I hope it worked when the camera’s recorded me instead of taking photos.

By the fourth plate I lightly begged Miles to turn down my devices but instead I received a shock and thanks to my sweat soaked body the electric charge felt stronger which elicited a strong fucking orgasm.

I was ready to toss my dress to the ground. There was no point in the dress as my breasts kept popping out each time I had an orgasm.

Fucking bastard probably planned all this.

Once again I just moved my fork around the plate making it seem I was eating it but maybe got a bite or two before I was back to moaning as another orgasm racked my body into fits of uncontrolled spasms.

By the fifth plate is when Miles chuckled something and turned off my devices just as I was approached yet another orgasm.

I sat there panting just enjoying that I had so many orgasms but was left wanting more….. like what was hiding in Miles pants.

I looked at my fancy decorated plate of the smallest portion of food and I looked at Miles, “I….WANT…..DICK….NOW!!!!”

I enunciated each word of my commands not giving two shits he was my master and I was supposed to be his toy.

He smiled and simply commanded, “Eat.”

I looked at the food being too distracted to give a flying fuck what was on the plate as my body demanded something hard, something that was phallic, and something attached to a man.

I looked at him after showing obvious disgust in the food, “I…don’t….want….food. I….WANT….SEX!!!”


The jolt that ran into my nipples and clit caused something to escape my lips that even shocked me as it was proof my mind had finally shattered, “FUCK YES DADDY!!!”

[Part 21](

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