A Piece Written at my Command by my slave. “What Master Deserves” (gay, bdsm)

he was comfort. Not his own, but Master’s. he was one of two slaves that was always by Master’s Side. He attended to Master’s Physical Comfort; ensuring that Master was never too hot, too cold, too tense, without a fitting place to rest or recline, free of any aches or pains, and other things of that nature. Like the other two comfort’s tasks could not be listed precisely as they were dictated by Master’s Needs, but they were limited to Master’s Comfort, for that is what he was, comfort.
Also like the other two, he bedded on the floor of Master’s Personal Chambers. comfort didn’t sleep much, for his duty was important even when Master was asleep. Between brief two or three hour naps, comfort kept careful attention to everything that happened in Master’s Room. comfort could not allow aAMaster’s Chambers to become too hot to two cold, had to ensure that, regardless of Master’s Movements in his sleep, His bedding did not shift. The rate of Master’s Breathing, if changed could be a sign that he needed comfort to act to address some change in the room before Master awoke due to some discomfort. It was while he stood his nighttime vigil that comfort ate. There was always food in Master’s Chambers for comfort and the other two, and comfort did not have much time to eat during the day. comfort’s duty was more important, and took all of comfort’s focus when Master was awake
When Master awoke at the appointed time in the mornings, comfort’s duty did not shift or waver, but became more important. comfort ensured Master’s Feet never needed to touch the floor and Master never needed to walk about his home unclothed. comfort had soft, warm shoes ready for Master’s Feet, and a clean, luxurious robe for Master’s Body. comfort adorned Master with these things. comfort ensured that Master’s Bath was ready with water of Master’s Preferred Temperature, and while comfort was present to add warm or cold water, if necessary, to adjust the temperature, he did not bathe Master, that was another’s job. Master did not need to dry Himself off, for comfort was always there with a clean, warmed towel. comfort also dressed Master. comfort’s duty was to know what Master wanted to wear and to adorn him.
comfort never left Master. Wherever Master was, there was comfort. At meal times comfort fanned Master, or provided himself as a place for Master to rest his feet, if the temperature was fair. If Master required it, comfort would massage Master. Master never needed to ask. comfort had learned the subtle signs and tensions that told him when Master needed him, and how Master needed him. Most of Master’s day comfort was merely present, paying close attention to Master, Master’s Posture, Master’s Muscle Tensions, how Master walked, how Master ate, comfort was ever vigilant for any sign of discomfort. Whenever comfort followed Master into a new room, comfort broadened his focus to the new surroundings. Would the windows be drafty? Would the floor cause Master’s Feet to ache? Was there appropriate furniture should Master want to sit or recline? All of these comfort needed to know so comfort could anticipate Master’s Needs. comfort had become good at his duty and enjoyed it, as did all three of them.
When Master desired to retire to His Bed, comfort ensured that the bed was made correctly; that nothing was out of place. Often, comfort was on hand to clean and refresh the bed after Master indulged in one of the others. comfort was never jealous of that one of the others. That duty was merely not comfort’s duty. comfort had only to ignore the noises Master and that one of the others made. comfort could tell when Master was nearly finished with that one of the others, and ensured a bath and towel were ready for Master. While Master bathed, comfort fixed the bed for the night.

he was pleasure, not his own but his Master’s, This isn’t to say that pleasure didn’t enjoy his duty, all three of them enjoyed their duties, but that pleasure’s duty was only to Master’s pleasure. pleasure was the only of the three of them to not be needed while Master was asleep, but pleasure slept only a little more than the other three so that he could eat. pleasure’s duty began when Master awoke. pleasure bathed Master. pleasure lathered up and massaged the soap into Master’s Body and Hair, and poured water on Master to rinse it off. Sometimes, Master cued him to serve in ways not limited to ensuring Master’s Cleanliness, and in ways that made the cage surrounding his penis feel tight. pleasure’s duty didn’t always make the cage feel tight, and pleasure always enjoyed his duty, but pleasure especially enjoyed his duty when it made his cage tight.
pleasure never left Master, wherever Master was, there was pleasure. pleasure paid little attention to Master’s daily routine. It was not his duty to know or care what it was that Master did, only to know when it was that Master needed pleasure to perform his duty. pleasure needed always to be vigilant. At any time Master would snap his fingers, give pleasure a look or undo his clothes and pleasure would need to act instantly and perform his duty.
Throughout the day, pleasure would perform his duty in many ways. Master’s Body was the only important thing in pleasure’s world, so pleasure worshiped Master’s Body. Master’s Feet, Master’s Legs, Master’s Cock, Master’s Ass, Master’s Stomach, Master’s Chest, Master’s Arms, Master’s hand, Master’s Face… All of Master’s Body was perfect and worthy of pleasure’s worship. Some days Master would merely dress pleasure up and look at him, some days Master would mock and belittle pleasure. pleasure enjoyed all of his duties, as did all three of them.
pleasure never thought of himself if he could help it. pleasure’s duty was to Master’s Body for Master, and nothing else. pleasure was well practiced at paying attention only to Master’s Body. However, pleasure was occasionally shared with Others when Others visited Master, and pleasure did his duty to Their Bodies as pleasure did to Master. pleasure knew he was doing this duty for Master, pleasure saw the pride in Master when pleasure performed his duty to the immense satisfaction of the Others.
The most important of pleasure’s duty came as Master retired to his bed. Most nights, but not every night, Master would require pleasure in His Bed. There, at that time, Master would have pleasure do his duty in ways Master would not ask in the day. At night before Master would sleep He liked to enter pleasure’s ass. pleasure’s duty was to receive Master’s Flesh and, if pleasure did his duty well, Master’s Seed as well. There was a pot of oil near the bed that pleasure would apply to Master’s Erect Flesh as well as pleasure’s own asshole. Master would require pleasure give Master’s Cock a small kiss before presenting his own asshole. Master would luxuriate and massage pleasure’s ass for a moment before gripping tightly and easing His Cock into pleasure. Before long, Master’s Gentleness was drowned by the lust that pleasure offered him, and He entered pleasure in rough complete thrusts. This made pleasure’s cage very tight, and leaky, and forced from pleasure moans gasps and other sounds he would never otherwise make. Master would then give one powerful fast thrust and stop suddenly to pump His Seed into pleasure. That told pleasure his duty had satisfied Master, and that it would soon be time for an evening bath. pleasure did not sleep in Master’s Bed. Sleeping with Master was not his duty. He bedded on the floor like the others.
He was maintenance, not his own but Master’s. Master’s Maintenance encompassed many things. Unlike the others, maintenance was not always with Master. Master’s Home was an extension of Master himself and needed maintenance as much, if not more than Master’s Body. Like one of the others, maintenance was needed while Master was asleep. That was when maintenance had time to complete his duty with respect to the other two. maintenance ensured there was always food for the others to eat, and bathed them. It was not that maintenance cared especially for the others; they were a part of Master’s Home and needed maintenance just like everything else. When Master awoke, maintenance washed and dried Master’s Towels so they would be ready when Master finished His Bath. maintenance delivered the towels to one of the others and went about preparing Master’s Breakfast.
maintenance prepared all of Master’s Meals, careful not to rob Master of food by tasting more than was absolutely necessary. When Master was finished with His Bath and was clothed, maintenance awaited Him with plates of food. Master had no need of tables as He had maintenance. maintenance held plates and bowls above his head while kneeling before Master, and if necessary balanced dishes on top of his head for Master. When Master finished eating, maintenance would take the dishes and remaining food away to store what food was still good, and to clean and put the dishes away.
maintenance’s tasks continued throughout the day. he cleaned Master’s Home, dusting, sweeping, scrubbing, and repairing. maintenance’s duty to Master’s Home was duty to the Master Himself. He washed Master’s Clothes, and his Bed Sheets with due reverence, everything that was close to Master deserved extra care and attention. maintenance also cared for the outside areas surrounding Master’s Home. he watered Master’s Flowers, trimmed Master’s Hedges, and Grass. Under maintenance’s care Master’s Home was always clean and in good repair. maintenance knew that Master appreciated the execution of maintenance’s duty. Master never needed to do anything for or praise maintenance to show appreciation. Everytime maintenance saw Master at ease in a chair he repaired, or heard him grunt in satisfaction from maintenance’s meals, or even as Master slept soundly in a clean tightly made bed, maintenance knew he had done a good job and was appreciated.
There were some variations in maintenance’s duty. Somedays Master would have Others’ over and would talk with or eat with them. On these days maintenance’s duty was to Them as well. They were not a part of Master’s Home, but it would not be appropriate if Master’s Home did not cater to the Others’. maintenance ensured it did. These were the only times the dining table was used, though, if maintenance could, he would hold the plates of food for Master and the Others’. maintenance ensured Master’s Dining Table was set and attractively decorated. maintenance ensured Master’s Home, and Master himself were well cared for, and looked the part too. The more Others’ Master had come over the more attractive Master’s Home needed to be. Master’s Home was an extension of Master Himself and needed to be seen in the best light.
When the day came to a close, and maintenance made Master’s Bed with clean sheets, he ensured a warmed towel was ready for Master if he wished to take an evening bath. maintenance then turned his attention to the other two which were an extension of Master’s Home. From what was left over of Master’s Meals, maintenance set out the best for the other two, and bathed them each in turn including himself. Even though one of the other two was with Master when Master bathed, that other did not wash himself. That was not his duty.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n731i3/a_piece_written_at_my_command_by_my_slave_what